Have you ever fallen in love?" Adah asked relaxing on the couch with her drink.
" Yes dear, I have and it was one experience I will ever live to remember. I was nineteen and in my second year in college." She answered brightly.
" Tell me more... " Adah said looking at the table with interest.
" I was quite naive and innocent but he was there for me. With him, I saw life anew. He happens to be my first love. Our relationship flourished and we got married. It was after the twins that he died." She finished with a smile. Adah smiled back and walked to the table to dish her food.
" He crashed his car and never survived that accident." She said looking at Adah who ate her meal slowly with rapt attention.
"Tell me have you fallen in love?" She asked
"Not yet. but am still confused about some things." Adah said truthfully.
" Confused about what my dear? " She asked moving close to Adah." I think he doesn't know yet. Moreover, I am somewhat shy." She confessed. The housekeeper went closer to Adah and sat next to her on the couch.
" You don't need to be. If you love and have fallen for him, it will only take a little time for him to realize." She said with a broad smile on her face.
"What of if he never realizes?" Adah said looking at her and wanting some reassurance.
"He will, just give him time. You seem not to know that you are a jewel. You are beyond rejection. Relax, he will come around." The housekeeper said and Adah smiled.
" Can I confide in you?" Adah asked putting her plate down on the golden side stool that is by her side. The housekeeper looked at her interestingly and simply nodded knowing that Adah must have a lot on her mind.
" I am in love with a young man that is not in the class of the Denson's," Adah said looking at her and breathing heavily.
" I fell in love with him the very first day he came to the office with his mother... At first, he was somewhat disgusting but now I seem to have no option because I have seen more than I indeed desire." Adah said looking at the lady and observing every of her reaction as she nodded.
" Today, I spent my whole day with him and there is this urge to never let him off my side. Tomorrow, he will be here by noon though there is something I want to tell him more of it is that I just want to be with him. " She said while the housekeeper took Adah's hand in hers and robbed on it as a mother would do. She understands the confusion and fear of the young lady.
" There is no need to fear my princess... I want to thank you first for following your heart and don't ever be ashamed of that. But does he know how you feel about him?" She asked softly.
" I don't know but most times I notice that he stares at me a lot, today we kissed under an unusual circumstance. Though he was uneasy after that the way he held and kissed me was a revelation that something may be on his mind." Adah said confusedly.
" I want to commend you greatly but don't rush him. Allow him to discover you first but guide him to know who you are." The housekeeper said looking at her intently.
"One thing you must do for me is to help me. He is very intelligent, hardworking, and very handsome. He is also humble despite the that he knows a whole lot of things. The problem will be my mother and her excessive demands." Adah said softly.
" Relax yourself and your mind. Be positive for if truly both of you should be together then nothing on earth can stop it. Moreover, pray and ask the Almighty to guide you towards success." She said and stood up to clear the table. Adah stood up from the couch with her drink in hand before she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and was never surprised to see Lady Denson walk in with an expressionless face. Seeing her mother, she smiled as the housekeeper finished and took her to leave with a knowing smile.
" How did it all go?" She asked sitting down.
"Splendid mother," Adah said smiling. "Thought you will be bringing her back home..." Lady Denson interpolated
"No mother, she is an adult with free will and when did you start liking Lily?" Adah laughed softly knowing her mother and her unnecessary concerns.
" Sorry I am interfering too much Princess but I just came to tell you that your father said that there will be no need to see us off to the airport. The chopper will first fly us to the airport before we finally take off." She said with an intent look at her daughter.
" Just take good care of yourself and daddy though I will miss you both." She said and drank from her glass
" Not to worry... I have spoken to the account officer as well as the housekeeper. Just be good to yourself." Lady Denson said and stood up to leave. They hugged and she left while Adah closed the door and walked to the bedroom. She picked up her phone and discovered that she has a mail from Palm springs. She went through the mail and acknowledged it before going to bed. Two hours later, Adah woke up with a start and sighed as she reflected on all the happenings, revelations, and her last episode with the housekeeper. She sat up and knew at once that the lady was simply right. She has to be patient but what if he never acknowledges her? Does she know that it will be tearful to accept but what about the thing she felt from his kiss? The way she was held passionately and tenderly like a precious gift. She unconsciously combed her hair with her hands and looked around the bedroom searching for nothing in particular because her mind was in turmoil. She felt something different but like the housekeeper said, nothing is bound to separate them if truly they are bound to be together.
Her only challenge will be Lady Denson. Lady Denson will be disappointed in the high heavens of her choice. A classless individual and a nobody. She has always been told by her mother that she is made for presidents and world leaders. With the power and wealth that the empire controls, Lady Denson had for long thought that Adah is for some certain class of families. Adah hates that notion but despite wanting to be loved she knows what she wants. She has her preferences and she knows what she wants in whoever will be her man. In everything, it is her joy that matters. It is her life and that is the most powerful thing. Lady Denson had lived hers, taken her decisions and that should be that. Her mother will not live her own life because they are two separate people and entities that are not blessed with the same fate. This will be her fight and cross. She must be strong to process and protect that which she loves. Adah knew that in confronting her mother on this issue, she has to be strong. Fear is tormenting and this is what she must guide against. The cunningness of Lady Denson, the shrewdness, and the acute attack are what Adah must prepare for and fight against. It will eventually be a fight of willpower when eventually everything comes out in the open. She stood up and shook her hair backward as she caught her full self in the huge standing mirror where her cosmetics are neatly arranged and looked away as tears seems to gather in her eyes. She shook the tears away and remembered what she was told by the housekeeper, those words now as she rested her thoughts on them now seems to ignite hope in her giving her an untold amount of strength.
She found herself wondering what to wear and almost laughed at her thoughts. She knows exactly what to put on her and this is what she has never lacked. She knows perfectly well that she cannot trust herself again around him and she is one that never knows how to pretend about her feelings. This may be the reason Bami took her for a fool and took her for a desperate weakling. There is no shame if she professes her love and this may be what the housekeeper means by guiding him. From the little discussions and interactions with him, she knows perfectly well the type of character that she is dealing with. He is not the foolish type. She knows how intelligent he is and something keeps telling her that his mind is also in a battle for the way he looks at her tells the whole story. As she went back to the bed, she assured herself that she must stick to the right plan and that is to follow her heart and trust her instincts for the instinct of a lady never fails her.