Once upon a time, there was a beautiful boy by the name of Eren Olson. He was seventeen years old, but he was wanted by many of the pack who were drawn to his good looks, and sweet personality. Eren has been given many proposals for the day that he turns eighteen so that he could become someone's mate, but nobody has taken his attention. Eren has never really been a sexual person, nor has he had any need to be with anybody either. Although Eren grew up knowing all sorts of things, and how things work, he has still lived a pretty sheltered life because of his brother especially who didn't want Eren to meet anybody until after he turned eighteen, because he wanted Eren to live his life before being tied down to a man and having pups.
But then, Eren met the future Alphas, Christian and Giovanni.
When Eren first met the Alphas, it was just purely curiosity, because Eren had never met twins before, and although the two are very different, they are pretty much identical. But for whatever reason, the Alphas followed Eren around, pursuing him. Eren had no wish to be with two people, but when it comes to the Alphas, they choose to share a mate, so if Eren wanted to be with one of them, then he has to be with the other one as well.
Eren was closer to Christian, though, as Giovanni just wasn't his type. Giovanni was more aloof and drawn in, while Christian was outgoing and easy to talk to. Eren wanted to just be with Christian, but he wouldn't just let his brother be left behind, so Eren didn't have much of a choice but to be with Giovanni as well.
But as the time got closer and closer to when they would all turn eighteen and be able to mate fully, Eren feared he would be stuck with Giovanni, and have no choice but to mate with him as well. So, Eren conspired with a Rogue to kill Giovanni, so Eren could just have Christian and that's all. But turns out the 'Rogue' wasn't actually a Rogue, and was an undercover pack member who had been instructed by the Alpha Theodore to keep an eye on Eren who he deemed was being pretty suspicious. Christian was heartbroken, and almost didn't believe it, but he knew his father wouldn't lie, and not with another pack member confirming what Eren had approached him about.
And since it was treason, Eren was sentenced to death, but he never spoke a word after he was found out. He wouldn't explain himself, and he wouldn't even apologize to either Christian or Giovanni. He was executed and his brother, Erik, never forgave the Royal family, saying that they could have just banished him instead of executing him. But to this day, Erik became one of their top warriors, just so he could see the day the Alphas chose another mate...