Chereads / Holy Warrior / Chapter 9 - The Wind Spirit

Chapter 9 - The Wind Spirit

In the vault under the castle.

Marhaus begins to wake up. He then looks towards Christopher's direction. Shocked, "What, What happened to all the gold?"

The loud shout woke Christopher. "I'm up.... What's going on? Are we under attack?"

Terror writen all over his face, Marhaus. "Your highness, where is the gold?"

Christopher now relieved, "Marhaus. What are you thinking, yelling like that? You scared me half too death. I thought they found us."

Marhaus with a serious face, "Christopher we needed that gold. Do you know where it went?"

Christopher with a bland tone, "Yes Marhaus. I know where the gold is. It's in my Bank skill."

Marhaus, "Bank skill. What in the world is a Bank skill?"... "You know what. Never mind, I don't even want to know. With you it's nothing but weird stuff."

With a smile on his face Christopher, "Ouch, that hurts. You shouldn't say such mean things to your Prince like that."

Marhaus squinting his eyes, "You sure are more laid back than the old Christopher. Don't you think you are taking this situation to lightly?"

Christopher, "Not at all. I just plan to have as much fun with this life as possible. After all this could be the last time we get to laugh."

Marhaus, "You have a point there, but I still think we need to get going."

Christopher, "Yeah, I agree. We shouldn't waste any more time here. The longer we wait the worse our odds are gonna get."

They began to move again. Upon reaching the end of the passage. They realized that it was a dead end.

Marhaus, "I don't understand didn't your skill show you that this was a safe way out of the castle?"

Christopher, "It did. I guess this is just as for as we can get without me using my skill again."

He then used 200 FP to activate his skill, God's Eyes.

Christopher, "Uh, I can't see anything."

Marhaus fluttered, "What do you mean you can't see anything? We got this far because, of your eye skill."

Christopher then backed up slightly before saying. "Huh. Feet."

Marhaus frustrated, "First you can't see, and now you see feet?"

Christopher now seeing petite feet, floating infront of his line of sight. Backs up further before looking up. What he saw made him speechless.

Marhaus, "Not saying anything now?".. "I thought you were more responsible than this."

Christopher hearing his new pal, snaps out of his trance. "Young lady. May I ask as to why you are floating infront of the end of this passageway?"

Marhaus more confused than before, "What are you talking about? Floating lady? There's nobody else here."

The floating lady didn't respond. So Christopher takes this opportunity to look at her stats.

Status Window

Name: Marina

Title: Princess Of The Sea

Class: Wind Spirit

Status: -

Title Percs:

-Princess Of The Sea; Can control existing water.

Class Percs:

-Wind Spirit; Can travel faster than the wind.

Level: 1 Age At Death: 15 Age of Spirit: 297

Experience: 0/20

Free Points:0

Faith: 23

Stamina: 0

Strength: 0

Defense: 0

Agility: 1,000

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 30

Charm: 50

Luck: 5

HP -------------------- (0/0)

MP -------------------- (100/100)

SP -------------------- (0/0)

FP -------------------- (230/230)



Skill Points: 0

Wind Spirit Skills:

-Instant Travel; Allows the user to travel instantly to one's target. (Lvl Max)

-Gust; Can summon a powerful gust of wind. (Lvl Max)

Magic Skills:

-Water Magic; The power and type of magic is dependent on the level. (Lvl 32/100)

-Wind Magic; The power and type of magic is dependent on the level. (Lvl 68/100)

Active Skills:

-Forewarn; Gives the target an ominous feeling. (Lvl Max)

-Under Water Breathing; Gives the target the ability to breath under water. (Lvl Max)

-Master of Dance; Dancing skills are unmatched. (Lvl Max)

Passive Skills:

-Minor MP Recovery; Regains 1 MP every 6 seconds, per Wisdom stat. (Lvl Max)

-Sense of Need; Can sense where, and when help is needed. (Lvl Max)

Unique Skills:

-Physical Touch; When the user's emotions are high. The user can interact with the physical world. (Lvl Max)


-Help humans for 300 years. (Given an eternal soul, can enter Heaven)

Christopher, "So your name is Marina, and you are a Wind Spirit?"

Marina was started from hearing her own name. It's been so long now, nearly 300 years in fact. She then turned to look at Christopher.

In Christopher's eyes, as he saw her turn around. He was once again at a loss for words. What he saw was a beautiful young woman with soft features, light brown hair, sky blue eyes, and red lips.

To say he was lost in a days, was an understatement. Marhaus hearing what was said earlier and seeing Christopher's face, blurted out. "So you've finally hit puberty."

Christopher blushed at that statement, before giving Marhaus a death stare.

Although Marhaus was far stronger than Christopher, the intent in his eyes shut Marhaus up right on the spot.

Christopher returned to speaking with the Spirit. "Sorry about my friend over there, He's a little dense. So, would you mind answering my question from earlier?"

Marina then began making grand gestures, while moving her mouth. But nothing could be heard on Christopher's end.

"Ahh, I should have known. I can see Spirits because of my skill, but I don't have a skill to hear them."

Upon hearing this Marina slumped forward, before putting on a face of determination.

She than began pretending that she was swimming in the air. She then passed through the wall at the end of the hall, and came back.

Christopher, "So what your saying is that behind that wall is the exit, but it is fill with water, correct?"

Marina then began vigorously nodding her head yes.

Christopher, "Allright. Marhaus, your up. Smash through that wall, and prepare to swim!"

Marina hearing this, quickly actives her skill Under Water Breathing. Making sure that Christopher and Marhaus were able to breathe under water.