Chereads / Holy Warrior / Chapter 10 - Bargain

Chapter 10 - Bargain

Under the Castle

Marhaus under Christopher's order's, takes out his shield and uses Charge. As he bashes against the wall, water begins to trickle out of some newly made cracks in the wall.

Marhaus, "This is a pretty sturdy wall.. But I will not be bested by a mere wall!"

He began Charging at the wall again. Upon colliding with the wall again, it busted open. Releasing the floodgates.

Water began bursting through the wall at a fast pace, it was rapidly filling the passageway.

Christopher, 'This water is so damn cold.'.. 'Wait! Marhaus won't be able to swim with his armor on!'

He began swimming against the current unsuccessfully. He the shouted, "Marhaus take us further into the stream! I will store your armor after the current subsides!"

Slightly confused by the request Marhaus gabs Christopher, and heads into the raging water. Even Marhaus was struggling a little to cope with the cold water trying to push them back.

It was pitch black as the lights were being snuffed out by the water. Christopher could still see thanks to God's Eyes, but without direction Marhaus stumbled until finding a wall.

He decided to go again the current, while his hand was held against the wall. That way he wouldn't lose his bearings again.

It didn't take too long before the current calmed down enough for them to be able to swim.

Christopher immediately stored Marhaus's equipment, allowing him to swim. What Christopher didn't think of was that Marhaus didn't know Marina had made it so that they could breath under water.

It only took a minute before Christopher saw Marhaus's face turning blue. Now understanding what was going on he swam over to Marhaus, giving him a good slap on his face. The slap didn't do any damage at all, due to the water resist. It wouldn't have hurt anyways thanks to the difference in stats. However he did get the intended reaction he wanted.

Marhaus began berating Christopher. Not that he could understand him on account of them both being under water. Christopher just waited for Marhaus to understand the situation they were in.

Marhaus suddenly has a look of realization on his face. He didn't drown, and he also realized his word's couldn't be heard. Upon realizing this he immediately shut his mouth.

They both began swimming again. It took them a few minutes to see some light coming from above. Christopher's skill had long since stopped working, but even so they still new the direction they needed to go.

Swimming to the surface as fast as they could. They breached the surface, discovering that they were swimming in the community well.

Upon exiting the well Christopher immediately put his hands over Marhaus's shoulders, and put his armor back on to him.

He then whispered, "Marina. I may not be able to see you right now, but if you are still here. If you follow us on our journey. You will have plenty of chances to fulfill your quest."

It still being dark out. Marhaus spots what looked like an abandoned smithy. They headed for it, hoping to catch their bearings.

After getting inside the attached house. They suddenly heard, "Joanns. Did you hear that?".."Carter it's almost morning. The only thing you're hearing, is your own snoring."

Carter, "No. I'm serious, I think I heard something from down stairs."

Joanns, "Then go check. Why should I get less sleep, just because you're being paranoid?"

Carter, "I'm not going. Not unless you come with me. It could be a burglar."

Joanns, "Ugh, fine."

Marhaus frantically started looking for a place to hide. Meanwhile Christopher stood there not moving an inch.

Marhaus began panicking even more, after hearing the creaking of the stairs.

Christopher, "Gentleman, I have a proposal for you. It will benefit you greatly."

Marhaus stood there stunned. He wasn't expecting that. After all he hadn't been worried about the two men upstairs, but he was worried about them calling for the guards in the area and having their position exposed.

The brothers Carter and Joanns stopped dead in their tracks, only a couple of stairs from the top.

Carter, "A business proposal at this ungodly hour? Unlikely."

Christopher, "You say that only because you don't know what it is."

Joanns, "Then what is your proposal?"

Carter upset, "Joanns!"

Joanns, "It could be something interesting. Let's at least hear him out."

Christopher, "A wise decision."

Carter, "Fine, but make it quick."

Christopher, "I am Prince Christopher, and I need safe passage to get out of this city. For you see, I am being hunted within this city."

Carter and Joanns, "What!"

Christopher, "I am more than willing too make it worth your while. You see I have recently came into some Holy Gold."

Carter, "Did you just say, Holy Gold? That stuff is worth more than Mythril."

Joanns, "Do you mind if we verify you're claims?"

Christopher, "I don't mind if you verify wether or not I have the Holy Gold, but I cannot prove I am the Prince. I would also appreciate it if you didn't notify any guards. As I am running for my life."

Carter, "For someone running for his life, you don't seem to worried."

Christopher, "What can I say, I am naturally calm under pressure."

Joanns, "Allright, allright. Just put the gold on the table, and back away. I will test it."

Following his instructions Christopher appeared to be reaching into an internal pocket, inside his royal garments. He then took out three aureus, placing them on the table and walking away.

Joanns followed by his brother, cautiously approached the table. He then opened a hidden compartment and pulled out a vial, containing a red liquid. "This Demon's blood should boil if your claims are true."

He then poured a drop onto the gold. What happened next surprised everyone present. The moment the blood touched the gold, it bust into flames. Within less than a second later the blazing blood was replaced with a black smoke.

Everyone's eyes went wide open.

Christopher, "So I take it Holy Gold is more powerful than you thought?"

Joanns, "I had heard that Holy Gold was more potent than Holy Silver, but I didn't think it was too this degree! Now it makes sense as to why it is worth more than Mythril."

Carter, "If only we had enough of it. The Demons wouldn't stand a chance."

Marhaus was just starring in disbelief at the whole situation. If it were just up to him they probably would have been found out, and captured.

Marhaus, 'This Christopher is far more capable than the old Christopher. Maybe if he grows properly, he really can save this world.'