Nero pov
Nero had now left Eden 5 to go to Pandora to prepare to save Angel during Borderlands 2 events 7 years from now.
He wasn't too sure where Angel was but he lost hope in that endeavour of finding her since she is being controlled by Jack with the Siren Control Collar.
Alithia tried to locate her but as expected, Angel had used her PhaseShift ability over technology and coding to rewrite her actual coordinates and hide her true location. Even at 15 years old she is a master of technology.
No wonder Tannis inherited the PhaseShift from Angel's Death.
For the next few days he travels to Athenas via a ship he was able to purchase. He got enough money by selling a bunch of technology, which he had built, to Old Man Kobra at the Black Market.
He had also transmuted a bunch of cheep iron Ore he had gotten, and then sold the gold Ore and repeated the process. Additionally, if you can remember, he would Dominate the minds of weaker people and rich men of Eden 5 and then have them kindly 'donate' their money to him. He also 'borrowed' alot of stuff if varying kinds by putting it in his Storage Ring to sell later on.
Needless to say, he now had more then enough money to meet some of his needs. One if which was to make a ship and have Alithia outfit it and upgrade it whenever she could with all manor of things.
He went to Athenas where he can find a 20 year old Maya and talk to her as well as find a 1 year old Ava.
During pre-Borderlands 3 events, Ava arrives on a transport ship during Maya's return to Athenas so she isn't there as if the present.
Why does he cate about the annoying and living failure Ava?
In all honesty, Nero didn't hate the character Ava, just a few things were wring with her.
One is that she is a hypocrite and blamed Lilith for Maya's death in her temper tantrum.
Two, she is annoying, but that wasn't the issue since she is supposed to be a child. In fact, Nero didn't mind that about her.
Three, she is 18! WTF! How can she be 18 when Borderlands 3 happens and is and looks the same size as Tiny Tina is when she was 13 years old during Borderlands 2 events.
(A/n I have changed Ava's age so it fits in with the story unlike the stupidity that is her age that gearbox gave her. That means when Borderlands 3 starts, Ava will be 15 years old, not 18. Also Nero will be 30 by then and Angel will be 28)
Four, she has no character development whatsoever, she doesn't evolve as a character throught the entire game. Even in the Director's Cut DLC where you fight The Seer/The Weaver. It was a failure at redeeming the character Ava. But she is looking for Lilith at the end so that's something. But the bad outweighs the good.
This is no longer a game. This is now reality. He can't treat her as just some NPC like he did before. Not her, Angel, Elika, Mikasa, Alithia. They ate all real now, all living, all exist.
That is why he wants to try and change Ava to be a good person. After all, some of her annoying personality and rebellious actions are as a result of her time spent as an Orphan.
Nero wanted to raise her as a daughter and change her annoying personality and characteristics into a good person. After all, Ava reminds him of himself in his Pqst Life.
He was annoying to others, refused to listen or change when his family was trying to help him in life, was an hypocrite at times, but mostly tried not to be and was very immature.
He and Ava were almost the same...almost.
After some time, they landed on Athenas. Nero told the other to wait for him. As for Mikasa, Nero had been able to create a Grimoure using his knowledge of Enchanting and his Skyrim Magic to create a Grimoire that contained all the knowledge of what is relevant and important to know aboutmodern day science, the Borderlands Universe and so on. Mikasa had absorbed the Knowledgeand was taken aback by everything she had just learned.
Nero runs into a monk from the Order of the Impending Storm who is a subordinate of Brother Sophis and tried to extort money from Nero only for him to mind control the monk and then Nero uses Illusion magic to take on the monk's appearance and his clothing.
Nero, while on his way to meet Maya decides to go to the area where the Player meets Ava for the first time.
He then uses his powers to look into the future to obtain her 'signal' then he uses PhaseWalk and PhaseSpaceTime to teleport to where Ava currently is.
He mind wipes all people in the area and those with Ava's bloodline in them of Ava's existence from their minds, unless they are strong willed which he didn't bother on checking.
He teleports back to Athenas and orders the mind controlled monk to look after Ava until he returns, he then puts the monk and Ava inside of his Storage Ring space that can contain living beings.
Nero eventuslly finds Maya's living quarters and decides to put on a cool first impression with her.
He stops Time and Space for everyone except Maya, which causes her to sense this and be on guard.
She readies her gun and her Siren Powers to clash with the mysterious individual...