I have now made it so every Tuesday in the UK, or wherever you are in the world, will get either 1 or 2 or 3 chapters everyweek. that means you will get one super long gchapter or 2 normal long chapters or 3 short chapters every week which is better then my normal update schedule acording to my numerical calculations, which i aint gonna show here cause i threw the paper away so dont ask.
Nero pov
Nero had finished using his frost power of his GraveWalker abilities. He had teleported away from Maya's position as soon as he finished his cryptic message.
Nero was scared of her because Maya's true potential as a Siren is at a Galaxy level and Troy Calypso, with Maya's PhaseLock, was only planetary during the events of Borderlands 3, and he barely had the power for one day, whereas Maya has had it for more than 20 years at this point.
Maya wasn't able to Master or use her powers of PhaseLock to its full potential by the events of Borderlands 3, unlike Troy.
However, just like Nero, Troy has PhaseLeech alongside his sister, The real Siren Tyreen.
Since Troy is a "Parasite" and a Male Siren, he was unable to survive on his own unless her could gain life force from another Siren. Troy was a 1 in a Trillion, or mote, rare scenario, where a Male Siren could come into existence.
Nero had wished for him to be a Male Siren, but Troy was born with it.
The only way that a Male Siren axn exist is by being born one and while a being a Conjoined Twin to an actual Female Siren.
Troy was able to use the PhaseLeech energy which can be gathered by other living beings or Eridium, just like Nero, Tureen and Nyriad can, to empower his abilities.
He did this to absorb massive amounts of Eridium and used it to empower the PhaseLock he had stolen from Maya, to literally PhaseLock the Moon of Pandora, Elpis, and pull it towards Pandora itself in order to open The Great Vault and release The Destroyer from its Prison.
Nero was afraid of what could have happened in his encounter with Maya. Afterall, Maya has hostile intent towards him at this moment.
She was the first hostile Siren he had actually encountered.
He was no longer in a Game where the power of individuals were once limited to the in-game counterpart all for gameplay mechanics. Instead, this is now reality, and as such, Maya could have very well been more powerful then what she originally was shown to be in the game.
He had no idea if he was stronger or weaker then her. But judging by her hesitation to attack him, he was at least comparable to her.
They were both Sirens. So they can counter each other and rival one another in terms of power. Although, Nero had the ability to create as many Siren Powers he wants, but it does require his Lifespan to so it.
Currently, he had the following Siren powers:
PhaseSpaceTime - The Manipulation of both Space and Time.
PhaseLeech - Nyriad, Treen and Troy's abilities to Drain and Leech the life force from any living thing.
PhasePower/PhaseSiren - Can Create, change, alter, upgrade, transfer Siren Powers to oneself or to others.
PhaseWalk (Created/Imitation) - Lilith's abilities to Teleport and phase in and out of Dimensions and exit at certain places. Can teleport others as well.
PhaseShift (Created/Imitation) - Angel's ability to hack and control the Coding of anything she can gain access to or is connected to.
PhaseLock (Created/Imitation) - Maya's ability to create an dimensional energy barrier around the target.
PhaseVideo (Created) - The Video Conduit power in the game "Infamous:Second Son". Helps to enhance PhqseShift power and channeling of the Electricity Element.
PhaseCreate (Created) - Can create various materials and allows for Molecular Manipulation to create anything as long as enough Siren Energy or Life Force/Lifespan is provided.
He had alot of Siren Powers, but that also means he has to train alot yo master them. So far, he has just been relying on his PhaseLeech to empower his other abilities like Troy had done with the PhaseLock he stole from Maya.
Nero had to actually learn how to use them without PhaseLeech empowerment. So far he was at this level for all of them, in terms of mastery:
PhaseSpaceTime - 48%
PhaseLeech - 33% (Tyreen is at 92% as of now)
PhasePower/PhaseSiren - 25%
PhaseWalk - 37% (Lilith is at 20% in Borderlands 1, 40% in Pre-Sequal, 74% in Borderlands 2, and 99% when she stops Elpis in Borderlands 3)
PhaseShift - 43% (Angel is at 76% as of now, at 97% when Borderlands 2 happens)
PhaseLock - 12% (Maya is at 45% as of now)
PhaseVideo - 43%
PhaseCreate - 47%
As you can see, he isn't as good in his PhaseLock as he is in the others. Mainly since he hasn't been practicing with it as much as the others.
Not a single one of his powers is greater then 50% mastery. However, he does have multiple Siren Powers, which makes him overpowered since a single Siren with one power is already plenty powerful, and he can be infinity as powerful.
He could use his PhaseLeech to empower his other abilities to beyond 100% mastery whenever he wants.
He had been growing lazy and lax in his training, he had relied in his PhaseLeexh to empower all his powers, mainly PhaseSpaceTime and PhaseWalk, which he had used the most. And yet, his PhaseSpaceTime should have been at least 70% mastery now and his PhaseWalk should have been at somewhere around 60%, but it wasn't.
Hence, he had chosen to reduce his PhaseLeech empowerment or the usage of his Eridium Rings unless absolutely necessary.
That way he can increase his default power as much h as he can before Borderlands 1 Events start and Roland, Lilith, Mordecai + Bloodwing and Brick arrive at Fyrestone via Marcus' Bus.
Nero returns to tje monk and Ava and decided to brainwash the monk and have him as a babysitter for Ava until she is of an age where she is capable of thought and memory.
Then he will raise Ava himself to see if he can change her into someone better then her Borderlands 3 original version.
Ava had been crying when Nero arrived.
Nero then realised he had forgot he didn't feed Ava and it has been hours since he left her with the monk.
Nero immediately used PhaseCreate to make a bottle of Milk and feed Ava with it. She happily sucked on the bottle of warm milk. The milk contained a small healing effect which he had placed on it with his Skyrim Magic spell "Healing Hands".
Nero: 'Goddammit! How can something so cute and loved become so annoying and hated in the future? I will definitely ensure she is my almighty disciple of the ways of the Anti-Annoying Creed! I wonder what power I'll give to her if she can prove herself. Maybe PhaseLock like Maya or something else...hmmmm...'
Nero had made a mountain height of supplies of all kinds within the Storage Ring for the Monk and Ava.
Nero then told the mind controlled monk to use the created supplies and food to care for Ava while he was gone preparing a base for them.
Nero had decided to take the Vault Key by teleporting inside Vault Key Chamber, as it will not cause a commotion due to noone entering since Queen Dido died.
Thus, Maya will still leave the Order of the Impending Storm in 3 years when she kills Brother Sophis as she normally would. Maya would spend the 4 years after that travelling to various worlds before she finally arrives at Pandora. She would be 27 when Borderlands 2 events begin.
He approached the Vault Jey chest and noticed that it was sealed and protected by a PhaseLock barrier.
Nero: "Queen Dido must have had the mastery of her power to create permanent PhaseLock barriers, even after she had died. She must have used it to prevent non-Sirens from acquiring the Vault Key."
Nero used his own innate Siren Energy and channeled it onto his hand as he touched the barrier. He undid and dispelled the barrier, since only a Siren can resist or counter another Siren's power, except the PhaseLeech Siren.
He undoes the PhaseLock barrier on the chest and takes the Vault Key inside, he also assumes Queen Dido did this after she stole the Vault Key so that Atlas couldn'ttake it back.
He leaves a note saying that "I have the Vault Key piece and have fully made the Vault Key with the other fragments. By the time you are reading this, I have already opened the Vault on Promethea and have made it so that it appears that the Promethea Vault was never opened at all. I'll see you soon Vault Hunters, From a Friend (and no I'm not Typhon DeLeon, that guy is on the Eridian HomeWorld, I'm wayyyy more awesome, like... literally when you know who I am you'll shit yourselves)"
He did all this so that he doesn't alter the timeline since Maya is a Siren, so he needs to ensure that all known Sirens follow the Game's Storyline and Plot.
Well all except Tannis and Ava as Nero plans on saving both Angel and Maya and thus neither Tannis nor Ava will inherit their Siren Powers until Maya and/or Angel's natural death or due to life span. He could also give them powers himself to bypass this Siren rule.
Nero had to ensure everything happened as the original timeline. At least for now. He needed to get strong enough so taht he can confront and kill The Weaver on the Eridian HomeWorld of Nekrotafeyo.
Only once The Weaver is dead can he alter the events without The Weaver's interference.
The Weaver is just powerful as Eren's New Titan Form in The Paths. Although, it can't compare to the Balrog Tar Gorath, it was still not an enemy to to taken lightly.
But before he can even think about taking on ancient Eridian creatures, guradians or monsters.
He first needed a base of operations to make his new empire.
Elika: "You took a while. Do anything interesting?"
Nero: "Not much."
Alithia: "He met another girl...two in fact..."
Nero: "STFU!"
Mikasa: "Oh...do tell."
Her eyes literally shined with lighting.
I shit you not, they shined!
Nero: "Wait, wait, wait! Mikasa get off me! Don't transform onto of me! I'll explain!"
Nero: "*phew* I adopted a girl, brainwashed an evil corrupt monk to look after her, and met another Siren and got a Vault Key Piece."
Elika: "Seriously?! Another Siren is here and a Vault Key! Also...you adopted a daughter?!"
After Nero explained everything he knew about Maya, Queen Dido, Athenas, the Vault Key Piece, The Order of the Impending Storm and Ava, Alithia asked a question.
Alithia: "Where to next?"
Nero: "Time to go to the Caustic Caverns!"