I have decided to do a 2nd Borderlands fanfic. However, the 2nd fanfic will be more balenced and not as op as this fanfic.
This fanfic is supposed to be OP and is literally called "Multiverse of MADNESS"
My new Borderlands fanfic will be called "Borderlands: Siren in the Multiverse".
The MC in that story will have the following wishes:
1 - PhaseSpaceTime (Time abilities are more difficult to learn and are not as easy. Mc has to start at the beginning to learn to use his powers.)
2 - System that can buy anything. (Has a System Storage Space, he could do this with his PhaseSpace ability but it would be a waste of Siren Energy to keep using it. Also more powerful the item he wants to buy, the more expensive it is.)
3 - Skyrim: Modded character save file. (The ROB will remove all his Custom made items and Daedric and Aedric Artifacts from his inventory but not the Tools of Kagranac. Since they are of Dwemer origin. I have something special planned for that.)
One love intrest in story. Gonna be Angel as love intrest. I might do only one more if people want it but I prefer not to. The story will be vastly different. Some explanation like Siren Energy will be copied over to the new fic. He will save Angel much earlier on. Around the time of Borderlands 1.
I will do both Borderlands fanfic at the same time still.
New Borderlands fan fiction will be posted on Friday, Saturday and Sunday until I catch up in chapters.
Also the new fanfic timelinr is one Pandora Week before Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, Bloodwing and Brick arrive at Fyrestone. Cahoter 5 is when they arrive at Fyrestone.
i posted 2 chapters right now of new fic.