Chereads / Borderlands Multiverse of Madness / Chapter 19 - Chapter 18: Caustic Caverns and the Weaving of Fate

Chapter 19 - Chapter 18: Caustic Caverns and the Weaving of Fate

I had Alithia land his ship a fair distance away from Sanctuary.

It wasn't Sanctuary yet since it is still filled with Soliders of Atlas from the Crimson Lance.

It was 2 years away before Roland and the other Vault Hunters arrive in Fyrestone.

Dahl had long since abandoned their facilities on Pandora. Tannis was apart of the Dahl research group but she had chosen to stay behind.

I made still had the Monk and Ava in my Storage Ring so I can keep them safe and check up on them all the time rather then using my Siren Energy to teleport to them.

It was just cost efficient.

I had the plan to make an army just like Brick and his Slab Bandit army/clan. I had to begin preparing my own forces for when I will one day have to fight Tet's Champion and his/her armies.

But to build my forces, I would need a HQ for all of them as my base of operations. The Caustic Caverns is perfe t since it had alot of space and I can work with in it in secret from Angel and Hyperion.

Angel is being controlled via the Siren Control Slave collar by Jack which controls her Siren Power and forces her to obey his commands.

If he says to her to look for potential threats and strongholds ir anything along those lines.

Angel will do it. She can and will locate his HQ and virtually anything as long as she is connected to a network via her PhaseShift.

But first, i would have to clear out some bugs before I can begin making my new empire.

Fortunately it seemed that the Caustic Caverns was abandoned by Dahl presumably because they think it's a waste with all the acid and various creatures which must have awakened and appeared there from their mining operations.

Thus, it is still in good condition unlike in the game when the Player sees it in Borderlands 2 events.

Me, Elika, Mikasa and Alithia all made our way to the side of a mountain.

I had everybody grab onto me as I casted an Invisibility Spell on all of us and pictured the same location as the Caustic Caverns entrance in my mind.

Teleporting with PhaseWalk can go virtually anywhere, so long as you know the destination you are going to.

Lilith had never been to the Bloodshot Stronghold and yet she was going to PhaseWalk the Player into I to save Roland.

The same as when she teleported a floating Sanctuary to the Highlands to save them from the Hyperion Stations Moonshots.

She had never been to the sky above the Highlands, and yet she was still able to so it.

That's because PhaseWalk can take the user anywhere.

Even Tyreen teleported the CoV Bandits across the Galaxy to othe planets and in specific locations she had never actually been to.

So why can't I do the same.

I could do it with my PhaseSpaceTime but I chose my PhaseWalk imitation instead.

Better to be safe then sorry.

I pictured the location in my mind and channeled my Siren Energy through my body and into my Tattoos.

The next second I opened my eyes and could see the classic steel door and circular valve to open it.

I approached the valve and turned it.

The door opened and a Varkid left at me. I stopped Time for a few seconds as I moved to the side as I sliced it in two with my Sword.

Mikasa and Elika were unaffected by my time stop since they are both Sirens and can resist it, also why do I need to target them. I only made the Varkid my target of my time stop.

I didn't use any of my Omega Rings since I wanted to actually increase my own power and not rely on empowering it with PhaseLeech all the Time.

My Siren Energy reserves have increased greatly over time since I would periodically absorb small quantities of Eridium into my body to boost my passive Siren Energy pool.

Think of it like gaining EXP. Once I have enough EXP I I then level up and my mana pool will increase. That's what I was doing.

Overtime I can absorb larger quantities of Eridium without its energy overflowing out of my body.

I had wished for my PhaseLeech to absorb without any limitation, but it doesn't mean the negative effects of an overdose of Eridium consumption wouldn't effect me. That's why I increased its size little by little.

I also made Elika and Mikasa do the same.

Elika didn't have any weapons with her as she has the most Siren Energy reserves out of all of us, even me which is surprising.

Although, it can be since her Ahura powers are mixed with her new Siren Powers and thus the magic energy reserves of the Prince of Persia (2008) universe and the Siren Energy reserves of this Borderlands Universe are mixed together.

After all, her Ahura power is from the God of Light, Ormazd himself.

I definitely have to go to that Universe at one point with Elika to get answers about all this.

As for Mikasa, she can now use her Titan powers and form for a whole 56 hours.

And that's saying something since the energy consumption of her Titan Powers are so ridiculously high. Its almost equal to my PhaseSpaceTime energy consumption.

Her Titan Energy and the Siren Energy have fused with each other. The Alien Centipede had also further enhanced this.

In the order of energy consumption it is like this:




In terms of total energy overall:




In terms of enrgy consumption of powers and abilities:




If with Eridium emhancement:




And finally overall power of abilities:




Elika's powers are no joke. She can use many magical abilities and by the end of the game, she was able to defeat and seal way the God of Darkness, Ahriman by herself.

The Elika now was far more powerful then her counterpart in the Prince of Peria: 2008 game.

Mikasa wouldn't be able to even beat her, unless she can destroy the planet like how Ahriman and Ormazd can. And Elika was able to defeat Ahriman in the game, although she did die in the process...but still, she was able to do it.

Elika was in her classic white clothes. (A/n image in comments.)

Mikasa had some modified blades that Alithia had made with her super Intelligence from absorbing all the Echo.nets data on EVERYTHING.

She was now able to rival Angel's near Omniscient mind.

She had also made alot of other things for Me and Mikasa.

Mikasa had contact lenses that had a HUD which can display a great many things. She also had her EDM gear modified so it has a fuel source taht she can fuel with Liquid Eridium. When consumed, it could last for hours at its limit while being constantly in use of its Boosting feature.

If without the boosting then it can last for 20 hours before it needs to be refuelled.

Her clothing were enchanted with Light Armour, Health Regeneration, Stamina Regeneration, One-Handed Damage, Stamina Increase, Carry Weight Capacity Increase. She didn't have a helmet or headband so she could only be given 6 and not 8 Enchantments.

I didn't have time to make many Enchanted Rings, but she requested to increase her Blade damage, movement speed and Stamina.

She had her regeneration with her so that was fine on her part. She just didn't want the red scarf that Nero gave her be altered in a way she would regret it. Not that she would.

Her blades had a Fire, Shock and Chaos Enchantments on them. Unlike her past ODM gear, she only needed one pair of blades and not a gigantic heavy pair of contraptions that carries 6 blades. She only has 2 and only 2 since they were made of Eridium condensed blades that shined purple. Similar to Megatron's Dark Energon Sword He had made in the Transformers Prime TV show.

Elika had Rings that enhanced her Magic powers, Capacity and magicka regeneration and Stamina increase.

Her clothing had Magic Regeneration, Magicka Increase, Magic cost reduction, stamina increase, stamina regeneration and Weight Capacity Increase.

He hunts down all the creatures there such as Crystalisks, Spiderants, Varkids

Alithia: "What disgusting creatures."

Aluthia had two sets of claws come out of her knuckles and her feet. Just like Laura Kiney aka X-23, the Female Clone of Wolverine/Logan.

She could create Guns easily with her Nano-technology body, bit she preferred to smash things to shreads when she could.

Nero: "Don't worry about that, time to so some pest clearing.

We entered the large area of the Caustic Caverns with the truck and army of Varkids.

Nero: "Let's make a game out of this. Whoever kills the most wins and can get any one thing they want from everyone else."

Mikasa: "Your On!"

Elika: "Deal!"

Alithia: "You inferior Flesh Bags will lose to me. I accept!"

Alithia didn't want to play around and had retracted her claws to create guns in its place, she began shooting many Varkid eggs she could see in the distance with her Aimbot hacks.

Nero: "That's Cheating!"

Mikasa: "I agree!"

Elika: "No Fair!"

Nero: "Quick! Don't let her win!"

Mikasa had bossted of at lighting fast speeds with her ODM gear and blades at the flying Varkids in the sky as she cut them apart perfectly in two.

All the Adult Varkids guts and intestines spilled our as they fell to the ground lifeless. A few of them were Badass Varkids but that didn't matter to her.

Elika however, had jumped and left through the air as an glowing silver Aura surrounded her body as she used her powers.

Her acrobatic abilities were tremendous as she channeled power into her legs as she bounced of each and every Varkid she came across.

Each Varkid would either have their bodies crushed by her feet or would transform into a pile of insectoid yellow blood.

She more than likely used her PhaseLife power to alter their Biology and make it into...Well...what ever they ended up becoming.

She was also capable of flight and could run at fast speeds as a trail of Silver energy would follow behind her.

She could also summon plants from the ground beneath them, or even the ground itself to crush her targets or tear them apart.

Alithia had shot Varkids at every turn she could, but she mainly targeted the Varkid pods.

As for me, I was the best.

Even though my Siren Energy reserves isn't as big as Elika's is. I did have greater variety and varying consumption levels for all my abilities.

I summoned my Siren Wings by channeling energy through all my Tattoos to the max and was able to wave my hand and an almost invisible blade in a form if a arc, flew out and would slice my targets apart.

This is one if my more powerful offense abilities with good energy costs. I call this Reality Slash aka Aerial Blade. I made this with my PhaseSpaceTime, mire specifically the Space aspect.

My Siren Wings, while active, can enhance my Siren abilities, just like all Sirens can.

Using PhaseCreate I summoned multiple small swords like Veril in Devil May Cry, and fired them at many Varkids all around me.

Using PhaseVideo, the Video Conduit power of Infamous: Second Son, I had raised my hands and fired a rapid succession of lighting bolts from my hands.

I was killing entire hordes mire than anyone else could.

Mikasa was using her WarHammer Titan powers while in her Human Form and had created multiple spikes and pillars that wrapped from her whole body like a hedgehog in all directions.

Dozens of Varkids were impaled by the white contracts she made.

She also would use her knees and legs to kick and bounce off of ithers in the air, while having her body be reinforced with Titan Crystal.

Alithia had pulled out a Goddamn Gjallahorn!

She was able to replicate many Destiny weapons when I described it to her and what it could do. To be honest, I think I may have made a monster of her.

Elika was creating many animals and creatures that looked ethereal silver, and appeared as transparent as ghosts.

This was her PhaseLife Siren power and her Ahura power mixing together.

She was able to create all sorts of wolves, birds, bulls, lions and even gigantic snakes to destroy any other creature in sight.

I had restricted himself to using only Siren abilities and not my other powers.

I used PhaseWalk and went further ahead since Mikasa had killed the last one.

Some of the Varkids acidic blood had fallen on her and burned some skin, but with her Siren enhanced atitan powers and Skyrim Enchantments, she healed it almost immediately. Her clothing also regenerated, but not before I saw the soft tip of Mount Everest and her hidden twin close by.

Mikasa noticed my stare and grinned.

Mikasa: "Only of you win."

I was a man in a mission when she said that!

I used PhaseWalk to appear next to the Volatile Crystalisks off in the distance.

I created a large Two handed WarHammer like the one the Nazgul Helm Hammerhead uses and smashed it into the gold crystals if the Crystalisk I was attacking.

It exploded and I rolled to the other one before it could stomp on me, I did the same and used PhaseWalk to teleport to the 3rd one and destroy it.

Unlike how they would normally die in the game, it needed one last attack.

When all 3 of the crystal deposits on its 3 legs were destroyed, then would a 4th Crystal deposit on its back would appear from out of its body.

I PhaseWalk up onto its back and destroyed the last one before jumping of, I had collected all its crystals into my Storage Ring as I destroyed each one.

I repeated this process with another Crystalisk, but Mikasa had caught up with me and was attacking the 3rd Crystalisk that was near the Acid Beach.

Elika showed up and looked fine. The Aura which surrounded her body had protected her from the acidic blood of the Varkids.

Alithia had flown over with her Iron Man boosters. Her body was almost invulnerable and could instantly repair itself since it had Nano-technology that Nero made with Gaige back on Eden 5.

They continued to kill more Varkids and Crystalisks before coming across a good ol' Mini Boss.

The Giant Crystalisk called Blue...


*Eridian HomeWorld of Nekrotafeyo - Scryer's Crypt's Desolation Edge*

??? pov


An Anomaly has been detected...


The Anomaly is a Male with unknown energy.

The Anomaly has had outside help in attaining a power it should not possess.

The Power can only belong to a Female of the same species.

Two Casualties exist here on this planet.

Whereas one on the world Partali

One is on the world Athenas.

Another has remained inside of a mountain on Pandora for 3 years now.

And 5 are on Pandora as well.



I have discovered the names of the other two Anomolys alongside the 8th Male Anomaly called Nero.

The 9th Anomaly is a female called Elika.

The 9th Anomaly somehow possess the power that the Anomaly called "Stelle" possess, although the power has been altered through unknown means...


Cannot discover method of how this is possible to accomplish.

The 10th Anomaly is a female called "Mikasa" with an unknown energy, similar but different then that of the 9th Anomaly Elika.

The Anomaly and Casualties are:

1st - Tyreen

2nd - Amara

3rd - Maya

4th - Angel

5th - Lilith

6th - Stelle (Error - Energy akin to 9th Anomaly)

7th - Troy (Error)

8th - Nero (Error)

9th - Elika (Error - Energy akin to 6th Anomaly)

10th - Mikasa(Error)

The Anomalies and Casualties must be eliminated.

Anomaly Nero seeks the destruction of my objective.

The other Anomoly and Casualties are attempting to aid the Anomaly Nero.

The Two Casualties, Tyreen and Troy seem to be malleable and can be controlled to an extent.

The Causality Angel can be controlled via the device around her neck.

The Casualty Angel's blood related individual called "John" is not an Anomaly or Casualty, and can be controlled.

Attempting to take control of individual "John"...



