before we start quick note. my chapter releases will be as such.
Day 1 - Tensura: Supreme Kitsune - 1 or 2 chapters
Day 2 - Borderlands Multiverse of Madness - 1 or 2 chapters
Day 3 - Soulsborne System - 1 chapter, maybe 2 if possible, or if its a short chapter
Day 4 - (Star Wars FanFic (name not decided yet)) - (it is very long chapters. also i am currently stockpiling chapters so i can do mass chapter release for this one.)
my discord is
Okay, now it's time to speedrun this. I have already gone over the datrt of AOT. This is a Borderlands fic, not AOT fic. I will do separate AOT fic another time. Basically he is just gonna go exactly as the original story now with some changes here and there. That's it. Except him to return to Borderlands Universe in 5 chapters at least or less. I post 1 chapter today. Then release the rest in few days. Will be fight scenes against...unexpected individuals in chapters after this time skip chapter.
thank you and enjoy the chapter...
Narator: Nero and they others were taken to the courtyard and just as the original timeline, the captain was terrified of Mikasa and accused her of being being Titan. Nero had threatened them just like a Mikasa had done in Cannon.
Although, his threat was much more impactful since he had shown he was far, far stronger than Mikasa was, saying they were terrified of him wouldn't do it justice.
Mikasa eventually wakes up and was confused as if she was in the cloud district.
(A/n First person to know this reference gets a cameo next chapter!)
Nero while still on guard against soldiers tell them all about his theory about Titan Shifters, about the Colossal Titan and the Armoured Titan as well as Mikasa being Titan Shifters but there could be more. He proposes the plan of using Titan Shifters to fight back against the Colossal Titan and Armoured Titan as well as all other hostile Titan out there, all to protect Humanity.
This convinces some but many others do not agree
The captain orders the cannon to fire but the nearby cannons do not operate since Nero had disabled the surrounding cannons using PhaseSpaceTime in that instant.
The Captain instead orders to fire with their guns but Nero uses PhaseSpaceTime to slow down Time so he can cut all the bullets and deflects them away from all 4 of them.
Needless to say, they all pissed their pants...literally. he could even see or smell it in the air from some of them.
Armin stepped up and did his speech as well as supporting Nero's own speech.
By the time they reloaded, Commander Pixis had arrived.
The 4 of them had been taken by him to discuss the plan on using Mikasa in her Titan form to block the breech with the boulder.
The plan happens exactly as they had prepared without any trouble. Reason being, that Nero told Mikasa that she has to focus on what and why she transforms in order to fulfil an goal and objective.
Nero cut down any Titans on the way and would flirt with her when he landed on her body and hung from it with his swords as she carried the boulder.
In fact, she had awkwardly dropped the boulder and tripped from one of the things he had said to her.
Obviously, he didn't want this cringe moment to ruin Mikasa's new legendary Waifu MC moment, and thus he reminded Time to before he said that.
It was hilarious because she will eventually learn what he said when she awakens the Coordinate's power within her.
After that, Levi appeared.
The whole court shindig happened. Only thing was...Nero restrained Levi before he hit her.
Nero: "Now, now, is that how you treat a girl, especially your relative?"
Levi: "!!!"
Mikasa: "!!!"
Everyone: "!!!"
The look on their faces were priceless, especially Levi.
Nero gave his same speech as before and convinced most people there, just enough people, to let Erwin take Mikasa into the Scouts.
Nero went with her of course. Despite everyone trying to stop him, they couldn't.
What are they going to do...kill him?
Nero had told everyone about his theory of the basement in Shiganshina.
Nero decided not to alter much. The only thing he did change was capturing Annie just before they all left on the horses, the very same day Annie was meant to attack.
This was so that Reiner and Bertholdt won't catch on and by the time they left on the horses it would be too late.
Annie encased herself in the crystal. Nero wasn't worried as, even if he didn't know she would do that, due to her promise with her father, he can easily break her out of it.
He wanted to have some fun, so he waited proceed with the plot as normal.
Zeke had arrived and Ymir revealed herself as the Jaw Titan.
Mikasa fought against Reiner when he and Bertholdt transformed and revealed themselves.
Bertholdt and Reiner were able to retreat with Ymir. Mikasa was going to cause after them with the others since they knew they could take them, unlike the original emotional child that would spout cringe rage moments all the time.
Nero didn't want this so he landed on Mikasa and secretly used PhaseLeech on her to sap her Titan Energy reserves, causing her to collapse and pop out of the neck.
While everybody was sleeping, he woke up. Mikasa noticed this and asked him where he was going. He told her to go back to sleep as he just needed some fresh air.
She did just that and Nero yeeted himself with PhaseWalk to where Reiner, Bertholdt and Zeke were. He had also found Piek in the nearby area, with Alithia using her Echolation sensor made with his newly upgraded Siren-Nano-Technology.
He had actually received some help from Angel by asking her about it in the Dreamworld when he visited her on a regular basis.
Nero captured them all quite easily. They let there guards down and paid for it. He kidnapped all of them and took them away.
Did I forget to mention what happened to Annie and where the others were taken to?
Oh well...
Nero had taken them to the same area that original and still young Eren was. For Eren only a few minutes had passed, but for Nero it was years since he first kidnapped Cringe Eren and put him there. He ensured all there bonds were secure.
Why is he gathering all the Titan Shifters in one place?
It is all part if his plan.
Speaking of which, all the Titans he had killed, with PhaseLeech and not with blades, on his private Titan hunting expeditions in secret as to not worry Mikasa. Were all killed with PhaseLeech.
Nero had to reobtain Eridium somehow in order to recreate the enhanced density Eridium Rings, so that he can use them to amplify his power in order to leave the AOT Universe and return to The Borderlands Universe, else he will he trapped here for all Eternity.
He simply wasn't capable enough to enter another Universe on his own individual power yet.
As for how he can create infinite Eridium. It is something most people overlook actually...Tyreen and Nyriad.
Let's do a classic DnD History Check shall we.
Many thousands of years ago.
The Destroyer, an inter dimensional creature arrived in the Borderlands Universe and could Devour entire Stars and Planets.
The Eridians, an ancient and the most technologically advanced alien race, realised the threat The Destroyer possessed and made an plan to stop it.
The Eridians contacted the 6 Siren Sisterhood for help, mainly their leader Nyriad.
Nyriad was the previous PhaseLeech Siren before Tyreen inherited her power in the Vault of the Serpant on the Eridian HomeWorld called Nekrotafeyo.
Nyriad was told to PhaseLeech the life-force of the entire Eridian Race itself. With that much power she absorbed, she channelled it into an machine made by the Eridians to seal The Destroyer away in The Great Vault.
The Great Vault is actually the planet Pandora itself. And its moon Elpis is the Vault Key to open The Great Vault.
Why is Pandora relevant in all this?
Because of the Eridium Scar.
The Eridium Scar is basically like what Earth's 'Ring Of Fire' would be if every Volacno around the Pacific ocean became active. Although instead of a ring it is a line on one side of the planet, and no larva but purple Eridium.
This shows that the inner crust of Pandora is made if Eridium itself. It does make sense since Eridium and Sirens are connected.
Not only that but The Great Vault was created by Nyriad's Power, PhaseLeech.
In the events of Borderlands 3, Tyreen uses her PhaseLeech power to drain the life if the COV (Chilfren of the Vault) bandits. This turned them into mummified husks that had Eridium growing out if their bodies.
Not only that but the Annoited COV Bandits would straight up turn into Eridium statues upon death.
This shows that whoever has the PhaseLeech power can create unlimited Eridium from the drained target.
The last thing to mention is that absorbing Eridium can cause side effects.
For Non-Sirens, individuals like Krieg, Goliath Bandits, Badass Psycho Bandits and the Lab Rats, Slaged enemies as well as a Slagged Bloodwing can be created.
So would just die immediately but those that survive will have deformations on their bodies, go insane or another weird shot not mentioned.
For Sirens, this is lessened. They can absorb it easily, but in large quantities and as in constant supply can cause addiction, weaker power without Eridium consumption, physical weakness, Eridium Poisoning and death.
Lilith got to addicted to it due to it giving her incredible boosts in her Siren powers, thus she became weaker once her Siren Enegy was depleted.
Angel is the most severe case of what will happen of a Siren is constantly administered Eridium.
In Borderlands 2 events, Angel begs the Vault Hunters to kill her to prevent her father Handsome Jack from using her to power the Vault Key and awaken The Warrior.
She died practically instantly when her supply of Eridium was cut off. She was indeed very powerful by reaching across the Gqlaxy with her PhaseShift powers.
Buy everything has a price.
Nero intends to save Angel and cure her if the Eridium poisoning.
Furthermore this restriction does not apply to the PhaseLeech Siren.
Troy was absorbing even more quantities if liquefied Eridium than Angel did, and he was still unaffected by it in negative ways.
Not only that but he was able to completely master and utilise the PhaseLock power, stolen by Maya, in only a day or so compared to Maya that had the power for at least 35 years before she died at the hands of Troy.
Since Nero was also a PhaseLeech Siren thanks to his Wish with Tet, the Gkd of 'not' Games.
Therefore, Nero just like Nyriad, Tyreen and Troy, he can also absorb infinite Eridium without its negative consequences taking hold of him as it did with Lilith and Angel.
Now that that answers your question, let us resume...
After Nero qcotured them and placed them in his mini-prison, he returned to Mikasa using PhaseSpaceTime and going back in Time by a few hours.
After that, the rest of the Scouts reached Shiganshina easily and had no fight there.
They had obtained Grisha's Diary and learned its secrets, Nero didn't care and just waited.
His next target was Rod Reiss and Kenny.
He dealt with both rather easily. He just assassinated them both. Kenny was a bit difficult since he actually caught him trying to sneak up on him.
He couldn't cheat with his PhaseSpaceTime power since the Acherman bloodline are immune to Mind Control and timeline alterations.
Future Eren had tried to do this in the Original to make Mikasa into a killer so that one day she can kill him and break the Curse of Ymir and complete his plan.
How he did this was by manipulating others like having Armin have his Yandare desire to see the Ocean, or through Mirror Man into hypnotising Mikasa to become a killer. Not only that but by doing it to Eren Cruger, Grisha, Grisha's first wife (the Sniling Titan, by having her eat Carla instead of a hiding Bertholdt) and so on.
His fight with Kenny was intense enough that he had to use his Gravewalker Nazgul powers to beat him.
Upon his return he gave Mikasa the Armour Liquid and kept one for himself along with a Titan Fluid Syrum.
The wall of Shiganshina was then closed by Mikasa using the newly acquired crystal power.
Nero only had two stops left before he carries out his master Plan, and both are coincidentally in the same place.
He now had the following individuals ready for his Plan.
Mikasa - Attack Titan + Founding Titan (Sealed)
Annie - Female Titan
Reiner - Armoured Titan
Bertholdt - Colossal Titan
Zeke - Beast Titan
Ymir - Jaw Titan
Piek - Cart Titan
Eren (Original) - Cringe Boy + Tomato Man
He smiles inwardly at having nearly all the pieces in place and ready.
As he was using his Siren Wings to fly across the entire ocean at speeds like a Nasa Space Rocket, he checks up on Alithia about the task he gave her years ago during his training in Sahdis' boot camp of Hell.
In order for Alithia to carry out her plans, she had been gifted a body like the T-3000 from 'Terminator Genesis'. Nero made this naturally with his Siren-Nano-Technology.
Nero: "How is Operation Synthesis going along?"
Althia: "It is 88% complete. What about the remaining 12%?"
Nero: "Leave it. 85% is more than enough. The rest don't matter at this point. I've win already. Return to Paradis. By the time you arrive we will be ready to return to our Universe."
Nero just ignored her confirmation of his orders as he has finally arrived.
His final Titan to obtain was here...
He knew that unlike the others, this one will have Annie's Body Crystal protection while fighting in Titan Form.
The only way he can get this final Titan is if he can defeat the Titan body first and then deal with the encased and protected Hunan body.
The final Titan for his Master Plan...
The Warhammer Titan...