Nero had finally arrived on Marley. He had to swim beneath the waterline to reach land. He did this to avoid the checkpoints and the perimeter of ships in near the shoreline.
He had no issues with this since first, he had the Vampiric physiology of a Kaleid Blood user of Strike The Blood, this allowed him to breath under water without drowning or by survive being outside of the Planet's atmosphere. And two, he had the Waterbreathing Enchantment on his mask covering his mouth.
Once he reached land he quickly used an Invisibility spell, them used his Nazgul flight ability to go to reach his first destination.
Not long after did he reach his destination, and that was the Marley Warrior Training Grounds. He landed on a rooftop, still with his Invisibility active.
???: "Come on Hurry Up! What the Hell are you doing just standing around there?! Come on!"
The most infuriating individual had spoken. Nero wanted to slit her throat right now.
???: "Gabi, Wait up!"
The two that were speaking below on the ground were Gabi and Falco.
Nero isn't some psychotic killer...but Gabi has to die, as well as people like her.
People who refuse to change and have been brainwashed to such a degree cannot be allowed to live and threqten the plan that Nero has for this world's future.
Gabi could eventually be redeemed, but that would take too long, and every minute he wastes increases the change of Jackass Future Eren interfering with his plans.
Future Eren shouldn't exist anymore in THIS timeline since Nero has changed the events of the story.
However, the Paths is the place that the Founder Ymir Fritz is currently residing and the location of the Coordinate. The Paths is a place that transcends Space and Time. Yimir had died 2,000 years ago in the real world. But she had been in the Paths for much longer...possibly even 100,000 or a million years since she had to craft and make the bodies of each new Titan personally.
The Future Eren in the ORIGINAL timeline where Mikasa killed her, is the Eren Nero is talking about. This Future Eren still exists and can influence any Eldian directly, except for the Achermans like Mikasa.
Nero knows that if Future Eren can manipulate certain individuals or even Historia directly, to make her touch Mikasa, then Nero losses.
Then Future Eren can reset the Timline thanks to Mikasa's hidden Time Manipulation powers.
Nero had killed Mirror Man to prevent Eren from doing the same trick on Mikasa again. Although he can't be sure if there are multiple Mirror Man's.
That's why he can't risk losing time. Even though he has PhaseSpaceTime, he can't use it infinitely as he will eventually run out of Siren Energy. Whereas Eren can do it infinitely without effort.
Nero had followed Gabi back home and used PhaseLeech on her to ensure that Future Eren doesn't Resurrect her somehow.
She had turned into a Eridium Statue in the shape of herself.
Nero then used Celebrimbor's Hammer and destroyed her Statue body.
Nero: "That was for Sasha."
Nero then left to find the Tybur family home. He easily found it die to its notoriety and popularity.
He searched around until he found his target. The Warhammer Titan user, Lara Tybur.
She was pretending to be a maid and thus not alert anyone that she is the real holder of the Warhammer Titan.
Currently she was in the middle of a family meeting with nearly every Tybur there, except for maybe a boy who might have gone to the restroom.
He waited until now to kidnap Lara, since she would probably hesitate to transform here while surrounded by her family, else they will die during her transformation.
Nero currently had the Threshing Sword, Threshing Hammer, Mask of the High King, Dagger of Vengeance, Azkâr bow, Servant's Armour.
He plans to equip even more Enchantments to his gear in the future when he returns to the Borderlands Universe.
He used his Spectral Dash to reach Lara, but he sensed danger in the next second.
He immediately used PhasWalk to telport outside of the Tybur mansion.
In the next instant a flash of lighting happened from within the Tybur mansion.
Nero knew that Future Eren used his eldian connection to Lara Tybur to control her to transform and defend herself.
Nero: 'That basted is trying to stop me.'
Lara Tybur, now the Warhammer Titan, has emerged from the former Tybur mansion. All the Tybur family present were now dead.
Lara was definitely being controlled by Future Eren since her eyes had glowed green like Erens.
Nero: "Let's do this Eren."
Nero could now use his powers and abilities, since he no longer had to hide it as he was now far away from Paradis.
Eren, or Lara, had created a Dagger to swing at Nero.
Since Nero was of Human size, and with his Nazgul flight ability, he would be near impossible for large weapons to hit him.
Instead, Lara made a Dagger so that she can nimbly move fast and strike at Nero since only one strike was all that was needed to kill him.
Nero tried going after the cord wire connecting Lara and the Titqn body together. However, whenever he did try to do it, Lara would attack him while also summoning spikes to try and impale him as he neared the ground.
Nero decided to go on the offense and used his Threshing Hammer and throw it at the head of of the Warhammer Titan. A large explosion responded as a chunk of the face blew of.
Nero flew to the legs and used his Threshing Sword to cut at the limbs. His sword was able to cut through the body effortlessly since it carried a Curse effect.
The Warhammer Titan fell to its knees as its legs were cut from the rear. Nero made a beeline for the hands to reder it immobile and harmless. However, it sprouted spikes from its arms which caught him of guard since he was only metres away from it. He used PhaseShift to teleport to the neck and promptly decapitated it. After that the Titan was immobile shortly. He used PhaseWalk to reach the Crystal and had dealt a Slash at it, cutting deep into the crystal.
He delved his hand deep jnto the gap he made to touch Lara Tybur. As he did he dodged a spike that emitted from the Crystal Coffin aimed for his head but unfortunately not his body.
He couldn't let go of Lara just yet, so he had no choice butvto tank the hit aimed at his heart.
He can still die, but so long as he was using PhaseLeech on a target, and drained their life force constantly, he can continue to live.
He used his Threshing Sword to destroy the spike and then he removed it from his body. His wounds healed as he drained Lara of her life force.
He had stopped when she was on the verge of death and had fallen unconscious.
Nero then used his sword to cut her out of the Crystal and had used Phaswalk immediately to teleport back to his secret jail cell.
Now he had every Titan Shifter I'm one place. All that was left was to get Mikasa and then he can do his master plan.
He also used PhaseWalk to get Historia. When he brought him there he told them about the Founding
He had done exactly that and told Mikasa he needed her to touch Historia and Zeke at the same time.
However, before Mikasa did that...
...Nero will make her into a Siren...