Before Nero can make Mikasa into a Siren, one last thing had to be done. And that was to complete the final few steps of his Master Plan.
Nero had had a talk with Mikasa and asked her I'd she had any headaches at any point in her life.
She had said no, except for two times. One just before they confessed to each other at the Cadet Training Corp, and the other just a few hours ago.
Nero knew for certain now that Future Eren had tried to use the connection if the Founding Titan power inside of Mikasa to try and control her.
He already knew this because if his future self's later back at the Cadet Training Corp.
As for why she only had 2 headaches. That was because Future Eren tried to control Mikasa. However, in he original series, Mikasa gets headaches nearly all the time.
This is because when an Acherman tries to fight or not protect the one they have sworn loyalty to, they will receive strong headaches to force them to go back to being loyal.
Every time that Origin Eren mistreated Mikasa, she would get a headache due to her actual self trying to not protect a jerk that hurts her, but her bloodline forces her too and as a result it twists her mind and personality and made it into a strange, obsessive, loyal, love relationship with original Eren.
Since she loved Nero completely and never got a headache showed that she didn't even think about going against him.
This made Nero happy. It will also allow him to confirm if she will still follow Nero with what he tells her next.
After telling both Mikasa and Histiria his plan, the two of them were shocked speechless.
Oh! Did I forget to mention that this very room had original Eren, Piek, Ymir, Zeke, Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie and Lara Tybur as well? Woops. Anyway, he hade broken Annie's and Lara's Crystal Coffins with his Threshing Sword. Lara had used her Crystal Coffin when she woke up but when he broke it again she realised it was useless to repeat it.
Mikasa did get a headache showing she wanted to go against Nero of this Plan. But when he told her it will be fine and the rest of the Plan, she didn't get a headache.
This proved she was still with him and trusted his decision, although she did misunderstand at first.
Before they began all this, Nero had Dominated Historia's mind in order to protect her from Furture Eren Manipulation.
After all, he can control every Eldian, except for the Achermans.
Alithia: "I'm here."
Everyone in the room turned to see Alithia who entered the room.
Nero: "Good, You're here. Begin Plan Ambrosia."
Alithia: "OK then bu-"
Mikasa: "Who's this Nero?"
Nero: 'Holy Shit! That face she's making is scary! Please chill the Fuck out!'
Nero could see the lighting in her eyes!
Nero: "Wait! Wait! Don't transform! I'll explain!"
After that, her eyes returned to normal. Nero breathed a sigh of relief at this S.e.x.y Yandre of his.
Nero: "It is hard to explain now what she is. I'll tell you once my plan is over I promise. But know that she is a very helpful and useful...'person' to me in fulfilling whatever u ask of her. Now then, Alithia, where is Elika? And begin the Plan."
Alithia: "Yes. Elika is above us on the surface and ready to use the Ambrosia Satellite, you launched into space outside of the Planet's atmosphere, she will activate it via the console. I will activate the Modified Palantirs around the room and the Mega Palantir above ground thereafter."
Nero: "Good. Mikasa. Touch both Zeke and Historia at the same time. I will be next to you."
Mikasa nodded and approached Zeke who was chained completely to the wall, much like how everyone else in the room is. Even the mouth was gaged to prevent them from bitting their lips or tongue to transform.
Nero equiped Eridium Rings for all of his fingers. These 9 Eridium Rings were even more special than the ones before.
These Rings are even more condensed Eridium which he harvested from PhaseLeech husks.
Since he used PhaseLeech on many Titans, too many to count, their entire body will turn into Eridium husks.
Compared to the husks he had gotten Eridium from when he was back in the Bordetlands Universe of Eden 5, who were only a few dozen hunan sized Eridium husks. Nero in the AOT Universe had obtained a few hundred Titan sized Eridium husks worth of Eridium.
He had condensed ALL OF THEM into only 9 Rings. The Super Condensed Eridium Rings had increased in Density so much, that their Mass and Weight was so high that not even the Marvel version of the Hulk and Thor combined could lift a single Ring from of the ground.
Compared to the Eridium Rings he had used to arrive in the AOT Universe, they were only as heavy as a Car each Ring.
But these Super Rings weigh more than an island each Ring.
How can Nero lift these Rings as I'd they were ordinary plastic Rings?
Because he had no choice but to consume 4,890 years of his lifespan which he had obtained from all the beings he had every encountered and had used PhaseLeech on.
How he got such a high lifespan was due to him getting it from the Titans. As it turned out, each Titan in gheir Titan form granted at least 100 years worth of life force each. Although ut dies vary in size and for how long the Titan had been in their Titan Form for, ever since they were first turned.
Nero had currently only 6 years of life force remaing. Meaning if he doesn't use PhaseLeech on anything else or if he doesn't use his remaining lifespan to empower his abilities via PhaseLeech, he will then die normally 6 years from now.
He used his 4,890 years of life force to empower a weight reduction Enchantment on the Rings. That was how he can easily carry and wear it as if it was normal.
He wasn't worried about his Lifespan as he can get much more back from when he completes his Plan.
Although, it did force him to consume 1,500 years more worth of lifespan then he original wanted to. He can only hope that everything he is about to do, won't make cause a single Super Ring to shatter. He can only rely on the Super Rings to empower his abilities now as he will die if he uses his life force of 6 years.
Nero touched Mikasa's shoulder and had activated his Domination ability, bit in a different way then normal. Instead of Dominating the Mind, he is using its mental connection to enter Mikasa's mind and track her like a GPS.
Alithia activated the multiple Palantirs that were spread out in a circle around the room.
Mikasa touched both Historia's hand and Zeke's forehead with hoth her hands. At that moment her mind had zipped across Time and Space to enter The Paths.
Nero used his own connection via Dominate and activated PhaseWalk, PhaseTimeSpace and the Bright Lord's Ring to empower his connection to her Mind via Domination and finally activated a Super Ring, 2 of them if needed. Luckily that wasn't the case as it only needed 1 Super Ring.
Nero had teleported to the Paths, a place beyond Time and Space by using his own powers of PhaseSpaceTime to locate and connect to the precise location of The Paths.
How did he do this?
He had created a modified Palantir to use its Divination ability to connect all the people in the room with one another so that it can allow him to find The Paths even easier.
After all, the powers of the 9 Titan Shifters all orginate from Ymir Fritz.
Ymir Fritz is in The Paths. He used this connection to locate Ymor Fritz alongside Future Eren and Mikasa.
Future Eren of the now non existant Timeline is still Eren no matter what. That is one of the reasons why Nero had kidnapped the 10 year old Original Eren that should have met Mikasa during the time when Nero arrived in the AOT Universe.
Not only that but he used Mikasa like a personal GPS like in Avengers: Endgame, to find The Paths.
The final connection he used to find The Paths was Historia's Royal Blood.
He had used 4 different sources to track and locate The Paths.
All that needed to be done was for him to use PhaseWalk to teleport and phase between dimensions. This paired with PhaseSpaceTime, allowed the PhaseWalk power to not only teleport across dimensions but also Space and Time itself. Exactly like how Nero used to cross over from the Borderlands Universe to the AOT Universe.
????: "So you have finally come?"
Nero opened his eyes and found himself in the very place he wanted to be in. However, unlike all the others that was in this place, Nero was the first ever person to be here...boy only in Mind and Soul...but in his Physical body as well.
He was in The Paths.
He turned around and spotted 3 figures. 2 were side-by-side with each other. One tall and one small. Whereas, the third person was some distance away and was only a few metres away from Nero.
They were Ymir Fritz and the Future Eren Yaeger. The third person was Mikasa Acherman and he himself was Nero.
4 people...
of 4 completely different bloodlines and families...
All stand in the Place where it all will end...
Nero: "Yes...I have arrived. I hope I didn't keep you waiting...Eren..."