The Colossal Titan had attacked at last, after 5 years of waiting, Bertholdt had finally come out into the open once again.
Nero had waited for this, as now he can finally innact his grand plan. He immedietly began flying through the air around Bertholdt's body to the nape of his neck while shouting out orders to the others.
Unlike the original Eren, who just yelled out orders so that he can have his revenge on the Titans, Nero is not like that and would actually think about the well being of the civilians above all else. Dealing with Bertholdt and his Grand Plan are some of his plans to correct the AOT universe.
Bertholdt had destroyed the cannons and used its steam to blow everybody away off the walls. Nero used his artificial PhaseWalk to phase through the steam and get closer to his nape easily. Nero used his PhaseLeech to empower his Gravewalker powers and used his Nazgul flight to fly to his nape when everybody was not paying attention.
If anybody did see him then he would have an excuse ready to give them.
Nero almost reached the nape ready to cut it but Bertholdt had disappeared when the blade had made contact.
'Fuck! I Failed! No matter, there is always next time or when he is in his Human From. Hahahahaha! He must be piss scared from feeling my blade on his nape!'
After Nero's failure to 'deal' with the Colossal Titan Shifter, he had regrouped along with everybody else to have orders handed out.
Mikasa was worried for Nero, as she should be due to her relationship with him and her Ackerman bloodline. What Chad Eren said during his talk with Armin, Mikasa and Gabi was all true except for the hating Mikasa part from when they were children. He was just trying to force Mikasa to reject her love for him, and to one day kill him in order for Mikasa to break the Curse of Ymir and allow Ymir Fritz to move on into the afterlife.
Mikasa had said to him to find her if things go south, just like she did in the original. Nero told her to not worry about it and that Mikasa should take care of herself if things do go south, he would look for her to protect her. She blushed after he had pulled out his Reverse Uno card move on her; she had hesitated but relents in the end. She didn't cause a commotion about joining the Rear Guard.
That's because she didn't. Nero did. Since Nero got 1st place in the graduation exams, he ended up in the Rear Guard while Mikasa got sent to the Front Lines. She was happy that she could keep Nero 'Safe' from harm. Elika had also been assigned to the Rear Guard alongside him.
Nero can only hope that the advice he had given to all the people who had died due to Eren's stupidity and emotional outburst would listen to his advice and survive. He doesn't want a bad taste of failure in his mouth after this is all over. The core people he wanted to save where the squad the original Eren was apart of that he had gotten all killed except Armin who had "Plot Armour" too, Mina who was also in the squad, and Thomas who got eaten by Santa Claus.
Elika: "Are you sure about this? She shouldn't deserve this."
Elika had walked up beside Nero as she gazed at Mikasa leaving on her ODM gear.
Nero: "Trust me. It will be difficult for her at first but she will adapt to it. Beside she will actually come to love it very soon afterwards."
Elika: "That's not what I mean. You told me of my possible origins and about my heritage. I just think that she will come to despise the power she has just like my…my…Past Self does? Not only that but what you told me about how everyone will react and do."
Nero: "If a single one of them lays a hand on her they'll have to go through me"
'Ohhh Levi. Just you wait. If you try that shit with her then Armin won't be able to save you from me as he had saved you from Mikasa in the original.'
After killing many Titans Nero and Elika made a tactical retreat to restock on ODM gas. Nero had prepared a cache of ODM gear gas and blades in a secret location to help himself and a few others should the same need arise as it did in Cannon. He gives it to Elika and to the Armin and Mikasa's group so that they have an easier time in retaking the Ammunitions Fort unlike the difficulty they had in the series.
Speaking of which Mikasa had been able to prevent a single casualty during her insane killing spree.
'She might actually get a Nuke at this rate. Well time to begin shall we…'
Mikasa was currently slashing at the neck of a Titan while spinning. Nero had finally decided to activate 'Condition 2' of the 'Curse of the King of the Sirens'. Long name, but kinda cool and ominous sounding at least. He had activated the Curse's 2nd condition to activate which led to forcibly transforming Mikasa. After Mikasa had cut the nape of the Titan she was still spinning when Nero activated her transformation. She had spun and smashed into a nearby building's roof, completely breaking through it in the process and entering the house.
'Ouch. Sorry about that Waifu Mikasa. You kept moving and wouldn't stop, also this was the only chance I would get to transform you in secret.'
In a small crackling of yellow energy coming from the interior of the building, she transforms into her Attack Titan form. She looked like a mix between Annie and Eren's Titan Forms. She had the physique of the Female Titan and has Dark Circles around the eyes but only slightly. the Jaw is the same as Attack Titan Eren's Form but not as wide and open. Instead of the glowing Green Eyes of Eren it had light Grey Eyes with her long Black Hair. It almost looked like a same version of Mikasa.
Mikasa had seen a Titan and had absolutely annihilated it with a single punch to the thought from the front had killed the person inside and in turn the Titan itself. Unlike Eren who had his hand destroyed by doing such a feat, she on the other hand was able to do it with no self-damage what so ever due to the insane physical enhancements that were applied to the body via her Ackerman bloodline.
Nero had left Mikasa to her killing spree, she wasn't in control of herself but she was semi-conscious and could understand, remember and perceive some things. She kills way more Titans than Eren and enters a rage to kill the Titans that are surrounding Nero. Nero did this so that he can make her burn out of Titan energy by activating her Rag Mode ability like how Eren did for the Santa Claus guy. Mikasa is ejected from the Titan corpse and Nero uses his ODM to reach her and catch her from falling.
Needless to say, everyone saw what happened but a certain 'Person' snitched on it to higher ups.
After some time passes and they are at the safety of the Inner Wall, some people had come up to Mikasa, Nero, Elika and Armin.
Guy 1: "Mikasa Ackerman is to come with us immediately, alone"
Nero: "Not alone or not at all."
Guy 2: "You do not have a say in this matter!"
Elika: "I suggest you listen to him or you'll end up regreting it. When he wants something, he will get it. Even commander Keith Shadis had to do as he said a few times."
Armin: "W-Wait I-is this about…"
Nero: "Yes, it is Armin. Now let's get going."
Guy 1: "Alone or else"
Nero: "We'll go…together or not at all. Unless you want the alternative that she (Elika) warned you guys about."
Guy 1: "Fine then."
'Hahaha…let's have some fun now!'