"Okay, back to my homework. Sucks, I never got homework correct before. Why???? because I always wanted to do it my way, make it mine, signature piece. Not exactly special, I don't believe in that theory that everyone is special. Look at me, I have my hell, with my servants and a psychic but I am no special being.
So love such a complicated topic. Where to start..... Growing up I had a family, I had care and I had love, or at least that's what I thought.
Can beating up your kid and dragging him on the floor to the basement of the house, just so you can lock them up in the darkness, not love.
Of course, I wasn't given food and I stayed in that dark hollow for some days. My dad was not a bad person by the way. His training method was just different, I got used to it with time, the dark hollow become my haven. My place of solitude, He was just trying to make me strong, make his son a strong man. I mean practise makes perfect right????
And my mom, oh that sweet woman, after a long day at work, the fatigue, the anger and frustration. I guess it's about right I received it all. She would scream at me and when she didn't want to restrain herself the Red frying pan we used every Sunday to make those mouth savoury Pancakes would land on my back. The pain was worth it, after that hard and hurtful strike to my back, she becomes my mother again. Comforts me and attends to the wound she created. I do love her, that strong-willed woman from which's bosom I once found myself.
Love is not only about the happy times but also the hurtful times we pull through.
I had siblings, being a big brother I had to do my part. No sleep, no rest..... My life wasn't any beautiful, so making sure my Lil guys had it all, was my top priority, they didn't appreciate it, maybe wasn't enough. After I had worked my ass off to send them to good schools and complete their education... sigh I haven't heard from them in years. They deserted me long back, but it's not wrong, I'm not stable enough to be around. See what I did to my wife, oh that beautiful soul, at least what I've been told I did"...
~~~~We didn't do it, we were framed, they hate us. We were framed, we were framed~~
"Shut up, you guys. We did it and they should be afraid of us. They better stay away from us. Far away from us"••••••••• Will speaks....
" Some people say love is this surreal experience we get to feel when our emotions are stirred up with the presence of someone. The butterflies we feel in our bellies when they look towards our direction, The urge of protection we get when we are around them. Love is the beautiful Feeling of bliss, filling our bosom each time they say our name. Each time they say they care, they would be here and won't ever leave you.
Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but love to me is sacrifice. Like I sacrificed my life for my siblings, withstanding the anger of my mother and not hating my father for his flaws. Sometimes love is leaving, like my siblings did, love is letting go of your bad side; like my dad and allowing them to see you as you are.