After the cops placed me with my retched aunt Carlee I slept in her daughters bed and cried silently so i didnt wake anyone. My mistake. That was the main reason she didnt believe me. "You didnt cry, youre going back to your mothers I cannot have you blaming my husband for this shit", she said with utter disgust. I didnt want to go home. The cops told her not to send me home. I knew what they were going to say.
I was right. They tried to get me to retract the statement I made to the police. I didnt. I was tired. I was 14 being emotionally, physically, sexually and mentally abused. I wanted it to end. I didnt want to be alive anymore. Everyone hated me for being honest and everyone hated me when I had lied. It was a lose lose situation. I was tired and I just wanted to die.
After the hour of arguing about what had happened I went to school like normal. The kids in school made up a rumor that I was pregnant. I never had sex so that was impossible. I ended up almost getting in a fight that day. My mother wouldve been proud if I actually swung on the girl. She always encouraged me to fight. If I lost I'd get my ass beat. I never lost. Aside from being jumped by seniors in the 6th grade Ive never lost a fight. My mother scared me more than any human being.
The school knew what was going on and informed the police that I was placed with my mom against their order. They came and took me to the Casey house. Its a place for runaway children. I spent almost a month and a week there. The time limit is 30 days. They liked me there. I liked being there. I liked how they listened to me when I would open up. I stopped doing that after I turned 15. I learned never trust anyone with deep secrets because they will weaponize when they get mad at you. My mother disowned me that day. She hated me.
I didnt ask to be here. She forced me to be here when she gave birth to me. She shouldve chose me over him. She was another one who broke promises. I didnt ask for this type of mother. God hated me, I thought to myself. Why else would this happen?.