Sunday, 15th. March. 2015
Jin: Morning~
Are you going to be home today?
Jia: Yeah, I don't have any
Was just planning to relax
Jin: Perfect, I'll be there soon
Jia: Wait wha?
Jin: Oh, I have a surprise for you. Three surprised actually
Jin: Gotta go, driving nowπ
I'd barely opened my eyes when I was hit with a barrage of messages from Jin saying that he was coming over. Convinced I was still in a dream until I sat up and looked around at my very real apartment. Shit. I probably look like a complete mess right now.
At my dismay, I hurried out of bed, grabbed a long, straight, plain black singlet dress off the top pile of my clean washing. I took the quickest shower I'd ever had in my life. Luckily I'd washed my hair the night before and clipped it loosely aside.
Just as I'd finished, a knock on my door came so I rushed to answer it.
"Surprise, your besties are my besties too!" Jin laughed airily before pulling my stunned, dumbfounded ass into a one-armed hug. After he walked past me, I was confronted with an awkwardly standing Joon and an excitedly flushed Jimin.
"Hey Jia~" Jimin gave a cute smile, patting my head and following in after Jin. Joon on the other hand, gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Sorry to spring this on you, once we found out you knew Jin Hyung he wanted us to come and have lunch together" He explained, taking my hand to lead me inside, closing the door behind him.
"Oh, that sounds great. Wish you'd just told me that in your messages?" I tried to get past the shock of the ambush, despite it being with seemingly innocent intentions they still could've told me.
"Where's the fun in that?" Jin's smile widened teasingly as he placed a bag full of cooking ingredients down on my kitchen counter.
"Cute place" Jimin commented as he glanced around from the high stool he'd sat on at the counter. He was much more enthralled by my apartment and wasn't paying attention to Jin.
"Thanks, Jimin," I replied, deciding to put my selective hearing to good use. Joon lingered by the counter with me, watching Jin take out a packet of meat and selection of vegetables.
"Oh come on, you're not gonna hold it against me are you?" Jin pouted, noticing the way I puffed out my cheeks when I was annoyed.
"Nooo, I'm just-" I sighed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "Nevermind. So, um... what're you planning to cook?" The annoyance I felt left me and was replaced with my love of food.
"Well that didn't last long" Joon laughed,
"Right. Guess food overpowers being annoyed" Jimin sighed, chuckle settling into a fond smile.
Yes... I'm not going to deny it. Nothing beats a tasty breakfast..." I admit.
"Good. Well, you three keep yourselves busy while I prepare everything." Joon and Jimin gracefully moved along at their dismissal from any cooking duties. But, I couldn't just leave Jin to do it all by himself, especially with this being my place and all. That would be way too rude.
"Do you want any help?" I asked, still lingering by the counter.
"Can you cut veggies?" Jin asked in return, teetering on sarcasm.
"Yeah, of course, everyone can, right?" I tilted my head in confusion.
"Not everyone," Jin side-glanced in Joon's direction, Jimin caught it and burst into laughter.
"Oh C'mon. Don't start this again" A defeated sigh escaped Joon's lips.
"I didn't say anything!" Jin shouted in defence. This was like watching a sitcom. Were these two always like this?
"It can't be that terrible... Can it?" Only Jimin seemed to hear me seeing as he'd been standing beside me.
"You have no idea" He mumbled back under his breath, only for the two of us to hear.
"Alright, let's get started. You're on potato duty." Jin dumped a small bag of potatoes in my hand and then guided me towards the sink. I turned to the other two, who were awkwardly standing around, and called out, offering them some way of entertaining themselves while they waited.
"I have some books and magazines on the shelf by the couch. If you want, make yourself comfortable. I'll come over as soon as I'm done helping" Both of them gladly made their way over and lounged out on the couch under the morning sun together. One grabbed a magazine and the other a hardcover book.
"Okay, no more distractions potato girl. Let's get started" Jin patted my head.
"Ahh. What a troublesome big brother you turned out to be," I teased back.
"There's that cheeky side I've been waiting for, keep it up. You're so adorable when you're hot and bothered" Jin turned and winked at me mischievously. If it was anyone else it would've been lame but his confidence...
"What can I say, you bring it out of me" I purposely sent him a cute smile. We continued to innocently banter while I peeled, washed and chopped the potatoes. As soon as I was done Jin thanked and sent me to take a rest. Adamant that he'd take care of it from there. So, I headed over to sit with Jimin and Joon.
"What're you two doing?~" I asked, sliding over next to Jimin, who'd propped himself on the left side up by the wall of the window. From the magazine he glanced at me, but before he could reply Joon's voice caught our attention.
"These are pretty" He looked over to me from the book in hand, slowly raising one of the cherry blossoms from between the pages. I'd slipped it in there to press last week. A tiny smile spread across his face as he fondly admired the flower between his fingers.
"Oh, that's so pretty. Jia, I didn't know you pressed flowers" Jimin got on his knees and crawled over to Joon who handed it over for him to have a closer look.
"Do I not look like the type?" I questioned, humbly pleased with how much they both seemed to be enjoying the flowers.
"Ah, it's not that, I'm just surprised. Not many girls do such an old-fashioned thing. But it's totally cute of you, I love these types of things" Jimin explained. I had to look away from him to avoid getting lost in his adorning gaze. The charm he held was strong, magnetic. It wasn't until that time he yanked me onto his lap during our trip to the arcade that I'd felt it. Unexpected as it was, I was quickly learning of Jimin's tantalising duality.
"There's a few more in the next couple pages. You can have one each if you'd like" I offered, leaning over and flipping the pages of the book until I found another.
"Aw really? That's so sweet of you, Jimin said, beaming. His toothy smile was adorable.
"Thanks, I'll put it to good use. I might even press some of my own. If I find any cool ones I'll make sure to return the favour." Joon's dimples dipped in, I plopped back down into the back of the couch and waved my hands.
"It's okay, really. Don't go out of your way for me," I scrunched my nose to hide my blush. Giving them flowers was okay but exchanging them felt too romantic, didn't it?
"Okay, kids! Lunch is ready. Get your asses up and help set up the table" Jin called from the kitchen. The three of us went over to help out. Jimin set cutlery and Joon plates as I handed them out from the pantry draw.
Shortly after the four of us sat around the table we said a quick thanks for the meal before digging in. The glazed sweet potatoes were delicious, along with the steamed chicken and assortment of fresh vegetables.
"Jia, are you still getting headaches?" Jin's question drew my attention across the table to him. I lowered my chopsticks slightly and swallowed what was in my mouth before answering. I couldn't just lie and say it was fine because I'd had the same thing happen when I was with Jiminβ¦
"It's happened a few more times since then. But, they always go as quickly as they come. So, I don't think it's a big deal, right?" I tippy-toed around it, hoping he'd see my point and not worry about it.
"Hm. Have you had them before or did they only start recently?" Jimin asked gently from beside me. Joon looked between the two boys as he chewed, listening attentively.
"The first one was on Thursday when I caught up with Jin Oppa."
"Then, you had one on Friday when we were having dinner with Tae and Jungkookie too" Jimin added, seeming a little more worried.
"So two over the past four days. We should keep an eye on it" Joon straightened up in his chair, exchanging an unreadable glance with Jin.
"Then what should I do?" I questioned, feeling unsure. They were taking this quite seriously, maybe I should tooβ¦
"If it happens again just let someone know, don't keep it to yourself. We're here for you. Okay?" Jimin spoke softly, his words filling my heart with warmth.
"Okayβ¦" I managed to say, otherwise being left at a loss for words.
"You gotta promise though. Otherwise, it doesn't count." Jimin held out his pinky. It was small and cute. I took his hand in mine and we stamped our thumbs to seal the deal.
"Good. That's a relief at least," Joon said with a small sigh of contentment.
After that, the topic died off and everything went back to normal, which I was grateful for. I felt awkward having them fuss over me but now that I'd promised there was no turning back. I had to let them know if I got any more headaches.
When we finished eating the boys had to leave for afternoon idol schedules, which included Joon dropping his mixtape. I thanked them for visiting me and congratulated Joon, playfully nagged him to send me a copy when he had time, which he agreed to do with a smile. It was a day well spent in my opinion. So, with that, they took their leave mentioning they'd see me again soon.
The rest of my day was spent catching up on school work, and before I knew it I was showered and ready to hop into bed.
As I lay there I couldn't help but delve into thoughts as my mind wandered. There'd been a few strange things that'd happened over the past few weeks, and, at first, I'd chalked it up to being nothing. But, as time went on and the small things piled up, it made me wonder if something was going on that I didn't know about.
This entire ensemble of friends I'd so easily made was one of them. Then, little things that they'd said added to my suspicions.
There had to be some kind of reason they approached and included me so easily. I mean, it would be nice if I was living in a fairytale and was by fate surrounded by seven charming and kind princes. However, I knew better than that. Real-life just didn't work that way.
What else could it be? I mean⦠perhaps one of them was my boyfriend before I lost my memories⦠That isn't too far fetched, right?
It would explain why they're all so kind to me. If one of them was dating me, I must've at least been friends with some of his friends. Or if not, they'd still feel inclined to treat me well for the sake of their friend.
Hm. Was I reaching right now? Or was this odd logic reasonable?
Even if by some weird chance of fate, I was dating one of them, which one? It was near impossible to tell seeing as they all treat me with a certain amount of affection. Except for Jungkook. I remember the name he had scribbled in his book so at least I could cross him off my list. However, it didn't narrow it down much. There were still six possibilities⦠And that's if I wasn't just being delusional to begin with.
I heaved a tired sigh and turned over, staring out at the illumination from the moonlight. It looked so pretty on clear nights.
My thoughts wandered again, but, instead of dwelling, I decided I'd only end up doing figure eights. The only way I'd get answers was if I sought them out.
I needed more information to be sure. If I was dating one of them, if I put pressure on them, whoever it is will have to reveal themselves. Was this too bold of me?
Butterflies started swirling at the thought of it⦠It was easy to say it in my head, but, actually make moves on them to see who folds is gonna take some courage on my part. My desire for the truth, for the time I lost, was strong, however.
Strong enough to push past my doubts and go for it. I can't let my life pass me by. I learnt not all that long ago how precious it was, especially when it could be snuffed out in the blink of an eye.
Feeling like I've come to some kind of conclusion I let my mind rest.