If this is your first time reading, please read in order.
This is a "home base" or where to go if you're looking for a quick recap. I hate super long author's notes. But this one is purely for reader convenience as the story gets longer.
I'm not going to go bananas with current storylines, and the storylines are always interwoven. But as different storylines end, others will begin.
There is a main storyline that will become clearer as the story unfolds.
As of 2/23/2022, there are three ongoing timelines in Until Morning. There are two others that will be added shortly, but these are the three important ones for now. I'll update this periodically.
1. The Hook origin storyline (episodes 1, 8-9. 12- TBD)
2. Marianne's storyline (episodes 2-5, 10-11, TBD)
3. Wonderland/Alice storyline (episodes 6-8; TBD)