We are going to fight a big boss right now, so it's only logical for me to have a plan. I will use my Timeline Prediction spell to create the perfect course of action and to ensure our victory.
"With the power of lightning, I overclock my brain tenfold! Timeline Prediction Activate." I chanted.
Lightning sparked inside my skull as I heard my brain act like a computerized system.
[Timeline Prediction Activated]
"Analyze best course of action to assassinate Rex Nullius."
[Analysis Complete]
[There is no best course of action]
[The probability of success in assassinating Rex Nullius in all possible timelines is 0%]
"Huh? Compute again!" I answered back.
[Second Analysis Complete]
[Probability of Success in all 11,239 Timelines: 0%]
It might be a little too late, but I just realized that we're fucked. Cold sweat ran through my neck. It's either my spell is broken or we have no chance of defeating Rex Nullius. He's a 12-star Dragon Sage after all.
"What is it, Uly?" Yehanna asked in a worried tone. "What's the best plan to take him on?"
"Nothing," I muttered. "Our chance of winning against him is zero percent."
"Are you serious!?" Yehanna exclaimed.
I didn't answer her. I just looked at the tablet where the camera feed on the front gate is showing the Dragon Sage that is supposed to be the most powerful of them all. He didn't give off that scary vibe at first, but now that my Timeline Prediction is telling me that we have no chance of winning, I'm trying hard not to pee on my pants.
"Ulysses," Marina asked with a troubled look. "Is this the day you-"
"No! We will protect him! We promised!" Yehanna slammed on the table.
"That's right! I will stay by your side to the very end, Lord Corasell!" Odette stood up and equipped her scepter.
Am I going to die here? This is too soon! I still have at least three months before my dead-end! I have to confirm it to the Timeline Prediction first!
"Analyze our odds of surviving this battle," I asked my brain.
[All timelines indicate that Ulysses Corasell's probability of surviving this battle is 100%]
It gave me a little bit of relief that I will survive this fight. If we have no chance of winning and my probability of surviving is guaranteed, it just means that we might lose this battle and maybe escape. But at least I can still live to die another day.
"Today is not the day." I wear a smile on my face. "But we still have no chance of winning."
"That's great! We can still do our stand here, right?" Yehanna cheered.
"If we see that we are no match for him, then we'll just flee. Sounds like a plan." Marina said.
"I don't get it, but our course of action remains the same! I will protect everyone!" Odette pumped her fists.
"I love your enthusiasm, ladies. But what are we going to do?" I asked.
"Leave this to me, Uly." Yehanna smiled. "You know what I'm capable of, right?"
That's right. Yehanna is Deva, the villainess who has already assassinated several Dragon Sages. Even without my mana, she can already kill Dragon Sages with her killing techniques. She can plan out her assassinations even without me.
"Sebastian, meet our guest. Bring that bastard here and we'll immediately set a funeral." Yehanna commanded.
"Right away, milady." Sebastian bowed and then exited to meet the assassination target.
All of a sudden, the acute and innocent voice of a young boy grabbed our attention. It was Yifus, and he was pinching the blue kimono sleeve of the beautiful assassin.
"Sis? Are you all going to fight?"
Yehanna patted her sibling's head. "Yes. Don't worry, Yifus. We'll get your eyes back from the bad guy. For now, just stay in your room. The manor will be noisy, so play your piano to lighten up the air."
"Okay." Yifus smiled.
"Uly, please deliver him to the Recreation Room. We need to make this house a little bit livelier so that the enemy will not suspect anything." Yehanna said.
"Okay. I'll be back." I nodded and then gently pushed Yifus' wheelchair away from the dining room.
We managed to go to the Recreation Room where lots of orchestra instruments are displayed. There is a big black piano at the center of the room that is commonly used by the handicapped but talented Yifus Lancelot.
As soon as I delivered him in front of the piano, Yifus grabbed my hand.
"I know my sister is strong, and so are Miss Odette and Miss Marina. I know you're strong too, Big bro handsome prince! I'll be counting on you to keep my sister and others safe!"
"You got it!" I cheered. "Stay here. Once we recover your eyes, we will immediately hire a magical doctor to install them back for you. You will be able to see again."
"Thanks, big bro handsome!" Yifus cried with joy.
I left the Recreation Room with a smile on my face. I locked the door and immediately went back to the main hall. The three girls are already geared up and ready to fight when I came back. They are still watching the video feed on the tablet.
For some reason, the three girls had their eyes widened in shock. It seems like they'd seen a ghost, so I went to disturb them.
"What's happening?" I asked.
"Uly," Yehanna answered with a troubled look. "We overheard Rex Nullius' and Sebastian's conversation a while ago. Rex Nullius is not here for me or Yifus. He's here for you."
"What? What did I even do to him?" I cried.
"We don't know." Yehanna shrugged. "But he said he wanted to talk."
"Talk, huh?" I scratched my head three times before getting a lightbulb switched on inside my head. "That will be great! Since I'm 100% guaranteed to survive, I'll become the bait. You girls assassinate him once you saw an opening."
"Right." Yehanna nodded. "We'll be concealing our presence for now."
The dark-blue-haired assassin looked at the divine priestess and the mafia lady, and the three nodded in unison. Then they dispersed and entered the nearby rooms to hide.
I will have to position myself too, and I decided to take my post up the stairs of the main hall. It will give me a lot of distance from the enemy target. I stood stiff, crossing my arms, and looked at the main wooden door entrance.
I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead and inhaled until my lungs almost burst. I gulped and swallowed all my fears.
A few seconds later, the wooden door creaked.
"Please enter, Milord," Sebastian said as he kindly offered the 12-star Dragon Sage to step into the main hall.
Rex Nullius is finally here. He looked upon me with his crimson eyes with black sclera. There is a confident smile on his face.
"Dragon Sage Rex Nullius!" I spread out my arms. "It's a pleasure to have you in my residence."
"Dragon Sage Ulysses Corasell." Rex Nullius' deep voice echoed in the hall. He just nodded.
Something in his Dragonoid eyes is wrong. Aside from the black sclera, it gives off an intense pressure that makes my heart stop.