Chereads / The Boy Who Carried Guilt (Bl) / Chapter 13 - Worst Day

Chapter 13 - Worst Day

Kind's Pov.

As soon as the day broke, the early sun rays woke Kind from his heartwarming dream in which his parents remembered their beloved son's birthday.

From the beginning of the day when the sun's ray became the cause to break Kind's heartwarming dream, he had hoped that this time his beloved parents wouldn't forget his darling son's birthday.

However, When he saw nobody had returned home from the party he had begun to lose his hope. Rising his head, Kind stretched a smile on his face and cheered up himself by hoping that they must be planning a surprise party to cover up their last year's fault. As the day went by, the hour hand of the clock was moving faster with its speed, neither his father nor his mother messaged him to check whether he had eaten anything [Does I really am their son?] A question grew in his head [No no you are just overthinking] he assured himself shaking his head. During the school hours he again reminded himself that they must be busy with their respective work, but by the end of the day he f began to doubt those words. The sun had already set and the school hour was over, he was hoping only one thing that his father at least had bought a cake for him. All the way to his workplace he kept on saying to himself "They must be preparing for a party ." to cover up his pain.

But all of his hope shattered into pieces as he saw the message that had arrived a minute ago "Kind, sorry dear we won't be able to get home today. Actually your uncle Argo invited us to his new hotel's opening ceremony in Illam (A beautiful district of eastern Nepal which is well known for its natural beauty and tea gardens). We could not refuse his invitation, so we came to Illam with your sister and we will stay here for a few days. I have appointed a maid who will cook for you as well as clean the house for a few days starting from tomorrow. You know right Mama and Papa Love you "

Each word of the message pocked like an throne in his chest. The pain of being neglected by parents was painful as death. He would rather like to be called an orphan than their son. The people around him had already disappeared from his vision, though the lights of the cafe were shining enough to brighten the place, he could see nothing more than words that were coming out from the screen to his eyes. On his hand he held the phone and on the other was the cupcake that was given by Binita a minute ago. He didn't realize that he had mashed the cupcake, due to his pain until Binta tapped on his shoulder with a questioning look.

"Kind, are you okay?" She asked

"Ye..yeah.. I... I am okay ``, He turned his teary eyes from the phone to Binita. Watching Kind's Watery eyes and heartbroken face . She could also see that he had curled his both palms into tight fists to control himself from dropping tears on the ground.

"Oh!" He muttered as he saw the pieces of cupcakes on the floor. He bent down, sat on his knees and began to gather the pieces as if he wished to clean. and make the place picture perfect like it was before.

"I need to go to the restroom" Showing his dirty hand, he said while hiding his pain and left the counter. Binta knew that Kind was lying, but looking at his condition, she just let him go.

"Dhap" He shut the door of the empty restroom . [ I hoped that they would never forget me] he said to himself as the tears began to drop from his eyes, sliding on his cheek to the floor. His heart was breaking into pieces. Back then When he was at his old residence he had Siddthart who used to comfort him during situations like this, but maybe fate had always hated Kind this time he had no one by his side to comfort him, he was away from his best friend and from his little idol of Ganesh whom he used to wrap his arms around it whenever he felt sad. The wound in his chest was becoming deeper and deeper as His inner self kept on saying to him [ you are No one is by your side. you should die rather than Living this life]

[no I won't die. I can't afford death nor love. I have to suffer since I was born with an ill-fate .] He reminded himself as he washed his face.

He wiped his wet face with tissue paper and returned to his work like nothing had happened.

"Here, prepare the orders and call me after it's done" Binita handed him a list of orders and went to take orders of other customers. With a sad frown on his face, he began to prepare the orders.

"Order of table number 4 is ready!" he said aloud as he kept the tray containing the meals on the table.


"Ding-dong" The doorbell rings as a person enters the cafe while Kind was busy making coffee at the moment. With a few steps that person approached the counter.

"Order number 8 is ready!!!" Kind notified as he turned while carrying the cup in his hand.

His eyes widened as his eyes fell on the person who was standing in front of him carrying a bouquet of red roses.

"Jun?" both corners of his lips stretched into a smile.

"Happy Birthday Kind!" Extending the bouquet, Jun smilingly greeted . In that moment Kind's heart had skipped a beat in surprise, Neither his family nor his other friends had remembered his birthday, but Jun did.[Who told him that today is his birthday? Did Win tell him? But Jun was absent today in school] a number of questions arise in his mind.

"Thank you. But how did you know that today's my birthday?" While placing the cup on the table, he asked.

"On your first day at our school. You yourself told me while walking together out of the school." Jun reminded him of the conversation they had on Kind's first day at the new school.

[He remembered ] Kind mumbled in his mind, those words from Jun worked like medicine that healed his heart. Little words like Happy birthday, Are you doing well were missing from his life for the past few years.

Suddenly, Kind noticed something strange about Jun's clothes. He was wearing a white blazer on silver coloured pants and brown shoes. He was also hiding something in his hand.

"Are you going on a date or something?" with a laugh, he asked.

"Well, I was going to. but," Jun leaned closer to kind "I changed my mind for you," he said

[What? Really] his heart begin to pound fast in the chest

"Chicken Drumsticks to table number 3!" Bintia informed him while taking the coffee from the table to serve the customer.

Keeping the bouquet aside, Kind pinned the list on the board and began to walk to the chef(The chef was in charge of preparing foods like Chicken Drumsticks and for drinks like different types of coffee a guy named Wiliam was in charge. Those orders which Kind could make like plain coffee was his part of the job) to ask him to make them.

Kind thought that Jun would go home but he didn't. He stood there, waiting for him. Meanwhile, a number of guests came to the cafe and went back. Kind got busy preparing the orders, whenever he got a small break, he used to turn his head in search of Jun. Sometimes he found Jun sitting on the chair at the end of the cafe and sometimes reading a book and sometimes talking to Binita looking in his direction about something.

After a couple of hours, when the hour hand of the clock striked at 9. he sighed with relief as it was the time of closing the cafe. He quickly untied the apron and hung it on the wooden hanger.

The number of guests had already reduced to one and that was Jun who waited for Kind to finish, his work. When their eyes meet, Kind smilingly gestured that he will wrap up the work in a minute.

Kind quickly changed into his usual clothes. When he stepped out of the changing room, he saw no one at the spot where Jun was sitting. He walked ahead and suddenly, Jun closed his eyes with palms on his face from behind.

"Don't move. Walk in the direction where I am guiding" Jun whispered in Kind's ear. He gave a nod and both of them began to walk.

"Walk straight!" Jun whispered in his ears while leading Kind.

"Stop! Stop! Now walk to your right"

"Now walk straight-four steps and turn to your left and stop," Jun repeatedly ordered.. Kind walked in the direction as Jun guided. When both of them finally reached the spot. Jun slowly removed his palm and let Kind open his eyes.