Chereads / The Boy Who Carried Guilt (Bl) / Chapter 15 - Who is that ?

Chapter 15 - Who is that ?

Kind POV.

Sun rays were peeping through the small space between the curtains, Kind was viewing a dream. Kind's dream had a mystery figure with only his torso and hair visible. The guy lifted a rose and shook it in the air, as if to say, "Love?" Hun," he muttered as he flung the rose into the flames behind him, "no one will love you." If a person appears, he will suffer as a result of your misfortune." Then he started laughing horrifyingly, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha"

"Nooo," Kind screams as he wakes up, he glanced here and there." So, it was only a dream," he said under his breath, clutching his chest.

He brings the table clock in his palm to see what time it was. On the clock, it was 6 o'clock. [Grandma used to say morning nightmares are the hint of the near future]he said to himself in mind as he stared at the clock for a while. Suddenly



He hears the doorbell ringing. He stood up from the bed. Scratching his left hand with another, he walks downstairs.


"Ea, ea, ea, I am coming. wait a minute" he hurried as he walked swiftly towards the door.

"Good morning sir. From today till your parents arrive I am going to cook for you" in one breadth the person in front of him said as he had memorized it.

"Win!?" Kind murmured as his eyes widened in surprise to see him early standing outside and was neatly dressed in a school uniform.

"Can I come in?" Kind gives a nod of yes and Win enters the lonely boy's house. He wasn't shocked to see Kind as the person for whom he would be cooking

"Why are you here? And how did you come to know my address?" Kind stated as he remembers he never stated his address in any conversation with Win.

"Oh, Yeah, Your mother had appointed my mom as your maid who would cook for you for a couple of days until your parents arrive," Win said as he slid down his backpack and placed it on the davenport near him.

"Then where is your mom?" as soon as Win ended his sentence.

Suddenly, the smile on Win's face vanished in thin air. "She had been sick for the past few days." He said as Kind came close to him with a tissue in his hand.

"So, I came in place of her."

"But, Win if your Mom has been sick for the past few days. She shouldn't have agreed to cook for me."

"She couldn't refuse to work." Win said as he wiped his nose with the tissue and took a deep breath to normal himself. "My family is not wealthy like yours, so we need to work to run our livelihood. I couldn't help myself seeing my mom trying to get up grasping the sides of her bed just to come here to work. So instead of her, I came."


"So, where's the Kitchen?"Win asked with a smile like he had worn a new mask.

"Come I will show you," Kind said as both of them stood to their feet. Both of them walk into the kitchen. The kitchen of Kind was huge, there were high-quality cooking utensils. Some were hung on the hook which was drilled on the wall.

[Wow.] Win said in mind, from his childhood he was fond of cooking. He aimed to be a high-class chef in a renowned restaurant. Kind's kitchen was way better than Win had, as per Win it was a haven for him. He then took out the apron which was hanging on the fridge's door handle. He wore the apron and after tying the ribbons wrapped around his waist

"So, what would you like to have?" Win said, holding a knife in his hand, giving Kind a stretching left smile.

"Anything is fine," Kind said, leaving Win in the kitchen.[Will he be able to cook a simple sandwich?] a question popped up in his head.


After a couple of minutes, Kind was standing in front of the mirror wearing his school uniform. smiling stupidly on the gift box which he had received from Jun and hadn't opened up yet. Beautiful flowers which were also given by Jun were kept in a white vase in the corner of the room by him[Let's see what's inside] Kind said to himself as he began to unwrap the gift.

Inside the gift, there was a silver locket along with a bracelet. The locket was a part of the broken heart design and the bracelet had the letter "K" on it.

"Locket and a bracelet" he murmured as he took out both of the [Do friends give this kind of things?] Kind asked himself. He wondered for a while and wore both of them thinking it was fine.

He slid the backpack up to his shoulder and walked down from his room to the Kitchen.

The fragrance of delicious food spread all over the area, soon after it came to Kind and was inhaled by him.[wow] he said in mind.

"Wow, the food smells delicious!" Kind said as he approached Win, he was carrying a bowl at the moment. The dining table was filled with dishes like soup, French toast, a jar of banana milkshake, roasted sausage, and star-fried egg.

"Win, it is a lot for us to eat!" with surprised eyes he said. He then pulled one of the chairs and sat on it.

"Oh, it's just a little," Win remarked as he strolled to the table and kept the bowl on it. Kind started to eat as Win sat on the chair next to him. Kind cut a little piece of star-fried egg and stuffed it into his mouth. It tasted like he was eating a piece of clouds.

"Wow, Win it's fantastic." He complimented me as he took another bite of the egg "I didn't know that you are this good at cooking"

Win smiled and said, "Thank you, sir!" in a quizzical manner. Both of them ate quietly until Win shouted "Kind, what's this?"

"What?" looking up from the plate he replied

"You had dinner with Jun" Win's eye widened in surprise.

"Umm, so"

"That guy never had dinner with his own friends. Who did you get that chance?"

"That's not possible, he is so well mannered plus he arranges the dinner for me." Kind said as he raised the spoon to his lips to drink the soup.

"So, he was the one asking you out for a dinner date," Win said, his eyes still widened.

*fuss* [Dinner date?] he spilled out the soup on those words "Cough, cough" as he began to cough.

"Oh, Kind," he said as he handed him a glass of water "Here drink it". Kind took the glass from Win's grip and drank the water. [How did he know that I was having dinner with Jun last night] as he drank water, a question popped into his mind.

"Wait, How did you come to know that?" he asked to Win who was busy munching toast.

"Through this!" Win showed his phone to him. There was a post on IG from Jun in which there was Jun and Kind himself in the photo.[When did he take his photo?] another question popped up in his head

"It's so strange. He has never uploaded any picture of him with his friend but he uploads your picture on IG" Win said with a very unfamiliar look on his face.

"Ah, I think we should drop this topic. If we don't then my beloved friend we will reach school late" Kind said showing his wristwatch to Win. Both of them quickly begin to eat. As soon as they were done eating, Win placed all the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. While Win was doing so, Kind wiped the drops of soup that he split a moment ago.

As soon as both of them had done their jobs, they carried their respective bags and hurried to school.

"Did you do the assignment given by Teacher Limbu?" Win asked along the way.

"Umm," Kind replied with a nod. It was January 3rd, chaperoning of birds could be heard by them.

Suddenly, a car came like a storm and stopped near both boys.

"Ahhh" both of them screamed in shock. The window of the driver's seat side slid down and a charming face with a heartwarming smile came out.

"Good morning Win." Mean who was speaking.

"Good morning Mean dada" Win greeted with a smirk. {dada means Elder Brother in nepali}

"Oh, Win! I have said to 100 times not to call me Dada." Making an offensive face, Mean said, Kind could remember Mean as he was also there on that incident on his first day at his new school.

"Do you guys want a lift to school?"

"No, we are fine," Win said

"I didn't ask you." Mean shifting his gaze to Kind, " I asked him"

[But you said, Guys!] Win said in mind

"Sorry we are fine," Kind said.

"Okay then see you at school" with that Mean drove his car in the direction of the school.

"He was strange," Kind said as soon as Mean was gone.

"Indeed!" Win added. Both of them then continued to walk in the direction of their school.