I woke up scared and disoriented. My head was bandaged and it was killing me. I was sweating and the bandage wasn't helping. I looked down at my hands and saw stitches on my palms. May was there staring at me with worry and when she saw I was awake she grabbed her walkie-talkie and called doctors over. The doctors came and checked up on me and said I would make a full recovery with a little bit of scarring of course. The worst thing was they had to shave my head and now I didn't have long hair, just fuzz on the top of my head. I started to hear the voices but they weren't screaming, they were whispering. I finally told May and the rest of the doctors about the voices. That's when May asked to speak outside with the doctors. I heard her say it. She had betrayed me. She didn't even wait for them to say anything. May said, "I think we should put her in the psychiatric ward just for the time being." I lost it. I sat up quickly even though it made my head feel like it was going to split open and started taking quick angry shaky steps. I fell a couple of times and landed on objects breaking the stitches in my hands. I was getting closer to May by then my head was killing me more and my legs were sore from underuse. I fell on May getting blood from my hands on her white nurse uniform. When I got up again I scratched her right in the face and pushed her. I tried to get away but my legs were too tired and underused and my head pain finally made me blackout. When I woke up I was looking at a bright light so I sat up and my eyes started adjusting. I went to move my arms but I couldn't. I look down and see my arms were in a straight jacket. I couldn't get free. I started looking around the room and noticed that it was a white padded room. I slowly get up and notice there are no voices here. It was just me. I was relieved and horrified at the same time. No more voices was a good thing but, I can't be alone. I hate being alone. I started thinking about ways to get the jacket off but none of them work. Until I noticed a lock on the straight jacket. All I thought about is how to open that lock. Then it suddenly fell off. The straight jacket fell off onto the padded floor. I started getting surrounded by a blue glow and I freak out. I run around and then roll as if it's fire. Then I give up knowing that it's no use so I sit down. I'm used to giving up by now. Slowly the blue fades. So I'm left there with my tired broken self. Each day the blue glow comes back until slowly it never leaves. I wasn't worried anymore. It hurt at first, but then it felt like it was always meant to be there. I guess you could say it felt good. They said over a speaker that I would be getting out soon. I didn't care. There's nothing anyone could do to make me feel better anyway. The doctors didn't bother to look at me until one day there was a knock on the door and I heard May's voice saying she was coming in. I said the doors open. The blue glow instantly went away as if it was scared of May seeing it. I was shocked and turned around slowly. When May came in I avoided eye contact. I still hated her for putting me here, she was the one who banished me to this padded cell. She seemed guilty but she still thought her decision was best. I stared at the opposite end of the wall. Finally she said something. "I wonder if she'll talk to me" I turned around while she was speaking and saw once again her mouth wasn't moving. So I tried something and said, "Fine I'll talk to you". She turned paperwhite and looked shocked.
"I never said that."I heard you say it though," I said with exasperation. Knowing she would think I was going insane or maybe that she was going insane or both of us were going insane and she had "caught the crazy". Surely they would keep me here. She just stared at me and said that she knew I wasn't lying and once again said something without moving her lips. "Can you hear what I'm saying right now…?"