"Thump, thump, thump." Brent heard the knock on his door. Becoming furious, 'This was what I was trying to avoid, the small talk, and another thing it was like nonstop talking and more talk. I can't get some peace at home and thinking I will get some here, is even worse."

"Who is it?" Brent asks in a slightly rough tone

"It's me, Sir," Lystra replies having so many questions and wanting to know what was her shortcoming that he had to call Sylvia to take notes.

Lifting his head as he looked at her, Brent didn't want any discord or to be rude to his employees. Brent asks in a stern voice, "What is it, Miss John?"

Ignoring the tone of voice Lystra queries, "Sir, it seems as though you have forgotten we were supposed to visit the factory in Red Hill this afternoon. Sir, are you unwell, you look as though there's a sadness overshadowing you. If I can help in any way I am most willing, Sir, I can even drive you to Red Hill seeing you are tired and frustrated."

Becoming furious and full of rage, Brent wanted to shout at her to get out of his office, but he simmered down knowing the consequences.

He took a deep breath as he used a different approach, wanting to know what direction she was heading with her line of question.

Still, feeling the rage bubbling from deep within, all he wanted at that moment was to get rid of her from in front of his face. 'What does she know about my frustration? and since when do I need her assistance to do my job?'

Lystra wanted to comfort him, but she didn't see how angry he was as he furrowed his brow and shifted his gaze away from her.

She was only focused on the fact that there was no one to see her in the office because she closed the door. Realizing she has to get this man in her pocket before it is too late.

She took her steps slowly aiming at her target because she might never get another chance to show him how much she loved him.

Unaware of the disgust on his face she gets closer to him standing at the edge of his desk trying to get his attention as she leans over to touch his face.

He suddenly rests his hand on his desk with a slight force sending his chair backward to the filing cabinet.

There he extracts a thick file as he spoke, "Miss John, I know you have many questions on your mind. Now hurry along and cancel that visit to Red Hill I don't want to see any angry faces when I visit Monday "

With that said he opened the file ignoring her being aware of her intention, he didn't want her to be in a difficult position or offend her. She is a very efficient secretary and he prefers it to remain that way.

He heard her respond as though she was not offended in any way.