Being satisfied when she said, "Well Sir, I was concerned, I know you only called this meeting this morning, but on many occasions, there were more than two absentees at Board Meetings and you held the meeting. Also, Sir, you rushed out earlier and now you seem very disappointed."

Brent was disappointed in himself for letting his emotions show. 'My weakness has clouded my judgment and now I was like an open book.'

"I know, but there was an emergency and my luncheon was cancelled, I reach late because it had an accident on the route and I get kept back so when I almost reach the meeting place I received a call that we will meet before the week is over."

Lystra thought that was the end of the matter, exhaling as she felt relieved, she never liked being left in the loop when things concerned him. Any information she can gather when it comes to him she grasps at it, to keep her updated.

When he said without looking at her, "Also, those two absentees were the reason for the meeting, so can you also inform them that Monday they should bring the file that I discussed with them and be ready to deliver the report to the board members?

Now that that matter is settled you should know it was going to be a short meeting, Also my mom is back and we are having a family gathering, so we will reschedule the meeting for Monday so hurry up and do as I ask."

"Yes Sir, I will get to it right away."

Watching her walk out of his office he felt so relieved because she look displeased not having the opportunity to ask her questions. Calling out, to her "Miss John kindly close my door."

"Yes Sir."

Angrily she closed the office door, she asks herself, "Why does he seem so distracted? All the effort I have put in just to get his attention has failed miserably.

Now, this news of his mother being back is more depressing, she was supposed to be away for six weeks so why is she back home so early? Oh God, she is ruining my plan and do I have to literally throw myself to him, for him to see that I am attracted to him?

Every hint I have given him has failed and just now was so embarrassing. Even this trip I have set my mind on to get his attention is a total disappointment. I can't imagine what has brought on such despondency and devastation, because a simple cancellation for a luncheon would not bring on such sadness and gloominess. Well, whatever it was he seems to be distorted with some ill feelings.

Now he has literally asked me to leave, I may not get what I wanted but at least he is not having a luncheon date with some other woman. It is the first time he was angry with me and it really hurts to be treated in this manna.'