The Twisting Elements #3 Darkness and Brotherhood

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Chapter 1 - Chapter One

Barron Snowflake, sat alone in the room he called prison, for hours at an end. With no sunlight, nor air, or fresh wind, his mind was cracked, and his body broken. How long had he spent alone in that room? Hours? Weeks? Months? Years? He was sure it couldn't have been years? Nothing had changed to be years? The only thing that changed was his personality. Once bubbly and cheerful, had been transformed in under a few seconds. Seconds had turned into minuets to explain what happened to him....The bastards, those scientists, and the policer. The special force police, had been the ones who brought him and the others in.

How could they not have brought them in though? How could nobody have not noticed the sudden chaos and damage brought down by the fight. And most people had to have seen him unleash his ability? Who wouldn't call the police on a teenager with white wings? No one that's who. You'd be crazy not to report it. Or just straight up selfish.....Most likely the person had been paid afterwards. For reporting everything they'd seen. Barron knew better than anyone, that police were investigating that area from the last time, creatures from another planet showed up and destroyed the alley. So why wasn't he careful, why hadn't he tried to tell Edward to turn back? Could all of this have been avoided? Well, there's no time to think about it now, there he was, locked in a white room, already imprisoned. Shit was bad. Bad for everyone.

He'd already been through so many tests and checks it was unreal. Unreal he couldn't even remember all of them. Most of them, he'd spend unconscious, the amount of time those nurses had given for him to be able to sleep, wasn't much. So the time he had to spend alone, was the time he chose to sleep. But for some reason, that morning, or at least he thought it was morning, he was wide awake. Unable to sleep, for the horrible memories and play by plays kept haunting him. The image of his badly injured brothers, laying there, in front of him, bleeding, because of that madman. The one Edward called, his past. Aaron Channing, he was the one responsible for everything. So, Barron knew exactly who he was going to kill the next chance he got, out of his room. He'd been forunate enough to hear his voice, a little ways down what seemed to be a very narrow hall.

He wasn't able to memorize the entire hospital from where he was, but he'd been able to memorize enough, that would have to do for the time being. When he was alone, he had permission to put his wings away, which gave him peace each and every time he was allowed too. For having his wings out for even short amount of time, caused his body permanent damage. He'd started to notice it the minuet he'd been imprisoned into the hospital investigation wing, the first time he'd been able to put his wings away, his wounds had only worsened, and worsened, he was sure by then, he start to notice the less and less movements he could muster while he walked. It wouldn't be long now, till he ended up in a wheelchair as his mother did, before she died.

And the thought of that, scared him the most.

He'd been so deep in thought, he was caught off guard when a tall, tan skinned woman, dressed in a white nurse's outfit, came into the room. In her hand was a clipboard, and at first she was puzzled, just staring at him, with a longing for some sort of curiosity, until she found his drown out eyes, and the two stared at each other.

''Is it time for another test?'' Barron asked her. She had this nervous look on her face as he asked her that, and for once, Barron wasn't sure why. He hadn't said or done anything to make her look so nervous as she did, so what was the problem.

''Your so normal...'' She whispered.

''What?'' He asked, confused, but willing to listen to what she had to say.

''You seem so normal, you look just like us, human....Its impossible, the doctors made everyone think you'd be some kind of horrible, ugly monster! With those wings of yours? And the others that were brought here, I can't believe this.....I'm basically helping to subject torture onto you children...'' She whispered, her eyes wide as she got the realization as to what she was doing.

''Its painful, but if you want to go back to that mindset, I'll bring my wings back? You won't have to think any differently of us?'' Barron asked, a sweetened tone behind his voice, even though what she'd said was true. Tortured was the better word to use, though.

''Why would you say such a thing? Wouldn't you be trying to plan an escape? Why are you being so kind to me?'' She asked...her expression looking not to confused anymore.

''Because I see no reason to be anything but kind to you. My brothers wouldn't approve of my behavior if I didn't...and neither would my mother. She wouldn't want me to be disrespectful...'' He replied. Barron's eyes once again dropped to the ground, saddened by the thought of his deceased mother. The talk or even thought of her always made him sad. Lucky for him, no one ever asked what his last name truly was, so there wasn't anything stopping him from making his last name, Snowflake. After the last memory he had of her. If he could, he'd have it permanently changed.

''Your brothers? So, there's more of you?! Really?!'' She asked worried and shocked at the same time. Her bright pale white, losing color, as she held her palm up to her mouth, proceeding to hide the shock she was in.

Barron simply nodded to answer her question, as his bright dead eyes, seemed to softened as he was able to push the memory of his mom away for the time being. He knew soon, he'd be able to look back on it, and not be sad. Soon, he'd be happy every time he thought of her. For she was in a better place. Hopefully, he'd be able to spend the time with her.....If only he waited a little longer..

''My brothers are actually patients here, just like me. I don't know if you've seen them? But if you have, could you tell me how they're doing? I haven't seen them since I've been here, the doctor keeps telling me, if I'm good, I'll get to? But that has yet to happen...'' He whispered, his fist clenching down on the small ends of the white comforter along the brick like bed he sat upon.

''What's their names, hon?'' The nurse asked, as she went straight to the sight of the clipboard she handled. Ready to check all the names, as soon as she received them.

''Bright and Ren..'' Barron sat out loud, which was odd, considering he'd only gotten used to saying their names in his mind, instead of out loud. More on the fact that he might never see them again. He practiced their names over and over, in case the tortured was to much, his memory was shattered as an end result.

The nurse seemed to bite down on her lip the moment her eyes froze on a pair of names. Barron was sure she'd found them, for her eyes were glued to one particular spot on the clipboard, but her face, made him even more worried. He was up from the bed almost immediately, and as he reached his hand out to grab the board from her, was stopped, when a voice threatened him to. Turning his head to the set of doors leading into the room, he growled, and clenched his teeth, at the sight of his captor. Which was the main doctor. The main man behind the entire investigation wing. Ruler, and owner. He was dressed in nothing but white just like the nurse was, and as angry as he was towards the doctors stupid face, he backed off. Backing away from the nurse, and the site of different names on that clipboard, and returned so he was right in front of his bed. Which was high enough off the ground, held up by what seemed to be poles, that made him seem a lot smaller compared to it, when he stood next to it. Barron still held his evil glare, as the doctor turned to his direction.

''You must behave yourself!'' The doctor shouted. ''Remember, we talked about this! The only way you'd see your brothers, is if you behaved! And forcefully grabbing property that doesn't belong to you, isn't behaving yourself!''

''I'm not property! You can't order me around! Besides, I only did that, cause she's holding information from me, on my brothers! What's wrong with them! Why won't anyone tell me!'' Barron barked back. Right then, he wasn't worried about what would happen to him, which he could see at any moment the doctor would order someone to punish him, he was sure of it. But he didn't care, not then. He just cared about Ren and Bright. He needed to know the truth.

''Tell me!'' He shouted again.

The doctor shut his deep, darkened, eyes, before answering him. But the words that came out of his mouth, were of no use to Barron at all. It was crazy at how stupid and with holding the man was being. Why he wouldn't explain to him anything about the well being of his own family, was beyond him. As Barron bowed his head, clenching his fists with the clenched up pieces of white sheet from his bed, into his palm, he was even more anger than he was once.

''Their fine, Barron. Stop worrying and pay attention to your tests, that's all that matters now. You still haven't told us anything about your home life. Where you come from? I know from your wings, and your DNA, you aren't from Earth? So, where are you from? And I'm guessing your brothers aren't from here either? And the two others? The nineteen year olds? They aren't from here either? Right? So, do all of you come from the same place? Or, are their other planets we don't know of?'' He asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

''One of those nineteen year olds goes by the name Aaron. Aaron Channing, he's a mad man. A mad vampire, you might want to warn your staff about him. He possesses extreme abilities. If he wanted to, you'd all be dead, be careful...'' He whispered under his breath. Aaron truly was a mad man. With or with his vampire teeth, capable to tear up the skin of any mortal, or creature who possesses any sort of blood, or skin....He truly was a terrifying sight to be around.

''Okay? I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the knowledge, Barron. Anything else you can tell me? Maybe tell me how he became a vampire? Surely there aren't vampires living here, hiding in plain sight? If so, their dangerous, and need to be imprisoned!'' The doctor barked. Barron shut his eyes at the shear terror and loudness of the doctor's voice. His sense throbbed, and his body ached. He truly was sore, and raw. His wings were already starting to cause him permanent damage. As he thought about the shear consequences for a second time, whimpers and cries of terrified pain, escaped through his mouth. He was so scared, all he wanted to do was ask for comfort from his brothers.

Ren and Bright were always the best ones, when it came to comforting him during a tough time. And now living with the pain that something might've happened to them, only worsened his emotions.

''Barron?! What's the matter with you? Your extremely odd this morning!'' The doctor barked.

''I just...I just-want my brothers!'' Barron screamed, tears slipping from his eyes, and rolling down his face, staining his cheeks in the process. Wrapping his arms around himself as best he could, the warmth of his own body, made him feel even more lonely, but he was uncomfortable, so it was able to work. He heard the doctor sigh, defeated, as he could see the nurse's saddened face, from the corner of his eye. Hopefully, he'd been enough, to convince him to let Ren and Bright come see him. Hopefully, he'd been able to win him over.

The doctor reached violently for the clipboard from the nurse, her reaction changed quickly, seeming as she was startled from the doctors movements, but she relaxed herself in seconds as to not become the target herself, keeping her mouth closed, as the doctor turned to leave. Whispering something to her, as he left, which made the nurse's face lighten up, as Barron couldn't keep the silence going any longer. He was tired of nothing but silence, since that's all he had for weeks.

''I think you won him over, hon.'' Whispered the nurse, her hand covering her mouth so no one would see, or hear what she just said.

''What do you mean? I won him over? Why? How?'' Barron asked, confused, as he hopped off the bed.

''I don't know, but I think you did something...'' She whispered a second time.

*Seconds later*

Barron rose his head from the view of low ground, as he chose to sit back on the bed, vs stand. His knees were weak, and found it more comfortable on the bed, vs on his feet. He rose his head, as he heard footsteps from down the hall. His room had two doors. One leading to an exit, the other, was used only for the doctor to come in. The door leading outside was locked at all times, and the one the doctor and nurse always used, was sealed from the outside. Which was why there always had to be someone inside the room, with the door opened, if they didn't want to have to worry about being locked in.

Barron hoped off the bed the minuet three shadows stained the wall in the corner of the room. Then the sound of chains, altered him. Those sound like patient chains? He thought to himself. When transporting a patient from one room to the other, chains were always used. This was how Barron knew full fell a patient was being sent to see him, the chains were used for nothing else but transporting patients. His heart practically missed a beat, the minuet his eyes found them. His brothers. Ren and Bright chained together, as they were guided along by other two male nurses, who helped for extra security.

''Guys?! Your okay!'' He shouted, not even noticing he had tears staining his face. Ren and Bright both shared the same expression as Barron came running towards them. Hugging them as best he could, even though the two weren't allowed to have their hands unlocked from the chains. Which the way their hands were tied together, made Barron focus the most on his own pain, for the state of their wrists, were red, and dry. Bleeding and cracked, it only broke his heart more.

He tried to take in both their appearances, but the fear he'd never get to see them a second time, kept weighing down on his head, he couldn't risk letting go of either of them. From what he could see though, both looked so different. It was unreal. He barely recognized either of them.

Ren's appearance seemed the most different than Bright's did. His pale eyes, were blood shot, and a deep shade of red, vs the scarlet color they'd once been. His hair had been changed from light red to deep blue, dyed slate in the front, and black lining the back. For some reason they had him wearing a white tank top, which was able to show how fragile and thin he'd gotten since being imprisoned. Barron had feared the fact that his brothers would do such thing as starve themselves, in order to be defliaciclate for the captors. It was something Ren had been taught during his training, to become a swordsman. Barron was sure, he'd picked up on it in one of his books. The library back at his home, was always good for some information, but in this case, Ren had picked up horrible information. Barron knew he'd have to bring it up eventually.

The front of his tank top appeared ripped, exposing a large hole in the middle of his stomach. Which Barron was sure, he could see black outlined ink that stained his skin. A black tattoo? Those bastards....he himself, as he clenched his embrace tightly around both his brothers. Even though both of them were quiet taller than he was, there was nothing that was going to stop him from defending them. Nothing was going to stop him from fighting against the doctors, and nurses, that would try to take them from him, he'd fight this time.

''You got your ears pierced?'' He whispered, addressing Ren. Who tried to look at Bright, on the right side of him, but was held by Barron's tight embrace, he wasn't able to completely move his head. But Barron was right. Ren's ears were both pierced. Hanging from them seemed to be small bronze earrings.

Bright's appearance on the other hand, was somewhat the same. His hair and eyes were the same, but both seemed to have much dimmer colors, both not seeming so colorful and bright as before. And what made Barron's blood boil more, was Bright's arms. It was clear to him, the doctor behind everything, the man he'd just been talking to, had made Bright wear a long sleeved hoodie, so he'd miss this small detail. But Barron could see it plain as day. The doctor, had given the order to remove all of Bright's colorful tattoos. Each and every one of them. Barron was certain, he could make out Bright's body movement, each and every time Barron even got close to touching his arms. The pain of tattoo removal, was nothing to joke about. And as much as Bright loved them, never once did he talk about having them removed! For every tattoo represented a memory! How could they do such a thing!

After seeing the state of his brothers, the two most important people, he couldn't imagine the others. Edward...and Aaron. A part of him hoped Aaron was getting what he deserved, but Edward. Edward seemed to offer more than any of them. For, he was a prince on his planet, and right now, possesses two of the strongest elements. Ice and fire, even though he'd talked about giving the ice back to its original owner, which is Aaron. Though, Barron was sure, he'd defend Edward if he was suddenly against returning his powers. Aaron clearly was overpowered, like he needed anymore.

''How are you doing, Barron? Have they been treating you okay?'' Bright asked, his soft, and gental tone, burning into Barron's memory. The gentleness behind his voice was also mixed with pain and sadness, Barron wished he couldn't hear it.

''They keep wanting me to use my wings! They won't let me stop! Not unless I'm alone! I have to take them out, every time I have a test! But it hurts! It hurts so much! And I keep...I can't stop thinking about mom!'' He cried. Ren was the first to break the silence in the room. No more was he going to let this continue.

The chains filled the room as both he and Bright moved themselves. They both pushed Barron behind them, as they towered over him with their height. It was a good thing they were so much taller than he was, otherwise, he'd be grabbed almost immediately.

''What the hell are you two doing?! Do you want to get taken out early?!'' The doctor shouted, as he came into view, pushing past the male nurses that were awaiting orders. ''You three our really pushing me!'' He shouted. ''Now stop this! Return to your rooms now!'' He ordered.

''We're not going to let you hurt him anymore! He's our brother, if you don't stop hurting him, I swear-''

''Ren! No! Stop it!''

Ren was down in seconds. Collapsing to the ground just beneath Barron's feet. Seeming to have been hurt or hit somewhere, Barron wasn't to sure what had happened. His body was to much in shock to figure it out. Bright, who tired to activate his abilities, seemed to only be able to form one single light orb, and set it off just before he to was then knocked out. Seeing as the orb only caused a small explosion not much damage had been caused. Which caused Barron more sadness. He bowed his head, and tried to fight back, as he was held back by the female nurse, as he was forced to watch as his brothers lifeless bodies were taken away. Tears slipping from his eyes, as he felt warmth from the female nurse.

Seeming though, she was the only nicest one. The only one who seemed to understand what they were doing, was so wrong.

''Please....don't do this....'' He begged as he saw the doctors face. Which wouldn't caused him more anger, had he finally realized the more anger he formed, the less he could do anything to stop it. There was no point. He was powerless.

''You'll have another test tomorrow morning! End of question, and if you fight me or my staff! That won't be the last time, you watch your brothers suffer, Barron....'' He hissed.

''Sir! Plesse! Don't threaten the child's brothers! Those are his family! His loved ones, how could you possibly do this to a child!?'' The nurse cried sadly, her long arms still holding onto Barron.

''I'm not discussing this any further, understand? Test me again. Macy, and I'll replace you with someone from the night shift! Someone who'll treat these creatures, as I do? Would you like that?!'' He hissed.

''No, Sir.'' She pleaded.

''Good. Alrighty, here's the deal. In the morning, your going to meet your new patient mate. We're overbooked with all of you, so there's no more available rooms. Your just going to have to get along! But again, if you try anything, and I mean anything-''

''I get it! Shut up!'' Barron ordered, cutting off the doctors attempts to threaten him again. As he let go of the nurses body, he stood tall. A brave face coming over him, as he stood right in the middle. His eyes pressed deeply onto the doctor.

''I get it....'' He whispered, fixing his tone....

As the doctor made one last hiss and flashed him one last disgusted look, the door to his room, sounded, then closed. Proceeding to leave Barron alone, for another six hours. He got onto his bed without a single bit of pain, which made him feel relive, but just because his physical pain was gone, didn't mean his mental was going to give him any breaks. The entire night, till the morning, he was left with the echoing screams of both Bright and Ren, as they were forced to undergo, there late, night tests. Made only for them, as a means to collect information. Since they appeared to be older than Barron was, their experiments were way more intense. Which might've explained the tattoo removal, and the added tattoo on Ren. Plus the piercings.

Barron was able to add a second name to his mental list, of people he was going to take great pride in killing, once he got his chance and escaped his room.

1. Aaron Channing.

The second.....was all so deserving...

2. James Valentine.....the name of his main doctor...the torturer, the suffer. He'd hurt his brothers, which mean't he passed the line....and Barron wasn't all so forgiving to people who did that.