Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

They had to work together so they were going to have to learn to get along, Barron knew if he wanted to escape his prison, and free the others suffering under the hand of James Valentine, he wasn't going to have to trust the new impate. The one, mysterious looking boy. Glued to the corner of the room, his back turned to Barron, as Barron considered reaching out to speck to him. Although each and every time he tried to walk over to him, his muscles didn't seem to want to work. He'd figured it had something to do with his late morning tests. Which again, he'd had been put down before he could even see the experiment room. Never, for any of his tests did he remain awake, which only made him feel more uncomfortable, for who knew what the doctor had put him through. It had to be something bad, for his use of his legs and arms were heavily weighing down. Unless, the use of his wings were just spreading the damage around much faster than he hoped. From what he could tell from the mysterious boy, his face was quite youthful, which told him he was indeed young. Maybe even the youngest of them all. He looked about the age of fourteen years old, which as he thought more about it, was only two years of a difference compared to his age. Which was sixteen years old. Ren and Bright, are bother older than him.

Ren being the oldest, and Bright being the middle oldest. Ren is twenty years old, and Bright is two years younger. Almost makes him forget how old his brothers truly seem. Its sad....when he thinks about it. His brothers don't get the chance to be care free and have fun. Not since their parents passed away. First mom, then dad a couple years later. Nature vs nurture. Barron brought his pale softened eyes back to the sight of the young boy curled, facing the wall right in front of him, as he frowned. Taking in his appearance further, by studying his back. From what he could make out, his back was heavily burned. Black marks, ans scars scratching along his tanned skin. But from the look on the side of his face, he didn't' even seem to care. Doctor Valentine, hadn't explained any information regarding the boy, so Barron had nothing to go off of. Not a single bit of detail, which only saddened him more, for his escape plan was going to be put back on hold. His abilities were to weak, he'd never be able to make it out alone! He knew he'd need the others! Ren and Bright were the two strongest, and most skilled, and Edward and Aaron are in possession of pretty powerful abilities. If he could somehow convince Edward to stop being so afraid of his powers, it might give him some time, to make sure everyone gets out.

Each and every one of them. But first, he'd have to figure out the exact amount of people who were still trapped. There had to be much more than just him and the others. The hospital must've been in business for a long time, which mean't at one moment in time, there had to be much more creatures who got banished to Earth...As he thought about all the others, his lip began to tremble and he couldn't help but clench his fists at the thought of all those mythical creatures who'd lost their lives, because of the humans. Mainly one in particular.

James Valentine....

''Hey?! Are you able to turn around and have a conversation with me?'' He asked. His attention turning to the boy in front of him again. He knew his attempts at trying to get him to talk was far from possible, so maybe if he could just get him interested in something, he could just listen, he wouldn't even have to say a word...Yeah, that seemed like a good plan.

''Hey?! If your not going to talk, can you at least just listen? Are you able to do that for me? I have a plan, but I need to know you'll be welcome to help me...I want to get all of us out of here, and I mean each and every one of us! What do you say? Would you be able to help me recuse the others from their cells? First, you need to tell me if you possesses any abilities that might be more useful....I'm not able to use my, it'd be really helpful if you'd just tell me everything you can do! Please!'' Barron pleaded.

''There's no point in trying to talk to me.....'' A voice suddenly answered in the distance. Barron connected the mysterious boy, to behind him, where he turned around rather slowly, worried that the boy somehow had been armed. As Barron turned around, and took in the person's appearance, he drew a breath, as he found no connections to any sort of weapon. Not a weapon, at all, all he could see in front of him, was a boy. Appearing to be the same age as the mysterious non specing boy, in the corner. And as Barron waited for some sort of explanction, he couldn't help his mind from wondering. How'd this boy get inside his room? No doors were even opened? How did he do it? Could this be his spell power? Fazing through walls perhaps? Maybe the boy was someone totally different, with no connection to the mysterious corner boy at all.

''What is this? How are you able to talk to me?'' Barron said, his voice was strained from the previous amount of tests he'd been through early that morning, but that didn't take away from the fact that he demanded answers. Mythical creature? Another? Perhaps? Something to do with spiritual magic? At least that's what Barron tried to think of.

''This is my ability, I can cast my soul from my body, into this form. We're I can talk to you, and you can talk back to me..You see, my body was caught in an accident a few years ago, which left me kind of useless, but the accident had nothing to do with the growth of my spirt. Later, after I recovered I was able to cast my spirt from my body, think of it like astor projection....I'm here to tell you, I'm here to listen to you. I'm all for getting out of here.''' The boy's voice was heavily altered the entire time he spoke words. For his spiritual projection, his voice wasn't exactly completely normal. Barron was sure it reminded him of some sort of mechanical robot.

''Your trying to study me, aren't you?'' He asked annoyed.

''Duh....How could I not? Your power is by far from anything I've ever seen!'' Barron shouted, exicted as a smile came onto his face. Turning around on his bed, so his body was completely facing the direction of the spiritual presence of the boy, his neck didn't ache so badly anymore, since he was much more comfortable.

''I'm glad your excited about this, but this isn't the time.. you don't me you wanted me to listen, so I am. What is your plan to get out of here?'' He hissed.

''I want to kill that some of a bitch doctor....'' Barron growled under his breath, as he was left with a distant image of the doctors stupid face, as it burned from the back of his mind, to the front.

''Okay? Well, that's not a plan. We need an actual plan...''

''I want to kill that doctor, seems like a pretty good plan to me? The next time he comes in to take one of us in for testing, I can see the edges of my wings, and slice him! I just need to get a good enough direction, be able to position myself into the right angle, then I should be able to do it!''

''Isn't that going to be dangerous? I haven't been here that long but I can already sense your not you truly wish to make everything worse?'' The boy asked.

''Yes..'' Barron answered. ''He's been touring my brothers, and who knows what's become of Edward. Who knows what's going on with his wounds, the last fight messed him up pretty badly...thanks to Aaron, its all his fault....all his fault.....I won't allow us to be kept here because we're considered ''different'' we're human beings, and we should all be treated as such!'' Barron demanded

''The ''real'' humans don't see us as such, we're freaks! How do you expect to change their minds? Even if we break out of here, and I mean all of us break out of here, the doctors will notify the higher ops! Every single mythical creature who's been living here in peace, will be hunted and experimented on! How do you expect to handle that!''

''We're just going to have to round up every single mythical creature who's been hiding here, and force them back to their worlds! Clearly it isn't safe here, they were crazy to think they could've ever made a life here.'' Barron whispered, his head and eyes dropping to the ground, as a twisted frown formed on his face. He knew what he was saying, however, a part of him knew what he was thinking of was going to be considered impossible, or insane. No way could he force every single banished creature from Earth, to return to their original homes.

Most of the banished creatures are criminals. That's the entire reason they were banished in the first place. Maybe, just maybe, they deserved to be experimented on. Barron was sure Aaron deserved it. After the entire mess, he's caused.

The boy's hazel, green like eyes, softened at the sight of Barron's, as the two of them made eye contact. The boy's spiritual power was slowly starting to fade, as his light slowly became dimmer and dimmer. Till eventually, Barron could no longer see his invisible shine. As he waited in silence, his shoulders fell then rose quickly back up, as his fight or flight response was triggered. The sound of the door opening, and not closing, altered him.

As he slowly turned around, with the sound of gasping, and bleeding screams, his face fell, as his cheeks throbbed with horrible pain. The last thing he saw before he was knocked out cold, was the sight of his brother. Ren Snowflake, was out cold, seemingly bleeding from a recent wound made out upon his chest, and back. Seemingly to have been from a knife or some sort of blade.....either way the blood that flowed from his unconscious body was shameless black.