Chereads / New Alpha / Chapter 5 - Trouble in a small town

Chapter 5 - Trouble in a small town

I'm clearing my school stuff off the table as my mom walks in the kitchen. She gives me a peck on the head as she walks by to see what my dad's cooked for dinner. I noticed that my mom finally got her badge and Police-issued sidearm. She was a deputy before I was born but when she had me she went to desk work but eventually just gave up her job to stay home. I set my backpack to the side and helped my grandma set the table. She tells me that she fed all the animals for me and took care of most of my chores. She doesn't go in my room, it's her way of giving me my privacy.

We sat down as my grandma and mom put some salad and bread on the table. My dad brings in this huge bowl of chunky spaghetti. It has fresh garlic, onion, colorful sweet peppers, and mushrooms. The spaghetti sauce is my family's famous secret recipe. Everyone always begs grandma for it, but she is so stubborn she'll never give it up. She said she would teach me someday when I'm ready for the lesson. We all say grace before we dig in and we start this conversation about the curfew. Don't understand why it would apply to me since I never go anywhere but then again I do have a vehicle now.

My mom starts the conversation by asking me how my classes were today and I quickly say fine trying to avoid that mess. My dad says that the curfew will start just after sundown and since I am driving now I need to pay very close attention to the time and It's a huge responsibility that I have now. I somehow knew this part was coming. They are always very protective and worry about every tiny detail. My mom cuts in and says that somethings been attacking animals on the surrounding farms. She also says that she was called in early this morning because three different farms had some cows and sheep mauled viciously.

It must be something really big and until it was caught or put down, nobody was allowed out because they don't want people to get hurt. It's bad enough that the poor animals had to suffer. Grandma tells me that her and dad put all the animals up in the barn to keep them safe at night. Grandma said she would do that for me until the thing was caught because she would hate the thought of those poor babies getting killed and so I could focus on graduating. Plus, it gives her something to do since she has nothing else to do all day and taking care of animals feels natural to her.

My mom reluctantly said something to my dad about the fires hopefully stopping since this mess was probably caused by some of the wild fires being set and destroying some habitats that could possibly be home to these bigger creatures. Some people have no respect for wildlife. Grandpa always said that whatever you did would leave a print on this world. "Always be mindful of your surroundings and leave places the way you found them". I can hear him say it like it was yesterday. I miss him more each day with every memory that passes through my head. He'd know what to do and say about all my problems.

My parents went on about how much of a responsibility it was to drive a piece of machinery like a vehicle because if you aren't careful you could hurt or even kill someone. They babble on and on about other things and responsibilities, then about drinking and driving, going to parties, and of course the all too embarrassing to be safe, use protection speech. Thankfully, my grandma see's how embarrassed I am so she cuts in with some other things like keeping my grades, doing my chores, and helping her when I could in exchange she would pay the insurance and the tag everything else would be up to me. My dad went on with driving is a privilege not a right, so far you have been responsible and blah blah blah. I think they lost all sense of my personality and apparent distaste for parties, and rowdy people with little intelligence.

I finally got to the end of this conversation and it's definitely later than usual. I just confirm with them that they have nothing to worry about and I'd honestly prefer to read and avoid the drama anyways. I help clear the table and wash the dishes while everyone tidies up the kitchen. I kiss my grandma and my mom takes my grandma home since our places are connected, it wouldn't take that long and they wouldn't have to get on the open road plus my mom wouldn't get in trouble if she was caught out. I grab my bag and head to my room. It's time to get ready for bed and dig into the mystery of the girl from my dreams.

I work quickly to shower, dress, and brush my teeth and set off to get some research done. I run into my room and jump on my big bed ready for my questions to be answered. I hear paws and tales clattering down the hall. Zeke and Lexi, my favorite pets, rush into my room and jump on me licking and pushing me over. Mom made me put them outside a while back because they became a bit too big for the house. They are half wolf and half dog which means they are a lot bigger than a normal dog and a little rougher. I settle them in and grab my bag but before I open it I hear knocking at my door. My mom comes in and sees that I've already settled them in for the night. She said they just rushed in when she opened the door and she could hardly keep them in control. She said goodnight and shut my door. I listen to make sure no one else is coming and I finally open my bag.

I pull out the books I got for research along with the bag Adrianna gave me. It's a small dark leather bag, kind of heavy and kind of square in shape. I grab the draw string, pull it open and dump out the contents on my bed. It looks like a couple of personal journals and a loose piece of paper. The piece of paper is from Adrianna and it says the contents of these journals will help you in the days to come. I assume that you probably have more questions than I can answer and it would be better if you just read these because we will all need your help very soon. I need you prepared if you are going to help. The real question is, however, Are you going to help us? I open the first journal and start to read it.