Riley glares at the shot up corpse of a zombie chihuahua the last 4 bullets had gone into. His radio had been snatched away by a zombie reaching for him. "Of course this is how my day goes." Riley grumbles. Gripping the metal shard and taking a deep breath Riley rips the object free from his leg. "Mother fuck!" Riley yells clenching his fist. Riley looks around at all of the corpses surrounding him and groans. Cold sweat drips down his forehead as he looks at the zombies. "Well played i've got to say." Riley says weakly. "I have been bested you got me I suppose I had it coming but really though? You guys had to get me here for fucks sake?" Riley complains to the zombies. "I probably fucked up right from the get go huh? Should have just barreled through your friends with the truck, or maybe brought a bow and picked you assholes off quietly." Riley shakes his head watching the bloody puddle growing under his leg. "What about you guys huh I mean this gate opens outward so unless you stop pushing against it you can't have any Riley buffet." Riley pulls a cigarette out and lights it watching his hand tremble. "You know it's weird. I've thought I was going to die so many times and it never stopped me, never scared me but now I feel like a glass doll falling to a road from 10 feet up." Riley takes a long drag of his cigarette. "Like watching the end come and knowing you can't fucking stop it right? Only stare at your doom getting closer." Riley shakes his head. A zombie's hand taps Riley's shoulder as it stretches to reach him. "I know I know BRAINS!" Riley says, mocking the zombie before breaking its arm savagely. "Yeah, I still don't like touching there, bud." Riley says, nodding. Looking down at his throbbing leg Riley notices it isn't bleeding as much as it was. "Wonder if I still got any fishing line?" Riley mumbles to himself rooting through his pockets until he finds a bundle. Tying it off to a hook Riley takes a deep breath and begins sewing the torn skin together. Riley's teeth dig into his jacket collar as he bites down on it only stopping his stitches to switch sides. Finally panting from the pain Riley finishes and pulls his pant leg down. "I have to tell you this getting injured shit is getting really fucking old fast." Riley groans. Sighing Riley shakily climbs to his feet. "Look nothing personal guys but I'm a little upset and kinda tired of the reaching so I'm going to break your arms now." Riley says, snapping another arm. Riley works from one side to the other leaving the zombies at the door intact. "Well I do have to say that was just down right therapeutic." Riley says leaning against the wall inspecting his work. He had pulled them in as far as he could and snapped the humerus as high as possible on all the zombies. Staring at the zombies now, a sort of calm washes over Riley. "You know guys I think I might just try killing all of you I mean come on, I almost forgot who the fuck I am." Riley muses. "You know for therapy." Riley laughs. "Dude I definitely need a fucking real therapist though." Riley laughs.
6 hours later Riley pants as he slams a zombie in the face with a leg that had come off another zombie falling with it to the 3 feet of corpses and blood that now littered the floor. "Come here, I'm not going to hurt you." Riley laughs cruelly pulling the zombie close and driving his hunting knife in its face. Sweat and blood drips off Riley as he stumbles tiredly to his feet. "200 dead… fucks." Riley pants putting his knife away and stumbles into a caged armory where he curls up under a bench. A zombie grabs his hurt leg and pulls at him, enraging Riley. Sliding out and kicking sharply, breaking the zombie's knee backwards. Riley pulls it up to him and grips its head tightly. Over and over Riley smacks its skull into the floor painting the cement a brownish red. Once the zombie is well and dead Riley slides it under the bench and lays his head on its stomach where he falls into a pain and exhaustion fueled slumber. Riley is woken nearly a day later by a zombie yanking his leg. Riley stabs it several times in the side of the head. "5 more minutes." he mumbles curling back up. The sounds of bodies thumping to the corpse covered floor makes him angrily groan. "Fuck fine i'm up." Riley complains rising and wincing at the pain in his leg. Pulling the pant leg up he sees the dirty wound already showing signs of infection. "Well fuck that sucks." Riley mumbles. Turning around the boy starts laughing happily. "Oh you are sooo fucked!" Riley yells to the zombies stumbling and tripping towards him. In front of the boy is the gun cage still stocked with the weapons his fathers co workers had provided for the underfunded station along with 6 pallets of bullets bought in surplus. "Bitch is locked?" Riley questions the combination lock. A zombie grabs Riley's shoulder and the zombie killing addict rewards the undead mans effort by bashing his head into a squishy past on the cage door. The lock falls away with the body. "Oh lookie i found the key guys." Riley giggles. Reaching inside he grabs a locally made Ar-15 and starts loading bullets into its magazine. The evil dried blood grin grows as he feeds the first round into the chamber. "Not going to lie guys i'm a really shit aim with a bow." Riley shoots the first zombie to reach the doorway. "But with firearms oh baby, daddy is gonna make you into bitch stew and stir it with my murder boner." Riley chuckles as he loads more magazines and grabs a few Glocks sliding them into his inside pocket of his jacket. "Well well look here." Riley says finding some penicillin. Popping some in his mouth and swallowing he wanders out to get some revenge kills.