Arlo was examining a world map he found in the lords room.
The kingdom he was in was halfly covered by ocean and halfly by little to no discovered lands.
An island empire was right next to it. İt was called the Condefar empire.
Arlo did not know what the other words meant in the text, it might be elven.
Arlo heard about different races when he was a kid; How dwarfs are mighty weapon makers, how elves are like artists with bows. There should be some more but he couldnt remember.
He closed his notebook after looking at his written report about his resources and forces.
four experienced brigands
Eight brigands
Two horses
One hill giant
One ogre
These was his skeletal forces he managed to raise.
He suddenly remembered what the bone lord said about more lords like itself. Could he raise one if he had enough fog. Or could he become one?
These thoughts pulled him into a bright white space. There were no surrounding objects. Arlo felt the voices echoing around about how pathetic he was and how he nerded to avenge both him and Aldis.
Arlo scratched his skull. His armor wasnt here with him.
"Revenge!" "Death!" "Blood!" "Fire!" "Devil!" The voices became irresistable. İt forced Arlo to use fog on the voices. Slowly a black smoke and some bones appeared before him.
İt had no lower body other than its black smoke. The arms were not connected to the ribcage. The skull made Arlo self concious about the way he looked.
"What are ya!" Arlo shouted.
"Your revenge…" it answered. The voice it had was dark and deep.
"Your revenant…"
"Why are you here?" Arlo could talk more clearly here.
"You need to advance more!" İt patted Arlo on the shoulders.
"İ will help you…" the dark aura it had was even stronger than the ogre who massacred humans for food.
The revenant's disturbing laugh threw Arlo back to reality.
"My lord!" The ogre called for Arlo while looking through the outer window of the lords room "We have visitors my lord!" He claimed.
Arlo ran down the stairs after hearing that. He needed to be scary, he was an undead, a truly unsightly creature could surely influence others to stay away! He arrived at the main entrance with the gate.
Were those assassins? No! Rouges?
Due to the fort being very near to the borders it could be possible for outlaws to appear.
"Regular undeads…" one of them said to the other.
"But the amount is not regular." "There should have been two or three."
"The giant and the, uhh is that an ogre? They are irregular undeads." The woman with a bow said.
Arlo stepped forward. "Ahh is that the şeader pf this group?" The woman that looked like the strongest said while lowering her cape.
Arlo remembered another race, Demons. İt was the first time he saw them. The woman had reddish skin and long ears that were bigger than a elfs.
He unsheathed his sword.
"Hoho! Does that plan on fighting a superior race?" A rouge asked.
The ogre roared as the skeleton league
advanced to battle.
"KİLL!" Arlo commanded.
"İn the name of GAHRAS the royal blooded demon!" The demons also did not hesitate to attack.
Arlo stabbed a demon assassin after getting scratched by his dagger on his armor.
"Pierre!" Someone screamed "the bone bag killed Pierre!" But his voice of spitting up blood was geared nearly after.
That moment made the demons realize they were just scouts that are not able to go on all out battles.
"RETREAT!" The leader called out. Another victory was won. But it made Arlo feel disturbed, why would scouts show up and then disappear as they came.
The realization came. They will report somewhere! Arlo felt panic after a long time; More power is needed to keep going.
He jumped on one of the skeleton horses; "one of ya! followh me!" he roared. This was maybe the first time he was scared of the things he could do…
An experienced brigand was waiting for those words, it jumped on the horse and rode it much more professionally than Arlo.
"Ogre! Cahtch tham!" his twisted words become louder. An unnecessary feeling of rage was created in his skull.
'YOU DARE İNTERFERE WİTH MY PLAN!' A tiny light was now visible on his eyes too but a different color.
The crimson beams in the empty eye sockets lead the group after the rouges.
"They are coming after us!" a demon yelled.
"Not long until we reach the waypoint!" yelled the leading demon. "Use your crossbows to stall them!"
Arrows were shot on Arlo and the Brigand. Arlo carelessly thought about something else while the ogre protected them from the arrows with its giant arm.
"Yeh are Bral Ogre!" He named the ogre. "Andh yah are Heir naw!" he yelled to the brigand.
They seemed to be relieved for a moment but quickly returned to their durties.
The group followed the scouts to a large path until they vanished.
One word came out of his mouth "Ambush!"