Arlo dodged a strike, then another one, the attacks were not coming to an end.
His bones creaked under the constant pressure of the enemy.
He could feel the magic orb he placed into his eye start to heat up while he continuously absorbed fog to keep himself in one piece.
The skeleton tried to observe his enemy through the barrage of attacks.
Blood was gushing out of Philip's body every time he moved.
'There has to be an end to his blood!' Arlo guessed while Philips' blade scratched his skull.
Then he looked over to Philip's lovers and figured out the logic behind his endless blood.
"YOU DARE LOOK AWAY!?" Philip roared.
One of his lovers; a priest seemed to be healing Philip ever since he was stabbed.
Arlo commanded his remaining soldiers to kill the lovers.
Philip was a smart guy. He saw right through Arlo's plan.
"YOU WON'T!" his anger made him make a mistake…
Philip dropped his blade. This was Arlo's chance! He immediately closed the distance between them and readied himself for melee combat.
Maybe Philip was just baiting him? The thought went through Arlo's mind.
'This is bad…' Arlo thought as he noticed Philip's horrendous smile.
Arlo punched and kicked the hero while he stood still as a statue.
"NOW!" A frenzied hero punched Arlo's jaw off.
Pain took Arlo's consciousness away as he gripped the broken part on his face. He tried to reach the revenant who was staying close but not interfering with them.
'Help.' he asked.
Arlo lost his mind to the idea of his soldiers being able to rebel against him. 'You are not my soldier are you?'
The revenant smiled as its smoke grew weaker and dissolved into nothing.
A battle cry was heard. The remaining group of demons came running. İt was easy to guess what happened to the human soldiers.
The king stepped behind Arlo. His chest piece was gone and he was bleeding from one of his arms, but he seemed fine.
"Need a hand?" He handed Arlo his jaw back.
The hero looked angrily as he was struggling to decide whether to continue the fight or escape with his lovers.
He did not have a choice as hard roots started to grip his legs. Jira was hiding somewhere, casting magic to block possible escape routes.
Arlo finally managed to stand up again. He had an idea as he walked towards the struggling hero.
"LET" "ME" "GO!" the hero roared.
Arlo slowly placed his hand on the hero's neck. The fog flowed through.
The hero calmed down. He had experienced the pain Arlo felt only once now.
"İ understand…"
"Please kill me."
The battle ended with a decapitated hero and crying lovers.