It was finally time for Kurmara to head to school after two days of resting. Her brother had driven her halfway to the school since it was raining so she wouldn't get drenched. "Thanks Eun." She thanked her brother as she got out of the car and put her hood on. "I'll see you when you get home, okay?" "Alright, I'll see you later." They said their goodbyes and Kurmara began to walk the rest of the way to UA. She was still in the city, but closer to the school so she didn't really mind the rain. "Excuse me, young lady," a voice sounded behind her, and Kurmara turned to see a few people nearby. "You're Hayashi from the hero course, right?" One of them asked and she hesitated before nodding. "Just wanted to say good job at the Sports Festival, you were amazing!" The person complimented and soon more joined in which made her face and ears warm up. "A-ahh, thank you..." She apologized to them as she had to hurry to the school and quickly jogged down the street, the people behind her cheering for her which made her feel giddy. She finally made it through the gates and into the building where she headed to her class. She opened the door and everyone was chatting about what happened as they were on their way to the school. "I had all these people talking to me on the way here!!"
"Same here! So many stares... it was embarrassing!" Kurmara chuckled as she headed towards her seat. She took her jacket off and set it on the back of her chair before she sat down and pulled out her sketchbook and pencil, setting them on her desk. Once she looked up, four of her classmates were at her desk, startling her. "Hayashi?" Sero tilted his head and the girl nodded, a small smile on her face. "You cut your hair!" Mina voiced as she touched the teen's short hair. "Y-yeah.." "It's a good look on you," Kirishima said with a small smile and a blush went over her face. "I-I wanted to change it up a little.." Kurmara voiced shyly, feeling a little self-conscious now that her hair was cut and her bangs were pinned out of her face. "Your eyes are a different colour too," Midoriya mentioned as he looked at her. "Ah, I have heterochromia. That just means I was born with two different coloured eyes." She responded with a small smile. "That's so cool. Why did you have your bangs cover them?" "Ah.. well I was bullied about it when I was younger so I grew them out so people couldn't see them anymore." She voiced, noticing Midoriya's face change when she said the word bullied.
The bell rang and everyone went to their seats, their teacher walking in immediately. "Morning." Aizawa greeted them and they greeted him back. "Good to see your bandages off, Aizawa Sensei." Tsuyu voiced to their teacher. "The old lady's treatment was excessive. But never mind that. Today we've got Hero Informatics class, and a special one at that." He announced to the class before he continued, but Kurmara didn't dismiss the slight anticipation that went through the room. "You'll be coming up with your hero aliases." "How awesome! Time to shine!!" Everyone exclaimed as they stood up from their seats before quickly sitting down. "But first.. concerning the pro draft picks I mentioned the other day... It's based on who the pros think will be ready to join the hero workforce after another two or three years of experience." "So you could say that it's a way for them the interest in your futures. But there's ample time for their interest to wane before you graduate." Aizawa told them. "And any and all offers can be arbitrarily revoked. It happens quite often." Kurmara let out a silent sigh when he told them that. "Stupid adults and their whims!" "So if we're picked now, that just means there'll be higher hurdles in the years to come!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"Yes. Now, here're the complete draft pick numbers." The names of a few of her classmates as well as her name were on the board with numbers next to each. "There's typically more of a spread. But our top two stole most of the spotlight." Aizawa told them. "Gah! They're in a whole other league!" Denki voiced with a huff. "These pros have no eyes for talent." "Didn't they get first and second backwards?" Kirishima questioned. "Guess they were just scared of the guy who was literally chained to the winners' stand," Sero responded. "What the hell are the pros doing getting intimidated?!" Bakugou shouted and Kurmara scanned the board, surprised that she was on there just below Tokoyami with three hundred and twenty-five points. That's still cool though, I managed to catch the attention of some pros... She thought. "With that settled.. whether you were picked or not, you will all have a chance to work alongside the pros." "Indeed, you all have already experienced more than most, but seeing the pros in action and taking part yourselves will still be worthwhile training." Aizawa finished. "That's where our Hero Names come in!" "This is really getting fun!" Uraraka exclaimed.
"They're only tentative, but you still want to pick something appropriate-" "Or else you'll know true hell!!" A voice interrupted and everyone looked towards the door. "The name you pick now... may be what the world ends up calling you. That's what happened to plenty of pros out there!!" "Midnight!!" Everyone announced when the female teacher walked over to where Aizawa was standing. "Yes, true enough. And Midnight here will be assessing the sensibility of the names you pick. What future do you see for yourself? The name you choose will bring you ever closer to cementing a certain image." "Because names are capable of reflecting one's true character. Like with All Might." Aizawa finished speaking and whiteboards were passed to the students. Kurmara grabbed a whiteboard before passing the rest behind her as she thought about a name to come up with. A name that the world will call me... She thought as she turned the marker in her hand, thinking of a few different names before erasing them to start over. What would be a good hero name? It needs to sound good but also correlate to me in a way... She thought before writing a few names down in both Korean and Japanese.
A thought suddenly popped in her head and she quickly wrote the name down before staring at it, saying it over in her head before settling on it. "Let's finish up." Midnight voiced after fifteen minutes passed. "We can start with whoever's ready!" The first person to go in front of the class was Aoyama. He flipped his board to show the class and said the name that he had written. "Shining hero: I Cannot Stop Twinkling." "It's a whole sentence!! It'll be easier to say if you take out the 'I' and contract the 'cannot' into 'can't.'" Midnight suggested and Aoyama nodded before heading back to his seat with Mina walking to the front. "Okay, I'm next! Call me Alien Queen!!" "From the sequel?! Is it because her blood was super acidic?! That's terrible!!" Mina went back to her seat with a huff. "Can I go next, please?" Tsuyu voiced before getting to the front of the class. "I've had this thought out since elementary school. Call me Froppy." "So cute!! It makes you sound like you'd be easy to get to know!!" After a couple more of her classmates went up, Kurmara decided to share her hero name. "This is a mix of both Korean and Japanese, hopefully, it doesn't go against anything.." Kurmara voiced and Midnight shook her head.
"It doesn't matter if it's a mix of two different things, as long as you've chosen a good one." "Okay..." Kurmara took a deep breath before she flipped her board to show the class the name she chose. "The Multi-Quirk Hero: Dajung Nōryoku." Everyone stared at her, a collection of "oohs" going through the class. "Dajung Nōryoku? That's pretty interesting." "What does Dajung mean?" Midoriya asked. "Uhm, it means many or multiple in Korean," Kurmara responded, feeling her ears slightly heat up. "Why would your hero name mean multiple Quirks if you only have two?" Bakugou questioned with a roll of his eyes. "I uhm.. have more than two Quirks..." Kurmara voiced and she felt everyone's eyes on her as she remembered what happened yesterday when her brother suggested they visit the school.
"I doubt anyone would be here, so why are we going?" Kurmara asked Eun as he drove to UA. "I already contacted the school's principal and he said it was okay to stop by." He told her and she groaned. "I'm going back tomorrow, couldn't this wait?" She asked but her brother just shook his head. "Nope. This is very important and has to be done now. I had already emailed your principal some of the necessary things and he wanted us to stop by the school." "Us? Meaning you and me?" "Exactly." Kurmara just shook her head before staring out the window. It wasn't that she wasn't happy about going back, it was what was waiting for her that gave her anxiety. Once they arrived, Eun parked away from the school but close so they wouldn't have to walk too far. "I feel like whatever needs to be finished could've been done over the phone..." Kurmara sighed as they walked towards the gates. "There's paperwork so no, it couldn't have been done over the phone. Why are you making such a fuss over this?" Eun queried, looking at his younger sister. "I'm not making a fuss, I'm just expressing my thoughts..." She voiced, crossing her arms as they continued to walk until they were inside the building.
"Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I imagined. It's amazing." Eun voiced as he looked around. "That's because it's supposed to hold around six hundred students." A voice sounded from behind them and they turned to see Aizawa. "This is quite unexpected to see you here, but seeing as it was something urgent," "You must be her homeroom teacher." Eun greeted the hero and he nodded. "I take it you're her caretaker?" "Yes. Well, I'm her older brother but she's in my care while our parents are overseas." Eun responded. "I hear your father is a Pro hero?" The Hayashi siblings nodded. "Our aunt is too, but she's on leave until her leg heals." Kurmara voiced and Aizawa nodded. "I see where the appeal to become a hero comes from then." She nodded before her teacher motioned to her. "Come with me for a second. There's something I would like to discuss with you." Aizawa voiced and the teen girl looked at her brother before walking with the homeroom teacher. "Is something wrong, Aizawa Sensei?" She asked cautiously in case she was in any trouble. "No, nothing in particular. But it does have something to do with your enrollment." He told her and she was confused. "My enrollment?"
"Yes. I looked it over with a few of the other teachers as well as the principal." Kurmara still didn't understand but listened to what he had to say. "I think it's only fair to talk to you about it." He told her and they entered a room that had a few of her teachers as well as the principal. "Uhm, I feel like I might be in trouble for something?" The girl voiced as she sat down in the chair that Aizawa pulled for her. "Don't worry, you're not in any trouble young lady," Nezu reassured and Kurmara let out a sigh. "Then why am I here? I just feel like I'm going over my grades considering all the teachers I have are in here." "I don't doubt Aizawa didn't tell you on the way here, but this is just to discuss your enrollment." All Might voiced and the high schooler nodded. "There's more to it than that. You see, on each student's enrollment it lists their Quirk or Quirks." Midnight voiced as she handed the girl a paper that had her information on it and her eyes landed on her Quirks which made her breath catch in her throat. "We were aware you had two or three Quirks, but your Brother and Aunt stopped by to give an update." Aizawa voiced and she looked up, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Wind, Water, Strength, and a pretty powerful emotional Quirk. That's pretty rocking if you ask me." Present Mic voiced. "We've only ever seen the Wind and Water while you've been here, so we would like to see the other two when you're with All Might," Nezu told her and Kurmara gave a small nod. "I won't be kicked out if I don't do it, will I?" The girl questioned but Nezu shook his head. "Of course not! If you show us that you do have those other quirks, we can approve the information given to us by your family members. All we're asking is for you to demonstrate your Strength and Emotional Quirk during class. You don't have to do too much, so don't worry about any pressure while trying to do it, okay?" Kurmara nodded and Nezu smiled at her. "Glad we went over this. You can go now, that's all we had to talk to you about."
"More than two Quirks?" "That's enough questioning! Let's finish up before the class is over!" Midnight stepped in and Kurmara went back to her desk to allow the last few students to go up. Denki, Hagakure, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki went up with the names they chose then after them were Tokoyami, Mineta, and Koda. Bakugou was next after them with the name he chose. "King Explosion Murder." "No good. Try again." Midnight dismissed the name he chose before Uraraka walked to the front. "This is what I came up with." The floaty girl voiced as she showed her name which was Uravity. "How punny! This went smoother than expected! All that's left is Bakugou's revision and Iida then Midoriya." Iida went up to show the name, but 'Tenya' was written on the board just like when Todoroki's was 'Shoto.' Once Iida went back to his seat, it was Midoriya's turn and a surprising look washed over Kurmara's face. "Huh? Are you sure about that, Midoriya?!" "Yeah. I always hated it, but then someone.. helped me see it in a new light..." Kurmara gave a small smile as she sat back in her chair. Once the rest of their classes were finished, it was time for lunch and everyone was chatting amongst themselves about what was discussed in the morning.
"I'm going for Mt. Lady!!" Mineta announced. "You're thinking lewd thoughts again Mineta." Tsuyu spoke and the boy got defensive. As Kurmara put her things into her bag, she felt a hard tap on her shoulder and looked up, not seeing anyone, and just shrugged as she closed her bag. Once she stood up, she saw something on her desk. It was a pack of sour snacks. She looked around but only saw a few classmates near the back of the class. She grabbed it and walked into the hallway, looking at the snack before seeing a little folded note attached to it. Kurmara opened the note to see a rough scribble. It read 'Sorry.' She felt a small smile form on her lips as she shook her head, folded the note back up, and put it in her pocket, continuing to walk down the hallway until someone linked arms with her, starling her. "Hayashi~ would you mind if I joined you for lunch?" The pink girl asked and the short-haired teen shook her head. "I don't mind, Ashido." "Great! And you can just call me Mina, you don't necessarily have to call me by my last name." "Are you sure?" Kurmara queried as they walked and the girl nodded. "Of course! Would you mind if I called you by your name instead?"
"Not at all. You can call me Kurmara unless you come up with a nickname for me." Kurmara giggled. "Okay! And I feel like that'll be a challenge to think of a nickname, but I'm not going to pass that up." The two girls giggled and chatted together as they quickly became friends.
Once classes ended, a few of Kurmara's classmates lingered and chatted together. "Hey look," Sero voiced as he pointed towards the windows and Kurmara looked up. "I guess it's still raining." "I didn't pay attention to the weather today.." Kurmara opened her book bag to look for her umbrella, before letting out a sigh. "Ah damn, I forgot my umbrella." Kurmara voiced as she looked through her bookbag again only to give out a defeated sigh. "I'm going with Kaminari so that means I'm not heading straight home. You can borrow mine." Kirishima said, handing her his and she smiled. "Thank you. I'll give it back when I see you tomorrow." Once Kurmara left the classroom and by the front doors of the building, she thought about her new friendship with Mina and what Aizawa had told them that morning during Homeroom.
"Your internships start in a week. For this all-important decision, I'll be handing out personalized lists to those who were drafted. You may choose among those who scouted you." Aizawa voiced to the students before holding up a paper. "For those who were not drafted, the list I just passed out contains forty agencies from all over the country willing to accept interns. You will choose one from that list." "Each has a different specialty and region. Give your choice some real thought." Kurmara looked at her list, hearing her classmates around her. "I'm going for crimes in the big city!" "I'd like a place where I can deal with floods." "Submit your choices by this coming weekend." Aizawa voiced. "We've only got two days to pick?!" Sero exclaimed. Kurmara thought over which agency she should choose, considering her Quirks but she didn't know much about the agencies listed on the paper she was looking over. I might have to ask Da-Eun about a few of these... She thought with a small sigh.
"I only have two days to decide so I better ask auntie once I get home." Kurmara voiced to herself as she opened the umbrella and stepped from under the covered building. As she walked down to the gates, she noticed someone walking in the rain and once she looked closer, she noticed it was Bakugou. We should go over and put the umbrella over him. A voice suggested and she began to walk towards him. But he was a jerk to us, let him get sick. Another voice said which made her stop. It was true, he was kind of rude to her, but that still didn't stop her. "Bakugou," Kurmara called out to him which caused the teen to stop walking and turn to her. She jogged over to him and stood next to him. "What do you want?" He asked with a coldness in his voice that matched the current weather but she ignored it. "What's the use for walking in the rain without cover?" She asked, holding the umbrella over him. "Tsk. Why should you care? Leave me alone." He began to walk away from her and back into the rain, but she followed, still holding the umbrella over the two of them. They walked a few more feet until he stopped and grabbed the umbrella from her hands. "Let me hold it. You're too short to hold it over the two of us." He said and they began to walk again.
They walked down the street, into the city in silence. Kurmara didn't dare to utter a word as she was still scared of him, considering what happened after the sports festival ended. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened her messages, choosing her brother's number.
I'm walking with someone from class
can you pick me up nearby?
She hit send and watched as it delivered before he immediately began to type, the response showing on her screen.
just tell me where and I'll come get you
"Where do you live?" Bakugou asked her suddenly which made her jump a little and she peek at him before responding. "In a neighbourhood on the other side of the city." "That's pretty damn far." He snorted and she nodded. "I know. I've asked my brother to pick me up somewhere so that way neither of us has to walk home in the rain." She told him and they walked in silence again. "If you'd like, I can ask-" "I don't need a ride." Bakugou interrupted and she let out a small sigh. "Alright. It was just a suggestion though." "A shitty suggestion." Silence again as they continued to walk until they got to a park area and Kurmara stopped walking, making him stop too. "Why did you stop walking? Do you want to get sick, idiot?" He asked and she raised a brow at his wording but ignored it. "I told my brother to pick me up right here. You can have the umbrella and give it to Kiri." She voiced, taking a look at her phone. She suddenly felt warmth next to her and saw Bakugou close to her. "What are you doing? Aren't you going home?" She queried and he rolled his eyes. "Isn't it obvious? Making sure you don't get sick." He voiced and she gave a silent giggle.
I guess he can be a little nice in his own way. She thought. "Thank you." "Idiot." Kurmara had a small smile on her face as they stood there as they waited for her brother to show up. "Hey, uhm... I'm sorry for you know, slapping you after the Sports Festival." Kurmara apologized, still feeling guilty about it despite him deserving it. "Whatever, you got a lucky hit in that day. Don't think you'll be so lucky next time because I promise you, once it's you and me, you're gonna be sorry." He responded and she nodded. Not exactly sure if that's him accepting my apology or not, but I'll take it. She thought and the two teens waited for another five minutes until her brother finally showed up. "I hope you don't get sick either. I look forward to going head-to-head because I will get another hit in." Kurmara said, smiling at him before jogging to the car and getting in. "Who is that?" Eun asked as he backed the car up and drove them home. "A classmate." She responded, the smile still on her face which made her brother raise a brow. "A classmate? You two friends?" He asked. "I don't know. Maybe."