Listen close kids to the story of the multi-multiverse and how I made the galaxy. A long long long time ago when arrmoddien ruled over one of the Earths of fantasy. There were five kingdoms: Wyverns, Beast, Monster, Myths, and Flood there was another kingdom that was called Death but they are not a part of the main five. I was having a normal good day at school. Me and my friends were playing dice for fun and once it was a new round I rolled first, got a very high number, and suddenly a bright light appeared then I woke up in a cell of sorts and with an odd feeling around me.
J (the 1st main character): "What happened early and why am I here?"
knight 1: "So human that looks like the prince is a wake; Your majesty the
human is awake now." *he says while he kept an eye on me*
King: "Alright then. Why do you look like my son, a mortal human?" *he said while yelling in my face.*
J: "Who the heck are you?" *said while almost not shocked*
King: "Wow you don't like people in your face do ya? *he said with a laugh* I am Albino wyvern king and ☝︎□︎♎︎ of the wyvern Arrmodens and of Wyvoneya now who are you human."
J: "I am. ------ J---- ------- *J picks up on his full name not being heard or said* but call me J, um your highness"
Prince: "Father, what is taking you so long?"
Both J and King Albino: "Not now R!"
"Albino and R": how do you know { [me] / [my son] }
"J": Come on W you know me after all me and you are an alternate version of each other!
"R": Yeah right like that's real.
"Albino": yes they are real son.
Albino and R couture argue about if the multiverse is real or not. I started to try some tricks that mess with my sense of touch or nerves. So I tried a sledgehammer type of tool but in the shape of a reaper blade. Then as I was doing that the fake telling felt real.
"everyone near me": What the ☞︎◆︎♍︎& did you do human.
"J>☼︎": just a trick I remember from before I got into this world.
After that, I was let out of the cell and after a month of being with them, I found out that some of my friends also came here and that their lifespan is 1728 times of the humans there but 144 times that of arrmoddiens. As time went on me and the wyverns got along well. The friends that got brought here with me but to different kingdoms finally met up at a party hosted by the wyverns.
"R": Come on ☼︎□︎♌︎♏︎❒︎⧫︎ there some food over there
"☼︎": you know that I can't eat nearly the same amount of food as you so go have fun ·W· and didn't I tell you to call me J
"R": Sorry J but are you sure?
[he says with sympathy in his eyes]
*after he walks away someone else walks up to me in the corner *
"friend 1": well so you have come here too man.
"☼︎": Well I'll be darned hey there Skywalker, right?
"Skywalker": yes and but tiny.
"☼︎": she is *😄* I feel sorry for her.
"tiny": Skywalker it's Jane not tiny.
"☼︎" Oh ya here I go by J Got it you to
"brother": Hay ------ Jane and person
"☼︎": hey bro you're here too and I see you have new powers, you got with the myths didn't ya oh ya and what do you go by
"katana": Yes so what and it is Katana now.
"☼︎": Really, your Gmail 😑.
"Katana": Didn't choose it, shut up.
"the myth patriot": Hay katana Hephaestus is looking for you again he said you need more practice.
"katana": ok and Poseidon, this is my brother the nice but annoying one not the other. Oh yay, where is he?
"☼︎": One moment let me check for our energy. *deep breath* no it is just us.
"katana": understood, see you later.
Katana walked away and tried to find Hephaestus.
"Poseidon": have a good day wyvern, monsters, and beast clans-men.
"J, Jane, and Skywalker": Beast?
"the two that were hiding behind the others": looks like they just saw us and noticed.
"the queen Lilith Wyvern": What are you kids doing your monster clan summons your young princess and wants you kids for something odd.
"Jane, Skywalker, and ???": yes ma'am
"J": hello your highness wyvern.
"Lilith wyvern": I told you to call me Lilith my friend.
As the party went on I stayed away from the crowd of people and then my back started to hurt so I went to R and asked if he could heal my back.
"R": *sallows food*. Ok give me a moment * he Cleans off his face* ok let us go to your room so you can rest after I heal you.
"J": Ok.
I and R headed to my room (a chamber made from half of R's closet) and once there A healed me and found nothing wrong with me then I passed out. After that, I woke up and found the summons, the myth leader Poseidon, the young beast princess, and the Wyverns around me.
"J": What happened, why are the summons here along with Poseidon and a beast princess? R, Sir. Albino, Madam Lilith are you ok, and what is behind me?
"katana": Wow you opened up in more ways than one *he snickered*.
"R": Looks like you are a rare case for a summon to be a winged human.
"J": winged human? Wait, I thought I was human! How the heck am I a winged human?
"Poseidon" Well summons when summoned, gets powers from the counterparts that are here and gets some traits or genes from them too. But they keep some of their old genes.
"the Summons - J and Katana": What!?
"Katana": That makes sense.
"Albino and Poseidon": It does ?
"Katana": Yes, a little of it.
"J": I am still confused as to why I am a winged human.
"Lilith": Us Wyvern are winged humanoids.
"J": Ok now I am not confused anymore but what day is it?
"???": It is Thursday, June 17, 11,846 human time.
"J": what are you doing here Draconic?
"Mao": It's Mao now not that.
"J": Wait how all is here?
"Jane": Well the ones that appeared in the monster clan kingdom were Me (Jane), Skywalker, and Mao.
"Katana": For the Myths it was Me, Lunaria, and the blood god.
"Blood god": I am still wondering how we all got here.
As the day went on odd things happened to the summons and their counterparts. For Katana, they got separated just like Mao and the blood god. After we found out about there being humans that are about around the year 2015 A.D. We were told not to go to our old homes because of an imbalance we would make. That imbalance would destroy the system the 6 rulers made over 10000 years ago. But they were too late the human found out about them and was ready for war. They attacked in this order of kingdoms Flood, then Beast, then the death kingdom then it was the Monsters, and not lastly the Myths.
"Albino": So it is that bad now?
"J": It seems so. Want me to seal r in me wale we have time?
"Albino": That may be our onl-
"Lilith": -I will get our best mages and the strongest knights we have then we will send you two to a universe called M.H.A; The mages and knight will escort you to a stronghold there.
"J": Yes ma'am we will live tomorrow