"I suggest you do the opposite of that you lot!" The familial voice said smart aleck like
Regi,R:"Brother is that you"
As the familiar started to lower as Arrow, Wanderer, Swordsmen, and Ice-Age started to bow down to it in what looks like a prayer-like manner.
R and Regi:"wait why are you guys bowing to him?"
"Sorry but we are and aren't the brothers that you remember" the familial voice said with empathy.
R :"Then who are you?"
"We are the mix of both J and James. Our name is Script the god of life and order but you guys know us as J and James right?" The familial voice said
Regi:"friend or not friend"
Script: {우리 이 / あたなの / allies},
우리 이 = We are
あたなの = your
Everyone there:"what??"
Script: *sigh**spoken in English* "We are your allies. Did you get that."
Eraserhead:"I see way you would advise against that but way are you three back here; and Bakugo how are you over here now?"
Rosetta, Ice-Age and Swordsman:" Now is not the time for that, teacher."
"Oi Script your late" a voice said from near Eraserhead.
Script:"Yes , I am back Director and the weapon you wanted enchanted with toon force is done so now go have fun I got Aizawa from hear on out."
Director:"Got it also;Wanderer, Arrow, Rosetta, and Bakugo you lot come with me the rest get out of the radius of the dusted city."
Wanderer, Arrow, Rosetta, and Bakugo:"Roger that."
As soon as the group separated they saw Izuku fly to the villain that course the city to dust. After about 50 seconds in to the fight they saw Bakugo appear in front of Izuku but Bakugo was still on his way there with the group that just got there and without another second past like time had frozen that Bakugo activate his crest and appeared right in front of the villain and knocked him to the ground with a giant explosion above them.
"Well Well Wel~; Isn't this suppressing; who would have thought I would meet another me in this area of all places huh Gaius' guardian?" a odd but familiar malice voice said just as the group was splitting up. Then a strange person that looked like Script was floating in mid-air right in front of them.
Wanderer, Arrow, Rosetta, and Bakugo:"Is this another one of you guys?"
Script:"Yes but this is working with the Paranormal libertarian front. In other words they are a evil one of us, I will deal with him you guys go on ahead" Right after Script said those words lady Lilith, and a person who looks like script appears but with a hexagonal gem showing on his back and a Warhammer in front of him.
???:"Miss go with your kid I will help me out, got it."
Lilith:"Understood director"
Script:" Madam Lilith help them get to the fight because if he is here then that means the other bastards are here and Director I thank you for the help your help."
Director:"Do I have permission to use that?"
"Yes go all out there world is a enemy of us after all" yelled Script is the last thing they form either of them heard before they were out of hearing range. After about ten meters they saw Deku fighting something or someone that looked like Rosetta but evil.
Wanderer:"Arrow and this Rosetta give us cover fire!" He said wail keeping up with Bakugo Blasting his way over to the fight.
Arrow and Rosetta stopped and started to fire arrows at light speed at the Evil Rosetta (Dark Rose will now be there name). Then without a thought the Bakugo that replaced the old Bakugo (the old one was the one with them in chapter 3 and the tails half of chapter 4) flew in front of a deadly attack on Deku and saved his life right before Wanderer and Old Bakugo(who I will now refer to as Katsuki)
"Hay Izu- I mean Deku get out of there!" Katsuki had yelled as he flew up to the two and knocked Dark Rose down to the ground
"Thanks for that kid" Wanderer said as Lady Lilith made a sound that could be described as a roar that could tear the heavens in hundredths of millions of pieces.
Then a flash came from behind them and something rushed past the group followed by a pack a hundreds of wyverns, then dark rose was thrown in to the air and ripped the skin off of the muscle then those off the bones they were attached to. Right after it happened Wanderer and Arrow see a silhouette under them as they circle the area like crows in the sky.
Lilith:" Kids keep going I will meet up with you in a bi-" before she could finish it everyone that was fight for the heros and the citizens were at U.A.'s training grounds. With the silhouette floating above them.
The silhouette cleared it's throat in spoken of masculine tone loud enough for holding her City to hear "Hello good evening all of you here will be in the the hospitality of UA so just be careful of the outsiders of this group that I have brought here. Now come forth my soldier of magic and contracts "KEY"." after he had said that a book appeared next to him and a character that had a cybernetic looking body and an odd arm brace that leads to his shoulder with at least 100 very odd canister wrapped around it along with a book in a holster on his hip.
Key:" What is my orders Sir Writer."
Writer:"Protect this area Key don't let anyone enter without permission by Nezu understand?"
Key:"Yes sir."
Writer:" Now may the wyvern clan and any of there allies come to about a meter in front of the group"
Right after the stranger said the the executors walked to the front and kneel to him, then R, Lilith, and Regi followed there actions and started to kneel to him but he waved them to not do so. After they stood back up Katsuki, Rosetta, Katana, L along walked forward and stood next to them. L smirked and said "Well did not think you would become a godly being huh" after L had said that the group had disappeared from the humans that were just brought to UA.
Everyone that was in front group was teleported to a completely white area that had no up or down but there were books scattered though out the place. Right after the group was no longer aw of the place the silhouette was gone but there was two others along with Jay and James standing around a book that flashed to a island.
J:" What are you guys waiting for, get over here."
James:"the two next to us don't bite, come on now."
After James said that he went over to the group and guided them over to J and the two humanoids. One of the humanoids looks like a tall Caucasian male with ruby red hair, a crimson red Crystal in the shape of a hexagon on his right on its left chest, and has clothes that look like a jogging suit but has the right chest carved out in a diamond shape to show the crystal. the other one looking almost exactly the same but instead of his clothes having a diamond shape hole barely visible it on his back and it's a black Crystal his hair is also black. Once the group got over the them Lilith asked "Why haven't you four bring me here before?"
J:"Well we just found out others could come in here"
James:"and we just found out about this place two days ago your time madam. We don't even have a name for this place yet."
'the red gem guy':"All the ones that we came up with-"
'the black gem guy':"Were taken, that we know of."
The group was still in shock over the whole thing, half of them were still not use to teleporting far from sight (Bakugo, L, Katana, and the executors that stayed with lady Lilith*the queen of Wyvoneya*. The rest of them except Lilith was surprised that there were two of J and James) while those who were decided to learn more about the place they got teleport to; Swordsman, Ice-Age, Wanderer, Arrow, and R decided to take J and walk away from the group just out of earshot of everyone else and started to talk.
Wanderer:"Okay Kid tell me what you did while you were gone."they said with slight anger.
J:"Well I was away from you guy for about 2 years." he said in a relax manner.
R:"J why are you relaxed at a moment like this?" He says with annoyance.
J:"Well you see R and Wanderer unlike you guys who I could have been gone for about 2 days or so and for me it was 2 years in another world somewhat close to the world I left you in; and altogether we have been gone for about 5-10 months from here." He had said like he always knew of it.
Swordsman and R stood there confused about what they just said until Wanderer and ice age both decided to explain it to them: the most of simplistic terms Wanderer could use by saying "That for each world there is a different time period and also time stream so to say those streams I move as slow as a turtle or as fast as a jackrabbit made it as fast as the fea realm itself." Ice-Age continue with" like one of you are watching a show and it takes you about an hour to finish it but then you want another one about the same amount of episodes and seasons and it takes you 2 days to finish those also run on the same time speed for example say one episodes 30 minutes long on the first so and on the other 1 it's 2 hours long you'll see why it takes you 2 days to watch the same amount of stuff as a 30 minute thing instead of watching 4 episodes at once you're watching 1 and that is a way to explain how time differs from world to world." After Ice-Age was done talking they heard clapping from behind them and saw the red gem guy there but smaller.
J:" Positive (Red gem) don't change your size out of nowhere even though some of us know that you and Negative (Black gem) can both do it, but come on we have guests we need to at least stay the same hight." He said sounding like a calm parent scolding there child.
Positive:"You're no fun J" he said as his body glowed and changed to look older to the same age a J or R. He then replied smart alec like "Is this better mister buzz kill."
J:" It will do also why did you come over here?"
Positive:" Oh ya Big bro came up with a name for this place!" He said sounding like a joyous child.
R speak like he was talking to a kid:" And what may that be young one?"
Wanderer:" R that is rude he's the same age as you show some respect."
Swordsman:" Actually he is older than R's bloodline."
After that was said Ice-Age, Wanderer, Arrow, and R was shocked at the fact of that Positive was older then them but J stepped in "Yes that is true and in the same way I am older then Positive, even though Positive and Negative were the first ones here they- " J was cut off as Positive said that the place is now called '"the library"'. Just then the pure white area that they were in seemed to shake as different books moved about in to different areas , there were now 4 sections of there area the books change colors depending on the sections they moved to those colors being red (Positive), black (Negative), silver (James) and there was a area the had turquoise book covers with golden thread going through them looking like ancient books there was no spine to the books there was just cover stack of paper cover and then golden thread woven through them (J).{ those are the areas that I have chosen for them there full of worlds they world like and the names in parentheses are the owners of those regions, there were some book that stayed the same and went to the middle and made a circle about 20meters above the middle, yes The parts of writer know all of this that is why the needed a name}
Bakugo: "WHAT THE 地獄 JUST HAPPENED!"* he yelled in the distance*
J:" Well I suggest that we go back to the group before James kills Bakugo or something worse" J said with a snicker.
The wyverns started walking towards the new center of the area being lead by Positive and J.
Wanderer:"So Positive was it, if you don't mind me asking this, what race do you belong to?"
Positive:"You don't need to be reserved around me mister, I am a soul fragment that my last creater put here, but biologically I am a Gem like those from a island or book in my section of this place or the red books the book is Steven Universe. Also be for you ask the next question I can not, use the powers of my comrades nor of any of these books that is only J and Writers abilities."
A few minutes later they meet up with the rest of them back at the center. James had Bakugo held down with some black tendril that is coming from where his Right Arm should be. As soon as positive, the ones who took J, and J they saw the odder chaos that happened J stepped in and said with a calming aura to him "James calm down and let go of the kid the clan battle is over you don't NEED to kill, nor fight anyone anymore." After that was said Deku and Rosetta went to get Bakugo and J yelled for no one to move. James's attention turned to J and he calmed down and let go of Bakugo and walked over to J and went limp as he fell.
J:"Now go get the kid but be careful and quiet." J had said just loud enough for everyone there to hear but not a yell or at a talking level. J continue now at talking volume " James, my friend, my brother,my half are you there still." Tears where starting to form his eyes. "Can you still hear me, I am now the God of Craft and you are now the God of Death; We are Script we are safe." James starts to calm down the black tendril return to the size of his arm then turned into apur black arm of sorts. Then James spoke brokenly "What have I done. I-is Bakugo alive?" James quickly look at Bakugo who was afraid at the moment but not at James but himself. Is