Chereads / Sword Galaxy Travels Rough draft / Chapter 12 - chapter 9 The Truth

Chapter 12 - chapter 9 The Truth

 After I got the group out of MHA an d into the library, me(Script[who is J(OC/me), James(OC) fused]) and my half's(Director[who is Positive(OC) and Negative(OC) fused]) domine, we all sat and talk for a bit till L, my first/blood brother, asked an odd question that confused even me. "Why in Arrmodaya was there tech that, in all rights should be out of the Arrmoden's reach in terms of development so how did they get it?" I didn't know the answer at the time. After, R (my Arrmoden counterpart), Regi(James' Arrmoden counterpart), and Katana (L Arrmoden counterpart) all stood up at once and walked over to a book in the Library opening it and peering through.

J and James: "R, Regi don't–"

As J and James tried to stop what they were doing the book opened and it turned into a portal with a bang (saying someone forced the book/world to connect to the area they are in) that sent James in to a feral state of mind, then he lunged towards the three who opened it but he went through the portal before the 3 whom he jumped at followed closely after.

L, Positive, and Negative:"Should we go after them?"

J:"No I got this but Arrow, Wanderer mind coming along?"

Swordsman and Ice-age:"Prince J are you sure you don't want us to come along as well?"

Positive, Negative: "Are you going to be ok without us, that was a non-region book and we don't know where it goes." They said almost worried for the ones leaving and for the 4 they were going after.

J:"Guys I will be fine, what's the worst that can happen, I get kidnapped by a cult for their god?"

Rosetta, L :"that's a red flag isn't it?!"

J:"this isn't a book so I doubt it, now Rosetta do you want to come so I can get James back in *order*"

Rosetta:"Sure and don't make puns around me" *he had said with a hint of anger in his tone*

Wanderer, Arrow, Rosetta, L, and myself left the library through the same book as the the Arrmodens and James did with the portal closing behind us.

J:"Guy's before we go any further take one of these"

*J hands out cards that look like a plastic card that has a lines going across it in a stripe pattern and a rectangle in the top right of it*

J:"these are a prototype for what I've been working on I call these party cards"

*J demonstrates how to use the item by dropping blood on the square in the bottom left of the card and it changed to a card with a simple info card with J's now look and it just has his height, age, and so on*

L:" Ρ– κνοω ωηατ νεϖερ μινδ"

J:" I don't understand that speech but just copy what I did so we can keep track of each other"

L was the first to do it but said something in Ancient Greek that no one else understood but Rosetta and Wanderer followed with me having to help Arrow because he is scared of needles and losing blood.

Arrow:"So now wh–. J explain what I se–"

J, L and Wanderer:"everyone down."

After everyone dropped about 6 guns fired into the room that we opened up to then I realized where we were but I didn't know where we were, it was like something in my blood that said I knew this place but my mind said "This is a dangerous unknown and we need to move". As the guns were firing at us J heard something coming and yelled to the others "More enemies coming stay face down".

L:"what? J are you ok."

J:"from the screams it's 096-shy guy so keep your darn faces down and don't look at them."

After a few minutes of us pretty much bowing to it, just trying to make sure we don't see it's face. After a few minutes we heard it walk away in all we stayed like that for about an hour.

J:"Okay let's move I need to look around a bit as we walk so stay close together and just to be safe let's walk in a line with some people looking behind and others looking forward. Also does anyone else knows how to use guns here except me and Rosetta"

Wanderer Arrow and L all shake there heads for no.

L:"I didn't think I would need to."

J picks up two of the guns and grabs all the ammo and splits it for two people (I am just going to say those six has the same gun and about 30 rounds each for such gun):"Here Rosetta take 90 rounds."

Rosetta:"J I don't think I can carry 90 roun– where did you get those bags?"

J:"Made them. Not form the skin of the human but the grade 3 body armor they had, so L and Wanderer get that look off your faces, I have respect for the dead alright."

Rosetta:"Ok, but J you can feel that this world does not have a soul unlike that ones we have been through already, right."

J:"that is because this world was made by more than one human's idea there is lore for the creatures and characters that live in this world also I don't know if there is any world that is that supernatural outside of these facilities, so this may be the only way you could see what's mine, James', Positive, Negative, and L's home world but I don't think we are here. Anyways let's keep moving before we run into Shy-Guy again he may come around behind us so no one look behind us."

Arrow & Rosetta:" Alright we have at least 60 arrows together so lead the way."

They continued down that hall the group was in and hear a deathly howl that they all knew as James and there was another screaming that flew through the halls so the group ran down in that direction and saw that the other scream came from earlier was 096. Once they got into the room they saw that James and 096 where in a dead locked in a fight with James slightly winning do to his skill with killing and his own abilities even with him in a berserk state soon after the walked in they had the head of 096 thrown at them it's eyes were lifeless and it face was lemp. J looked up and at James who's eyes at that moment reflected the abyss with their darkness. But once James made eye contact the eyes started to look sorrowful and showed regret.


"공예의 신, 이 지옥에서 뭐 하고 계시나요?"

God of craft, what are you doing here in this hell?

J:" James my half look at the area's aura this is not the korea nor that hell that you knew, this isn't that so called crowing tournament."

james:"ㄴ-하지만 우리는, No i may have let my trama take over but i haven't fallen for wrath yet."

L:"brother what do you mean, yes I am asking both of you two."

Wanderer, Arrow, and Rosetta:"Should we go ahead and go through the portal so you three of you work this out."


J and James:"By the creators NO DON"T YOU GUYS LEAVE HIM WITH US PLEASE!"

 There was an inhuman sound that soon followed from that scene that leaked from that portal after Arrow, Warderer, and Rosetta walked away from the group and scouted the rest of the area wall they waited for L to finish scolding J and James for not tell him and yes they heard all of it. After what felt like 3 or 5 minutes L walk through the portal and was followed by J with multiple cuts and rips in his clothes but no scar tissue and James who and a limp but looked perfectly fine. The room they were in was sealed tight it looked bland like a observation room there was also a window into another room.