★There will be two parts of chapter 4, the difference will be shown with the title.★
As the portal shut, J and James found themselves still fighting until they both had broken arms and a broken leg. As soon as they both stopped fighting they found themselves in a burned clearing (which was probably done by them) of a forest near a giant gray tower, with trees were about three stories tall that made the forest.
"J":Oi bastard does this place look familiar?
"제임스(James)": Indeed, but why are we in an Elven Forest?
"J":True, but are you healed yet?
"제임스(James)": Yes, what about you?
"J":Been healed. How about a truce tell, we meet up with one of our bothers?
"제임스(James)":Fine, but can you heal this spot?
"J":Not quite but I can regrow it.
Right before J started to try and regrow that part of the forest they both heard a light foot step near the clearing they were in. They turned and saw a 5'5" adult female elf, with collar length blond hair and bluish-green eye color who was looking over at the two 8'5" humanoids that were just fighting.
"Female elf":Are you two okay?
"J": We are fine miss, just a few broken bones that will heal in a bit.
"Female elf": I have some health potions back at my house it may heal a little quicker with those.
"J": That is nice of you ma'am but I doubt that we will fit through the door of your home miss.
"James": That's true we are about 8'5 "and you seem to be around 5ft tall.
"Female elf":Okay that's rude.
"J and James": we meant nothing bad by it, the complete opposite of it really.
They started to follow the Female elf because they didn't know the land for one and they didn't give any worries of getting kidnapped since they could kill her if needed.
"Female elf": Oh I forgot to introduce myself.
"James and J": We did as well.
"Female elf": My name is Cayna and what are your names?
"J": Well mine is J and he is James.
"*Note* Wyvern the languages J and all the Wyvern clansmen speak is a made of English, Japanese, and chinese spoken at once" , "those who know one of those "
*this is so I don't have to many different languages on here*
"제임스(James)":what is she saying J.
"J": She wanted to know our names James.
"Cayna":Does James not understand Japanese at all?
"J":No but I think he knows Korean and English.
"James": That is true, do you know english lady Cayna?""
"J": James asked 'do you understand english?'
"Cayna": I do know the language it is hard to speak.
"J": Good to know that i just have to translate you for Miss Cayna.
"James": Or I could learn japanese.
"J":and you could teach me Korean.
"Cayna": You two done talking? We need to get moving.
As she said that the two boys stopped looking at each other and looked ahead of them to see a one story white house with a red roof and what looked like a room coming from the back of the house.
"a young cat girl": Lady Cayna welcome home, and if I may ask who is these men you have with you?
"Cayna": Cie these two are here for some health potions that I made.
"James": While that was true we don't need healing now.
"Cayna": Really?
"Roxine": Mind telling us why that is sir?
"James": Me and J are Gods.
"J": We are! Since when?
"James": Since you made that sword on your back.
"Cayna": You two are Gods!?
"James": Yes!
"J": Apparently so. I just thought that was adaptivity that made me heal faster than normal.
"James": Really,. (・o・). you didn't think that far in to it?
"J": Was I supposed to?
"Cayna": Not if it involves you injuring yourself!
"J and James": Is that you speaking, or you being a parent?
"Cayna ": How did you know that I was a mother?
"J": The way you act and the kid in your living room that is watching you so intensely.
(' "---":* 'means that a mc has translated exactly what someone said to a ally)
"Cayna":* She is?
"James":Yes but there is also a boy in the home. Am I correct?
"Cayna":* No there isn't a boy in the house at the moment.
"J":Hey can either of you two see ghosts?
"Cayna":Not really spirits but monsters, yes.
"J":Well this ain't ♐︎◆︎♍︎&︎♓︎■︎♑︎ good now is it.
"James": J 당신이 말하는 것을 보세요 어떤 사람들은 저처럼 이해할 수 있습니다 J 당신이 말하는 것을 보세요 어떤 사람들은 저처럼 이해할 수 있습니다
(J watch what you say some people can understand.) (It like me J watch what you say some people can do understand it like me.)
James said all of that with a angry tone to the point that I understood what he said.
"J and Cayna": Hay calm down there James
Right after they said that James looked over to his left and saw kid looking dead {no pun} at him with nothing else to do he decided to ask the kid, "What's up." The kid pointed to the little girl and James saw that she was a little shocked so James just started walking towards her thinking that he needs to calm her down before she became someone he had to reap. Right before he could even get near the house J grabbed him
"J":James what are you doing now?
*James was a bit mad still and his tone showed it*
"James":집에 있는 그 아이를 진정시키려고
(Trying to calm the kid in the house)
"Cayna": Roxine go check on Luka and see if Roxiliis is back.
After she said that the cat like human woman maid headed inside to check if Luka was okay, then went to see if her colleague had returned. While that was going on J and James were about go back to fighting.
"James": J you can let go of me now?
"J":I'll let go when you tell me why a killing aura is leaking out of you like a waterfall.
"Cayna":So that was why you trusted me?
"J":Yes you have been expelling nothing but a kind aura, James you have a muderis type of aura right now.
"James": Do you want to see why I have that b******
"Cayna": Boys please don't fight.
"J": Sorry madam but the best way to find out something about another is through a fight or that's just our way of talking so it's a must.
"James": At least I finally agree with you, but no holding back got it!
As soon as they start fighting J did something that he couldn't even know he could he made sword nature's Blessing turn into armor as they ran directly at each other James who's right arm turn into his Crest A.K.A. (a tentacle) it instantly grabbed Jay by the ankle threw him upwards and then James went up knocked him back down to the Earth.
"James": You think you can fight me with that piece of junk!
"J?": You're not talking to Jay right now and how's your new arm feeling?
Right as the person who's inside Jay's body said that James fell straight to the Earth arm no longer moving but someone metallic creature wrapped around it."What the hell is this," James said barely able to grasp what just happened and now completely out of breath.
J?: "I guess I'll give you a name for who's in control right now should I James soul eater." Said with a cocky attitude.
James:"Yeah that would be the polite thing to do" he said as he coughed up a bit blood and it wasn't even his
J?:"The name is Gaius" said with a gasp of breath.
Right after Gaius said that they opened a gate to another world then threw James right through it and followed after him and the ghost that was with the girl did the same.