Chereads / Sword Galaxy Travels Rough draft / Chapter 5 - (arc 1) chapter 2 MHA the first dimensional hop

Chapter 5 - (arc 1) chapter 2 MHA the first dimensional hop

"Lilith":Ok I am coming with you all. Mages open the gateway.

"Arrow's 1st incarnation": executors get ready to move out

"reapers/executors": Sir!

"Mages": All clear to go now!

After they said that R and Lady Lilith grabbed me by the arms and wings and went thought the gate, I still don't know what happen to the 6 amarion gods but I think they are still alive, at least I hope.

"J": It took us 2 minutes to get here. So this is what 'My Hero Academia' looks like. Neat.

"Lilith": You know this place?

"J": Yes I do but where are we.

"Mage": We are at Shizuoka Prefecture; date February 26th, 2148; snake territory.

"J": Hay Miss. Lilith can I call you mom? Wall we are here?

"Lilith": Yes it is ok, seeing how I some what raised you for about 12 years.

"R": If that is so then can you call me bro?

"J":Thank you 'mom' and sure 'bro'.

"Wanderer's 1st incarnation": Hay we could send them to that hero school near here.

The day after that we got in contact with a mouse dog thing that was a principal called 'Nezu'. He told us that there is only one opening in the hero course but the rest have room for the both of us. So we thought it over.

"Nezu": Ok I'll give you two a moment just don't take to long alright.

"J": Well I was going to take the 1-H.

"Nezu": Ok and you young man.

"R": Just any were i can just fight.

"Nezu": Got it how about the hero course 1-A has some room. Now then; about two of you above me.

The guards that Lady Lilith sent to protect J and R was surprised at this creatures instincts or knowledge.

"1st Wanderer": I will stick with J and call me Wanderer.

"1st Arrow": 💧︎□︎❒︎❒︎⍍︎ 🖐︎ ♎︎□︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ⬧︎☐︎♏︎♋︎&︎ ⬧︎■︎♋︎&︎♏︎ ♌︎◆︎⧫︎ 🖐︎ ⬥︎♓︎●︎●︎ ⬧︎⧫︎♓︎♍︎&︎ ⬥︎♓︎⧫︎♒︎ ❍︄︎⍍︎ ☐︎❒︎♓︎■︎♍︎♏︎ "☼︎".

(Sorry I don't speak snake but I will stick with my prince "R".)

"J": Sorry he doesn't know japanese but he did say he'll stay with R Mister Nezu.

"Nezu": Oh I see. So is that you young man.

"R": Yes, my name is R and that is fine with me.

"1st Arrow":

❄︎♒︎♋︎■︎&︎ ⍍︎□︎◆︎ 💣︎♓︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎ ☠︎♏︎⌘︎◆︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ☺︎.

(Thank you Mister Nezu and J.)

"R": He said Thank you.

"Nezu": Ok now that is that you all should head down to the classrooms and if you have questions talk with you teachers now then the students out side of this room should help you with finding your classes. Have a good year you four.

After they found there classes R had to translate for Arrow and wail that was happing J and Wanderer made the first Sword Galaxy weapon, they called it "Nature's Blessing" or what will be known as "Planetary Curse-Blessing".

"J": Hay how do we test these things out sir "Power Loader"?

"Power Loader": Mei Hatsume show him were our testing grounds.

"Mei Hatsume" Ok I need some of these carried there any ways.

"1st Wanderer":Let me help you with that.*aimed at Mei

"Mei":Think you for that um~

"J": -hay I got "Nature's Blessing" Wanderer!

"Mei": …Wanderer

"Wanderer": No problem miss and thank you my young prince.

"Everyone in the room":‽

"J": I'm not R, Wanderer.

After that rumors spread fast though out the school soon some people tried to get affiliated with R and J for the reason of them being royalty. Except for Mei Hatsume {whom I still don't know if there human or not}, a explosive human named Katsuki Bakugo, and another strong human that "smelled of death" called Rosetta Midoriya. After J and R were exposed R got two new guards. While I got arrow and Wanderer. But a lot of events played out some what like the anime (Boku No Hero Academia) up till the end season 5.

"J": Hay Rosetta why did you say that Mei could have your spot in the sport festival last semester?

"Rosetta": Oh that is because i don't like sports.

"Mei": Really that was why‽

"???":that is inappropriate behavior respect the school, Wyvern and you to Bakugo.

"R": I will if Bakugo is nice to everyone he knows.

"Bakugo":To mess with them right?

"R": Yes of cou-

"J": -Brother what are you doing.

"R": Hay bro not much just enjoying this.

"Swordman": Prince i am back now show me why you want money you under age and you have 2 guards and all tha-

"J": -Swordman give that to me not him.

"Swordman":Yes sir.

"J": Think you. Now you 4 guards, we get to go and do what ever you want; well that's a no and we got to get out of here. Also you Rosetta are coming with us.

"Rossetta and 1-A minus the wyverns": Were too?

"J": Rossetta was invited by mine and R's mom and ☼︎ ♑︎❒︎♋︎♌︎ ⬧︎□︎❍︄︎♏︎□︎■︎♏︎ ⍍︎☐︎◆︎ ⧫︎❒︎◆︎⬧︎⧫︎ (R grab someone you trust)

"R":🏳︎&︎ ♌︎◆︎⧫︎ ⬥︎♒︎⍍︎ ♋︎❒︎♏︎ ⍍︎□︎◆︎ ⬧︎☐︎♏︎♋︎&︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ♓︎■︎ ⬥︎⍍︎❖︎♏︎❒︎■︎✍︎ ( Ok but why are you talking in wyvern? )

"R": ★whispers to Bakugo★ Hay can you come with me for a moment.

"Bakugo": Sure?

As they all left the room and went to the front grounds nezu witched them stop for a bit then leave UA grounds. Right after that there was a disturbance happened right after Mei came running after them.

"Mei, and Rossetta": what was that?

"Bakugo":What the 奈落 was that Wyverns

"J": A "timeline jump" or in "dum dum terms" "The world fixed it self".

"Rosetta": So what's going to happen to us.

"J": Rosetta look a your crest.

"Rosetta": My wha-

As Rosetta said that he collapsed along with Bakugo than falling unconscious. Mei and R were confused at what just happened to Rosetta and Bakugo.

"J": Okay that's new, why is Bakugo unconscious? Anyways Wanderer grab Bakugo and R heal Rosetta.

"R": Wait I got Bakugo.

"Wanderer": Got it then i'll get Rosetta

"J":Alright now let us go to the docks

They traveled to a dock and got a ship to go to a place that isn't on any now-a-day maps a hidden island known to some as "The Land Of Wyverns".

"J":And we are here!

"R, Swordsman, Arrow, Ice-age, and Wanderer": Finally we're here and that is over.

"Lilith": What happened? ; Why are you here? ; And who are they?

"J and R": Ok so we brought 3 classmates


"J": One that is a variant of me and R.

"Swordsman, Arrow, Ice-age, and Wanderer": Don't do that again you two!

"J": I agree with that, R please try not to do that again ok.

"R":*laugh* alright i'll try to.

After awhile they end up at the wyvern base of operations or as we know it as Atlantis. Yes that is real in this world so shut it. It is also manly water.

"Lilith": You two take them to the infirmary now *points near Bakugo and Rossetta that are still on that bout*. So you think that we need to leave because of a timeline correction am I right?

"J": Yes ma'am. But we may need to leave this world.

"Lilith": Alright but the only thing is that the ruins of our clansmen is here; so we are safe but those with crest aren't safe scents there hasn't been any here for a long time in this world so it doesn't have any way to support your all of energy the energy you kids put off.

"J": Ok, that doesn't make sense.

"Lilith": There is now to many crest owners for this plant that is how.

"J": Ok so I leave with your kid and the ones I brought here is what your getting at right?

"Lilith": Sadly yes so please visit when we fix that ok.

"J": Got it

J went to his group after talking to Lilith and found out the he is the group leader of the party he and R made. he headed over to infirmary area to see Rosetta and R.

"J": Now, how did I become the group leader?

"R": Because you knew the most of this world. That's why.

"Rosetta"*in a weak state*: Hay you too mind telling me what happened to me and this mark on my chest and why does Bakugo have a mark on his forehead?

Lilith came in looking for some high ups in the executors walked into the area and said ‹"They are your crest talk to these two about crest."› She points at J and R. Then continued. ‹"Oh and you two Void and Darkness help with getting the proportions ready."›

"Darkness and Void": Yes ma'am !

Lilith left with Darkness and Void. Then J explained the whole crest thing to Rosetta and later to Bakugo. Then the 5 (J, R, Bakugo, Mei, and Rosetta) went to try and find the portal location but there were a lot of heroes around it.

★J looked around the corner and saw about a raid party worth of heroes (or 30-40 heroes).★

"J": There is about a raid party worth for heroes what should we do?

"R and Bakugo": Bust though them all.

"J,Mei and Rosetta": No that's not smart at all.

"J": But I could summon a monster to lead them away from the gate-way.

"Mei":But fast.

"J": Got it so than a high level salamander right?

"R and Bakugo": Yes!

"Rosetta and Mei":What?

As soon as J was ready to summon he couldn't do it. J looked around them and saw someone above them looking at J and the others. It was Eraser-head and they tried to run/make him loss his focus on J.

*this was the attempt*

"R and Bakugo":Hay LOV magnet come and get us! *They ran towards the portal.* Guys lets go!

As R and Bakugo ran towards the heros, Mei and Rosetta ran after the other two while J ran away form them with Eraser was still on his tail but as soon as Eraser blinked J accidently summoned a demi-god level flame-sky wyvern [note this can use fire and air element attacks].

"Eraser": What the heck did you do‽

"J":That's not what i was trying to summon ♎︎♋︎❍︄︎♏︎ it... wait run now!

As J said that the wyvern quickly crashed and collapsed buildings around it. While there was dust still blocking most civilians view the portal was open two heros down and 3 more missing along with R, Mei, Bakugo, and Rosetta. Then 3 girls ran though the portal with a hero trying to stop them but failing.

"J": Well that was not the plain but it worked great. R through any heros over there back to here got it!

After J yelled that the three missing heros get thorn though the portal and at that same time J tamed and collected the flame-sky Wyvern [was not his when it was summoned but it was a wild wyvern that was brought to there].

"J": Good bye Eraser head.

As J said that he ran thought the portal with the 1st incarnation of Arrow, Wanderer, swordsmen, and Ice-age [other guard for R] chasing right after all of J.