Unsure how to respond to his words, Serena sat in stunned silence beside Ivar, her hands clenched together in her lap and her eyes looking everywhere but at him. Ivar's gaze was warm as he watched her, waiting patiently for her to speak.
"But I am only human", she muttered under her breath, as she reluctantly met his gaze.
"I have not implied that you were anything else", he smiled then, a beautiful smile that transformed his face completely and Serena felt her breath catch in her throat at the sight.
How was it possible that he had this effect on her? Why did she find herself constantly drawn to him even when her feelings were so confusing when she was around him? So many thoughts swirled through her mind but none of them could make any sense of her emotions.
"We should go inside now, I believe lunch will be served shortly", Ivar's voice drew her out of her thoughts and she looked up to find him standing beside her with his hand extended. Not thinking about it anymore, she placed her hand in his and let him lead her back inside and through the castle to the dining hall.
This time, Rathgar had joined them and sat beside the King, opposite Serena, who found his presence somewhat comforting as she didn't think she could handle being alone with Ivar again. Serena ate in silence as she listened to the conversation between the two vampires, their voices drowning out the sound of her thoughts and for this, she was grateful. From the discussion, Serena could see that Rathgar was obviously a close friend of the King and freely spoke his mind without any fear. She wondered about their friendship and if Rathgar had lived as long as Ivar. It was hard to tell since vampires didn't age and seemed to exist in a perpetual state of youth and beauty.
Seeing that she had finished her meal, both vampires stood and walked her to the door where Ivar paused before turning to her, "I have some pressing issues to attend to but I will join you for dinner this evening. You are free to roam the castle and it's grounds but do not venture beyond its borders. For your own sake"
Serena thought his last words sounded more like a warning and watching both men walk away down another corridor, she wondered what lay beyond the castle borders that would cause Ivar to issue such an ominous warning. She stood there a while longer, deep in thought, before turning towards the front hall and the main staircase. Reaching the second floor, Serena walked down a corridor to her right to see where it would lead, Ivar had not shown this part of the castle and she decided to explore on her own. She'd been walking for some time, studying the paintings and ornaments in the corridor when she noticed it seemed unusually quiet on this floor, and Serena thought that it might be empty until a soft, scraping sound caught her attention. She paused, thinking she might have imagined it and was about to start walking when she heard it again. As she stood in the corridor listening, she thought that it seemed like the sound was moving, getting closer. She began walking down the corridor, away from the sound but then she heard it start to move toward her at a quicker pace so she walked faster still and behind the sound moved faster, matching her pace.
Serena felt her breath coming faster and her heart start to beat loudly in the quiet, she was almost running now and when she saw the end of the corridor, she lifted her dress and ran towards the doorway. She rushed around the corner gasping for breath, only to come face to face with a vampire, standing at the foot of the stairs that led to the third floor.
He looked vaguely familiar, she thought she may have been introduced to him last night but couldn't remember his name. His blonde hair was tied back in an untidy ponytail and his clothes were disheveled and dirty. He wasn't wearing a coat and his shirt sleeves were rolled up while he had unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt exposing part of his chest. Serena quickly lowered her eyes, seeing his relaxed state of dress, or rather lack thereof.
"My my my, you really are human. Is that why he's kept you all to himself? And yet...here we are", his voice held a trace of amusement as his lips curled up in a smirk but his eyes....his red eyes were cold and glittered dangerously in the dim lighting.
"If you will excuse me, I was on my way to my chambers", Serena spoke more confidently than she felt as she made to move past the vampire.
"Why so hasty, Your Majesty? Surely you can spare some time for a lowly subject such as myself?", he drawled as he moved to block her path.
"This is neither the appropriate time nor place now please excuse me", she stated firmly, moving to get past him once again.
Suddenly the vampire grabbed both her wrists, yanking her towards him so she stumbled against his chest. Serena gasped in shock and made to pull away but he held her fast, his grip tightening around her wrists the more she struggled against him. She could feel his breath in her face and she attempted to push him away as fear began pulsing through her body in waves.
"Do you really think that a weak human such as yourself could possibly rule over a vampire like me? You can't even protect yourself! You're nothing but livestock!", he sneered in her face, his breath hot and reeking of alcohol. He leaned closer, lowering his head to her neck as his fangs protracted from his mouth.
"No! No! Please stop!", Serena screamed in horror, tears spilling from her eyes as she tried to scramble backwards away from him. Her wrists were burning where he gripped them and her back was arched backwards at an awkward angle as she tried to bend away from him. But her struggles were futile and she felt herself suspended in time, the only sound the rushing of her blood in her ears as she felt his fangs against her neck and she closed her eyes, praying for a quick death.