Night had fallen on the Shadowlands and Serena, alone in her room, was preparing for bed. A snow storm was raging outside so she had closed the balcony doors and was bent over the hearth, stoking the fire. Using the poker beside the fireplace, she prodded the logs and stirred the embers, watching the flames flicker and lick hungrily over the dried logs. A thin sheen of perspiration formed on her face and neck in the heat from the fireplace and she felt the loose strands of her hair sticking to the sides of her face. Straightening up, she took a step back and turned, crashing straight into Ivar's chest. Gasping in shock, she tried to step back only for him to slip his hands around her waist, holding her close against him, his eyes unblinking as they stared deeply into hers.
Looking up into his face, the light from the fireplace cast a warm glow in his grey eyes and on his normally pale skin. The shadows accentuated the contours of his face, giving him an almost predatory look. Her breathing became shallow and ragged as if she had been running and she was certain that he could hear her heart pounding loudly in her chest. She opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't seem to find her voice.
Ivar could see her face had been flushed from the heat in the fireplace but now it seemed like something more. He heard her heartbeat increase as the sound of her blood rushing through her veins filled his ears. Even in the dim light from the fireplace, he could see her carotid artery pulsing hypnotically beneath the skin on her neck almost driving him to madness with hunger.
"Ivar?", her voice broke the silence, momentarily distracting him from the sight her neck.
His eyes blinked slowly as if awakening from a dream, before his gaze moved to rest on her lips. Leaning towards her, he tenderly kissed her cheek while bringing up his hand to caress her along her jaw. His touch was cool but she could feel her temperature rising as he began a trail of light kisses from her cheek to her ear. His lips were soft and tender against her skin and without realizing, she leaned her head back slightly exposing her throat and neck.
Ivar could feel her body responding to him as he moved to kiss her exposed neck and he pulled her tighter against him so her hips were pressed against his own. He continued to kiss her neck, moving down to her shoulder, his mouth lingering where her artery was fully exposed. With one hand, he stroked his fingers against the back of her neck while tracing his thumb in slow, sensual motions between her ear and throat. Her body was trembling and she leaned against him, her hands gripping his arms through his jacket.
Serena felt every nerve in her body grow taut and all coherent thought vanished from her mind, leaving behind only the feeling of Ivar's touch. Her entire body was on fire, the heat radiating outward from her very core, her aching desire fueling the flames from within.
Moving up from her neck Ivar kissed along her jaw before brushing his lips lightly against the corner of her lips. He felt her lips part and he slowly settled his lips on hers, allowing her to grow accustomed to the sensation. He licked her lips, running his tongue across their length until he heard her moan softly with desire. Then he deepened the kiss, parting her lips as he gently slid his tongue between them, probing her mouth until he felt her respond with her tongue.
Serena felt her knees go weak as Ivar tightened his grip around her waist, pressing her body closer but still she felt that it wasn't close enough. Her body was trembling as Ivar moved to kiss her neck and shoulders, flicking his tongue across her skin causing her to gasp and dig her fingers into his arms.
Suddenly, Ivar froze and turned to look toward the balcony doors, his eyes narrowed and head cocked to one side. Serena, still in his arms, stared up at him in dazed confusion at his sudden change in mood.
"Stay here", he instructed before placing her on the sofa. Then opening the balcony doors he walked out into the storm.
Rathgar stood on the balcony rail, staring out into the night, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword. Sensing Ivar's presence behind him, he turned to meet his gaze before he spoke, "There's something you need to see", and without waiting for a reply, dropped to the ground below.
Arriving at the eastern border, they stopped in front of a pile of branches, stacked neatly in the snow. Rathgar began moving the branches aside as Ivar moved closer, his eyes focused on the snow that had been covered by the branches. There were tracks, magical tracks invisible to the human eye, but clearly visible to supernatural beings.
The use of magic, by any creature, will always impart a faint residue that is unique to the user, provided that the weather does not play a hand in concealing it.
Ivar knelt in the snow, closely studying the tracks while Rathgar stood beside him, his red eyes scanning their surroundings.
"These are still fresh", Ivar observed.
Rathgar nodded, "I was checking the back of the castle when I sensed it, but it was gone before I arrived"
"Perhaps it also sensed you", Ivar mused, almost to himself.
"I hope she did", said Rathgar, his eyes glowing an even deeper shade of red.
"She?", Ivar questioned.
"Indeed, I suspect our nocturnal visitor is a witch"
"You may be right", muttered Ivar.
The two vampires remained outside in the storm, checking the eastern border, before returning to the castle and Ivar's study. Rathgar stood by the windows, his hands clasped behind his back while Ivar stood, leaning against his desk, both men lost in thought.
"It cannot be a coincidence that the witch has appeared twice now at the eastern border and in direct line of sight of your chambers", Rathgar spoke, his back still facing Ivar.
"I don't believe in coincidence"
"I'll have men patrol the eastern border after dark", Rathgar replied, making his way to the door.
Ivar nodded and turned, walking behind his desk and sitting down as Rathgar left the room. A frown formed on his face as the silver-haired vampire's words echoed in his mind. Ivar knew he had enemies, but that wasn't what worried him, he was used to dealing with them, swiftly and without mercy. For the first time in his long life, Ivar felt fear, fear for Serena because now he had a weakness and he knew his enemies wouldn't hesitate to use it against him.
It was late when Ivar returned to his chambers to find Serena asleep on the sofa where he had left her. Her legs were curled up under her nightgown and her braid had come loose, her black hair spilling across the cushions. He lifted her carefully in his arms, not wanting to wake her, and carried her to the bed. She stirred as he laid her down on the bed, her arms reaching for him as she breathed his name. Ivar lay beside her and taking her in his arms, whispered into her ear, "Shhh....I am here. Sleep"