The next morning Serena entered the dining hall for breakfast only to find it empty, she looked around confused and paused halfway to her seat. Victor emerged from a side door in the wall and soundlessly moved to place her plate on the table.
"Where is the King?", she asked Victor, as he stepped away from the table.
"He has left the castle early this morning to attend a meeting of the Northern High Council in Garenthal", Victor replied dryly.
"When will he return?"
"That I do not know "
Serena was silently relieved, she had hoped to avoid him after what happened last night. The memory of it made her cheeks burn and sent shivers down her spine. She was embarrassed at her behavior, how she had responded so willingly to Ivar's touch.
Sitting down, she began eating but glancing up every now and then, at the empty seat at the head of the table. The dining hall seemed dull and cold, as if something was missing. Perhaps she had just become accustomed to Ivar teasing her at every meal and nothing more. Quickly getting up from her chair, she left the dining hall without finishing her food.
She spent the day in the library, reading and then painting until evening when she returned to the dining hall and finding it empty, she ate dinner alone. Again she left her meal unfinished before going to her chambers to bathe and rest.
At some point in the night, she felt arms around her, holding her close and she had gone rigid and tense before she heard Ivar whisper against her cheek, "Sleep Serena, I only wish to hold you"
She had gradually relaxed in his arms and fallen asleep.
The next day he was gone again and she was alone in the castle. Although she had initially thought to avoid him, she felt a small flicker of disappointment at not having him around. She had grown used to his presence and couldn't help but feel a little lonely without him.
The day seemed to drag on and eventually when night came, Serena found herself alone in her chambers once again. She was lying in bed, facing Ivar's side of the bed when the door opened and he walked in. Quickly sitting up in bed, she smoothed her hair and tried to get up but Ivar stopped her.
"Lie down Serena, I am going to bathe, I will come to bed shortly", he said while removing his jacket and walking to the bath chamber.
Some time later, Ivar walked back into the room wearing only a pair of black pants, his chest exposed. Walking to the bed, he sat down and leaned back against the headboard, one hand behind his head.
"Is everything alright, Your Majesty?", she asked softly.
"I have been meeting with the Northern High Council, they have found evidence of someone practicing the Dark Magic of the Ancients"
Serena's eyes grew wide, "I thought it was forbidden"
"It is", Ivar agreed, his face grave.
"Only someone of pure royal witch blood can wield that kind of dark power and there are none left from that bloodline", Serena said thoughtfully, a frown on her face.
"You seem well-versed on the subject, perhaps it is you", Ivar smirked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Serena glared at him, annoyed and tried to steer the conversation away from her.
"Is that why you have been going out these past two days?"
"Yes", he nodded, his face serious, "Rathgar found tracks not far from the castle borders, whoever it is came this way but we don't know what they were doing here. They used a powerful Cloaking Spell but we were still able to sense their presence"
Serena was quiet, thinking over what Ivar said, she was worried that someone was out there who might mean Ivar harm. She was concerned because he was the only one who could protect her here and if anything happened to him, she would be alone and defenseless in a foreign land.
Turning to her, Ivar placed his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes, "One of my scouts has found something in some caves north of here, I will need to go there tomorrow. I need you to be careful while I'm gone, do not leave the castle walls. Not for anything. Promise me, Serena"
"I promise", she nodded, her eyes never leaving his.
"Good", Ivar smiled at her and touched her cheek with one hand.
"Do you miss me so much that you are unable to eat without me?", Ivar asked, his lips twitching at the corners.
Serena blushed and quickly tried to turn her face away but Ivar held her face firm in his hand, his eyes glinting in the light from the fireplace.
"Would you like me to feed you again? Like before?", he teased as his hand caressed her face and neck. "Or do you crave something.....more?"
His other hand that had been holding her shoulder, pushed her nightgown down as he bent his head to place light kisses on her exposed shoulder. His lips were soft and feathery making her skin tingle and she shivered involuntarily. He ran his tongue across her shoulder and back to her collarbone while his fingers danced lightly across her chest, just above her breasts.
Her eyes were closed and her head tilted to one side, leaving her neck and chest exposed. She felt his fingers apply gentle pressure to her chest, pushing her back against the bed while his other hand held her neck, easing her down onto the bed. He stretched out beside her, keeping her in his arms as he moved his lips to hers, sliding his tongue inside her mouth. She clenched her hands at her sides, gripping her nightgown to prevent herself reaching up to touch his neck and face.
Ivar moved one hand down her shoulder and arm and reaching for her hand , laced his fingers with hers before moving her hand up to his chest. He heard her gasp as her hand touched his chest , her fingers warm against his cool skin.
Gently breaking the kiss, Ivar lifted his head and looked down at her, a small smile on his lips, "I told you I would make you beg for me to take you"
"I will do no such thing!", Serena quickly pushed him away from her and turning her back, she pulled the covers around her and closed her eyes.
She heard him chuckle behind her before he lay down and fell asleep.