Chereads / Snow falls gently in the darkness / Chapter 13 - Injury to insult

Chapter 13 - Injury to insult

She waited to feel the pain of his fangs puncturing her skin but it never came, suddenly she felt warm liquid spray against her face and chest so she opened her eyes, just as she felt herself falling backwards. She braced herself for the impact but instead she felt strong arms around her and looked up to see a pair of grey eyes looking back at her.

"Ivar", she breathed and everything became blurry and she felt a sudden rush of wind. It lasted only for a moment before everything swam into focus again and she saw they were in the bath chamber and Ivar was descending the steps into the tub while they were both fully clothed.

She moved her lips but couldn't make a sound and her body seemed unable or unwilling to obey her so she allowed him to carry her into the water as she rested her head on his shoulder. The water was warm and his arms felt safe and comforting somehow but she knew that she couldn't stay with him like this. Reluctantly, she pulled away and tried to stand but her knees buckled under her and she felt his arms encircle her waist. Ivar brushed her hair back from her face, the light touch of his fingers bringing an unexpected warmth to her skin.

Taking a sponge from a marble tray beside the tub, Ivar gently cleaned her face and hands before moving to her neck then down to her chest causing Serena to flinch away from him, her face burning red.

"I can do that myself, I wouldn't want to trouble you anymore than I already have", she said, taking the sponge from him.

"It wouldn't be any trouble at all seeing my previous offer still stands but I suppose I could make an exception just this once"

He stared intently at her for a while, his lips curving slightly at the corners before he nodded and turned to ascend the steps. His clothes were completely soaked and stuck to his skin accentuating his broad shoulders and shaped torso. At the top of the steps, he paused to remove his jacket and shirt revealing the broad expanse of his back, the smooth, contoured muscles rippling with each movement. Bending slightly he began to remove his boots and Serena's eyes widened at the thought that he might remove everything else.

"If the sight of me undressed pleases you so much, I could always turn around", his voice startled her and she realized that she had been staring at him unabashedly all this time. Crimson warmth flooded her face and her voice trembled with embarrassment, "Forgive me, Your Majesty" and quickly turning her back to him, she sank below the water as much to hide her embarrassment as to give him privacy. She stayed immersed beneath the water until she felt her lungs bursting for air before cautiously emerging, but keeping her back to the steps. Glancing surreptitiously over her shoulder to confirm that he had left the room, she quickly removed her clothes and washed herself.

Noticing blood in the water, Serena checked herself for any injuries but found none. She thought that the blood might be from Ivar and worried that he may have gotten hurt because of her, she quickly left the tub to dry herself. Putting on a robe, she entered the bed chamber to find it empty. She felt slightly disappointed as she hoped to apologize for being responsible for him getting hurt and she wondered when he would return.

Seeing that she was alone, she dressed quickly in a dark green dress with gold embroidery around the neck and the edges of the long sleeves. She fastened a gold belt loosely around her hips before brushing her hair and braiding it in a single braid that hung across her shoulder.

Just as she finished dressing, the door opened and Ivar strode in, her maids following behind, carrying trays of food. Setting the food down on a table in front of the fireplace, they exited the room, leaving Ivar and Serena alone.

She stood watching him as he moved to sit on the sofa in front of the fireplace and indicated for her to sit beside him. Moving slowly, she made her way to the sofa and sat beside him, making sure to leaving a space between them. Ivar sighed and moved closer to her, placing a blanket to cover her legs when she suddenly spoke, unable to continue to accept his kindness when she had been the cause of his injury.

"Your Majesty, I am sorry I caused you to hurt yourself today"

Confusion clouded his eyes before he realized what she meant, "My dear Serena, much as your concern warms my heart, it is sadly misplaced. I am perfectly fine"

"But the blood.....I saw it in the water....."

"Oh that. It's not mine"

"Then who?", the question froze on her lips as she remembered the warm liquid that had sprayed on her face and chest earlier. Even as the answer came to her, she couldn't stop the questions that slipped from her lips.

"Did you...? Is he....?"

"Yes...I did and yes, he is"

"But why?"

"Because Serena if I allow the actions of one vampire to go unpunished then others will come"

He cut up some food on a plate and moved the fork towards her mouth. Serena became still, staring at the food, as she tried to make sense of everything that was happening.

"You need to eat, Serena. I'm not asking"

Reluctantly, she complied and continued to talk, forgetting that Ivar was sitting calmly beside her and feeding her dinner.

"They don't accept me as their queen", she murmured softly while chewing her food.

"It does not concern me whether or not they accept you as Queen. You are the Queen of the Shadowlands and that's all that matters"

"But what if....?", Serena paused, the question hanging in the air.

"There will always be those like Viscount Linley but such things should not concern you. As long as I am here, no harm will come to you"

"But you will not always be here to watch over me"

"Even if that were so, I will ensure your safety nonetheless", his voice was calm and reassuring and she somehow felt confident that he would keep her safe. She didn't know why she trusted him so but she knew for certain that she had no other choice.

He moved to place more food in her mouth but she reached out to hold the fork, unintentionally grasping his hand. She felt a strangely pleasant sensation that warmed her inside when their hands touched and she blushed before lowering her eyes, afraid that he could see the effect he had on her.

What was wrong with her? Why did his presence and touch affect her this way? Could he tell how he was making her feel? Her mind was a mess and the fact that he was staring at her with those strange, grey eyes was making it hard for her to breathe, let alone think clearly.

"I am full, Your Majesty", as she hastily released his hand.

"Are you sure that you are satisfied, Serena?", his voice was teasing.

Somehow Serena sensed that he was referring to something other than food but she only nodded and kept her eyes lowered.

He placed the fork back on the plate and leaned back against the sofa, closing his eyes.

"Will you not eat, Your Majesty?"

"Vampires do not need to eat for sustenance, we need blood for that"

Serena gulped nervously, wondering if he was waiting for her to offer her blood in exchange for him feeding her. Is that why he had shown her such care and kindness? Because he wanted her blood in return? She knew what he was but she had never considered that he would need to consume her blood. She had naively assumed that she wouldn't need to participate in such things. Was he expecting her to offer her blood to him? She didn't know how to even articulate such an offer. Perhaps she should just be direct about it and get it over and done with, no point in delaying the inevitable. Making up her mind, she cleared her throat before speaking, "If it please Your Majesty, you may partake of some of mine"

Ivar's eyes slowly opened as he turned his head to look at her, "Some of your what?"

"Blood" , her voice was barely audible in the quiet of the room.

The sound of Ivar's laughter both shocked and delighted her, the sound was rich and seductive , sending shivers down her back. When he had stopped laughing, he looked at her with amusement in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

"My dear Serena, you really are the most delightful creature and though it would please me greatly to drink of your blood, I don't think that you're in any state to engage in such an activity", his grey eyes twinkled as he continued to smile at her.

"But I thought...."

Ivar's demeanor suddenly turned serious as he realized her motive, "You thought what? Tell me what you think Serena? That I would care for you and show you kindness only to bargain for your blood as payment? Is that how low you think of me?"

His eyes had turned dark and stormy and his voice had dropped to a low and frightening whisper.

"I didn't....." but before she could finish, Ivar cut her off, "If all I am to you, is a blood-thirsty vampire then perhaps that's what you shall have"

Rising from the sofa, he strode to the door and opened it before stepping out and slamming it shut behind him.

The sound of the door slamming seemed to reverberate through the castle and into Serena's very bones. She sat there, shaking, tears pricking at the back of her eyes as she tried to blink them away. What had she done? How could she misread his intentions to her? How could she have known that he was being genuinely caring when their marriage was nothing more than a political alliance? She knew in her heart that she had never intended to offend him, not like this, not after he had shown her such kindness. Had he not saved her twice already since she arrived here? She had been worried for him when she thought he was hurt and instead of showing her gratitude, she had insulted him. Serena shook her head regretfully and exhaled, trying to steady her emotions.

Standing up from the sofa, she changed and dressed for bed before walking out onto the balcony. Outside a chill breeze soughed softly through the leafless branches of the trees and the moon cast pale, silver light upon the snow bathing it in surreal hues of blue and gray. There were no sounds apart from the wind hauntingly whispering its secrets like a long-dead lover unable to find peace in the after life. Serena shivered in the breeze but welcomed its cold embrace as something familiar and unchanging, a rock to hold onto as she struggled to comprehend this strange, new life that she had chosen for herself.

Perhaps it was time to finally let go of what was and look forward to what could be even if it meant holding out some hope of making this marriage more than what it is. Ivar had been nothing if not kind to her and she had never sensed any malice or ill-intent from him since their first meeting. Would it be so terrible to at least return his kindness even just a little? She didn't expect him to fail in love with her but she didn't want him to hate her either.

It was getting colder, the wind getting stronger as the snow fell thick and fast, landing in drifts on the balcony but still she stood against the rails, her white night gown fluttering against her slender frame and her inky hair streaming behind her.