
'I'm bored' A young man looking out a window thinks to himself.

He sits there, looking at the setting sun, and the colors of the sky.

'What should I do?' He wonders.

His family is quite well known, and so is he, the talented son of a big leader in the technology market, Joseph Crown never really had any complaints. And when he did, he did not complain.

As he sat there, contemplating his options, his attention was suddenly attracted by the sudden emergence of a dot in his view.

He watched it, wondering if it was another of those teenagers having just gotten their own Hyper-board flying above the limit.

But soon, it became apparent that it wasn't.

The dot grew, quickly, and not in the shape of any vehicle he knew.

'It's just a sphere?' An idle thought came into his mind.

He was not worried, it was not in his character to worry about things that could not be changed by him.

At most, he would prepare, but he did not needlessly worry.

'That is not a vehicle, is it?'

At that moment, a television was activated in the room behind him, as it always would whenever there was an emergency broadcast.

"It's time folks, the end of the world is upon us." The voice that came from the speakers was quiet, and Joseph could make out resignation from the voice.

'But not completely resigned yet.'

"Many of you may have already seen the dot in the sky, well, we have confirmed that it is in fact, a black hole." The voice trembled at the words it spoke.

'Suppressed hysteria.' He thought, looking at the dot again.

"So pray, pray to the gods you believe in, for Armageddon has come to us."

A few whispers were heard in the background before a yell broke out.


The short outburst was followed by quite a bit of noise of things falling, along with the murmurs of people trying to get him to calm down.

A momentary pause.

"Sorry about that."


"This is a broadcast to all the people in the world. There is nothing we can do, so please do not panic. There is nothing that can be done. At the moment, The black hole is thirty minutes away from consuming the earth, so please spend these last moments in peace. Try to atone for whatever sins you have committed, and say your goodbyes to your close ones. In a short time, the magnetic waves of the earth will be disturbed, and all forms of wireless contact will be rendered useless."

"All forms of currency and valuables are now useless, so please do not try to steal from any shops as you see in movies, it has no effect."

"I bid you all a final goodbye. This is Martin Cooper, and this is the final time you will ever see me. Goodbye."

'That was rather calm, a man who has accepted his fate, but his words are meaningless.'

Quite true, for within a few moments of the broadcast's end, the world was in turmoil.

But that had nothing to do with our main character, who at this moment, was walking leisurely towards a rather large, domed building, which had a large entrance.

Inside it, there was an aircraft, which was about twenty meters long, with a wingspan of twenty as well, and the word 'Baron' stenciled in blue above the left wing. The craft itself being completely white.

He walked up the lowered steps with a slow, measured, gait. Like it was a normal thing for him.

He walked into the cockpit and sat down on the pilot's seat.

Leaning forward, he pressed a green panel, and immediately, the cabin sprung to life. Lights flickered, showing the current status of the craft.

'93% fuel. More than enough.'

He pressed a few more buttons, then leaned back as a seatbelt fastened him into place.

An engine started whirring somewhere, and the whole platform that the plane was on started changing, half of it fell back, showing a dark pit, while the other half lifted the plane so that it now nosed up.

One more command, and the dome started to open as well, revealing the now darkened sky.

'We are go for launch.' He inwardly quipped to himself.'

'Wonder if father will see me.' He thought as he reached forward.

Flames erupted, and the plane flew off into the sky.