Chereads / THE KING OF GANGSTERS / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Show no weakness

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Show no weakness

Finchley Maximum Security Prison, is considered as hell itself. It stood tall on a rocky island outside Outrun City. The only way to get to it was by boat or helicopter. With 15 meter high concrete walls and endless machine gun terrets. It could be considered one of the most secure prisons in the country.

Meanwhile Inside a huge inspection room filled with inmates. Chad was currently calmly sitting on a bench waiting for a full body examination.

As he looked to his left he was surprised to discover a well know drug dealer. David Webster also known as spider was a well known drug dealer throughout city. Yet, unlike other drug dealers he did his business on the internet there by staying safe out of danger. Yet the current him looked scared as hell compared to his alter ego spider.

"Dude, with your pretty face you might end up as somebodies bitch tonight. How about linking up with me so that I can protect you." Said a fat scar faced inmate next to Chad. All while slowly placing his hand on Chad's leg.

Looking left and right, Chad quickly gave him a hand chop right on his throat making him choke. He quickly grabbed his head pulling him closer.

"If you ever try that again I'll dig out your eyes with a spoon." Whispered Chad.

The fat guy could sence Chad's murderous auro so he immediately ran and sat on another bench. Through all this he did not dare make eye contact with Chad.

"Alright all of you maggots stand up for your inspection. I hope non of you have drugs on you, because today I feel like dishing out some beatings." Ordered a guard pointing at everybody with his baton.

"You can step down now Ben, I will take it from here. It's been a long time since I whipped a man into submition." said a voice coming from the hallway laughingly.

"Snap, snap, snap," rang out as a whip hit the floor.

Everybody immediately looked to the dark hallway. When the person finally stepped out all the prisoners jaws dropped to the ground. Stepping out was a beutiful red headed green eyed milf. The clothes she had on could barely be considered a uniform. Her skirt could barely cover her ass with a pair of black lace stockings. Her police shirt was tied in front holding together a pair of huge tits. Her wearing a peaked cap and a pair of red stilettos was the cherry on top.

"Pieces of shit, I'll dig out your fucking eyes if you keep disrespecting Captain Bexley." Yelled Ben after seeing the prisoners drool over her.

"That's enough Ben please calm down. I will deal with them personally, or do you think a girl like me can't handel it."

"Oh no no captain, I would never think something so ridiculous please forgive my behavior." replied Ben swiftly.

"Ben how many times have I told you to call me Lisa. You know I hate titles, Urg."

"I'm so sorry cap... I mean Lisa." stuttered Ben.

"Okay, everybody take of all your clothes." order the Lisa with a smile on her face.

Hearing that all the inmates immediately began looking at each other nobody wanted to go first. However somebody finally began undressing, and others soon followed suit.

Chad was one of the first to take of his clothes proudly. He was one of those guys that looked soft, but in reality where really buff when removing their clothes. It's his face that made him look like a light weight.

Meanwhile David was the slowest to take of his clothes. But it could not be helped considering he is the whitest and looked the softest in the group. And all that practically makes him the perfect target for booty warriors.

"Hurry up you little shit undress." Yelled one of the guards irritated at David.

Meanwhile another guard began making making a register about which gang each inmate belongs too. This had to be done otherwise they might end up getting killed if placed in the wrong cell.

"Alright little piggies! Turn around and bend over for mama. I want to see what you are hiding up in there. If mama finds anything on you, my whip will bless your sweet butts." said Lisa in a seductive tone.

All the inmates immediately began bending. A guard began walking and checking them all.

"Good, it appears you're all clean. Unfortunately it's time for your syntrax shot. " said Lisa with a grin.

"What! But miss Lisa we already got shots before coming here." yelled an inmate.

"Idiot rookie, that was to suppress your gene abilities." replied Ben angrily.

Syntrax shots were used to rid the body of rage. Basically it's a drug that removes their powers and makes them normal humans again. The biggest problem with syntrax is that it stays in the body for one year. Meaning no rage drug will work during that time.

Everybody soon got a shot before quickly being ordered out to go to their own temporary separate cells.

Yet just as Chad was about exit he heard a slapping sound as a whip hit the ground before him

"I did not say you could leave my love." said Lisa as she walked up to him.

"Oh sh—" was all he could utter.

Lisa had grabbed his balls without warning and where currently playing with them. The few prisoners behind Chad had their mouths open in shock. Ben on the other hand had his face turn red like a tomato from anger.

"Chad right."

"Ye... yes capta... I mean Lisa." Said Chad struggling to talk with closed eyes.

"Oh, i'm sorry I just thought you might be hiding something. Well I guess you're clean."

"Okay, his clean." said Lisa before walking away with a smile on her face.

Chad stood in shock for a while before recovering. His heart was beating wildly and sweat was dripping down his face. Meanwhile his little brother had become harder then iron. He could only shake his head before following the rest of the inmates.


The next morning all the new inmates were escorted to the prison cafeteria for breakfast. Grabbing a bowl of hard porridge, Chad quickly went to sit with the other rookies. It would be a mistake to just go sit anywhere, since most tables are reserved by different gangs.

As all of them where busy eating, a fat balled inmate suddenly walked up to them in an imposing manner.

"Hey! Any of you rookies from our black hand gang. If yes, then come sit with us." Said the bald man.

Seeing that no one was answering, the bald glanced at them again before walking away cursing.

It did not take long for a mouse looking thin man to come over and ask the same question. Seeing him Chad recognized him

immediately. He was Myles Adam's who was part of the forsaken kings. The right hand of one of the gangs generals named Ambush. A ruthless and violent man know for dismembering his rivals.

"Anybody here a member from my forsaken kings." said Myles seemingly annoyed.

Seeing no one responding he turned around, yet he quickly turned around again looking straight at Chad.

"Wait a minute, your face looks awfully familiar."

"Now I remember who you are, your that little shit who broke my sisters heart."

Chad immediately stepped out before beginning to role up his sleeves ready for battle.

"Oh my, looks like we have a big man over here fellas." yelled Myles

All the prisoners immediately began laughing, with some even screaming for Myles to fuck Chad up.

"She almost committed suicide because of you. I wanted to go fuck you up once I'm out, but it looks like I don't need to wait so long anymore."

"I do not know who you are nor do you I know your sister." replied Chad.

Yet deep down he knew exactly who she was. Another one of the previous Chad's romantic victims.

"Don't worry, you might not know me now but tonight you will certainly feel me." said Myles with a grin.

Stepping forward he attempted to put his hand on Chad's waist. Yet Chad quickly grabbed and twisted his hand before punching him in the face.

"Ding, punished a criminal, reward +7 gangster points."

Hearing the system notification made Chad's grin. He immediately followed up with another punch.

"Ding, punished a criminal, reward..."

"You son of a bitch, you broke my nose." screamed Myles while staggering backwards.

"You're a fucking dead man do you here me, you're dead" screamed Myles while running out of the cafeteria.

The guards did not even bother do take Chad to lock up. To them fights between prisoners was free entertainment. They only stepped up in life and death situations.

The rest of the forsaken kings did not even get up from their table. They just looked at Chsf with rage, while continuing to eat silently. Chad payed them no mind as he began eating again.

"Tsk, tsk. You have a lot of balls to fuck up Myles like that." Said a man walking up to the rookies table.

Unfortunately your dumb ass just offended somebody you shouldn't have." said the man shaking his head as he looked at Chad.

Looking up, Chad was surprised to discover that it was Craig Shaw talking to him. With brown hair and a scar across his right eye, Chad immediately knew that he had found his target.

"Any of you savages a member of the crimson shadows?"

Again the recruits did not answer. Some were even afraid to meet Craigs gaze. Seeing nobody answer he turned around ready to leave.

"Wait." Said Chad walking up to Craig.

"I am not a crimson shadow member, but I would like to have a chance to join your gang." said Chad humbly.

Craig frowned as he looked at Chad before replying: "You really think I'm stupid huh. The only reason you want to join us, is because you fear the revenge of the forsaken kings."

"I'm sorry kid, but we can't compromise our peace deal just because some hot headed rookie couldn't control his anger."

"However if manage to survive tonight, then I'll accept you with open arms." said Craig grin as he walked away.

"Smh, it's all good"

Chad immediately turned around and began eating again frowning. Meanwhile David shook his head in pity as he saw all of this. According to him, Chad should have just used his commissary items to straighten things out with Myles.

After the rookies finished breakfast they were taking to a new prison block. Here they were quickly assigned to new permanent two person cells. Before being taken to go see the head master.

"Alright listen hear you scum, I'm your headmaster Lorenzo Miller. But you fools can just call me Lorenzo for sort." Shouted Lorenzo.

He had a bald head with a gray mustache and stood at a height of almost six foot five. The huge baton hanging on his side made him looked even more scary.

"Yes, sir." replied the inmates.

"Good, now I will teach you the rules of my prison."

"The most important thing here is to obey my instructions..."

As the Lorenzo was busy speaking an inmate suddenly began shaking resulting in him making noise.

"What is that idiot doing over there, did you not hear me boy?" said Lorenzo pointing his baton at the inmate.

"I'm... I'm so sorry sir, I'm so sorry." replied the the inmate stil shaking.

"Dammit, guards take that crack head to the medical room." yelled Lorenzo.

The guards quickly took the inmate away who had already began foaming from his mouth.

"Smh, did you just see what happened to that idiot. That maggots is the result of taking drugs laced with rat poison."

"I hope more of you idiots aren't stupid likehim. Don't accept drugs from prisoners you don't know." said Lorenzo shaking his head.

"Anyway as I was saying, discipline is the most important thing hear in Finchley prison. By not following our rules we can make your life a lot more difficult then it already is."

"There have been men in the past that tried to fuck with us, sadly their asses are stil in this prison today. Some had to only serve one year, yet we fucked them back and extended those years." said Lorenzo as he stared them all down.

"I know some of you belong to powerful gangs, but unfortunately for you I don't give a shit. This is my house and here I am king. So if you try to fuck me, I will bend you over and fuck you back do you hear me." yelled Lorenzo.

"Yes, sir."

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, sir."

"Good, very good."

"I have no family waiting for me on the outside. Meaning I have no weaknesses that you pigs can exploit. I'm also a strong follower of the law, so your bribes don't mean shit to me. So please do not test me, for I am a savage when angered." yelled Lorenzo before walking away.