After arriving in his cell Chad was left angered seeing the state it was in. The cell smelled like piss, and the floor had spit all over it. His cell mates bedding and pillow looked like that of a beggars. His bedding was no better, not to mention it smelled like mold. Opening the bullet proof glass door of the toilet, raised Chad's anger level to new heights. The toilet looked more disgusting then a public toilet back on earth.
He could only shake his head and begin unpacking his things. Opening the garbage bag that a guard had given him made Chad grin. Because the black plastic bag was full of all kinds of snacks. There was even a small role of money wrapped in news paper.
He could not help but smile as he thought about Captain Slater. He is the only one that would arrange for something like this for him. Even though he was not the original Chad, he stil respected Captain Slater after working with him this last two months.
As he was busy packing his things into his side of the cupboard, he senced somebody quickly russing at him. Not delaying anything he immediately went into fighting stance to face the treat. However the guy ran past him and began taking his snacks and throwing them onto the other bed. Chad frowned as he looked at the guy that was so blatantly stealing from him. Skinny, covered in tattoos and with a long neck. Coupled with his long nose made him look like a rat.
"Brother, you must be creeping for a beating. It's so early in the morning are you sure you want this ass kicking?" ask Chad staring at the man.
The guy immediately stopped before walking up to him.
"You must not know the rules of this cell newbie. In this cell I am king and as king I get to take eighty percent of your shit. So you better stand down or im going to make you eat shit." said the man before turning around.
Yet as soon as he turned around, he immediately leaned left before throwing a right hook at Chad's face. Sadly for him Chad was always vigilant against him. So when the inmate did that he ducked and stepped inside. Before throwing a left hand upper cut hitting him right between his eyes.
With no vision as his eyes were full of tears the inmate began throwing wild haymakers. This gave Chad ample time to step back, before giving him a running spartan kick. As he layed on the ground Chad put a pillow on his face and began smothering him.
While all this was going down the system was going crazy with notification in Chad's head.
"Ding, punishing a criminal, reward +7 gangster points."
"Ding, fighting style upgraded."
For the last two months he had gotten quite used to these notifications. Each time he beat up or arrested a criminal the notifications would go off. So he paid them no mind at this point.
Meanwhile the inmates legs began kicking wildly, yet Chad kept him in that position. Finally after about a minute Chad finally removed the pillow.
"Arg, I'm sorry arr... please don't kill me man, please." cried the guy.
"This is what happens to people who try to fuck with me. Try that shit again and I will kill you." said Chad as he stood up.
"What's your name?"
"My... my name is Axel man."
"Well Axel I'm kind off impressed by a coward like you. A guy like you can be quite useful to me in the future." said Chad coldy staring at him.
"Yeah and I will be useful man. Please just don't beat me I heard your message loud and clear." Begged Axel.
"I'm not going to kill you, in fact I need you to do me some favors right now." said Chad before reaching into his bag and taking out two one hundred krona bills.
"I'm about to go do my daily task, so I want you to clean up this room." said Chad as he handed him the money.
"Are you giving this—"
"No, I want you to go get me some brand new bedding. I also want you to get a new toilet seat with the money."
"That's impossible even for me, getting those things will be difficult even with money." said Axel shaking his head.
"Go find a guard called Lucas Jennings." Just say I sent you.
"But how does a newbie like you—"
"Non of your damn business and stop calling me newbie my name is Chad."
"Ok, I'm off so I hope to see my orders completed when I get back." said Chad as he walking away.
After arriving at his work station he ran into David. Turns out both of them were assigned to cleaning duties in the medical room.
"I should have known better, I should not have killed."
"I regret my actions, but it is all for naught. Because now I'm locked up without my love."
"If only I had list..."
While they were cleaning, there was a singing sound coming from behind them. Chad turned his head to look and saw an old man walking towars them with a cane.
Seeing the old man he immediately knew who it was. According to the previous Chad's memories the old man is know as Robert Smith. A well know old man who was in the headlines 14 years ago for killing his cheating wife's lover.
Despite committing such a horrible act, Robert surprising was a great guy in prison. He even helped David out of a sticky situation, after another inmate wanted to force him to run drugs for him. Robert immediately used his connections and solved the problem without asking any favors from David.
"Tang, tang, tang. Dammit how many times have I told you to stop singing Robert. This ain't no damn talent show now is it? " screamed a guard at Robert as he hit his baton against a cell door.
"Hehehe, I'm so sorry I did not know your ears are so sensitive Jack. I guess I'll have to sing in the showers from now on." said Robert jokingly.
"You... you... never mind."
"What the hell, why are two inmates mopping one floor. You! inmate 652B go mop another floor you idiot." screamed Jack at Chad before walking away.
"I'm sorry for dragging you into this brother. That is just Jack throwing another temper tantrum." said a Robert.
"It's no big deal, I am used to dealing with guys like him." replied Chad with a smile.
"By the way my name is Robert Smith, but you can call me grandpa Robert if you like, hehehe."
"Anyway today I saw you offend Myles from the forsaken kings. As a veteran here I would advice you to hit one of the guards to be sent to solitary confinement. Or you could hurt yourself and spend your time in the medical room." said Robert seriously.
"The things the forsaken kings have done to their enemies are the stuff of nightmares. From drowning to burning them alive in their cells. They are ruthless savages who will not stop until your dead kid. Solitary confinement last two months, so if you play your cards right you can exploit solitary for one year" Said Robert while entering the toilet.
"Thanks for the heads up, but I prefer to stand my ground and fight."
"Anyway tell me how many men are part of the forsaken kings?" asked Chad while mopping.
"If I were to tally them all up, then the number would be about fifty more or less."
"There are about twenty members here in cell block B, while the other thirty members are in cell block C." said Robert while untying his pants.
"So about twenty huh, I would—"
"Hey what the hell old man, how can you take a shit now while I'm busy cleaning." asked Chad frowning.
"I'm sorry I just can't hold it any longer, why don't you go out for a while." said Robert with a look of constipation.
Chad did not intend to embarrass him, so he went outside and began wiping the dust from the hall windows. After finishing doing that he went and did some push ups in the corner.
Sitting down he immediately opened his system to view his stats.
"Ding, system initializing."
*Host Name: Chad Eldridge
Level: 3 (86/400)
*Strength: 17
*Agility: 15
*Stamina: 14
*Charm: 15
*Intermediate Fighting Skill (15%)
*Basic Disguise Skill (80%)
*Basic Sneak Skill (55%)
*Basic Lying Skill (70%)
*Poison Resistance: (?)
*Fire Resistance: (?)
*Wound Healing Speed: (?)
*System Shop: Unavailable
*Gangster Points: 67
Seeing his stats rising, Chad could not help but smile. But as he looked at his fighting skill and the system shop he was puzzled.
"System, what is going on with my fighting skill? Why did it suddenly go from basic to intermediate?"
"Ding, The host fighting skill had reach one hundred percent completion so it was upgraded. All of the host four skills has ranks, starting with Basic to intermediate then finally advanced. After a skills has reached peak advanced, the host will get permission to buy different types of skills.
"Okay that finally makes sence now that I think about it."
Although Chad had the system for 2 months now, he never really got a chance to clearly explore it.
"System tell me what skills I can expect if my fighting skill reaches peak advanced?"
"Ding, Skills like like Muay Thai, Karate, Boxing, Krav Maga etc, will all be available for the host to learn."
Hearing about all that Chad's blood was pumping. He himself new that this world also had their own martial arts. And no matter how powerful he is, he would stil not stand a chance against a master by fighting with brute strength.
"Okay, tell me about the system shop."
"Ding, unable to fulfill host request. Host needs to be level 5 to get information."
"Dammit, to get go to level 4 requires 400 hundred gangster points. He currently only has 67 gangster points invested in his level."
Just as he was busy thinking he heard a bang behind him. Turning around it was Jack who had hit the door with his baton.
"652B! come here!"
"I told you to clean the toilets why are you sitting around doing nothing?"
"But I have already cleaned the toilets, you can go look for yourself."
"Well go mop the floors again because I'm seeing a lot of water marks."
Chad immediately began laughing hearing what Jack said.
"Well you must be high if you think I'm gonna do it again Hahaha" said Chad.
"You... you will see what happens to you when Senior Supervisor Carter sees this." shouted Jack before storming away.
"Well I will be waiting right here, so you can go call him." Said Chad in a mocking tone.
Before long, Jack really did arrive with Senior Supervisor Carter.
"Attention all inmates the senior supervisor is on deck." shouted Jack.
"Eh sir, this is the guy that refuses to work." said Jack pointing at Chad.
It's all the Supervisor Carter said after seeing who Jack was talking about. Because Chad was the same man he was ordered to protect by the higher ups.
According to him Chad must be a relative of a politician or billionaire that messed up. So now he is tasked to protect the soft kid from the predators in this prison.
Thinking about this he walked up to Chad with a big smile.
"You must be Chad right, how is your stay with us so far?"
"Not bad sir, in fact the guards out here are really friendly." said Chad smiling at Jack.
"If anybody tries to mesh with you just come and see me."
The senior supervisor really meant what he said. Because he was actually being compensated heavily for offering the protection.
After hearing what the supervisor said, Chad glanced at Jack again. Jack on the other hand was currently sweating like a donkey. He just could not figure out why the supervisor was so nice to the Chad.
Supervisor Carter noticed Chad's eyes and couldn't help asking: "Your looking at Jack like he's your enemy, do you have a problem with him?"
"Nope, He is actually a great guard." said Chad grinning at Jack.
"Okay then, but don't forget to pay me a visit if you have problems."
After finishing speaking Supervisor Carter left. Chad on the other hand turned around before he asked Jack: "Is there stil anything els you want me to do master?"
Seeing that Chad had the senior supervisor in his corner, Jack turned around and left without saying anything.
"Hahaha Chad you bastard, why didn't you tell me that you had Supervisor Carters backing huh?" shouted Robert from behind Chad.
"What the... were you here all along?" asked Chad frowning.
"Surprise, I heard everything hehehe." teased Robert.
"Come on, I'll tell you on the way." said Chad as they walked away.