Chad and the other new inmates worked for an entire day before finishing. After dinner all of them returned back to their cells.
As soon as he returned to his cell he was surprised to see white bedding on his bed. Meanwhile Axel was lying on his bed reading a book.
"You did a good job, I initially thought I'd find and your gang waiting for me." said Chad frowning.
"Well you thought wrong, because I don't belong to one."
"By the way I'm about to enter a life and death battle with the forsaken kings. So you might want to step out of the cell to not be implicated." said Chad as he rolled up his sleeves.
"What! Are you telling me you're the guy everybody was talking about?" exclaimed Axel with complete shock.
"Bang." the main door of cell block B was closed
"You have one hour of roaming time." shouted a guard before walking away.
"Chad had no plans to fight his enemies in a confined space, so he stepped out and waited for the forsaken kings in the hall. Meanwhile the other newbies did not even greed Chad as he walked past them. As soon as all the guards completely left Myles and about 10 inmates walk up to him.
"Hahaha, now would you look at this fellas, pretty boy is trying to act tough."
"You know I initially came here to teach you a lesson. But big daddy has had a change of heart." said Myles rubbing his beard.
"So why not accompany me to my cell for some drinks. I promise I'll make it worth your while." said Myles as he put away his knife.
Seeing an opening Chad immediately grabbed his arm, before pulling him down and kicking him in the face.
"Ding, punished a gangster +5 gangster points."
Not giving Myles a chance to breathe, he delivered an axe kick to the back of his head knocking him out cold.
"You son of a bitch, you dare hit our brother." screamed a forsaken king member before charging at Chad.
After getting back to their sences the rest of the forsaken king members all rushed at Chad. With one kick he manage to kick two inmates so hard that they flew. Another inmate came from behind with a sank, yet he manage to spin loose before giving him an elbow to the neck.
"Ding, punished a gangster +4 gangster points."
"Ding, punished a ga..."
As the fighting continued, Chad began realizing that he was way to strong to get hurt by the gang members. Immediately he began testing out his new found strength by simply throwing forsaken members to the ground.
"Ding, punished a gangster +6 gangster points."
"Ding, punished a..."
After Chad threw the last forsaken kings member to the ground, he began wiping the blood from his hands. Before going and taking a seat and eating an apple with no care in the world.
Seeing that he had enough points to raise his stats, He put some gangster points into strength raising it to 20. It requires 5 gangster points to only be able to raise 1 point of strength. After raising his strength again his whole body felt powerful, he himself felt that he could take on another 10 gang members.
"Clap, clap, clap."
"Good, who knew that you would turn out to be such a great fighter. Where did you learn how to fight?" asked Craig as he walked over and tried to hand Chad a cigarette. Chad simply shook his head before showing him the half eaten apple.
"I learned my skills from all types of mix martial art instructors." replied Chad blandly while eating his apple.
"No wonder your so good at utilizing so many styles." replied Craig rubbing his beard.
Although Craig also would be able to beat up Myles and his lackies, he definitely would not be able be unharmed like Chaf. That is the reason he was so impressed by his performance.
"Anyway, I want to know if you stil want to join our gang. I'm in need of a right hand man like you." said Craig smoking his cigarette.
Chad pretended to think by frowning making it hard to read his emotions. Of course he only did this to make Craig nervous, considering he now knew the Chad did not need their protection.
"Don't be so fast to refuse brother, our gang rewards each member greatly for their service." said Craig as he pointed at one of his men.
The crimson shadow gang member quickly ran to his cell before returning with a small bag. Craig took out a small role of money before throwing it to Chad.
"So as I was saying—"
"I'm gona stop you right there brother, because It would be my honor to join the crimson shadows." replied Chad with a fake smile utilizing his disguise skill.
"Hahaha! Good, very good." laughed Craig.
"You have made a great choice by joining the crimson shadows. Everybody and their grandma's know that we treat our soldiers the best. Whether it is women, money or cars, you name it and we will help you get it." said Craig seriously.
"Anyway I never got your name, what is it?" ask Craig.
"Chad, but my friends simply call me casanova or cas for short."
"Hahaha Cas I like it, welcome to the crimson shadow brother. Said Craig as he shoulder hugged Chad.
To others Craig seemed powerful, yet in the gang he was like a toothless tiger. The other nine chief enforcers have already taken the most powerful members for themselves. Meanwhile they left all the scared newbies for him resulting in him losing lots of territory to his enemies. Now that he has such a fantastic right hand man like Chad, he was determined not to let him go.
"Oh, by the way what did you do to get locked up here?" ask Craig curiously.
If Chad's sentece was really too long, then he would be of no use to him considering he would be out in two months. Less then a year was good enough for him.
"Let's just say I beat up a few high profiled people. But luckily the judge was merciful and only gave me about two months."
"That's fucking great to hear, I'm to be released in two months also." said Craig full of excitement.
He has been in jail now for more then four years already. And knowing how sin squad their biggest enemy operates, he was afraid that they may have already taken most of his territory. Initially he did not have hope of regaining his territory and already accepted the fact that he might lose his rank. Yet now with Chad at his side, to take over the whole blue gold district did not seem so difficult anymore.
"Hey you idiots, are you not going to salute your new captain." shouted Craig at his men.
"We crimson shadow soldiers salute the captain." shouted the crimson shadow members while placing two fingers on their hearts.
Non of them planned on challenging Chad's rank. After seeing what he did to the forsaken kings, even the most dissatisfied ones kept their mouths shut.
"Creeeeek." an iron door opened forcing every inmate to flee.
"I told you to go back to bed!" screamed a guard.
The guard couldn't help but get angry when seeing a few inmates laying on their backs in the hall.
He walked up to one and kicked him, yet he found that most of these guys were all knocked out cold. He immediately knew what had happened in the hall.
Newbies! Come and carry these bastards to the medical room." shouted the guard.
Gang fights like these happen in prison everyday, so long as they don't kill each other the guards usually don't interfere. To the guards inmates were like a bunch of wild animals, so why should they try to stop wild animals from tearing each other apart.
"Brother Cas let me carry that bastard to the medical room for for you." Offered a young crimson shadow member.
"No need, I'm gonna carry this bastard myself."
He has already offended Ben and Jack, so he did not plan on offending another guard because of such a trifle matter. The other new inmates did not dare say anything in protest. They just followed the orders and began picking up the unconscious inmates.
People like them who don't belong to a gang, and have no backers are at the bottom of the food chain. So they dare not resist at all or voice their complaints.
"Guys I'm sorry for dragging you into this." said Chad shaking his head.
"Brother Cas you don't need to feel sorry at all, just take care of us in the future." said one of the inmates giving a dumb up to Chad.
Chad did not say anything and just nodded. He did not know what horrible crimes some of these guys did, so he was not quick to agree. Nobody can get a free ride after committing crimes, because prison ain't supposed to be easy.
Myles and his men were quickly carried to the medical room. After laying them down some patients came over out of curiosity. Robert who was also in the medical room was the first busy body.
"Huh, isn't this Myles? Who the hell turned him into a tomato?" ask Robert.
"Who in the hell could he have possibly offended to get his ass beaten like this?" ask Robert with complete shock and surprise.
"Hehehe, it ain't no boss who whooped his ass it was Chad." said David as laughed.
"Bullshit! You're telling me Chad did all of this." replied Robert in shock.
"Robert it is all true I tell you, the whole cell block B watched Chad whoop Myles and his lackies alone." replied another inmate.
"Haha, Chad you never told me you were so awsome. In that case this old man will ask that you to take care of me in the future." said Robert with a huge smile.
"Sure, no problem." replied Chad calmly.
After finishing their task all the inmates went back to their cells. Chad found his bed really uncomfortable but his bedding made up for it. Unlike other inmates who kept being biten by bed bugs.
Meanwhile somewhere at an abandoned factory in blue gold district. Two men were currently sitting opposite to one another while drinking tea. What's shocking was both men had five guards each standing behind them.
Dressed in all black and armed with machine guns wearing white mask.
"So what do you think about the kid Rylez." asked the men dressed in a red suit.
The other men called Rylez closed the file he was reading before giving it to one of his men.
"Hmn, you have outdone your self this time Slater. Or should I call you captain?" said Rylez with a slight smile.
"Okay, enough with your stupid jokes, tell me what do you think about the kid." said captain Slater irritated.
"The kid is a good seedling to be planted in crimson shadow. My only problem is that he might be just too good." said Rylez smoking a cigar.
"What do you mean to good, wasn't it you who told me to find somebody that old fucker would love. I am—"
"Calm down, calm down Slater, you're not getting the point I'm trying to make." said Rylez interrupting him.
"I only fear that the kid would get noticed by crimson shadows king and get turned. You and I both know that the Crimson King has a way of drawing people to him." said Rylez seriously.
Immediately memories of a young blond man in a police uniform flashed in Captain Slaters mind. Images of him and Captain Slater celebrating in restaurants and him giving the boy police awards. He immediately closed his eyes before opening them again.
"Chad is not Lars, that boy will never flip to the other side." said Captain Slater gritting his teeth.
"If you say so Slater, but be warned if he turns I'm personally going to kill him. Damon has already shown you enough respect by letting Lars walk. But I'm not sure that he will be so merciful this time" replied Rylez coldly before getting up and walking away.