For the following few days, Chad began living a life of luxury. From expensive meals to having softer bed. All of this was provided by Craig free of charge.
"How dare you attack me you little shit?"
As Chad was on his way to the shower room, he began hearing shouting coming from the inside. But he did not pay too much attention to it, considering fights happen in the shower room daily.
Yet as soon as he entered the main showers he was taken aback at what he saw. An inmate covered in blood was currently busy kicking a newbie. Meanwhile two blood covered tooth brushes layed on the floor.
The surprising thing was that the guy who is stabbed is Rocco. Nobody knows his real name all everybody knows is that he's a sin Squad colonel. A gang that is one of crimson shadows biggest rivals.
The whole situation was absurd because sin squad is the biggest gang in Finchley Maximum Security Prison. Yet despite having so many members to protect him, Rocco a sin squad colonel stil manage to get soaked.
"Cas, should we go help the newbie?" asked one of Chad's men.
Craig worried about Chad's safety, so he provided him a few men for protection from gang attacks.
Although Chad was a great fighter, it stil did not make him invincible. Especially considering that the forsaken kings have death row inmates working for them, who in turn are willing to kill for an apple.
"There's no hurry, let's check out the situation first." said Chad waving them back.
"Fuck your mothers!" screamed the red head inmate that was being beaten.
"Piece of shit you want to die huh?" shouted a sin squad member before hitting him with a plastic pipe.
Despite being surrounded and beaten, he kept getting to his feet with determination. All while fighting back whenever he had a chance.
Chad's eyes immediately lit up when he finally saw who it was. The red head boy was well know in the underground fighting circles. Sonny the cockroach was the name he went by, but his friends call him roach.
Seeing Sonny keep fighting back irritated sin squad, so one man pulled a shank intending to end him. Yet Sonny was like a snake twisting and turning, before grabbing the sin squad members arm and twisting it. Seeing the shank fall he tried grabbing it, however he was hit with a knee buckling him.
Seeing this Chad immediately walk forward before throwing a sins squad member to the side.
"Ok folks the party is over, you bitches have had your fun." said Chad looking at Rocco.
"You crimson shadow bastards can fuck off, This here is our prey." shouted an inmate pointing a pipe at Chad.
Hearing this he immediately rushed up, before giving the inmate an elbow right in his face. Another came from behind, yet Chad wrist threw him on to the ground before breaking his arm. Both fell to the ground before squealing like pigs. Seeing what happened all sin squads members immediately stepped back.
"You better take that sissy boy to the medical room, or his arm may get permanent damage." said Chad sarcastically.
A few sins squad members immediately picked them up, before carrying them away to the medical room.
"Brother thank you very much for saving me." said Sonny wiping the blood from his mouth.
"No problem." replied Chad smiling.
"Clap, clap, clap."
"Beautiful fucking performance there Casanova, sadly that is not enough to protect that little shit." said Rocco as he walked up to Chad.
If it was anybody else Rocco would have already killed them for stabbing him. However Sonny was now protected by Chad so he did not immediately go for the kill.
"Casanova please be reasonable here and leave that guy behind." said Rocco waving at his men.
"No! I'm afraid I can't leave an old friend at the mercy of you rats."
"That guy stabbed me and beat up several of my brothers. How can you expect me to just let him walk casanova?" ask Rocco gritting his teeth.
"That ain't my problem now is it, so you can go fuck yourself for all I care." said Chad while giving him the middle finger.
"I'm gonna ignore your little insult just now. Stil I can't let you have him because our reputation is on the line."
If sins squad really allowed Chad to walk out with Sonny, then their reputation would be tarnished. Other gangs would immediately consider them paper tigers, which is not something any gang wants to be associated with.
Seeing Chad's determination more sins squad members entered the bathroom blocking them.
"Jump out gang, time to wet shit up."
Chad's four guards immediately drew shanks before stepping forward and facing sin squad.
"Do you stil want to go Rocco?"
"Casanova if you don't hand him over right now, we sin squad will consider you as our mortal enemy." said Rocco coldly.
"Oh, I'm so scared, besides aren't we already enemies?"
"If you want to go then jump, otherwise get the fuck out of my way."
Chad completely showed sin squad no respect. Sin squad may be the bigger gang in jail, but outside they are a little bit weaker then crimson shadow.
"Clap, clap, clap."
"I know I can't beat you casanova, but remember sin squad ain't no paper tiger. So starting today you better start watching your back." said Rocco before walking way with his men.
"Cas, I'm afraid your act of generosity today is gonna get you in trouble with the higher ups" said one of Chad's men shaking his head.
It was not that they were scared, but going to war right now with sin squad was a bad idea. Considering they were already at war with a bunch of other gangs.
"Don't worry about it, I will shoulder all the blame." said Chad calmly.
Crimson shadow and sin squad may love killing each other, yet they never go all out with each other inside prison. Both gangs knew that there were many hyena gangs lying in wait for them to weaken each other.
"Are you alright? asked Chad as he patted Sonny.
After taking such a beating, he was afraid that Sonny might have a few broken bones.
"I am fine thank you."
"Again thank you very much brother."
He rearrange his clothes and thanked Chad again. If Chad did not help him he might have been killed, so he was really grateful.
"Don't be so humble it was nothing. Anyway tell me about yourself."
"My name is Sonny, but the streets know me as Sonny the cockroach."
"Yeah I know who you are, you truelly live up to your reputation judging by the situation just now."
Chad knew that Sonny used to belong to a really powerful gang, yet despite being loyal they ended up betraying him. The shocking thing is that he stil protected his former boss after he was cornered at a club. Sonny did not hesitate to draw his sword and start splashing people. That was the reason Chad wanted to recruit him.
Craig has already given him several men, but he knew that they had absolutely no loyalty to him. Not to mention that some might just be spies. If he wanted to climb to the top of crimson shadow, then he definitely cannot rely on them. He needed to quickly develope his own power to slowly begin taking control.
"Are you currently in a gang?" asked Chad with a frown.
"I'm not in any gang in Finchley nor am in one outside. After I offended Rocco about four months ago nobody wanted to recruit me." replied Sonny gritting his teeth.
"What crimes did you commit to end up in here?"
"Why are you asking me so many questions for?" asked Sonny seemingly irritated.
"Because I want to know if you're suitable to become one of my men." said seemingly not mad.
Sonny glanced at Chad for a few seconds deep in thought. From sin squads reaction Sonny knew that Chad must be really powerful. If he could join him then his last three weeks would be easy.
"I got sentenced to 10 months for drug possession. I stil have about one month left before I get released." replied Sonny.
"Okay great you can to join me." said Chad smiling while looking at one of his men.
The guard stepped forward and pulled out two packs of cigarettes, before giving to Sonny.
"A little gift, no need to thank me." said Chad
"I will never force you to do anything you don't want to. All I'm requesting is your loyalty once we are on the outside." said Chad looking at Sonny.
"I have never betrayed anyone and never will." said Sonny as he stepped in front of Chad.
"Hmm, I like your no bullshit attitude, we will get along just fine."
"I'm going to get you transferred from block A to my block later. In the mean time I want you to go hide in the medical room."
"Okay," said Sonny before leaving.
"Sigh, I can finally I can take my shower in peace."
After taking of his towel, he jump right in and started scrubbing himself. Prisoners can only take four showers a week, so they have to make each one count. After finishing taking his shower Chad ordered his men to go back to his cell.
"Cas you know we can't leave you alone." said an one guard frowning.
"He's right Cas you have offended sin squad, meaning you could be ambushed at any time." said another one of his guards objecting to his order.
All four guards were worried about his safety, because if anything happens to him they would receive harsh punishment.
"Don't worry brothers I'm not going to confront sin squad. I'm just going to go visit an old friend of mine."
"You four don't have to worry about me, besides do you really think any of those bastards can hurt me." replied Chad.
Seeing Chas insistence all of them stopped objecting, before going back to their cells. Meanwhile Chad went to the laundry room to go find Jack. After seeing Chad coming to him, Jack immediately tried to flee. Yet Chad ran up and blocked his part.
"Smh, why so jumpy Jack I'm only trying to ask for a favour."
"What damn favour, I ain't doing nothing illegal for you."
"It's nothing major, just take me to see the senior supervisor."
"This is not a good idea, I mean—"
"Don't worry I will shoulder all responsibility." said Chad interrupting him.
If any other prisoner had requested Jack to do such a thing, he would have thrown them in a hole for a month. But Chad was quite close to the senior supervisor so he found it hard to refusing him.
"Here is something for your trouble." said Chad as he handed Jack a role of money.
Despite not needing to do such a thing, he did it anyway. He lived with the motto of more allies is better then more enemies. Jack on the other hand did not refuse when he saw the role of krona. He quickly led Chad to the senior supervisors office.