Chapter 8 - Retrospection

That went, knock on wood, surprisingly well.

"Greg, what was that light show?"

"Don't worry about it, just an old friend visiting."

"I see. The Daughter that brings an end to all creation…"

"Is the same who brings all to light. Good job, remembering the pass-phrase and everything."

"When you signal me to start the activation for your "World Eater" Arrow, I tend to be a little more willing to follow what my idiot leader has to say."

"Well that was a harsh way to tell me you were worried about me."


"No retort? Are you okay?"


"What did I do!"

Seriously! How is this different than any of the other times she was worried about me and wouldn't say it.


"Lils, Do you know what's going on in the Elf's head?"


"Me either. It's almost like there is a thing that would be really useful here that almost anyone alive can do… That's right! Talking!"

"You sarcastic brat!"

"That's better. Now, talk."


Now she's crying. I don't know why, but I do know it probably isn't good.

"*Sob* (I-I didn't *Sob* I didn't want to kill you)."

Oh. She cares more about me than the world. I'm unsure how to feel about that.

"(You're the only friend I've had since I left that God-forsaken village, and everyone here but you treats me like I'm some sort of animal or monster.) *Sobbing*"

I've stepped on a landmine I was not ready to deal with. What—

"They tried to kill me, you know. When I first got here, to New Opal. I had 3 people come at me with open blades, all in a day. They called me a freak, a God-forsaken monstrosity. *Sobbing*"

Calm down Greg, you've faced much worse than this.

"A few weeks later, when I had been here long enough they knew they couldn't take me down in a fight, they changed their tactics. They sent me an envelope, one with the name and address of my little sister… They said if they couldn't get me, they'd get her."

Don't cry, you're supposed to be the one she leans on, the one that comforts.

"I… I killed them, Greg. All of them. 10 people. Horrible, slaving degenerates, but people."

"You did what you had too."

"No… I did more than I had to. I tortured them, Greg. They begged me for their lives."


"One of them had a daughter… I found out in the local paper a few days after I'd done it… She was only five…"

"Come here. Kayla…"

"I… I'm just what they said I was, and all this time, with you, I had believed I was better. That I didn't have a choice…"

Oh no, this is about to take a turn isn't it.

"But watching you… How you dealt with the dragon, that woman… You didn't even hurt them. Not really… You tricked them, maybe hurt their feelings, but they are alive, even though they threatened you…"

"Kayla… The men you killed didn't just threaten you, they didn't just try to hurt you. They threatened your family. They threatened the people you care about."

"I saw the look in your eye… when the dragon threatened me… You wanted to hurt it."

"I thought you didn't speak Draconic, how did you know she threatened you?"

"I can't speak it, but I know a few things from my time wandering through Serpents' Peaks… That isn't the first dragon I've met. But you wanted to kill her when she threatened me an Lils… but you didn't. You stopped yourself at just making sure we lived. You showed me that I really am a monster… *Sobbing*"


What do I do here? I've never had to console someone like this before, even in all my years.


She's crying into my chest. I'll make a bench so we can sit. Just a bit of earth out of the ground.


"It's okay. I'm here. You only did what you had to to protect your sister. Whatever they said before they died, they just wanted to escape, they probably would have killed you later, or put a bounty on your head for it."

"He had a daughter Greg! I killed a father!"

"And that father was a racist scum. The daughter will find someone else to look up to. Hopefully someone better. You did what you had to do."



"She'll be okay Lils, she just needs a minute— Hey, you're heavy! Watch where you step!"

"*Doggy kisses*"

"Look Kayla, even Lils says you're a good person. I've never met a better judge of character."




An arrow? from where!?


"Kayla! No!"

That only missed my vitals by a few centimeters. This guy must be pretty good to nearly kill me through Kayla.

"Stay with me!"

Magic Dome, simple spell, don't care what art, just give me one.

"Hot! Hot hot hot!"

Fire bad, try something else! water? yes! go.

"Kayla! Hang in there!"

Elves and their stupid passive mana ingrainment! Now I need to deactivate it before I can fix the hole in her chest.

"Give up Greg. She's already dead. The Arrow was enchanted with a curse of rot. By now, her heart and lungs are already gone."

… Hert?

"She has a bounty on her for 10 murders. I suspected her since y'all joined up at the mercenary guild, so I had a guy listen in on you two. I will say, it's a pretty heartbreaking story, but money is money, and they wanted her dead."

"Hert. I'm going to do something now. If it doesn't work, you are going to die. Finish any business you have."


"I'm going to give her my blessing. If it doesn't bring her back, I'm going to kill you."

"You think you can take me on in a fight?!"

"No, but I know for damn sure that I can take you with me when I die. I don't fear the end, so it doesn't bother me much. Finish your business. Get your money, if you want. Maybe say goodbye to your family, if you have one."

"I-I'm not scared of you."

Divine powers. Here's one I haven't used since I was a kid. I wonder if Hert has kids?

"Hert. Say goodbye to your daughter. The rock 3 feet to your left will act as a sending stone to the necklace you gave her for her 13th. And tell your wife she's expecting, and that she'll be getting your new pension, a hefty 100 Gold pieces, as soon as the guild process's your death."

"How did you—"

"Now Hert. You don't have long."


With him dealt with for now, let's hope mom doesn't find me.

"Kayla Montrai, my companion and faithful follower, I bless you under the name Gaia Gregorian, may all of existence recognize you by the power of my mother, and the collection of legend by that of my father."

It Didn't work. That rot Enchantment must have already killed her, like Hert said.


"Lils Montrai, pet and faithful warrior, I bless you under the name Gaia Gregorian, may all of existence recognize you by the power of my mother, and the collection of legend by that of my father."

"Lils too, huh?"

"Are you done Hert?"


"Good. Have you ever seen the dying spell of a mage?"

"Once I saw some kid call a thunderstorm to strike down a couple bandits after they ran him through. It was pretty impressive."

"I said a mage, Hert. Not a Kid who knew a little magic."

"I- I didn't know there was a difference."

"Well then. Today you learn."

I'm accepting death. Open all the mana channels I have, put them all into one spell. I want everyone to remember the day someone drew the ire of a god. A rift in reality? Doesn't last long enough. A world tree? Too pretty. An everlasting flame? Overdone. I'll seal him in stone no man could break, give him a grave to be remembered by. 'Here lies the man who killed Kayla Montrai and angered her god.' Suitable, I think. With as much mana as I can put into this, it would take a sage to break it down. As long as I leave it off the road, I think people will leave it alone.

"Goodbye, Hert. I hope whoever you worship has a hell to fit you."

"I- I don't want to die!"

"Should have thought of that before you became a mercenary willing to take quests on other mortals."

"My Legs! The rock, it's flowing over them!"

"Don't worry, pretty soon, you'll look a lot better. Just like the last person… you… killed…"
