* "Lis-an." *
I heard a voice echo in my mind. It was an older woman with a thick accent.
* "Help us." *
* "What? Who are you?" *
* "Please, set us free." * Her voice cracked as she cried out.
I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to clear my vision. I looked around, seeing a dimly lit room with grey stone for the walls. Underneath me was a soft cushion supporting my legs and neck.
Was that real or just a dream?
I sat myself up a little too quickly.
"Ah, damn." I held my head, feeling light-headed.
"Lille-en! You're awake." Usynlig ran over to the bed.
"What happened?"
"You fainted. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you to do so much today. I feel at fault." She placed her head on my lap.
"It's okay. I thought I'd be okay, but I guess I overdid it." I looked around, analyzing the room.
"Did you hear a woman's voice in here?"
"No. It's been pretty quiet. Why?" She sat up.
"I think someone was reaching out to me for help. But it could've been a dream." I brushed my hair back, relaxing against the cool stone.
"Did it feel real?"
"I think so."
"Learn to trust your instincts. They send you signals you need to pay attention to."
"When this woman called out to me, she sounded sad. For some reason, I could sense that she has been asking for help for so long, yet no one could hear her. I think we have to find her."
"I think so too." She smiled at me, fixing my hair over my shoulders.
"But first, let's get you cleaned up. Someone should be coming any minute now to take us to the bathhouse. That should help you with some soreness." She fixed the bandage on my legs.
"I don't think it was exhaustion that made me faint." I looked at my trembling hands.
It's happening again.
"What do you mean?"
"I think my wolf side is starting to attack my body again. Lately, the pain I usually feel has increased. This tends to happen from time to time." I sighed, still feeling a bit weak.
"Lille-en, why didn't you tell me you were in that much pain? I could've helped you."
"I thought I could handle it. I've been dealing with this my whole life. I thought it would've been like any other time, but it looks like it has gotten worse. I haven't had a nosebleed since I was a small child." I touched the inside of my nostril to see if it stopped.
"At least now I don't feel nauseous."
"Egon had a bit of red ginseng with him. He brewed some up and gave it to you before he left. I'm glad he did. You look better now."
"I do feel a bit better now."
I noticed there weren't any windows. The only airflow came from the crack in the door and a hole that was on the ceiling. I smelt the air to see if anyone was close. In a place like this, you never know if they sent people to watch us. I closed my eyes, taking in all the sounds around us. It was exhilarating. The sounds around me seemed to amplify. Every sound was clear and coming at me once. Everything from the wind to the birds and even the people murmuring in the courtyard became so clear. As though they were right in the room with me. This new ability just confirmed that my wolf side is getting stronger.
"Are you still feeling sick?"
I shook my head, pointing to my ears.
It was hard concentrating on just one sound. But then two voices stood out from the rest. I focused in on them, canceling out the other distractions.
"They actually brought her back." A woman whispered.
"I know, it's crazy. I heard she tried to take on the High Priestess at one point." An older lady spoke.
"Yes. But now the High Priestess wants to see her."
"Oh, I wonder what for? You think she's finally going to punish her? They say she was lucky to escape the first time unharmed." She scoffed.
"Maybe she came to be our savior."
"You know that anyone who attacks the High Priestess is sentenced to a hundred lashes and hard labor before being exiled. If she refuses, then the only thing she will receive is death."
So, was this why this High Priestess wanted Usynlig to come back so bad? Was everything the three of them told us a lie? Were they in on it as well?
No wonder she denied them so many times in the past. She knew what awaited her here. Now, she's back and will be punished because of me. If I had known, I would've said no. I would have stayed behind with her.
I zoned out of their conversation.
"Usynlig, are you ready for your bath?" A woman called out from behind the door.
"Are you okay to go?" She looked at me.
Her worried expression filled me with guilt.
I nodded to her, unable to look her straight in the face.
"Yes, we are ready."
A lady opened the door, pushing in a wooden chair with wheels on either side.
"Hello, I am a fellow sister of the coven. I go by the name Aqua. I run the bathing section of our home, and I'm here to escort you and your little one." This bubbly woman greeted up.
"Hey, thank you for your help." Usynlig helped me into the chair.
"It's no problem. I heard of your daughter's injuries, so I have arranged an herbal bath for the two of you. It's known for aiding in the healing process and helping speed things along." She smiled brightly.
"Now follow me, please." She left the room, pushing me in the chair.
"So Usynlig, a daughter? She's like what ten years old?" She peered down at me.
"No, she's seven."
"Oh, so for seven years, you never told me about her. I gotta say I'm kinda hurt."
"Sorry. Just a lot has happened since we last talked." Usynlig laughed nervously
"I know what you mean. Things have gotten crazy here at the coven. Nowadays, I just keep to myself at the bathing house. Zero drama there." She led us into another area across the way.
It was surrounded by a wooden gate that stretched out for about fifty feet, blocking it off from others. The height of the gate was tall enough to stop anyone from breaking into the place. She knocked against the wood.
"We're here!"
A small window slid open, and two piercing golden eyes looked down at us.
"Outsiders?" A deep voice echoed.
"No, she's a dear friend of mine." She smiled at the growling gruff voice.
The little window shut, and the door opened. A man standing at eight feet looked down at us, his face and body were covered in scars, and his hair was long and disheveled. He too had pale skin and sunken eyes.
"Mmm, looking good today." She greeted him, and his gaze softened.
"This is my husband, Atlas. He's not much of a talker, but he's got the looks of a god, and he's really cute. Just look at this face." She reached up, grasping his cheeks in her hands. His gruff face made her hand look tiny.
The slightest smile curled at one end of his mouth.
"I'll be back soon. Don't get too lonely without me." She kissed his forehead.
"Follow me, please." She let him go and spun around back to me.
Once we made it past the doorway, two entrances labeled men and women stood in front of us. But instead of stopping, she continued down the hallway to our left. We passed several rooms of people getting painted over with oils and herbs or relaxing in steam-filled rooms. We went all the way down the hall, there a large room reserved just for us awaited.
"Why are you all doing this for us?" I looked at Aqua.
"I was told by Egon and the Andersen twins, to treat you two with care." She winked at us.
It's hard to know who we can trust. People wear many faces. Who knows which one is the real one.
She slid the door open and revealed a steaming pool. A blast of warm air flew right at us. The water was tinted light green and smelt sweet like flowers dipped in honey. Steam rose from the water and covered the entire room. She brought me over to a bench on the side.
"I'll leave you girls to enjoy your baths. Oh! and one more thing." She gripped the space between my shoulder and collar bone.
She bent down to me, and her voice deepened.
"You must set us free little wolf. Please help us." She whispered in my ear in a voice that didn't belong to her.
I pulled away from her. Her eyes were glossed over.
What the hell?!
The gloss disappeared instantly as she stood straight up.
"Okay now, enjoy. There are towels in the cabinets over there if you need them." She smiled, walking to the door, stopping for a brief second to give Usynlig a solemn look and a nod.
Usynlig returned the look, and Aqua left.
"Something is really wrong here." I whispered loudly, panicking a bit.
"It seems so." She started to undress, still somehow remaining calm.
"Why are you so calm? Shouldn't we be leaving?"
"We probably should, but something is telling me that I have to stay here. That there is something that we must do before leaving. I know it sounds crazy, but please try to understand me." She softly smiled at me, wrapping a towel around herself.
"I do. It's clear that the people here need our help." I struggled with my pants.
"Let me help." She made her way to me.
She went on to remove my shirt, jewelry, and pants, folding and placing them aside. I grabbed a towel and covered myself before taking off anything else. She unwrapped the bandages on my arms and legs.
"Lille-en, why do you have this here?" She held up the knife I tucked away earlier.
"It was for protection. Just in case the people at the door were going to try and hurt us. I wanted to be prepared."
"Lille-en, never spill blood unless it is the absolute last option at hand."
"But what if they tried to kill us? Shouldn't we defend ourselves?"
"Of course. But there is always another way. Taking a life is not one of them." She sternly placed the knife on the chair.
"And what way is that?"
"You don't have to kill someone to incapacitate them. You can put them in a coma. Take away their ability to walk or speak. Hell, you could even make them into a doll, but never take another being's life. Understood?"
"Promise me that you won't."
"Okay. Okay. I promise I won't kill anyone for as long as I am alive."
"Good." Usynlig helped me into the water.
The heat felt amazing against my aching body. The way it washed over me, absorbing all the pain that pulsed through me.
"Earlier, you and Aqua sounded like you used to know each other. Who is she to you?"
"She is a trusted friend of mine."
"Usynlig!" I pulled my arm away from her.
Her eyes widened as she stared at me.
I was tired of the bullshit.
"Stop with all the damn riddles and hidden messages. Just tell me straight up what is happening. You want me to trust you, then give me a damn reason to. Stop hiding shit from me!" My breath quickened with anger.
She looked down, lowering herself deeper into the water.
"I'm sorry, but I'm frustrated. For once, I just want things to be simple." I ran my hand through my hair, sitting on the steps in the herbal water.
"It's okay, and you're right. Trust is a two-way street, and there are some things you need to know." She sat next to me.
"Aqua is the reason I wasn't executed after my rebellion."
"Is that why others think you should be punished?"
"How did you-"
"I overheard some girls talking."
She sighed.
"After they mur-, after my mom died, I wanted revenge. I blamed the High Priestess for everything and attacked her in the courtyard. Back then, I knew I didn't stand a chance against her. But I thought, what hell. What else could I lose?" She chuckled bitterly.
"Of course, I failed at my poor attempt of revenge. They had me on my knees, ready to take my life. That's when Aqua ran in front of me and begged the High Priestess to spare me. I didn't see that coming. Before we were just mere acquaintances who only said hi and good morning. I couldn't figure out why she would risk trying to save me." She played with the water, moving her hands in circles.
"The High Priestess agreed to let me go unpunished. Many were not pleased with this, and they made certain I knew it." She laid back on the steps.
"Did the others try to hurt you?"
"They didn't have the chance. Before anyone could muster up the confidence to try anything, I did something stupid." She took a deep breath.
"That day, I went to the entrance of our coven. I stood on the edge of that cliff with my bare feet against the stone. I was lost and falling down a dark hole. Everyone I loved was gone. I let the darkness lie to me and eat away at my heart. I wanted all the pain to stop. I wanted to be with my mother. So, I closed my eyes and leaped off that ledge. Instantly, regret filled me to the brim. Knowing that I was killing the last thing my mother made. And that once I was gone, every trace of her will leave with me too."
I quickly wiped the tear that threatened to fall.
"Long story short, someone saved me and taught me how to live again." She combed her fingers through her hair.
"Aqua and I kept in touch for a while until her letters stopped coming. But I understood. Life can be chaotic, and some things must come to an end. Still, I was grateful to have had her in my life." She softly laughed.
"I didn't think I'd ever willingly come here again."
"Do you think what Egon and the twins said about you being chosen is true?"
"I've had my doubts." She sighed.
"Why didn't you tell me any of this?"
"Because you wanted to see your grandmother. She is all you have left as family, and I know how that feels. I didn't want my past to cloud your judgment."
"But I don't want you to be hurt either. I'd rather never see this woman than to have you suffer for me." My brows knitted together with guilt.
"Hey, look at me. I will be okay. No one is going to hurt you or me. I have been ready for this day since I first left. But you know," She chuckled.
"Although it did take me by surprise, it was nice to see you all fired up about something. You put that kind of energy towards your craft, and I have no doubts that you will master it all." She splashed water at me.
I leaned back to lay on the steps with her. The steam felt good in my lungs.
"How's your sigil coming along?"
"So far nothing. I can't think of anything."
"Try to meditate and clear your mind. Don't think of anything too heavy and slip into your subconscious."
I closed my eyes, letting my head fall back further into the water. The warm liquid invaded my ears.
"Let the sounds of the running water match your breathing."
I took slow deep breaths, focusing on the sounds around me and blocking out all other thoughts. It was as though time itself froze and ceased moving. My body felt lighter and vibrated within the water. Time became warped, and I couldn't tell how long we were in the spa.
I could physically feel my wounds getting better. The pain from my legs was gone. I looked at my arms, and the bruises have all vanished.
"Hello, hello! I have brought a change of clothes for you and your mother." Aqua walked in, grabbed our dirtied ones, and placed the clean ones down.
"Oh, I was told to tell you to please they are bored." She giggled.
"Let me guess, it was the twins." Usynlig sat up, ringing out her hair.
"You know those boys, always with the dramatics." She placed more towels out for us.
"Did you enjoy the bath?"
"Yes. It's crazy how it instantly healed all my injuries." I stood up, finally feeling no more pain.
"That's my special blend of herbs with a little splash of magic." She proudly flipped her hair.
"It's amazing." I stretched out my back.
"Yes, thank you for this." Usynlig dried off her hair.
"No problem. I'll have your clothes washed for you. So make sure to come back and see me before you go."
Usynlig hugged her.
"Don't worry, we will."
"I'm sorry for not replying to you." She whispered, tearing up.
"It's okay." She gave her a reassuring smile.
"I thought I could do it. I-I thought I could help them." She sobbed against Usynlig.
"Aqua, what's wrong?" She sat her friend on the bench.
"I tried so hard to cure the coven of this illness. B-but I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. Usynlig," Her face twisted with pain.
"I watched a child fall apart in my hands. His skin couldn't hold him together anymore. I made new herbal baths over and over again, but it did nothing."
"Does that mean that you too are-"
"Yes. Everyone is." Tears flooded her face.
Usynlig stared in shock.
"What kind of disease is it?" I stood by her.
"No one knows. We even had outside doctors come and see us, but they were just as baffled as we were. Once someone is infected, their heart stops, but they remain alive. Their skin would lose all its color, and they no longer needed any food or water to stay alive. They have to live watching themselves rot away slowly every day until they fall apart on the ground." She held her head in her hands.
Then that means-
"What about the High Priestess? Couldn't she do something?" Usynlig looked at her, hopeful.
"She has been infected too. Because of the illness, our powers have become severely weakened. Our core energy can no longer hold as much as it used to. Using our power is nearly impossible now."
"Th-this can't be." Usynlig's eyes grew wide.
"Well, you better get ready. The boys are waiting." Aqua cleaned her eyes as she stood.
"You can't let them know I told you about the illness. They wanted to see you before it was too late." She left, closing the door behind her.
"Usynlig" I tightened my towel around me.
She stood there, silently crying to herself as she watched the door.
"L-let's just get ready." She walked behind me, drying off my hair.
I could hear her sniffling as she braided it into a bun.
I looked at the clothes she left for us. For Usynlig, she brought a dark blue dress with black lace stitched at the hem. The top was a thick black material sewn into a jacket that covered her up only to her chest. For me, I had a light blue dress with black lace covering my arms, acting as a jacket. The dresses covered our feet so no one would see our dirtied brown shoes underneath. I couldn't help but stare at myself in the mirror. I never got to wear clothes like this before. When you're on the run you have to keep a low profile, which means no standing out. No fancy or flashy clothes either. So it was nice being in something different for a change. I just wish the situation was different.
"Ready?" She looked at me, her eyes visibly red.
"Ready." I tucked the knife into the lining of my boot.
We walked through the halls finding our way to the front. Aqua wasn't there, but her husband was. He grunted as we passed by. She put on a smile before exiting the door.
"This way Usy." Bertram waved us over.
My heart was heavy. I couldn't imagine what Usynlig was going through.
"Oo! Look at you two. Lille-en, you look so cute." Gotfred flattered us, pinching my cheeks.
Egon stared at Uysnlig, turning away each time she looked his way.
"You guys came to get us too?" I looked at the twins.
"Like we would let Egon have all the fun." Gotfred laughed.
"Don't mind them, they're idiots. I got a cart to escort us." Egon helped us into the wooden cart before hopping in front to steer.
The twins hopped in the back with us, talking to Usynlig. I tuned them out, being more interested in how this short man was going to pull the cart with no horse. I watched him through the small opening in front. He gathered his energy in his palms that glowed yellow and blew it in front of him. The energy flew off his hand like glittering dust. It danced and swirled around, forming a horse out of the light.
Now that was pretty cool.
The carriage took off, taking us past the bathhouse and its large gate. The further we went, the fewer people we saw on the pathways.
Soon we arrived at a cathedral-like structure that was built into the mountain's wall. It had two metal doors and several men standing out front. He stopped the cart.
"We're here!" The twin clapped together.
Egon offered his hand, helping Usynlig down.
"Thank you." She smiled.
Bertram carried me, being very careful as he put me down.
Egon led us to the door, and the pale guards glared at us as we approached. Now I see why Egon looks the way he does.
"They're with me. The High Priestess has requested to meet with us." Egon alerted the men.
They looked at Usynlig and me before nodding and allowing us to safely enter the building.
The doors swung open, and instantly all eyes were on us. I didn't like how they seemed to look into my soul. Usynlig tightened her grip around my shoulders. I looked up at her. Her face was stern as she walked in with her head held high. I copied her stance and rose my chin.
The twins smiled as they glanced at us. We walked down a few halls before we reached another metal door.
"Sir, the High Priestess has been awaiting your arrival." Another man greeted him, bowing slightly.
"Usy, don't be so tense." The twins played around with their hair.
She remained silent as the door opened, revealing a well-lit room decorated with flowers, vines, and candles. Incense burned in a giant lantern in the corner. We walked into the space, and somehow the air there felt different. It was warm and inviting, unlike the outside.
"High Priestess, we have retrieved her as you requested." Egon knelt down on one knee.
The twins bowed, greeting her casually. Usynlig stood tall and unchanging.
In a large chair, an older woman sat there smiling down at us. She wore a velvet green dress that had a white lace draped over it. Her curly long silver hair flowed down her back with the front braided and looped on the sides. Her skin was pale, and it stood out against the dark clothing. Her face seemed familiar, but I knew for certain we have never met before.
"I'm sorry to have done this to you." The High Priestess spoke.
That was the voice I heard talking to me earlier. Suddenly chains sprouted out from the chair, strapping the High Priestess down. A chain wrapped around her face and over her throat.
"Yes, it really is a shame." A sultry voice uttered.
Our eyes widened as a woman with light tan skin in a deep red dress walked out from behind the High Priestess, with a large black snake wrapped around her shoulders. The snake had the body of a tree trunk. Thick and large enough to swallow me whole in one bite.
"Star?" Usynlig's face dropped.
"Hello, old friend missed me?" Her devious smile made a chill run down my spine.
Every instinct in me told me to run, to flee the area immediately. I looked at Usynlig, hoping she knew what to do, but she was frozen with shock.
So this was a trap.