Chereads / Someone Different / Chapter 5 - Detention

Chapter 5 - Detention

Demi's Pov

I uneasily sat in the already empty detention room and looked around. I was so bored! I mean there's only so much one could do during detention. And to add to that, this was literally the longest I've spent in a detention class.

The school had been trying to reach my aunt for hours but had not been able to get to her. Normally, I wouldn't have cared but apparently, I couldn't leave until she came to pick me up and also sign some paper works.

All this drama because I got into a fight with that dumb girl. I wouldn't even call it a fight, she was so weak! I wondered why she'd have the audacity to call my aunt crazy to my face if she didn't even have the guts to fight.

I couldn't help but smirk as I remembered the scene. I mean I had been minding my own business when she had deliberately bumped into me, along with her friends.

"I saw your files and it says Gracie is your aunt" she said loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear and also to start whispering about what she said. After she said that, she and her friends burst out laughing for some reason

"So?" I asked standing straighter. Even with the five inch heels she wore, I was still a little bit taller than her

"I just wanted to confirm that the information was true and also ask how you do it?" She asked popping her hips and looking like an outdated Barbie doll

"Do what?" I replied back with a question, hoping and praying that she says something dumb because my hands were already itching

And she did! yay!

"I mean, how do you stand being related to a crazy person or ever live wi-" I didn't let her finish but cut her off mid sentence with a slap so hard that she spun for a bit. I didn't let her finish the spinning session but immediately swiped my foot under her making her fall flat on the floor.

A loud gasp went around the entire hallway but I didn't mind that as I went down on her and began pounding on her face. Her friends tried to pull me off of her but I jabbed my elbows into most of their ribs and the cowards backed off and ran to get the security

The securities came and pulled me off of her thirty seconds later but by then I had already done a satisfactory amount of damage to the stupid bitch.

"Don't you ever call my aunt crazy. That's a warning!" I yelled as I was being pulled away from her into the schools detention room. And that's where I've been for the past five hours.

When I first got in, there were some students already there. But now it was totally empty and I was loosing my mind! This wasn't even a normal detention room. In a normal detention room, there was at least a teacher watching over the students but here, it was only me and a whiteboard that had total crap written on it.

It said "My actions was wrong. Wrong actions in the real world gets you into jail. so this is your miniature prison". I've lost count of how many times I've read that in the past hour and scoffed at it

"This is dumb" I said talking to myself, finally getting tired of waiting. I could have easily picked the locked door and gotten out of here, So why the hell was I waiting around?

"Screw this" I whispered to myself. I swiftly stood from my seat, brought out a hair pin from my jacket and began heading to the door. But as I reach for the handle I heard the door being unlocked

Before the door even opened, I rushed back to my seat and maintained the position I had been in. Few seconds later, a woman who previously introduced herself as "Miss Katharine" walked into the room

"Miss. McClain, your aunt just picked up the phone. She said that she'd be here in five minutes. Then you both can see the principal together, okay?" she asked

I just jerked my head a little at her in response. She stood there for a few extra seconds as if expecting some extra response for me. After a few seconds of me giving her a blank look, she finally nodded a few times and left the room, making sure to lock it behind her

I stood up as soon as she left and began walking to the door to finish my escape but thought better of it. What was five extra minutes to my five hours of waiting

"Five minutes, that's all I'm waiting for. No second more" I said to the empty room and began counting the seconds

Thirty seconds progressed to one minute. A minute to two minutes. Then three minutes

"come on aunt Gracie" I whispered.

She's probably not coming. My parents almost never did, even when they promised the school that they would. I'm sure she never even expected to be called to the school just on the very first day I resumed

Her exact words to me this morning, as I rode out on my bike to leave for school, were "Have fun today. Hope you prefer this school to your former ones. Bye, I'll miss you at work" She said right before she plastered annoyingly wet kisses all over my face. Even the helmet I had been wearing hadn't saved me

Four minutes

Don't hope, she's not coming. I literally heard my subconscious say to me. You're not worth the trouble. No need to wait for five minutes she's not going to show even if you waited for four extra hours

I didn't even argue with the thought because I knew that it was right. But I remained seated and counted the seconds.

Four minutes and thirty seconds passed.

Four minutes and forty seconds, and I heard brisk footsteps and a raised voice from the hallway

Four minutes and fifty seconds, the sounds got closer and I could hear what the voice was yelling

"How could you keep her in there like an animal! Even animals get better treatment than that!" The voice said in anger and sounded oddly familiar. Well at least someone cared about their child enough to yell and protest

"I'm going to sue the hell out of this school! How could you keep my niece in there like that!" Niece? Was that aunt Gracie's voice

Five minutes, the door of the room burst open and a red faced aunt Gracie came rushing in with a sober Miss Kathrine and The principal behind her. She looked really upset and I was more than sure that ninety percent was directed at me but as she rushed towards my seat, her next words were a shock to me

"Oh my sweet girl" She started patting my face like I was the one who had gotten the beaten and not the one that delivered it.

"Are you hurt?" She asked quickly and I shook my head slowly out of shock. This had got to be a scripted play because why on earth was she being so caring even after the trouble I caused

"Have you had anything to eat" she asked and I shook my head once again. The glare she threw at the principal and Miss Katharine had them looking to the ground

"Don't worry I'll give you a nice meal as soon as we go home" She said home like I didn't just start living with her yesterday. The careful manner at which she spoke to me immediately vanished as she turned her full attention to the principal.

"I'm furious! How could you leave her in here without even lunch!" My aunt yelled and stamped her foot simultaneously "what could a child have possibly done to deserve this treatment!" I stood from my seat as she continued shouting them

"Ma'am she beat up a student quite badly and the students had to be taking to the clinic. You sure don't expect us to condon such act of violence in school premises" The principal replied

"In school premises? So she's allowed to do it outside the school premises. This is why our youth of today become monsters outside of school since it's permitted!" My aunt fired back

"No we're not saying-" Miss Katharine started speaking but my aunt cut her off

"oh you shut your trap!" My aunt yelled at her before turning her attention back to the principal "And you asked what you were expected to do. I expect you to treat her like a human! Not lock her up in here for hours. For Christ's sake, school has let out hours ago and you still kept her locked in her alone! Are you insane! Now if I may ask, what happened to the other students in the fight? Were they allowed to go home?" My aunt questions

"yes"The principal replied

"why?" My aunt asked again. I just stood by the door in silence

"Because they didn't start the fight, from the story given" he replied

"And from the story? You mean, from what they told you right?"


"And my niece was also given a chance to tell her side of the story right?" My aunt pestered on

"Not really" He answered

"What do you mean by not really" my aunt asked again imitating his voice

"I'm mean given your nieces past records, we could attain that-"

"Attain that what? That you're an incompetent man that's about to loose his job and has also gotten the school sued for total neglect and unfair treatment of my niece!" My aunt yelled marching to stand next to him. It was really hilarious to watch this huge man cower before a woman that was barely five feet tall

"we're really sorry about this ma'am and we hope you reconsider" he said pleading with her

"Don't apologize to me! I'm not the one that hasn't eaten since breakfast, or wasn't given fair hearing, Apologize to her" My aunt said pointing at me, making both of them turn to me and realise that I was still in the room

"Miss McClain, on behalf of the school we want to apologize for the inconveniences" the principal said grudgingly

I gave a nod and turned to my aunt and said"can we go now?"

"Yes, baby" She replied and I gave her a frown. I didn't need to be babied around

She grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. We had moved out of the room and were walking the school's hallway when miss Katherine ran behind us with some paperwork in her hand and said

"Ma'am you can't leave yet. You need to sign some-" she started saying

"Sign what?" My aunt said giving her a dangerous look. I couldn't see a speck of the childish demeanor she had welcomed me with yesterday in her eyes

"Nothing ma'am" Miss Katharine replied quickly putting the papers behind her in fear.

"Good" Aunt Gracie replied and began walking again, gently tugging me along

We didn't say a word to each other until we got outside the grey school building. I was busy wondering why my aunt was being so defensive. Even my parents would have sided with the principal if they had been the one present today

"Are you really okay?" she asked me again.

I shrugged in response not looking at her in the eye.

"Good. Go get your bike and ride home, you have a lot of explanation to do" She said before she entered into her car and drove off

I guess her whole facade of caring for me has faded and it was now my turn to be at the receiving end of her anger.

I hastily walked to where my bike was packed. I mounted it and began my ride home, steeling myself for the rejection I knew was to come.