Chapter 11 - War is Brewing

Chapter 11


2 Months had passed since Rikuto and Hanabi told each other how they felt about one another and honestly things had been great for the young couple. Rikuto was a busy young man with missions and a family he loved with all his heart. He loved spending time with them but Hanabi was also special to his heart. He would always find some time for her even if they only did something as simple as holding hands through the streets of Konoha.

Today however they were discussing something at Sho's Sweets Shop. Hanabi had her usual pieces of banana cake in front of her while Rikuto had a strawberry shake in front of him.

Hanabi took a bite of her cake, she smiled savoring the taste. After swallowing it she turned to Rikuto. "How long do you intend on keeping our relationship with your family a secret? I'd like to join them for dinner sometime or maybe I can cook sometime…."

Rikuto smiled. "At first I was afraid of how they'd react…that they'd be disappointed in me…but now I don't really care, but I know they wouldn't be totally against it right? I mean we aren't related."

"I honestly don't know Riku-kun." Hanabi said. "Ill love you no matter what, even if they are against it."

Hanabi placed her hand over his and smiled softly. Rikuto returned the smile. "I'll mention it to tousan later."

"Are you sure? That's…"

"Yeah." Rikuto said. "What's he gonna do? I'm 17 years old and a shinobi. At a young age I was considered an adult. The life of a shinobi is short, our lives could be taken away from us at anytime, Afterall."

"I know."

"I'm sure it'll be fine Hana-Hime."

Hanabi blushed at the nickname. The nickname wasn't new but it always made her feel embarrassed and loved at the same time.

"I hope your right."


Somewhere in Kumogakure no Sato-a few days ago

"No!" Screamed a young Kumo shinobi as he watched a cloaked figure kill someone most likely important to him. "Natsumi-san!"

Tears welled up in the shinobi's eyes as the enemy removed his hood revealing spiky dark blue hair.

"You're-" The shinobi glared at him. He had more than one reason for his hatred for the enemy. Aside from the cloak, he had spiky dark unruly blue hair and Carmel brown eyes.

"Atsuka Naoki!" The shinobi exclaimed causing him to grin.

"Why are you doing this? Do you realize this could count as an act of war? What are you, stupid or something?"

"How rude. I'm doing this for obvious reasons." Naoki grinned

"You can't…."

"I did…I want you to tell that Raikage of yours that this isn't the end. I'll continue to kill until I've had my fill."

"When Raikage-sama hears of this….there will be war!"

"Oh, I'm sure." Naoki smirked. "That's what us at Kiri want!"

"You bastard!"

"Just be grateful I'm allowing you to live your pathetic life."

Naoki vanished in a Water Shunshin leaving behind a seething Kumo Shinobi.


several daya later

"I…have no choice now. They're killing our shinobi now! I warned Chojuro if he couldn't keep his men in check I'd…." Darui, the current Raikage sighed before looking at the Kumo shinobi before him. "Go home for now. Get some rest because pretty soon your gonna be really busy."

The shinobi nods, he casted his Kage one last look before leaving the Raikage tower.

"Damn it all!"


Naruto was doing his usual paperwork when he heard knocking on the door. After a moment or two he saw his oldest walk inside. Rikuto smiled at him.

"What brings you here Rikuto?" The blonde asked

"Just checking up on you pops." Rikuto said with a grin as he placed his hands behind his neck. "Someone has to make sure you don't run yourself into an early grave."

Naruto scratched his head. It felt good having a wonderful son like Rikuto watching his back.

"Tousan, there's something I want to tell you." Rikuto said determined, causing Naruto to look at him curiously. Rikuto opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted as Shikamaru busted through the door.

"Kumo has declared war on Kiri!" The two uzumaki men widened their eyes, whatever they expected Shikamaru to say that definitely wasn't it…"

"I know things have been rocky between Kumo and Kiri, but…." Naruto trailed off. "Did you do what I requested?"

"Yes. Of course." Shikamaru replied. "I had one of our shinobi watching Kiri and Kumo. It's true…apparently A Kiri shinobi killed one of Kumo's. Darui declared war not too long ago."

Naruto rubbed his temples. He realized both Kumo and Kiri were his Allies…if he sent anyone to help either village it would drag Konoha into it and that would also drag the sand into it as they were Allie's to Konoha, not to mention the connection Naruto shared with Gaara.

"What do you wanna do Naruto?" Shikamaru asked

Rikuto frowned. He wanted nothing more than to help Kiri. Especially in their time of need. Something also didn't add up. Kiri wasn't one to instigate a Situation and nobody wanted another war.

Naruto sighs. "We can't afford to take any action. We have to remain neutral. The last thing we need is for war to spill out onto the streets of Konoha."

Rikuto clenched his teeth. As much as he hated it, his father was right. It would be a tragedy if war broke out in Konoha. That's one thing he didn't want happening.

"Tousan." Rikuto looked at his father seriously. "If something happens to Baa-chan. I'm gonna help no matter what."

Naruto widened his eyes

"Do you realize those are the words of a rogue?"

"I don't want to betray anyone, but I'd do anything for baachan. She's family and she was there when I had nobody."



After a few more words with his father Rikuto exited the hokage tower, he didn't want to head home as he had a lot on his mind, surprisingly he ran into Hanabi. Instantly he felt a lot better having his girfriend with him.

Rikuto walked hand in hand with the Hyuga. Being his girlfriend Hanabi instantly knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong Riku-kun?" Hanabi asked

Rikuto sighed. He was stupid to think Hanabi wouldn't figure it out. He went ahead and told her of the brewing war between Kumo and Kiri.

"That's crazy. Another war…"

"I may be dragged into it as well."

Hanabi widened her eyes. She knew Rikuto would do anything for his grandmother but to join another nation's war?

"You realize if you become a rogue I may be one of the people sent after you, right? Is that what you want?"

"Of course not!" Rikuto yelled startling Hanabi a little as he never rose his voice. It showed how worried he was for Mei and those precious to him in Kiri.

"I'm sorry Hanabi-Hime." Rikuto frowned. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just frustrated I guess. I never want to fight you. I can't imagine harming you."

The couple suddenly stopped walked and wrapped each other in loving embrace. "I know." The Hyuga said softly"….and I love you all the more for it."

Hanabi kissed his cheek softly, Rikuto looked at her and smiled.

"I love you too ." Rikuto said softly as they continued to walk. The couple decided to grab a bite to eat to take their mind off of the war. A date is just what Rikuto needed to take the edge off.


Terumi Mei, formerly the Mizukage struggled to keep her eyes open as her vision blurred.

"Naoki….why…" she muttered as she lost consciousness. Mei knew Naoki since he was a boy. She couldn't believe he would raise a hand against her and from the look on his face he didn't have good intentions.


Rikuto was at Ichiraku Ramen enjoying a bowl of Miso Ramen. While he wasn't a ramen freak like his father he did like to come every so often. And more often than not he would bring Hanabi.

The couple enjoyed their ramen in silence. They really seemed to be enjoying themselves occasionally the couple made small talk.


Naruto looked pretty surprised as he saw Rikuto and Hanabi there eating Ramen as if they were a couple. "Hanabi?"

"Tousan….are you ok?"

Naruto frowned. "I'm curious about Hanabi….I didn't know you two were close, anyway Rikuto….Mei-san….she's been kidnapped."

"What?!" Rikuto exclaimed standing up causing the customers to all look at him.

"She can't be….she's a former kage…"

"Sometimes being powerful isn't all that counts." Naruto said. "She was probably drugged."

Rikuto remained silent. Hanabi looked at her boyfriend clearly worried for him.

'I have to help Kiri now….I can't let Baachan die.' Rikuto thought determined.

"Son….what are you gonna do…?"

"Let me gather my thoughts." Rikuto replied.

"You want some alone time with your girlfriend don't you?"

Rikuto looked surprised.


"It's pretty obvious. It's clear from the way Hanabi looks at you. It reminds me of when me and Hinata first started dating." Naruto had a look of nostalgia on his features.

"Your not Mad?"

"Why would I be? It's a little weird but as long as your happy I don't really mind."

Rikuto let a smile show on his face. 'Thank you Tousan…'


Naoki grinned. Behind him was a bound Terumi Mei. "Let the chaos begin!"
