Chereads / Boruto: The Story Of Uzumak Rikuto (REWRITE) / Chapter 16 - Rematch: Ruka vs Arashi:

Chapter 16 - Rematch: Ruka vs Arashi:

Chapter 16



In a dark building a middle-aged woman struggled with her bindings. She had an irritated look displayed on her aged features as she tried to escape, only to no avail. A sigh escaped her lips as she stared at a man who smirked at her.

"What are you doing, idiot? You captured me, what is that going to do, Naoki?"

The man known as Naoki chuckled with an amused look on his face. "Well, you know.... capturing a former Kage does wonders for boosting one's self-esteem, now don't give me that look, Mei-Sama." Naoki said after noticing the glare she was giving him. "I suppose it won't hurt to tell you the reason for your capture.... I knew that if I captured you a certain Uzumaki would join the war effort."

Mei widened her eyes for more than one reason. "Have you completely lost your mind, Naoki? starting a war isn't something to brag about, you brat!"

Naoki shrugged, and a smile spread across his face. "I don't know about that. Seems pretty fun to me." 

Mei stared at him as if she couldn't believe what he was saying. "What happened to you? if your parents could see you, they'd be so disappointed."

Naoki's expression hardened. "The dead can't feel anything, now, can they?"


Slowly her mind drifted to her grandson. She couldn't believe that he had returned to Kiri, which was an act of treason. Add that to the fact that Konoha was allies with both nations, and well...

Mei knew that if the roles were reversed, if Rikuto were still a member of Konoha and he knew about him Naruto would do what he could so that he could ensure his safety, war be damned. She had hoped the day when Rikuto would be thrusted into a world had never come, only it had. the life of a ninja was very unpredictable at times. She could only hope that Rikuto made it through this war alive.


"Well?" Chojuro who sat at his desk interlocked his hands together as he locked eyes with the shinobi in front of him.

"Nothing so far, sir. There hasn't been any suspicious activity with our men, are you sure that it's more than one person?"

"There's a chance that the mole isn't the traitor. Though I suppose there's still a chance that the mole could in fact be the traitor." Chojuro said. "That being said, we just don't have enough information. We need to know more so that we can thoroughly investigate."

"Hai, Mizukage-sama."

"You're dismissed." Chojuro rubbed his temples. He had a ton of work to do, and he was unsure if he could get it done tonight. 'First thing I should do is form the medical division.' He thought as the shinobi disappeared in a poof of smoke. 'This is going to be rather troublesome.'

Somewhere within Konoha a pineapple-haired shaped man sneezed.


Rikuto stared at the familiar ceiling of his room with a blank expression on his face. Today was only the beginning. It hadn't even been a full day since the war had started and already the death count was high.

The Uzumaki had to harden his heart. As a shinobi you were expected to take lives, more so now that the war was raging on. Also, anyone who meant his family harm would get no mercy from him.

'I should get rest. It won't be something I'll be able to do often after all.' he thought to himself before closing his eyes, falling asleep almost right away.


-The Following morning-

Chojuro knew that it was dangerous staying up all night but there were tons of things that needed his attention. He couldn't afford to rest while he had so much to do, luckily, he was able to carry out everything he had set out to do, barely. There had been no further news about Mei from his spies, he worried that they would never find her at this rate. It was unfortunate that he didn't have any more men he could send. the problem was that if he sent too many, he risked the mole knowing that they were onto them.

It was noon already and Kumo had made no moves to strike which didn't surprise him. They had just as many casualties as them. The war would rage on though, that was certain.

Chojuro noticed the enemy's army approaching with a critical eye. "Prepare yourselves men, this isn't what we wanted, but they won't back down. for the future of our home, for our families, FIGHT!"

"Hai!" The shinobi chorused.

Chojuro looked at Rikuto and his squad. They all looked battle ready, though he noticed the sorrowful look in Ruka's eyes. Death was a given during war. it was inevitable. He could only hope that she could overcome this both for her sake and their comrades.

The Kiri shinobi gave a battle shout as they charged the army of what looked like 50,000 men. 

'Darui-San, just what are you planning?'


Somewhere within Kiri

"Are you sure that was wise, Mizukage-sama?"

Darui had his arms crossed as he sat at a campsite somewhere on the outskirts of Kirigakure no sato. There were fifty or so of them at the campsite. "Whether it was wise or not matters little. He's one of our heavy hitters and he can take out a considerable sum of men without being overwhelmed."


The Man stared at his leader, he knew for certain that the shinobi that was sent could more than handle himself, but wasn't it a bit much sending him onto the battlefield so soon? He wasn't going to question his Kage; this was War and certain decisions had to be made.


"Go get ready. We're going to be heading out soon." Chojuro said with a blank look on his face. The man nodded.


"Hai, Mizukage-sama." He disappeared into a burst of mist, to prepare. Briefly Chojuro thought about the people he quietly sent to investigate the disappearance of the former Mizukage. However, after a moment or two he prepared to get ready as well.



Kiri shinobi widened their eyes as they saw their comrades getting slaughtered. Most of them had a giant fist sized hole in the center of their body, in the spot where their heart used to be. Others had been hit with such force that the damage was irreversible. Need it not be said that the Former Raikage wasn't a complete powerhouse. He had killed hundreds of them and barely looked winded.


"He's running low on stamina! Everyone charge!"


The Kiri shinobi in charge of this division within Kirigakure no Sato's forces widened his eyes as the men rushed the Raikage, that was easier said than done though. The former Kage wasn't the only one they had to worry about. A was leading an army of over 1,000 men. While they could stand their ground, A was a problem. It was obvious that nobody here could prove to be a match for A.


"RETREAT! THAT'S AN ORDER!" They didn't like it, but an order was an order. Even tired, the former Kage was a force to be reckoned with. There wasn't anything they could do here today, so they obeyed the order of their division's leader.

Kumo had won this round. A scoffed with a rough look stretching across his features as he watched the Kiri shinobi fleeing.


-That night- Rikuto stood on top of a building. Next to him stood Yosuke and Ruka, the latter who had an angry expression on her face. Nobody could blame her for feeling that way either. Her lover was killed after all. Rikuto didn't even want to think of a world without Hanabi in it.

Speaking of the special lady in his life the teen could be seen looking at a picture of the Hyuuga herself. It was a photo of the two of them. That day they had gone on a date, the photo was taken on a day they had lunch together, right in front of the restaurant.

Rikuto missed her but knew that he had to save his grandmother and fight for the country he was raised in most of his life. He slid the photo in his pocket before glancing at Yosuke and Ruka. "Come on, let's go."

Rikuto noticed that Ruka wasn't moving. The Uzumaki frowned. "Ruka!"


Ruka came out of her daze and gave him a dangerous look. Rikuto didn't even bother scolding her. For one he shouldn't have to. She was older than him and she had fought in a war before. He really hoped that she could overcome this. If not, she would meet the same fate as her late boyfriend.


Three Weeks Later-Kirigakure no Sato

The war between Kirigakure and Kumogakure raged on for weeks with no end in sight. A vast majority of the buildings were in ruin. There were craters in multiple parts of the village as well. Chojuro tasked Rikuto and his team with pillaging Kumo's supplies, quietly of course. They would take a camp of Kiri shinobi out quickly and then raid their supplies. In the past few weeks, they had lost over 20,000 comrades. If things stayed like this, they would lose this war.


Chojuro had his arms crossed against his chest. "I believe it's safe to assume that the mole is indeed the traitor. There are supplies missing, I count the inventory often, so I know that we're losing far more supplies than usual. There's still no sign of Mei-Sama's location though."


"What do you want to do, Mizukage-sama?"

"Gather a list of all of the people who have been around our supplies."

"At once, sir,"


-Meanwhile in Konohagakure no sato


Hanabi and Hinata, the two sisters, could be seen sparring outside of the Uzumaki residence, in the backyard. They were using the traditional form of the Hyuuga, their strikes flowed like water. Neither were able to land a single blow on each other, after close to ten minutes they jumped back. The sisters' Byakugan transforming into the eyes of a Hyuuga. Pupilless lilac-colored eyes.

Hinata took a seat in front of the backdoor to catch her breath. Hanabi joined her right away. The blue haired Hyuuga glanced at Hanabi. "You seem restless. Is it about inheriting the title of clan head?"


Hanabi pursed her lips into a thin line. She was a fool to think that Hinata wouldn't suspect something. Her sister was no idiot and her worry for her boyfriend was obvious, she'd imagine. A sigh escaped her lips as she locked eyes with Hinata.

"I'm worried about Riku-Kun. Only a few people know this, but the two of us are close."


Hinata had a thoughtful look on her face. She didn't know about that. "It's natural to worry. There's a chance he might not return to us in one piece." Hinata had a sad look on her face.

Hanabi clenched her fists tightly. "I'm aware of that fact. As his girlfriend it's normal for me to worry, no?"

Hinata's eyes slowly widened. "Y-That's…." In her mind everything made sense now. With Hanabi's revelation it was obvious that every time he disappeared, he was with her. She couldn't find it in her to be angry with her though. She smiled.


"You aren't angry?"

"Should I be? You're the source of so much of my son's happiness. I don't think he could have chosen a better girlfriend than you."


Hanabi's face reddened. Hinata's smile widened. It was shocking that those two were a couple, but she accepted it none the less. Rikuto deserved to be happy, no matter who he chose as a lover she'd accept it no matter what.


Back in Kirigakure

Rikuto evaded a series of Shuriken sent at him with his Kunai in hand, the Shuriken being deflected in multiple directions, the sound of war cries and metal clashing against metal was heard as well. Additionally, the smell of burnt flesh and rotting corpses could be smelt as well. Rikuto didn't have time to worry about his teammates. He figured Yosuke would be okay. He was a capable shinobi. Ruka was a powerful shinobi in her own right. Though if she didn't get her act together soon, she wouldn't live to see the end of this war.

The Uzumaki widened his eyes before allowing himself to fall to the ground. A moment later a lightning infused kick crackled through the air.


The Uzumaki rose to his feet and observed his enemy with a critical eye. In front of him was a behemoth of a man. He was as tall as he was muscular. He had brown hair that had multiple grey patches in it, and he had blue eyes as well.

"You punks aren't anything special. Though I hope you at least prove more of a challenge than that Eiji guy."


Team Rikuto widened their eyes at the Kumo shinobi's words. This man was the one responsible for Eiji's death.


Yosuke turned towards Ruka at breakneck speed. "Ruka!"

The Chunin ignored him, instead she ran at the enemy dual kunai drawn. The woman an extremely pissed off expression on her face. "I'm going to kill you!"


Takuya grinned as the electricity on his right arm crackled dangerously, he held the arm out, he didn't bother balling his hand into a fist.




Multiple sets of eyes widened.




"Are you sure this is all right?" a woman with green hair and matching eyes asked as she looked at a man around her age. He had blue hair and purple eyes.

"We Should find out what he's up to. He handed someone money all secret like. That's suspicious. He could be the traitor." The man clenched his fists as he said that.


"Natsuo. We can just report this to the Mizukage. We don't have to investigate this; we can leave that task to Mizukage-Sama."


The dark-haired shinobi shook his head. "If he's really the traitor then I need to be the one to take him down. He's my brother , are you with me or not, Megumi?"


The emerald haired woman sighed. "You know I'm with you, let's get this over with."


Natsuo smiled slightly as he and Megumi followed his brother through the village, making sure to keep their distance.


-Back in Konoha-


"Tell me about you and Rikuto's relationship." Hinata spoke. Hanabi's eyes brightened as she told her older sister about the memories she shared with her boyfriend. After she was down the younger Hyuuga glanced at the ground, interlocking her fingers together.


"I'm scared for him, Hinata. Riku-Kun has always been kind, but he has never been the type to show those who have caused his family mercy. I'm afraid of what he'll do…if something happens to his grandmother."


Hinata frowned. That was certainly true. Naruto was the same way, as much as she didn't want to admit it, Rikuto had already taken a life. War changed people, the thought of her son losing his way terrified her to no end but knew that she had to let him fight. He wanted to protect his family, even if he had to take lives to do so.


"I'm sure it'll be fine, Hanabi." Hinata placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair. The younger Hyuuga gave her a look.


Hinata gave her a smile. "Terumi-Sama is the Mizukage, she won't be taken down easily. You shouldn't worry about Rikuto either. Sure, he's a Chunin but he has the skills of a Jounin you know."


Hanabi nodded, somehow managing to smile. 'Riku-Kun…please come back to me safely.'


Rikuto winced, one eye closed, the eye that was still opened twitched. He hadn't experienced pain like this before. A trail of blood escaped the right side of his mouth. Underneath him was a moderately enormous sized puddle of blood. Takuya had punched a literal hole through his gut.

"Ruka…you-you dumbass." Rikuto's expression changed as he coughed up blood. Ruka had a startled look on her face.


"R-Rikuto-Sama, I-I…"

Takuya grinned down at the teen. He punched him in the face which sent him soaring through the sky. Rikuto held his injury as his body carved up the landscape.


"Rikuto-Sama!" Screamed multiple voices.


Takuya's grin only widened. He cracked his knuckles as he took a step closer to team Rikuto. This battle was all but won.


"Don't go thinking you've won!" Every one of them widened their eyes because in front of them was Rikuto with his Kurama cloak activated.


"N-No way! That's impossible! Uzumaki Naruto is the host of the Nine Tails! How do you have that power!"


Rikuto didn't say anything as he disappeared in an orange flash. Takuya grunted as he received multiple punches across his face, the final punch sent him flying. Rikuto wasn't done though. He activated his Rasengan in one hand, it slowly grew twenty times in size. He added his Hyoton element to it, causing it to gain a white hue, wind surrounded the massive sphere of Chakra. He gave out a battle cry before ramming the Rasengan right on top of Takuya. As soon as the Rasengan connected, parts of his body were frozen, the Rasengan crashed against him, the Jutsu began to affect the landscape, Ice spikes began to form taking multiple Kumo lives in the process. After a minute or so he pulled away, landing on his feet he glanced at all his comrades who had shocked expressions on their faces before turning his gaze towards Takuya's body. One of his arms was in pieces due to being frozen. Half of his body was in frozen bits as well.



Rikuto looked at his teammates. "Let's go!"


"Let's do this!" Yosuke punched his fist into an open palm and grinned. Ruka had a guilty look on her face but spoke anyway.



Rikuto grinned as he Rushed the Kumo Shinobi, his teammates at his side. The Kiri Shinobi seeing this charged as well. All around them battle cries were heard followed by metal clashing against metal. Several Jutsu were activated as well.


Elsewhere in Kirigakure

Natsuo stared at the form of his brother with a critical eye as he walked inside a small building. Everything that Naoki was doing was suspicious. The talk with that Kiri shinobi earlier, why would he need to hand him money. If he had borrowed money and owed the man money he could understand, but why the secrecy? Also, why head inside a building that had nothing to do with the war? Naoki should be preparing for battle, but he was here.

"Megumi. Are you able to sense any chakra within that building?" Natsuo asked, glancing at the green haired Kunoichi.


"One moment." Megumi said, closing her eyes in concentration. At least thirty seconds passed before her eyes snapped open, wide.


"Megumi?" Natsuo asked. He figured that she had sensed something. Whatever it was, it couldn't be anything good.


"T-Terumi-Sama…. I'm sensing her Chakra! She's in that building, Natsuo!"


Natsuo sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Thar's what I thought you'd say."


"How do you want to go about this, Natsuo?"


"First, we find a way inside, if we can take him by surprise that would be great. I don't think I need to say this, but it's possible that he has people that collaborate with him. Be on your guard."

"Of course." Megumi replied. "Ready?"


"As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

The two Kiri shinobi nodded at each other before slowly approaching the building.



"How could a snot-nosed brat take down a Jounin? Takuya-Sama…why?" A man with black hair and purple eyes spoke with a tone that suggested he was disappointed in the outcome of Rikuto's battle with Takuya. He also couldn't believe that someone as powerful as Takuya could lose to Rikuto, for whatever reason he had the power of the nine tails om his side. Power like that wasn't easily matched.


"Don't lose heart. These things happen. We can't let it stop us from achieving victory in this war." Spoke a masculine voice.




Ruka's eyes narrowed as she eyed him, Arashi's expression didn't change whatsoever when his eyes locked with hers. Rikuto made his way towards Ruka, killing a Kumo shinobi by slitting his throat with a Hyoton kunai. The brunette woman stared at her teammate and after a moment he grinned, holding his fist out to her. Ruka chuckled before forming a fist and bumping it against his.


"Let's finish this and return to Chojuro-Sama." Rikuto said.


Ruka's face danced with amusement. "I was just about to say that." She removed her fist from his. "Stay alive, Rikuto."


Rikuto didn't say anything, there was a chance that he could die after all. He was confident in his skills though. Everything That he had ever been taught led up to this moment. He was aware that if he did die here, it could extend the length of this war. If he was to die, Konoha would undoubtedly get involved in this war and it'd be the start of the Fifth great ninja war. The Uzumaki nodded. "You too,"

Rikuto parted ways with her and joined his comrades, together they battled the Kumogakure army filled with hundreds of shinobi. Meanwhile Ruka got in a battle stance, a Kunai in both of her hands. When Arashi saw this, he smirked. "You couldn't beat me before. What makes this time any different?"


"In case you forgot, you didn't win either. Our battle was interrupted last time."


Arashi smirked as he unsheathed his sword and got into his preferred stance. The two shinobi rushed each other, Arashi's sword clashing against her kunai, causing sparks to rain down for several seconds. At which point they had parted ways before clashing their weapons again. Arashi pulled his weapon back and evaded multiple attacks from Ruka, he tried to cut her midsection, but it was countered by her weapons. Arashi grinned as his blade began to glow blue as it crackled with electricity. Ruka's eyes widened as his sword sliced through both of her kunai. She jumped back and did a few back flips to gain distance between them.

It was obvious that she couldn't best him at using weapons. His Kenjutsu was superior and any weapon she used would just be sliced in half. She could try Taijutsu, but it would be a pain trying to get through his defenses. The only choice left open for her was Ninjutsu. She had to create an opening using ninjutsu. 'I know just the Jutsu.' Thought Ruka as she began to go through hand seals.


"Water Release: Gunshot!" Ruka opened her mouth and three bullet sized shots of water fired at the enemy. Arashi widened his eyes at the speed of the bullets, meanwhile Ruka retrieved a kunai from her holster and rushed him, it all happened so fast. Ruka was going for his throat, but he managed to move out of the way at the right moment. His shoulder was sliced instead of his throat, the cut wasn't deep though.


Ruka scowled. 'Lucky bastard.' She thought as she prepared to go for another attack, but she was kicked in the center of her chest. Ruka opened her eyes as well as her mouth, saliva dripping to the ground before she was sent flying. After several seconds she hit the ground. She didn't have the luxury of catching her breath as Arashi charged her, his sword ready to behead her at a moment's notice. Ruka effortlessly evaded all his strikes and thrusts, her speed seemed to match his. When Arashi noticed this, he growled in anger.

"Stay still!"

Ruka didn't say anything as she lowered her head while his sword closed in. Suddenly he was sent flying as her fist connected with his gut. She watched as he hit the ground a few feet away, his sword clattering to the ground as well. She wasn't done however as she phased out of existence, displaying some of her true speed. Arashi's eyes widened before rising to the ground, catching her fist with an open palm. He closed his hand before tossing her sending the Kiri shinobi flying. While in mid air Ruka went through a series of hand seals.


Meanwhile Arashi went through a few hand seals of his own. The man had a cocky grin on his face as he did so. He thought that Ruka was powerful but with the next attack he was going to finish this. At the same time both called out the names of their respective techniques.

Wind Release: Breath of the wind Dragon Jutsu!"


"Lightning Release: Divine Strike!"


Arashi clasped his hands together before slowly unclasping them, lightning crackling across his fingers. He faced his palms towards Ruka. Meanwhile a Dragon made from wind formed, its red eyes glowing brightly. The Dragon roared and opened its mouth. In an instant a vortex of spiraling and swirling wind was sent at Arashi, at the same time Arashi unleashed a wide beam of electricity at her. Arashi had a startled look on his face as he began to be pushed back. As soon as she had unleashed her technique, he knew that it was over for him. Wind was superior to lightning after all. After a few moments his lightning was canceled out and the vortex of wind collided with his body.


There were multiple men inside the building which held the former Mizukage. Shockingly enough Natsuo and Megumi found their way inside through a window which wasn't locked. Taking most of them out was simple enough. Megumi used her sensing ability and found out that there were at least ten other men spread throughout the building. With Megumi, taking out the rest of the enemies wouldn't be that difficult, but they had to be careful. If they made one mistake it would be the ten of them plus Naoki.

Natsuo walked past a bed, to the left of him was a dresser. He glanced at Megami who nodded. "There are three people in room further inside. We should avoid them for now. Terumi-Sama is on a lower level."


"Lower level?" Natsuo asked. After a few moments a look of realization crossed his features. "A basement?"

Megumi nodded. "Naoki is with her. There are two men with him. Natsuo, we should have let the Mizukage know what's going on here. If we die here how is Mizukage-Sama and the others going to find out about your brothers' treachery?"

Natsuo narrowed his eyes before smirking. "Who said I didn't inform him?"


Megumi opened her mouth with surprise.





"Terumi Mei…the one who kidnapped her is none other than Natsuo."


Chojuro's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "W-What?! He exclaimed, shock stretching across the Kage's features.


The shinobi stared at the leader directly in the eye. "Atsuka Naoki is the one responsible for Terumi-Sama's disappearance.


To be continued