Chereads / Legend of an Immortal God / Chapter 7 - DRAGONS

Chapter 7 - DRAGONS

Laxus Dreyar vs Gore Beastwalker

Kuroko couldn't believe her eyes. She had seen Mikoto, her Sissy, fight many times. She had seen constant examples of why the Railgun was the 3rd strongest in all of Academy City and known as the Ace of Tokwadai....but never had she seen anything like this.

After Erza had told Kuroko to go and catch up with the others, Kuroko had teleported as fast as she could after her beloved Sissy (teleportation espers can only go a certain distance with each teleportation, Kuroko's limit distance is about 81.5 meters depending on the size and weight of who and what she teleports), still unsure about what was going on but not really caring. Nothing mattered but saving her beloved Sissy from.....whatever the heck was going on. Then she saw Mikoto fight the dragon.

She had arrived just in time to watch the Black Whisper blast Mikoto full on with a huge Roar attack. At first she had panicked and nearly jumped in the fight herself. But then she had watched while Mikoto went Spatial Thunder Dragon and completely demolish a live dragon. If that hadn't changed her perspective on supernatural powers...Kuroko didn't know what would.

"Did S-sissy just...?" said Kuroko as she stared Mikoto's battle worn form. "D-did Sissy just slay a dragon!!!?"

Next to her, Natsu Dragneel, Wendy, and Uiharu watched Mikoto stare down at the now child-like form of Black Whisper.

"Trust me...." said Natsu. "You haven't even seen half of it."

Back at the smoking crater, Black Whisper was pounding his small child fist in absolute fury and confusion. "Why!? WHY!? I was the first level 5 and one of the most powerful dark mages ever....I studied under the great dragon Cephalonus himself!!! How did you, a mere girl who has only discovered her true power for barely even several weeks defeat who has studied for years to master power!!!!?"

"Because I have something to protect." said Mikoto. " just have thirst.....a thirst that could never be quenched. When people seek power for merely the pursuit of power, it becomes merely an empty existance. That's what you have been living.....and because of that, you never had any true reason to give it your all."

"Lies!!" said Black Whisper. "You are merely telling me a condensed version of what that infernal Markarov told me during our last battle before we were sent back to this world...Of course I should have suspected as much. That bumbling old fool's teachings have rubbed off on you Railgun....turning you SOFT!!!"

Mikoto shook her head sadly. "You'll never get it...." Mikoto turned to walk away.

"Wait....." said Black Whisper. "Where are you going!? STOP!! COME BACK AND FINISH ME!!!!!!"

"You can't fight anymore...." said Mikoto continuing to walk away. "We're done."

The small child suddenly looked red with fury. "If you won't do what is necessary to win...THEN YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR MERCY!!!! GORE!! FINISH THEM ALL!!!"

The massive 16 ft tall monster man fell out of the sky from who knows where. Gore Beastwalker landed in on the pavement nearby with an earth shaking boom. "As you wish.....Master."

Mikoto turned around quickly, but Gore moved like lightning and was on Mikoto before she could even generate a spark. Gore raised his fist to punch Mikoto.

Suddenly Kuroko teleported right above Gore's head and drop kicked him. The kick glanced off of Gore's head like it was nothing. " are nothing to me.."

Gore grabbed Kurko's leg and made to throw her. But then Natsu and Mikoto jumped at Gore, Mikoto's wings reformed themselves as they attacked.

"Iron Fist of The Fire Dragon!!!"

"Demolition Fist of The Thunder Dragon!!!!"

The two attacks crashed into Gore in a massive explosion as Kuroko teleported away and reappeared right behind Mikoto.

The smoke cleared to reveal Gore was completely unharmed. His skin wasn't even slightly charred. "Useless.....perfectly useless. Don't tell me that's all the power Fairy Tail has to offer...."

What's that guy made of!?" exclaimed Kuroko. "It's like his skin is made out of iron or something!"

"My magic's diminishing." said Mikoto. "And I can't summon my esper power as good as I usually can for some reason."

"I'm not doing too good either." said Natsu. "I think I just used up the last of my magic energy with that attack!!"

"My body has a special property." said Gore. "I can increase my physical strength by absorbing the supernatural energy of my surroundings....and that includes both magic and esper abilities...."

"Hahahahaha!!!" Black Whisper laughed. "Don't you see now? This is why I brought Gore along!! His power is one of a set of unique abilities that is a combination of both aspects in science and magic!! He is one of my greatest creations!!"

Mikoto gritted her teeth. He was right, Mikoto could feel her Dragon Slayer powers draining away, and her brain had a strange buzzing in if it wouldn't allow her to make any sort of calculations. She couldn't summon her magic and she couldn't create any esper based electricity to refuel herself. The only way to regain her strength would be to devour electricity from another source.

"This isn't looking good." said Touma. "None of us are in any shape to fight...."

"Almost all of us." said Wendy. "I've still got all my magic energy....and that guy still isn't draining it away."

"Yeah!" said Natsu as if suddenly realizing something. "My magic wasn't being drained when I fought Gore last time either!!"

Gore lumbered over to the group, his muscles seeming to ripple with power. "Admittidly, my abilities only activate when my opponents are at their weakest. That is why I am only allowed into land the finishing blow."

Gore raised his fist. "Massive Quake Of The Earth God!!!"

Gore mashed his fist into the ground. Immediately a black shockwave eminated from Gore's fist. The entire street cracked with a multitude of ginormous fissures as the entire group were blasted backwards. Mikoto felt herself roll and tumble across the shaking ground, becoming intensly bruised and breaking several ribs in the process.

When the ground finally stopped shaking Mikoto looked up from where she lay to see that Touma and Natsu were currently pinned down by a large chunk of rubble. Uiharu had her leg stuck in a fissure as Happy, Wendy, and Charle desperately tried to pull her out. Kuroko materialized right next to Mikoto and helped her stand up.

"Sissy!!" Kuroko exclaimed as Mikoto leaned on her for support. "Are you alright!?"

"Y-you!" said Mikoto looking at Gore. "Y-you're a God Slayer!?"

"Surprised?" said Gore. "I don't blame you.....I don't usually battle weaklings."

"You just watched Sissy take down your boss and you dare to call her a weakling!!!??" yelled Kuroko angrilly.

"Strength has nothing to do with combat." said Gore. "Strength is having the guts to do what is necessary to survive....Raigun was too weak to finish my master off...hence she is a weakling. The weakest of the weak....and all the weak can do is become destroyed by the strong..."

"Kuroko!" said Mikoto. "Get Uiharu, Natsu and Wendy and teleport out of here! The cats can fly off, but you have to help..."

"I'm not leaving you here!" shouted Kuroko. "We're in this together!!...whatever this is..."

"Foolish girl." said Gore. "You've merely doomed more lives...."

Gore raised his fist in preparation for another Massive Quake attack. But before he could, a huge yellow lightning bolt blasted into him from the side. Gore moved a couple of meters, his heavy feet dragging gouges in the ground. Gore looked curiously at the blond haired man that had just formed out of the lightning next to him.

"Finally caught up with you guys." said Laxus. "I have to say, that Kuroko girl moves fast when she's in a hurry."

YEAH LAXUS!!" shouted Natsu from under the rubble. "Show that stupid monster guy whose boss!!"

"Laxus Dreyer...." said Gore tilting his head in slight consideration. "The second strongest mage in Fairy Tail.....And I thought a blow from one with your reputation would actually hurt."

"Why don't you come here and I'll show you exactly how hard I can hit!?" said Laxus as he removed his large black coat and let it fly into the wind. "If Mikoto could defeat your master, I'm pretty sure I've got more then enough to rough you up a good bit!"

Gore clenched his fists a bit. "Such seems I'll have to teach you some before your funeral."

"Mikoto!!" shouted Laxus. "Can you hear me!?"

"Y-yeah!?" said Mikoto.

"Gray and Juvia just called back! Index is being held in the warehouse in District 11. Now you kids get yourself over there while I show Mr. Ginormous over here what happens when he messes with our guild!!!"

Laxus engulfed his right hand in lightning and threw a massive bolt of lightning at Mikoto. Kuroko nearly jumped back in fright before Mikoto opened her mouth and swallowed the electric energy. Immediately Mikoto felt her strength return to her (though her ribs still hurt like crazy.)

"Now go!!" shouted Laxus. "Before I kick ya over there myself!!"

Mikoto nodded and a lightning blast flashed from her bangs and shattered the rubble pinning Natsu and Touma down. Natsu and Touma immediately ran/limped over to Uiharu and helped her out of the fissure in the ground.

"Happy." said Mikoto. "You and Charle get Uiharu out of here.....and Kuroko....."

Kuroko nodded. "I-I'll look after them...just..."

Mikoto smiled encouragingly. "Hey! Don't you's taken worse to get me down..."

Kuroko looked at Mikoto for a moment before she picked up Uiharu and teleported away with Charle and Happy on her shoulders.

Mikoto and the others turned in the direction of the warehouse district, but before they could, Gore Beastwalker moved in a blur of speed and blocked their path. "You think I'm finished with you?"

"SECRET ART: ROARING THUNDER!!!" Laxus shot forward and smashed Gore in the face with a lightning embued fist.

Gore fell into the road smoking from the deadly blow.

"One thing's for sure..." said Laxus. "I'm definitely not finished with you!!!"

"Come on!!" said Mikoto activating her Thunder Dragon Wings which morphed into her Spatial Thunder Dragon tendrils. "Let's go!!"

Mikoto concentrated and a portal surrounded by sparking electricity appeared. Mikoto and the others leapt through the portal while it closed with a bursting electric spark.

Laxus grinned. "Now it's just you.....and me."

"Hmmm...." said Gore. "I think I can live with has been quite a long time since I went all out."

Gore suddenly began to radiate dark energy as he opened his sharp toothed mouth. "Deathly Whisper Of The Earth God!!!!"

A massive tornado of rocks, dirt and black energy blasted out of Gore's mouth as Laxus turned himself into pure lightning and shot out of the way. The lightning bolt soared over behind Gore and reformed into Laxus who engulfed both his fists in lightning and bashed Gore over the head.

Gore lumbered backwards a little dizzily as Laxus began to pummel and punch every inch of Gore's head.

Gore lashed his hand out and grabbed hold of Laxus. But Laxus turned into pure lightning again and reformed 50 ft away from Gore.

"Roar Of The Thunder Dragon!!!" Laxus shot a massive twister of yellow lightning at Gore which blasted Gore back a few feet. But Gore continued to if his massive body was anchored in place. (Since Gore is around 16 feet tall, he is actually more massive then the Hulk who stands at only 10 feet tall.)

Gore lumbered forward. "That tickles....."

Laxus clenched his fist. "Looks like I'm going to have to get serious."

Laxus muscles suddenly began to bulge and grow larger. His eyes glowed yellow with electric power as his shirt tore off and his arms became covered with scales. "Mikoto's not the only one who can really make one fear a Thunder Dragon!! COME ON!!! I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL FIGHT LOOKS LIKE!!"

Laxus engulfed his entire body in lightning and shot at Gore, slamming into him in a powerful shoulder tackle. The two combatants soared straight into a skyscraper at the end of the street. The sky scraper collapsed on the two of them.

Laxus burst out of the rubble while Gore did the same. Gore's fist suddenly became engulfed in a strange blackish energy as his fist was suddenly covered in hard rock. "Giant's Fist Of The Earth God!!!"

Gore closed in and smashed his rock fist against Laxus's lightning engulfed fist, causing a shockwave to spread out from the two fighters. Laxus grinned and grabbed Gore's face.

"Got ya right where I want you!" said Laxus. "Now here's a move I learned from watching Mikoto, mind you, it's not as strong as the original...but I think it'll do just fine....!!

Laxus's other hand suddenly formed a huge electric sword. Laxus swung the sword at lightning quick speeds. "SECRET ART: GREAT FLASHING LOTUS BLADE!!!"

The lightning blade slashed through Gore Beast Walker at impossible speeds until finally Laxus threw Gore into the air and stabbed the sword straight through Gore's body, the electric blade shorting out nearly all of the house sized mage's nerves.

Gore fell to Earth, his entire body smoking. Gore lumbered out of the rubble, limping. "You....are powerful....but are you strong?"

"From your perspective?" said Laxus. "No. From my perspective...maybe."

Laxus raised his fists into the air, a lightning bolt shot out of the sky and engulfed him. "NOW HERE'S SOMETHING FROM ALL OF US AT FAIRY TAIL!!!!!!"

"Such power..." said Gore opening his mouth slightly in awe. "Is this the true power of your guild....?"


Laxus opened his mouth and this time, the twister of electricity that shot out was even more explosive then before. Gore Beastwalker's vison was blinded by a blistering light.

When the smoke cleared, Laxus stood over a burned and battered Gore who lay in a burned crater unconscious.

"You asked me if I was strong." said Laxus. "Well....figure that one out for yourself."

Hello readers!! I thought I would take this moment to tell you a bit about Gore Beastwalker.

Gore's history is a fairly dark one. He actually isn't even originally human. He used to be one of a large race of bears that dwelled within the mountains of Fiore. He had been called Beor the Devestator because supposedly no hunter could hunt him. Beor's race had the rare ability to absorb magic through skin contact like sponges and as a result they became extremely large and unnaturally feral. Black Whisper and Zvesda discovered Beor and his pack when Hydra Head was first founded. Back then, the member count for Hydra Head was a total of 5, which included Aqualas, Night Reveler, Zevesda, Diablo Etwatia, and Black Whisper. Black Whisper then used some research in brain studies and genetic mutation he had obtained back in Academy City to change Gore Beastwalker into the strange monstrous humanoid mage he is today.

Gore's abilities are actually pretty wide and varied. Two of those abilities being supernatural absorption and Remembrance as mentioned previously in this book. Remembrance allows Gore to reawaken a previous state that the target has experienced in the past, such as the reawakening of Mikoto's level 6 shift. Gore actually possesses more abilities in both magic and science relation then any Hydra Head member. Gore is most known for his massive physical strength. It is said that when Gore became enraged, he once decapitated one of the tallest mountains in Fiore, turning it into a volcano. Fortunately, Gore is usually too calm and composed and rarely goes on such a rampage. Gore's God Slayer abilities were actually installed through experiments by Black Whisper and the Lost Magic teachings of Hades (Purehito). Gore is also capable of limb regrowth and telepathic communication with animals, especially bears. (Take note that these are merely Gore's main abilities, in fact he has over 123 abilities including the ones mentioned)

Well that's all on Gore Beastwalker.

Fairy Tail's Strongest Dragon Slayer

"Let me go you stinking brute!!!!" shouted Index as he bashed the bars of her cage with her fists. "I swear that when I get out of here, you're all going to be in a world of hurt!!!2

Index was inside a small jail cell sized cage that stood in the middle of the dark warehouse in which Hydra Head and Grimoire Heart had made their base. Chalk lines had been drawn around the cage in the form of a massive magic circle. Zancrow sat on top of the cage chewing on a Snickers chocolatte bar.

"Yeesh!' said Zancrow. "Could you be any more annoying, ya darn nun?"

"How dare you!!!" exclaimed Index haughtilly. "I am a Sister of The English Puritan Church. You should slapped for your disrespect!!"

"Wouldn't be the first time a girl's hit me." muttered Zancrow. "That Railgun girl packs quite a punch."

"I hope Miss Shorthair and Touma find you and beat your face in!!!!" screamed Index. "And then I hope you'll get a hair cut. Because you look like an overgrown blonde bush!!!!"

Hades suddenly emerged from the shadows his expression jubiant. "Finally....after such searching.....after experiencing death at the hands of Zeref....and then coming back from the darkness of death....I will finally have what I need to obtain absolute power!!!"

"Finally.." said Zancrow. "Now that you're here, can we get the extraction over with? I swear this girl is giving me an absolute headache with her ramblings."

"In time Zancrow.." said Hades. "But first we wait."

"Wait?" said Zancrow. "What for?"

"I wish for Fairy Tail to witness this....or at least I wish for Railgun herself to witness this.." said Hades. "After all, this prophecy concerns her..... and as soon as I read it, her part in the prophecy will become absolutely meaningless."

"Your stupid symbolism is going to be the death of us." said Zancrow. "But you're the boss."

"Ahhh...." said Hades turning to look at the large garrage door of the warehouse. "They're here....."

A huge hole was blasted in the door by a powerful bolt of electricity. And in walked Mikoto, Natsu, Touma, and Wendy.

"Index!!" shouted Touma noticing Index. "Are you alright!?"

"Touma!!" said Index. "Thank goodness you're here!!"

"Weren't Gray and Juvia supposed to be here too?" Mikoto muttered looking around. "What happened to them?"

"No time to worry about that." said Natsu. "Cause it looks like old man Hades is here too..."

"Hello Fairy Tail." said Hades. "I see that you have exhausted quite a lot of your magic power to make it to this spot. Good, that will make it easier to do this!"

Hades snapped his fingers and magical bright chains with grappling hooks on the end flew outwards and wrapped around each of the group.

"Darn it!!" shouted Natsu struggling against his chains. "My magic power is still completely empty!!"

Mikoto's bangs crackled and burst as she tried to activate her Thunder Dragon wings so she could break out. But though he back glowed with bright bluish energy, the wings could not spread themselves out because of the restrictive chains.

Touma tried to bend his wrist so as to touch the chains with Imagine Breaker, but couldn't reach.

"Darn it!!" shouted Mikoto. "You knew we would be here didn't you!?"

"I wanted you to bear witness to the main event." said Hades. "The day I finally surpass all beings. Even Dravis Lord Of Destruction!!"

Hades looked at Zancrow. "Begin the ceremony!!"

Zancrow gave one of his psycho grins. "Why of course!!"

Zancrow jumped off the cage and placed his hand right next to where the cage stood. The chalk circle began to glow with a brilliant rainbow light.

"You see." said Hades. "The one who sealed the 100,301st Grimoire within the Index Librorum Prohibitorum created a magic seal within her mind through a special spell known as the Rainbow Bridge."

"Rainbow Bridge?" said Mikoto. "What kind of weird magic is that?"

"It is said that the Rainbow Bridge is what connects both the world of magic and this world together." said Hades. " is said that this bridge is capable of making a permenant doorway in between our two worlds if the seal on it is broken....That's where Index comes in...You see, the magic key that unlocks the Book Of Prophecies from Index's mind is actually hidden on the Rainbow Bridge itself."

"I get it now!' said Touma. "You're going to open up a gate between both our worlds so you can get the key to reading that hidden grimoire!!"

"Bingo!" said Hades. "And in order to that, I must activate the spell that was used to create gate in the first place....."

The circle suddenly stopped glowing and Index's face began to look strangely blank, almost as if she were one of Mikoto's Sisters.

"John's Pen has become active." said Index in a monotone voice. "Assessing best possible response to this sudden forced change in status....cannot annalyze response...Foreign magic is taking control of John's Pen....cannot counter....."

"Darn it!!" shouted Touma struggling against the magic chains. "INDEX!!!!"

"Come on come on!!" growled Mikoto as her wings still struggled to blast out from the chains. "Have to get over there!!"

Mikoto got a sudden idea. She wriggled over to where Touma was chained and put her chains against Touma's arm until Imagine Breaker was touching them. The chains shattered and dissapated away.

"Yes!!" shouted Mikoto as she stood up and her wings blasted outwards in majestic magnificence.

"It's too late." said Hades putting a hand to his eye patch. "You cannot win!!"

Hades removed his eye patch to reveal a closed eye. Hade's then opened the eye slowly to reveal a glowing red demon's eye. purplish black energy began to swirl around Hades as the ground shook with power.

"You forget Mikoto Misaka." said Hades. "Though in this world, you are The Electric Princess, and The Third Strongest Esper....I was the second Master of your guild Fairy Tail.....My power is equal to if not stronger then your Master Markarov.....Even Black Whisper is nothing compared to me..."

"Shut up!" said Mikoto angrilly. "I'm tired of all this whose stronger crap!!! 10,000 of my Sisters got killed because of some stupid attempt to become stronger in that way!!! You, Black Whisper, Aleister Crowley....YOU ALL MAKE ME SICK!!!!"

Mikoto roared and launched herself at Hades. Hades smiled and a mass of black creatures suddenly appeared before him, lit by the red light of his Demon's Eye. The creatures all shot out black tendrils that wrapped around Mikoto and anchored her to the ground.

"What a rude brat!!" said Hades. "I see Markarov failed to teach you proper ettiquette before your elders. I shall show you what it means to fight me Railgun...ABSOLUTE PAIN!!!"

Hades thrust out his hands. "Allow me to show you my's quite deadly!!"

Several magic circles surrounded Mikoto and began to glow with sinister purple light.

"Darn it!!" shouted Mikoto as she struggled against the demons holding her.

"Formula 100!!" said Hades. "Now you die....Railgun of Fairy Tail!!!

A massive sphere of energy engulfed Mikoto, the energy from the sphere shaking the foundations of the entire warehouse.

"Mikoto!!!" shouted Natsu and Touma with horrified expressions.

"No!!" cried out Wendy as she watched the sphere obliterate her friend with tears pouring down her face.

The sphere dissapeared. Mikoto was gone...

"HAHAHAHA!!!" laughed Hades. "Now you see.....all who tangle with the demon...even the fairies themselves....cannot survive!!!"

"Are you sure about that?"

Hade's eyes widened as he looked behind himself to see that Mikoto was rising out of a portal in the ground, her Spatial Thunder Dragon Tendrils bursting with power.

"Cause I'm pretty sure I just survived." Mikoto finished as she cracked her knuckles menacingly.

"YOU!!" shouted out Hades as the demons surrounded Mikoto and prepared to attack. "You will not escape me!!!!"

Hades thrust out his hands and a magic circle appeared on his palms, shooting out a powerful beam of energy.

Mikoto's tendrils came up in front of her and swirled into a giant portal, through which the magic blast passed. Suddenly, a portal opened up behind Hades, and his own magic power came through and hit him on the back.

Hade's cried out with surprise and pain as he hit the floor of the warehouse with a shockwave that would have made even Gore Beastwalker raise his eyebrow in surprise.

By the time Hades was getting up, Mikoto was already three inches away, with a fist engulfed in electric and spatial energy. Mikoto smashed her fist into Hade's face and Hades flew back into the ground with another shockwave.

"Stronger then Master my butt!!" growled Mikoto. "I don't care how powerful you are. You sent Mira to the hospital, blew up our cafe, and hurt friends.....You've been messing with my family....and now I'm going to beat you till you cry!!"

"I see now.." Murmured Hades as his demons surrounded him protectively. "You are.....Fairy Tail's strongest Dragon Slayer....."

Before Hades could say anything more, Index started to glow with a brilliant rainbow light. "John's Pen is now activating Rainbow Seal. Gateway opening in 5.....4....3...2...1...magic is now cast."

"Finally..." said Hades "....It begins."

Index suddenly shot a beam of light from her forehead which phased through the bars of the cave and hit the far left wall of the warehouse. The light formed into a doorway shaped light projection. The doorway grew larger and larger till it nearly took up the entire wall of the warehouse...then it dissapeared.

That's when the entire roof of the warehouse was blasted off to reveal the dark cloudy and stormy sky. Mikoto could then see a massive doorway forming in the center of District 11. The bright rainbow door shaped light was over 3000 ft tall, standing up to through the clouds, and over 2000 ft wide. The door rose into the air until it was high in the sky, where it began to grow till it was over 2000 kilometers wide. Suddenly, a massive head that was nearly as large as the door itself began to emerge through the doorway as the it enlargened....a head that Mikoto knew and feared all too well.....

Dravis Lord of Destruction slithered through the door like a great serpent, spreading his mountain range sized wing span over Academy City as he flew into the air from the dimensional gateway, his shadow being darker then any storm cloud or nighttime blackness.

"N-no!" stammered Mikoto as she began to hug herself fearfully. "I-it can't be!!"

Dravis roared into the sky, his ethereal howl causing an earthquake so large, that half the Asian continent next to Japan felt it.

Then Dravis spoke the words he always spoke when entering a new dimension.


The Dragon Of Light and The Dragon Of Darkness

Dravis rotated his city sized head as his massive talons tore apart the clouds in the sky. With each wing beat, a massive hurricane of wind blew into the city below. Mikoto fell to her knees, absolutely riddled with fear.

Due to Dravis's nature, all dragons and Dragon Borns had a natural instinctual fear of Dravis. In fact, according to Markarov, it was a wonder that Mikoto didn't faint in the evil dragon's presence.

"This isn't what was supposed to happen!' said Hades his face contorted in rage. "YOU BASTARD DRAVIS!! YOU WERE ALREADY WAITING ON THE OTHER SIDE WEREN'T YOU!!!!???"

Dravis gave a laugh that could be heard for miles. How Dravis could see and hear specs so much smaller and insignificant then himself, Mikoto could comprehend.

"Foolish mortal." said Dravis scoffing. "I have been watching you from the very beginning....not even Aleister Crowley...curse him...could have predicted my I shall rule this world...AND NONE SHALL STOP ME!!!!!"

"This is impossible.." murmured Touma with a shocked expression on his face. "Just how big is that thing!?"

"Not good....Not good at all!!" said Natsu gritting his teeth."

Dravis laughed. "Why hello their.....Fledgling Dragon....."

No! Mikoto screamed in her head as she began to quiver with even more fear then she had ever felt in her life. He sees me! HE SEES ME!!

Mikoto could feel her dragon instincts bellowing at her to run and hide, to stick her head in the ground and never come back up even for air.

"I see that you have grown stronger since our last encounter...." said Dravis. "But now, that all means nothing.... I have the key to unlocking the second half of the Prophecy that dwells within girl who holds the forbidden texts.....None can stop me!!"

He's right....Mikoto could hear her mind accepting the harsh reality of the situation.....All is lost....

Suddenly Mikoto felt a hand touch her shoulder. Mikoto looked up to find a girl in a pink frilly dress with long wavy blonde hair and wing-like adornments on her head.

"It's okay to be afraid..." said the girl with a kind smile at Mikoto. "But that doesn't mean you should give up."

"Who are you?" Mikoto asked her fear seeming to dissapear with the girl's touch.

"My name is Mavis Vermilion." said Mavis kindly. "I used to be the Guild Master of Fairy Tail before Purehito took over for me."

"You're Mavis!?" said Mikoto with amazement. "But you're supposed to be..."

"Dead?" Mavis finished shrugging her shoulders. "I'm actually a ghost you see. In fact the only ones who can see me are the ones who bear the guildmark upon themselves."

"Why are you here?"

"Well isn't that obvious?" said Mavis cheerfully. "I'm here to help you wipe away the darkness."

Mavis took out a strange looking sword. On the golden hilt was the red mark of Fairy Tail. Mavis put the hilt of the sword into Mikoto's hand.

"What is this?" said Mikoto looking at the sword in awe.

"It has a long history that even preceeds that of the guild's existance." said Mavis. "It's name is Oberon."

"The Fairy King..." said Mikoto surprised that she remembered they myth related to the name. "How's this supposed to help?"

"It will give you the strength to hold back Dravis...." said Mavis. "But just this once."

Mavis waved her hand over the sword. Immediately the sword began to glow with a radiant light as Mikoto began to feel herself change. She looked down at her arms to find that they were becoming covered with golden scales...then there was a burst of brilliant light...and Mikoto became Light...and Light became her..."

Dravis surveyed the pathetic world he had come to conquer. He wondered what he should destroy first. Of course he could raze this pathetic island known as Japan and then move on to the bigger fish.....but he wanted to tear up something bigger. Something that would make his rule over this world undisputed.

Just as he was deciding on this conundrum Dravis heard a sound that made his ancient heart skip a ethereal roar that equaled his own in loudness and power.

Dravis looked back to see a dragon as large as he was, her wings the size of a mountain range. This dragon's scales seemed to be made of a shining golden light, her spines were bright sparkling silver, the teeth in her deadly jaws were lined with sharp teeth made of pure white light. Her talons rippled with power, and lightning arced down her massive body. Her eyes sparkled with an unusual amount of emotion, as if she could feel the everything the world's's's love.....and it's will to fight.

She was light.....she was creation....she was...Thunder.

"I have felt this before...." said Dravis. "Oberon's is giving that Fledgeling Dragon the strength to fight."

Mikoto roared into the night again. Her scales of light shone against the moon.

"Yes..." said Dravis. "This is exactly what I need.....SOMETHING TO DESTROY!!!!!"

Dravis flew at Mikoto and bit into her hide as Mikoto bit into his. The two dragons began to tear their talons into each other, claws ripping at claws, teeth bearing against teeth, scales rubbing against scales.

Dravis swiped a talon at Mikoto's snout. But the golden dragon opened her maw and blasted a powerful stream of lightning at Dravis, blasting him straight into the Pacific Ocean. Mikoto followed after Dravis and landed in the ocean as well and began bite and claw at Dravis's neck.

The two dragons roared and fought next to the island of Japan, causing massive tidal waves to flood parts of the coast. Dravis opened his maw and fired off a blast of dark energy causing Mikoto to roll back into the ocean head over talons. Mikoto got up growling wearilly.

Dravis gave a huge roar and pounced savagely onto Mikoto's back, the ocean water blasting all around with the thrashing dragons. Dravis bit into Mikoto's scaly back and tore into her flesh, causing molten silver blood to spash out from Mikoto's back and drip sizzling into the ocean.

Before Dravis could do more serious damage however, MIkoto whipped her long serpentine neck around and blasted a huge twister of electrical energy into Dravis. Dravis flew backwards until he smacked straight into the side of Mt. Fuji. part of the mountain gave way in a massive avalanche as Dravis clawed the side of the mountain and perched himself on the top. Dravis opened his jaws and fired off another blast of dark energy. Mikoto opened her jaws as well and fired a blast of electrical energy which collided with the dark energy blast.

A huge explosion lit up the night sky, blasting away nearly all the trees in the area. Mikoto flew at top speed across the landscape of Japan and tackled Dravis full force where they fell into the mountain causing half the mountaint to become demolished in a gigantic avalanche of rocks and snow.

Mikoto ferociously grabbed Dravis and flew off with him in tow. Flying as fast as she could towards the massive rainbow gateway in the sky. The moment she reached the gate, she threw Dravis into the gate.

Dravis roared and attempted to come out of the gate again, but Mikoto opened her jaws and fired another blast of electric energy into the entrance of the gateway.

"NO!!!" Cried out Dravis as he fell through the gateway. "THE GATE ONLY REMAINS AT MY SIZE FOR SO LONG!!!"

Sure enough, the rainbow door began to shrink smaller and smaller as it lowered back down into the 11th District of Academy City.

Mikoto stared at the shrinking door for a minute before she suddenly heard a voice in her head.

"You have succeeded in using my power to hold back the evil.....but know that the evil has been merely held back and nothing more....I Oberon have given you power...but must return to the form from whence you've come."

A giant flash of light eminated from Mikoto's dragon body, and suddenly she was back in her small human form.....and this time sh was unconscious, as she plummeted down to Earth, the sword Oberon still in her hand...

Right before she hit the ground of the Warehouse District, a pink haired boy with a scaly scarf jumped into the air and caught Mikoto. Natsu Dragneel landed on the ground with his friend in his arms, no longer wrapped in chains, for Grimoire Heart had fled after the arrival of Dravis.

Mikoto opened her eyes slightly. "I-is it....over...?"

Natsu nodded. "Come on.....lets go home....."

Hey guys, I'm just to give you some information about Oberon and the state Mikoto was just in.

Oberon's history is actually shrouded in a whole lot of mystery. In this Fan Fiction, it's actually a family heirloom of Mavis Vermilion. It has the unexplainable ability to awaken one's true power. The reason why Mikoto's esper powers didn't cause her to overload when she used the sword was due to the fact that the sword isn't even magic. It's much like Touma's Imagine Breaker, an unexplainable power that's neather that of Science or Magic.

The state Mikoto was in is called Unlimited Dragon Skin. It's actually an enhanced version of the original Dragon Skin ability that Dragon Borns posses within themselves. It is said that this ability was named and invented by the first Dragon Born in history....however it is unknown whether the ability was ever used after it's invention, and no Dragon Born afterwords that was ever recorded to have used this ability. It is said that dragons also bear the ability to use Unlimited Dragon Skin.

Okay, that's all for now on Oberon and Unlimited Dragon Skin.

The Rainbow Bridge

"Reports are still coming in on the intense battle that was fought all over Japan today between the gargantuan monsters that were first seen over Academy City. " Said the reporter on TV. "From what we can tell, it appears that the monstrous battle was so destructive, that half of Mt. Fuji is now actually missing in the aftermath, and over 300 kilometers of forest has been devestated in that area. While it is still unknown where the monsters have dissapeared to, and how on Earth they could hide their massive size, scientists predict that it's unlikely we'll ever see them again."

"Jeez." said Mikoto. "And how did they come to that conclusion I wonder?"

Mikoto was sitting in a hospital bed with Touma sitting on a chair next to her munching a sandwhich. Mira was sitting in a hospital bed opposite Mikoto, reading what appeared to be a Shonen Jump magazine. Both girls were heavily bandaged, Mikoto having had to go to the ICU as well due to the seriously bleeding gashes that had been found on her back (some of them looking like they were the bites of some ferocious reptile.)

"Well they had to come to some conclusion." said Touma reasonably. "If everyone thought that Academy City didn't know anything about what was going on with a monster fight of that scale then there would be mass panic. I mean did you see how big both you and that Dravis guy were? I think your tail demolished a couple of mountains."

The reporter on the TV continued to speak, oblivious to the conversation held between two of her viewers. "In other reports, further contact has been made with what is supposedly a parralel dimension. After the initial discovery of the dimensional gateway in the 11th district, researchers sent drones through the gateway and were surprised to find that this 'other world's' environment and residents were much like our own. Now, after much preparation, the leaders from that world, known as Earthland, have met with the UN leaders and representatives in a discreet location within Academy City. In the meantime, the gatway is open to students and tourists alike, as well as residents from the other side granted that they have the proper papers and identification."

It had been quite a shock when Natsu, Gray, and Touma told Mikoto that the rainbow gate had not dissapeared. After all, she thought that when the gate shrunk, it was going away, but in reality,it had merely shrunk down to a more convenient size....about the width and height of a subway terminal. And one of the most amazing parts was that the other side of the gate had appeared right in the central square of Magnolia Town. And naturally, some of the Fairy Tail members from the other side had gone exploring the gate after they had discovered strange Academy City drones coming out of the strange door (doing research obviously.)

The two worlds had become irreversibly connected. Magic and Science was now becoming closer then ever before.

"Where's Master, Erza, and Gravix?" Mikoto asked. "I heard they were just released from the hospital today."

"They're out showing Elfman and Lisanna around the city." said Touma. "It's like Academy City is an interdimensional tourist spot now... I actually went through that gate to visit the guild first I was afraid that Imagine Breaker might make it so that I couldn't go through, but apparently it doesn't affect interdimensional bridges. You have some pretty interesting friends."

"Yeah." Mikoto agreed. "Including you."

Touma chuckled. "Yeah...I guess I am kind of a weirdo."

Mira closed the magazine she was reading and giggled. "Oh my, you two make such a wonderful couple."

Mikoto went absolutely red in the face as she could feel herself hyperventilating. Touma on the other hand, being the oblivious person he was where girls were concerned, tilted his head and said. "Huh? well I guess we are good friends..."

Mira gave a knowing wink to Mikoto. "Oh yes, you two certainly are."

Suddenly, the hospital door burst open and Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Wendy came in carrying a large box with a bow on it. Happy and Charle were sitting on top of the box waving happily at Mikoto. "Happy belated Birthday present!!!"

"Huh?" said Mikoto. "I-it's so big!!"

"Yeah!" said Natsu. "During all the crazy stuff that happened lately, we'd almost forgotten to give you your birthday present. Luckily that Kuroko friend of yours went through the cafe wreckage and found it almost as good as new under the coffee table! Lucky huh?"

"Kuroko actually did that?" said Mikoto feeling touched.

Kuroko, Saten, and Uiharu had already visited earlier, but Kuroko hadn't mentioned anything about this.

"Go on and open it." said Gray. "Before flame breath here ruins it by mistake."

"What was that ya strippin' perv!?" said Natsu glaring at Gray.

"Please.." sighed Lucy. "Don't start arguing now...."

"Aye!" said Happy. "Don't ruin the mood!!"

Mikoto took the box and ripped off the wrapping paper (which was decorated with Gekota frog face designs.)

Mikoto then took the lid off the box and took out what appeared to be a very large photo album with the Fairy Tail guild emblem on the cover. "Whoah! It's so nice....Thank you!!"

"We had it custom made at that funny picture shop down near your school. Hurry up and take a look inside!!" said Happy cheerfully.

Mikoto opened the front cover of the album and began looking through all the photos. Inside were pictures of Mikoto hanging out with all the other Fairy Tail members at the cafe. They even had that one picture where Mikoto had fallen asleep during closing hours and was sleeping peacefully in a corner with a mop still in her hand, and Happy curled up on her head.

But what really held Mikoto's attention was the picture in the last page of the album. It was a group picture that had been taken on the day they first got the cafe. She was standing in the center with Natsu and Lucy on either end. Touma was there too, having come to help them set up. Index was somewhere on the end devouring one of Mira's first scones of the day, and Wendy was wearing the neat sky blue dress Mikoto had bought her as a gift. Master Markarov had a goofy grin on his face as he held up a piece sign, and Laxus just smiled normally. Juvia was busy trying to get Gray to hold her while he tried unsuccessfully to push her away. Gajeel was munching on a couple of iron forks while Mira just looked her usual cheerful was like one of those goofy photos that was usually taken by one of those super large disfunctional families that loved each other dearly. And in a sense...that was kind of what they were.

"It's beautifull." said Mikoto rubbing her eyes. "Er....sorry, I don't know where that tear came from just now....."

"AHA!" said Happy. "I told you she would cry with joy! Time to pay up Natsu!!"

"Aw man!!" said Natsu taking out his wallet and handing Happy 2000 yen. "I guess since Erza cried with the last gift we gave her, it should have made sense."

Mikoto laughed. "Only you guys would make a silly bet like that!"

"You should see the time they bet whether you were going zap Gray the first time he started stripping in one of the District 7 parking lots." said Charle

"Let me guess." said Touma. "Whoever said that Mikoto was going to zap him won the bet."

"Actually we were betting whether it would take 3 seconds or 2." said Happy. "But since it took only 0.5 seconds we both lost."

"Hey." said Mikoto suddenly noticing a piece of paper stuck in between the pages of the album. "What's this?"

"That's our second surprise." said Lucy winking. "Go on and read it!"

"This looks like....." said Mikoto looking over it "...a job request!!"

"Well since we've been able to go back to the guild hall and, we heard you were getting released the day after tommorow!" said Natsu grinning. "and since that day is the start of the weekend, we thought it would be perfect.....if you're up to it."

"Are you kidding?" said Mikoto. "Of course I'm up to it. Just one thing though."


Mikoto looked at Touma with a sly grin on her face. "This doofus here has to come along."


Stay tuned for the Epilogue!!!