The Amazing Death Race
"This is my Dragon Born ability..." said Nicole in a deadly quiet voice that Mikoto could somehow hear over the wind. "It allows me to draw my offensive power from the fear of those around me.....and I can do this!!"
The claws morphed into a ginoromous black tendril which swirled around and shot at the Fairy Tail cart, wrapping around it as it continued its gastly wail.
Mikoto and the others covered their ears as the the black tendril began to pull the carts closer and closer together.
"It'!!" cried Wendy with her hands over her ears.
"Hold on!!" shouted Erza as she drew her sword.
Erza sliced her sword through the black tendril, but the blade merely phased through the ghostly darkness, as if it were just smoke.
Nicole smiled and brought up her left hand which was also a three clawed shadow talon now. The huge ghost arm morphed into a large spear-like drill looking shape and aimed itself at the cart.
That's when Mikoto wasn't just aimed at the cart.....the ghost spear was pointed straight at her heart.
"NOO!!!!" shouted Mikoto fearfully, activating her Thunder Dragon wings and standing up. "ROAR OF THE THUNDER DRAGON!!!!"
Mikoto blasted a massive twister of lightning from her mouth. Nicole suddenly morphed both her talons into a massive shield of wailing darkness. The shield seemed to have a massive of ghostly faces on it, wailing with suffering.
The lightning twister blasted against it, causing the Fright Face cart to be blasted to the side. Suddenly the shield pushed forward and shot outwards with a dark tendril on the back pushing it forwards till it blasted through the lighting and bashed Mikoto in the face.
The faces in the dark shield moaned as arms made of darkness grew outwards from the shield and began grabbing Mikoto's arms and pulling her closer. A ginormous fanged mouth opened up on the sheild as the arms pulled Mikoto closer, determined to devour her.
"GET OFF OF HER!!" shouted Gray bashing an Ice Make: Hammer into the dark tendril behind the shield. However, just like Erza's sword, the hammer phased straight through the shield.
Wendy began pulling on Mikoto frantically. "N-no!! Let go!! Let go!!"
Mikoto couldn't explain it, but she began to feel the fear in her heart intensifying, as if Dravis himself was lurking within her, feeding off her utter terror. "N-no....No...NOOO!!!!"
Suddenly purplish spatial energy began to swirl around Mikoto as her electric wings turned into six giant electric tendrils that were each surrounded by swirling spatial energy. Mikoto seemed to have unintentionally entered Spatial Thunder Dragon Mode.
"Wh-what is this!?" said Nicole with a look of shock on her face.
The spatial electric tendrils on Mikoto's back suddenly swirled up into a giant tornadoe which arched over and engulfed the Fright Face cart. The vision around the cart seemed to twist, swirl and spark as the a massive explosion of electric and spatial energy blasted into the cart from all angles.
The shadow shield dissapated as Fright Face fell far behind.
Mikoto's tendrils dissapeared as she fell back into her seat trembling for no reason she could comprehend.
"Mikoto!!" said Erza looking frantically at her friend. "Are you okay!?"
"Uh.....y-yeah....f-fine..." said Mikoto hugging her knees. "Perfectly fine....."
"We're almost there.....!!" said Erza. "Hold on!!"
The cart finally passed through what appeared to be a magnificent arch made of pure gold.
The cart slowed down to dock right next to a golden floating platform, where the pumpkin headed man stood waving at the group.
"Congratulations!!! Kabo!" said the pumpkin head man. "You are the first to have made it into the next stage! And of course it would be Fairy Tail! No surprise after your wonderous performance in the games last year!! And a wonderous turn around since the first event was where you finished dead eigth place! Eh? What's up with all seem out of it. Kabo....."
The entire Fairy Tail team were still shaken up by the strange battle that had taken place with Fright Face.
"Hey.." said Natsu who had just woken up. "Did I miss something!?"
"Trust me Natsu..." said Mikoto. "You have no idea....."
Fright Face and Cross Arcana
"Come out Mikoto." Natsu called into the girl's changing room. "It won't be long before the introduction starts!!"
"N-not yet!!" Mikoto's voice came out from the changing room. "Th-this is a little....ummm....."
Team Fairy Tail were currently at the Crocus Stadium. The beginning ceremony for the next stage of the Grand Magic Games was to begin shortly. The other members of team Fairy Tail had already changed into their purple and white colored team colors, but Mikoto was still in the changing room for some reason.
"Mikoto! What's wrong, are your clothes the wrong size?!" Erza called.
"N-no....but I think Kuroko's been in here...."
"Eh?" said Natsu. "Why would you say that?"
Mikoto came out of the dressing room. She wore a sleeveless purple shirt with white borders and shorts of the same color. The white Fairy Tail insignia was on the front of her shirt. In all regards, it looked like regular athlete's clothing.
"Hmmm..." said Gray. "Looks fine to me...."
Mikoto turned around and revealed that some large curly lovey dovey writing had been sewed into the back: My Sissy.
"Oh....." said the others.
"I can see how that would be a little....unusual." said Wendy staring at the design. "It's sweet.....but....."
"P-please somebody get it off...." said Mikoto absolutely red in the face from embarrassment.
"Hello!!" said a familiar voice. "How's it going in here?"
Master Markorav walked into the room followed by the spiky haired Touma Kamijou.
"Hey Biribiri!" said Touma waving. "Sorry it took so long to get...whoahh...that's.....I'm guessing Kuroko did that."
"You think?" muttered Mikoto.
"Don't worry about that." said Markarov cheerfully. "We'll get that off after the first event day.....though I wonder how Kuroko could've gotten in and out so easily...."
"She's a teleporter...." said Mikoto. "This isn't the first time she's done something like this...."
"MIKOTO!!!" a pink blur suddenly sailed through the room and Elli the exceed was hugging Mikoto tightly. "You made it!! You made first place!!"
Mikoto hugged Elli back. "Whoa! Calm down there girl. We haven't won the games yet."
Happy and Charle flew into the room.
"Elli was in a real hurry to get here!" said Happy landing on Natsu's shoulder. "If she had flown any faster I think she might have burned up in the atmosphere."
"Master!" Mira had entered the room as well. "They're starting in 2 minutes!!"
"Alright...." said Markarov. "Before you go out there, I just want you to remember a few things, have in each other....AND WIN THAT 30 MILLION JEWEL!!!"
"HUH?!" said team Fairy Tail staring at Markarov.
"Oh!" said Markarov seeming to notice what he had just said. "What I meant to say's not about the cash prize.....okay..." Markarov suddenly had a serious expression on his face. "It matters not whether we come out of here still the number one guild or not...All that matters is that wherever you are, know that we will always be watching for you....just know that no matter what happens, you are a part of Fairy Tail....and we are proud to have you represent this guild!!"
"THAT'S THE STUFF GRAMPS!!" shouted Natsu enthusiastically. "I'm ALL FIRED UP!!!"
"Come on...." said Erza. "It's time to go..."
Team Fairy Tail walked over to the entrance of the stadium...determined to prove why they were the number one guild in Fiore. (I know that usually the guilds that made it into the next events are allowed from last to first, but for story purposes, I have changed it to be from first to last.....not much of a big deal change though since the games have a tendency to change a lot.)
"AND HERE THEY ARE FOLKS!!!!" shouted an announcer's voice as Team Fairy Tail walked out into the stadium. "THE WINNERS OF LAST YEAR'S GRAND MAGIC GAMES!!!!!"
"D-dang...." said Mikoto. "I haven't seen a stadium this large even in Academy City....."
It was indeed magnificent. The stadium known as Domas Flau was surrounded by 4 ginourmous statues of humungous mages with ring-like staffs. The stadium's seats were full of cheering spectators. In fact, Mikoto could actually see some groups that looked like they were students from Academy City.
The announcer in the top box of the stadium continued to spout out words enthusiastically. "Yep!! There you have it folks!! This year Team Fairy Tail has it's strongest team yet!! That's right folks, as you can see from the line-up there's none other then Natsu Dragneel, also known as Salamander!! Titania Erza!! The girl who slew 100 monsters in the last games!! Wendy Marvell, cute as ever!! And Gray Fullbuster....whose already lost his clothes for some reason..."
"AWE COME ON!!!" shouted Gray looking at himself to find only his black boxers were on.
"And last but not least!!" said the announcer. "We have a new flame on the field.....they say she's still a rookie, but they're also calling her Fairy Tail's strongest Dragon's none other then The Railgun Mikoto Misaka!!"
The announcer turned to his guest panelist, who was none other then Jason, a Fairy Tail obsessed writer from the Sorcerer Magazine.
"So Jason!!" said the announcer. "What do you think about Fairy Tail's line up this year?"
"So Jason, I understand that the sorcerer did an interview with Mikoto Misaka several weeks ago." said the announcer. "I understand it was a particular popular piece!!"
"COOL COOL COOL!!!!" shouted Jason spinning around in his chair like an over enthusiastic maniac. "I loved it!! Oh I was so thrilled to see it!! Interviewing someone who was both an esper and a mage was just sooooo CCCOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!!!!!!"
"It was definitely....something.." said Mikoto. "To be honest, I haven't read the magazine in so long I don't know how the interview looked."
"I hate that guy!!" grumbled Natsu. "They always make me look like a destructive maniac."
" are a destructive maniac..."
"Alright!!" shouted the Announcer. "Now let's get a look at the guild that made it in Second. Say Hello to a new 'face' in the competition this year!! FRIGHT FACE!!"
Team Fairy Tail looked around to see that Team Fright Face was coming out of the opposite entrance. The Cobra masked mummy walked out waving wildly at the crowd as Nicole Mavros seemed completely indifferent to any of the attention. The two coffins that were labled number 1 and number 2 hovered vertically upright through the air, all erilly like as the horned gremlin man stood on top of one of the coffins and grinned at Fairy Tail maliciously.
"Jeez.." said Gray. "And I thought Raven Tail was full of freaks, these guys could crash a monster party....The only normal looking one is that Nicole girl.
The announcer went right to introducing the group. Apparently the mummy was named Khufanos Viper. The gremlin man was named Stiffytoes (No joke, that is his real name.....I actually laughed when I came up with this OC). Last but not least, there were the Coffin Twins. Mikoto found herself wondering if there was actually anybody in those coffins.....
Nicole gave Mikoto a glare that seemed to shoot hatred right into her forehead. Mikoto quickly looked away, feeling slightly disturbed. She hadn't felt afraid of another Dragon Born since Black Whisper.... Then again, Mikoto hadn't met any other Dragon Borns besides those two.
Next Sabre Tooth(3rd place), Lamia Scale(4th place), and Blue Pegasus were introduced(5th place). Along with the guilds Mermaid Heel(6th place) and Quatro Cerberus(7th place). Finally it was time to introduce the eighth guild.
"I wonder who it is....." said Mikoto. "Haven't all the guilds from last year been introduced (unless you count Fright Face which hasn't competed until now)?"
"Well yeah." said Gray. "Unless you count Raven Tail....but they've been banned from all future games after that cheating incident they tried last year.....Kinda makes me curious to see who made it in...."
And now, we take a look at a new guild on the scene!" said the announcer. "The possible dark horse during this year's games.....Pretty surprising that they made it to the next round considering they've only been in existance for a total of 3 weeks.....and I have to say, they have quite an odd name for a guild....Cross Arcana!!"
"Wonder who they.....WHAT THE HECK!!!?" said Natsu his eyes widening. "YOOUUUU!!!!!???"
Mikoto looked to see where Natsu was looking and nearly shouted out in shock herself. The ones coming out onto the stadium were none other then the magicians from Necessarius....
Stiyl Magnus, a red haired priest in a long dark robe with a cigar in his mouth grinned at Natsu. "What's up fire eater? Been a while hasn't it?"
Kaori Kanzaki, A girl wearing wearing a white t-shirt tied up to her naval and jeans that had one leg torn off as well as a 2 meter long nodachi (kind of sword) at her side, didn't seem to take notice of Fairy Tail, as if she were contemplating something rather troubling.
Besides Kanzaki and Stiyl, Mikoto could see a red haired nun with short skirted clothes and red hair (This girl is named Agnese Sanctis, she's appeared in the Index series many times, but Mikoto doesn't know her.) There were two hooded and cloaked figures as well, one was particularly tall while the other looked around the size of a 12 yr old.
"Wh-what are they doing here?!" said Mikoto taken aback. "What's going on!?"
Stiyl put a finger to his lips and nodded at the middle of the stadium. "Don't want to blow our cover do you?"
The pumpkin headed man, known as Mato was walking down to the center of the field and doing a kooky dance. "KABO!! Welcome back to the Grand Magic Games!! Now I should probably alert you to a slight rule change. As you well know, the games are divided into 5 days, with two events held each day one of which is a battle event. The points will all remain the same as well...However I am afraid to say that the entrance event will not add any points as before..... Sorry, Kabo!!"
"WHAAAATTT!!?" Shouted Natsu. "But we were in first place!!!!"
"Well I guess it makes sense..." said Erza. "It ensures that all eight teams enter in with an even slate."
"I still think it's stupid...." muttered Natsu.
Mikoto wasn't paying attention to this surprising rule change fact she wasn't even paying attention to much of anything at the moment.....she was currently looking at Necessarius, which for some reason had decided to enter The Grand Magic Games disguised as a guild called Cross Arcana....
Why are they here...? Mikoto thought. Could Touma know? He's supposed to be on speaking terms with these guys.....
Mikoto looked into the stands for Touma. She finally saw him sitting with the Fairy Tail group that were all cheering wildly for Team Fairy Tail. Touma was sitting next to Index who seemed to be devouring 20 tubs of popcorn at once. Touma's face seemed to have just as much surprise on it as Mikoto felt. Guess he didn't know....
"It's alright..." Mikoto turned around to find a blonde haired girl with wing adornments on her head staring at Necessarius.
"Master Mavis!?" said Mikoto. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh! It gets really boring back on Tenrou island." said Mavis cheerfully. "So I came here to watch us win!!.....Again!!"
"Hahahaha!!' Natsu laughed. "With the old master watching, this game will be in the bag for sure!!"
"And now let us take a look at the first event!!" shouted Mato pointing up at a holographic screen that showed what looked like giant bubble letters, spelling out the name of the first event.
Flag Holder....
"Flag holder?" said Wendy. "That's an odd name for an event..."
"I think Mikoto should go on this one..." said Erza.
"You really think so?" said Mikoto. "Shouldn't we send out Gray first?"
"Nonsense..." said Erza. 'This is your first time in the Games, so it should be your honor to take the first event."
Mikoto took a deep nervous breath. "Er.....alright I go...."
As Mikoto walked out onto the center of the stadium with the other chosen guild members...up on a high perch near the stands, a high tech lab camera swiveled and focused solely on Mikoto.....
Back in a location unknown....Gensei Kihara watched the whole scene from a large computer monitor, as scientists fervently recorded data around him.
"Finally..." said Gensei with a sinister smile. "The Level 6 shift shall begin once more....."
Hey guys, I thought I would include Mikoto's interview with The Sorcerer Magazine, just for fun. So here it is!! Just so you know, this is supposed to be with Matsuki, the same guy who did the interview with Lucy in issue number 33 ;p
Matsuki: Hello there Mikoto!! As usual you are the cutest short haired girl in the entire guild!
Mikoto: Ummm....Okay? Have we met?
Matsuki: No....not in person at least, I see you everyday at that Gekota shop back in Academy City!
Mikoto: Wait....don't tell me you're THAT guy!! (creeped out expression)
Matsuki: So...on to the first question...what is your measurement size right now?
Mikoto: My what!? (if he's asking what I think he is...)
Matsuki: Is it true that while you are flatter then most of the guild's ladies, you've still managed to remain absolutely oblivious to your own tomboyishness?
Mikoto: Wh-What kind of freaking question is that!? (I am sooo Railgunning this guy)
Matsuki: I observed that you've actually managed to put on a few inches this week in that regard, how does it feel?
Matsuki: Whoah whoah...calm down you are feisty. Alright then, what kind of men do you like....any traits in particular?
Mikoto: Well....I'm not long as they don't act like complete perverts, I guess I'm okay....
Matsuki: So would I be right in saying that Touma Kamijou is not a complete pervert?
Mikoto: (goes red) Heck no! He's got to be the world's biggest pervert!!2
Matsuki: I you do like perverted people then.
Mikoto: (Goes even redder) What kind of magazine is this!!!? And what makes you think I like.....HIM!!?
Matsuki: (Smiles slyly) Well from what my sources say, you tend to stare at him with a dreamy expression on your face every time he walks by.
Mikoto: And who exactly are your sources? Heck, are you even the editor!?
Matsuki: Hahaha, If I had 1 Jewel for every time that question was asked...Well yes I am the editor, but a man never reveals his sources.
Mikoto: No matter...I'll find them way or another (eyes suddenly look ominous)
Matsuki: O-okay then.....on to the next question! (I have a feeling my sources might be in the hospital come tomorrow morning). I hear that back in Academy City, you are regarded as the third strongest esper! How does it feel to be so highly regarded back on your home turf?
Mikoto: Honestly it feels a little annoying. Half the time people look at you like you're some super proper lady, the other half of the time people feel so intimidated it's hard to make many friends.
Matsuki: Hardly surprising considering that you have a tendency to zap anybody who makes you even slightly irritated.
Mikoto: I'm about to zap you right now...(bangs begin to spark)
Matsuki: Okay, final question...will you please sign my Misaka collection?
Matsuki: Ummmm.....Ms. Misaka? Ms. Misaka you look kinda angry....M-Misaka?
Interview ended due to intense lightning forcasts. XD2
Laxus vs Meltdowner
Freed Justine strolled through the alleyways of Academy City, taking special care to keep to the shadows. The battle had been escalating to the point of devestation in his opinion, especially since nothing had gone the way he planned it from the moment he began fighting Meltdowner one on one.
Freed felt he should have suspected this. He knew that when Mikoto was only using her esper powers, her strength actually almost equaled that of Erza. He should have been suspected that the esper that was only ranked one beneath her in power would probably be able to put up almost as much of a fight.
But he had underestimated Shizuri Mugino. He didn't set as many ruins as he should have. If only he had created ruins in both the sewers and the areas above ground, he might have been able to beat Meltdowner sooner. Every time that girl came to one of Fried's ruins, she would blast a hole in the ground and use the sewers and underground passages to bypass Freed's ruins. Much like how Bickslow had hid his dolls in the sewers for his advantage.
Freed sighed. " magic power is almost completely empty. I probably used up most of my energy casting Dark Ericture earlier."
Freed had stopped wearing the demon-like armor he had previously cast upon himself to conserve his energy. In an effort to slow Meltdowner down, Freed had cast several more ruin barriers around the area. Now all he could do was keep walking, and waiting.
"ZAAAAMMMM!!!" a blast of energy blew up a wall near Freed's location, disintigrating a dumpster nearby into nothing but a small melted puddle. Freed turned around cursing. He hadn't expected Meltdowner to tear her way through the buildings themselves.
"My, you really neglected your homework on this area haven't you?" said Shizuri coming out of the smoking hole in the wall. "You should know by now that I would use my greater knowlege of this area to my advantage...your kind of magic is mainly dependent on setting rules and traps for your opponent. Unfortunatley, I have a tendency to break rules.
Freed pointed his sword at Shizuri. "You think you've won? The battle is far from over."
"Unfortunately it is over." said Shizuri smiling maliciously. "You magicians from Fiore are all limited by the fact that you only have a certain reserve of magic within your bodies that needs to regenerate over time.....Esper abilities aren't bound by such pitiful laws, as long as our body remains intact, we can continue to use our abilities to our heart's content."
"That may be true..." said Freed. "But you have failed to account for one thing."
"What if....I was helped by somebody who had a full reserve of magic power at his disposal?"
Suddenly, a blast of yellow lightning struck the ground in between Shizuri and Freed. When the smoke cleared, The blonde Laxus Dreyar was standing there with a grin on his face, his black coat flapping in the wind like a cape.
"Hello..." said Laxus. "Meltdowner right? How about I show you a real fight?"
Shizuri backed away gritting her teeth. "Laxus Dreyar I presume...I thought you were supposed to be on some sort of mission."
"Well obviously keeping Tree Diagram from being revived is my mission." said Laxus as electrical sparks jumped in arcs all over his body. "Your ITEM informants are getting rusty."
"In any case.." said Shizuri as green spheres of pulsating energy formed around her body. "I can't let you leave!!"
The energy spheres shot out powerful thin beams of ionized electrons, powerful enough to break down matter any kind of matter to dust. Laxus immediately changed into pure lightning which shot out of the way and struck
Laxus reformed into his physical form and punched at Shizuri with a lightning engulfed fist. Shizuri merely smiriked however as she ducked Laxus's blow and thrust out her hand, blasting a tremendous beam of energy into Laxus, causing him to colide with a car which exploded around 20 meters away.
Laxus got out of the wreckage, a smoking hole was on his shirt. "Hmmmm.....destructive."
"I'm surprised you survived that." said Shizuri. "My ability could have turned a pick up truck to dust."
"Well I'm not a pick up truck." said Laxus as he was surrounded by a yellow electric aura. "This will probably feel like a pick up truck to the face though....."
Laxus held up his fists into the air. "Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder!! Plundge from the heavens and reap destruction!!!!"
A massive bolt of lightning fell from the sky towards Meltdowner. However, the lighting suddenly turned straight before impact and blasted a crater 5 meters away from Shizuri.
"What!?" said Laxus his eyes widening. "But I was right on target!!"
"My ability allows me to concentrate and ionize the electrons in the air to break down a target of my choosing." said Shizuri. "So naturally I can to an extent, redirect electron based attacks, such as lightning away from myself..."
"Though while it seems you can create powerful attacks with lightning." said Shizuri. "It doesn't seem like your magic extends to the manipulation, redirection, and science of your element.....That will be your downfall."
Shizuri held out her left arm which instantly became cloaked in green energy that morphed itself into what looked like a bursting arm made of pure energy. "Me....I've learned to make the best of my creativity." (During the World War Three arc of A Certain Magical Index, Shizuri temporarily used the Meltdowner arm in place of her left arm when it was blasted off during the war. She later had her arm replaced as well as her right eye.)
Shizuri's meltdowner arm shot out and stretched at Laxus, grabbing him by the arm. Laxus growled in pain as the energy arm burned into his skin. But then he did something unexpected....he started laughing.
"What's so funny?" said Shizuri raising an eyebrow. "I just proved that I have the advantage..."
Laxus grabbed the Meltdowner arm with his other hand and pulled, causing a surprised Shizuri to fly towards him.
"To just assume that I can't manipulate my magic in different ways just because you've only seen me attack..." said Laxus as he began to eminate a powerful electric charge. "IS AN INSULT!!!"
Laxus headbutted Shizuri straight in her forehead, causing her to land straight on the ground, cracking and rupturing the earth beneath her.
"You say that your power involves ionized electrons." said Laxus. "True, that is different then ordinary lightning to an extent....But I can still alter it to my needs just fine."
Shizuri, who had used a Meltdowner shield at the last second to cushion her blows got up wearily, some blood dripping down her lip. " idiot!! You still used nothing but brute force!!"
"Oh really...?" said Laxus. "And I assume that mere brute force could set the trap I did just now?"
Meltdowner's eyes widened. "What are you saying you...?"
"Hello....sorry I'm late." said a voice from behind Shizuri.
Shizuri turned around to find a brown haired woman with glasses looking at her with a devious smile on her lips.
"You see..." said Evergreen removing her glasses. "I kinda got caught in the wonders of your glorious city."
Evergreen's eyes glowed and before Shizuri knew it, she had just turned into a statue standing in the middle of an abandoned alleyway.
15 minutes later, the entire Raijiinshu was gathered next to the statue of Shizuri Mugino. Bickslow had Saiai slung over his shoulder, having decided it would be ungentlemen like to leave a 12 year old girl smoking on the street.
"Hmph..." said Laxus observing the stone statue. "It's a good thing you followed through Evergreen...If I went at full strength I might have accidentally killed her."
"She is aptly named the Meltdowner." said Freed. "Her particle beams, if not inhibbited by our magic, could break down any solid matter at the atomic level...if I had been hit even once, I doubt even my blood would be left."
Laxus observed the scar on his arm that had been made from the Meltdowner arm. "Heh. I have to say, she put up one hell of a fight. If she's only the number 4 then it's no wonder Mikoto's so strong. Kind of makes me wonder what the number 2 is like.
"His ability name is Dark Matter I believe." said Evergreen. "Though no one has seen high or tail of him for months...interesting don't you think?"
"Sounds like someone my babies would love to fight!" said Bickslow as the hundreds of stuffed animals and toys above him echoed. "FIght, fight, fight!"
"Super not cool....." muttered Saiai on Bickslow's shoulder. "Super not cool at all..."
"You haven't knocked her out?" said Evergreen increduously.
"She's only a kid!" said Bickslow indignantly. "I'm not that heartless, even if she did throw a couple of cars at me!"
"Well we can't bring her with us..." said Laxus. "Which reminds me, where is that other girl? The one with the AIM Stalker ability?"
"They probably sent her home." said Bickslow. "Her ability only works on espers so she's useless against us. And that fourth member Hamazura Shiage hasn't been seen at all....quite strange actually. I thought they would put all members on deck considering the cargo they were hired to transport."
"Speaking of cargo...." said Freed holding up the armored case in his hand. "We should probably check and see if it's really the real deal before we head back to Master."
Laxus nodded and took the case from Freed. He put a finger to the electronic lock which gave a yellow spark as Laxus pretty much fried the locks, and the case opened to reveal, not the Tree Diagram central server, but a small black flash drive.
Laxus picked up the flash drive.
"It's smaller then what I expected." said Freed with a little surprise in his voice.
"This isn't the central server." said Laxus. "This is called a flash drive, it's used to transfer a limited amount of information to and from computers in this world. This was a decoy....."
"Awe come on!!" said Evergreen. "Don't tell me all we just did was for nothing!!"
Laxus nodded at Bickslow. "I think we need to have a little talk with our esper friend here."
Bickslow settled Saiai gently against the wall of the alleyway and snapped his fingers in front of her barely conscious eyes. "Hey....still with us?
Saiai shook her head as if trying to clear it. "ermm.....I think so...."
"Did you know about this?" asked Laxus holding up the flash drive.
"No..." said Saiai drowsilly. "They probably hired us without telling us we were decoys so we would be more convincing when we threw you off...That flash drive probably holds information on where we can recieve our pay."
"We're back to square one then." said Evergreen. "The information we have here is useless....."
"Not necessarily." said Laxus looking at the flash drive in his hand. "I think I know someone who can help.... One of Mikoto's friends in this world."
"Eh?" said Bickslow. "So who would that be?"
"A girl by the name Uiharu." said Laxus. "I believe she works for Judgement."
Back at The Grand Magic Games, around 5 minutes after Laxus's fight with Meltdowner
"So what are we doing back here?" Spat Accelerator. "Shouldn't we be in the stands if we're checking for spies?"
Accelerator and Jellal were strolling through the city of Crocus. At the moment it was unnaturally empty thanks to the fact that nearly everyone in the city was currently spectating at the stadium. Jellal was currently wearing the very concealing clothing of the former Fairy Tail mage Mystogan. A good cover considering he and Mystogan had the same face.
"Meldy is watching over the general area where the games are being held." said Jellal. "We won't be in the dark. However, I believe that Hydra Head has a rather strange member working around this part of town....a man by the name of Diablo Etwatia."
"I think Gravix told me about him." said Accelerator. "He's supposed to be the second strongest mage in Hydra Head right after Aqualas right?"
"Yes..." said Jellal. "Which means his strength, just like Aqualas, equals or exceeds that of a Wizard Saint. Be on your gaurd."
"So what's Hydra Head's deal intruding on the games?" Asked Accelerator. "What's their angle?"
"From what I can tell, they've made a deal with someone from Academy City." said Jellal. "A well reknown scientist of sorts.....Know anyone like that?"
"You're going to have to be more specific." said Accelerator. "There are tons of scientists in Academy City who would be corrupt enough to make deals like that."
"Well the scientist is interested in something that's going to happen during the Grand Magic Games." said Jellal. "And the only things I can think of that would attract a scientist like that don't seem likely.....I believe Diablo Etwatia might hold some answers."
"Well I can think of a few things." said Accelerator. "Railgun for one....she's the first esper in recorded history besides Black Whisper to be able to use magic. Then there's the entire issue of magic in general. Now that the entire world knows about it, it's regarded as a major scientific discovery. The Grand Magic games would be the perfect place to study magic in mass use. Then there's Touma Kamijou and his Imagine Breaker which is neither magic or science"
"Whatever the motive." said Jellal. "If we wish to stop Hydra Head, we'll need to know their actual motives. And what kind of deal they struck with the scientist."
"So how do we find this Diablo guy anyways?" spat Accelerator.
Suddenly the sky seemed to darken, as if fear itself was eminating from the very ground. Accelerator and Jellal whirled around to find a hulking figure standing still as a statue.
The man, if he was even actually a man, was covered from head to toe in black metalic armor. Dragon skulls adorned his shoulders while a dark long cape made of the blackest fabric fluttered in the wind. His metal gloves were adorned with large bone-like spikes that were tipped with dried blood, as if the man spent most of his time ripping apart the skulls of those he met. on the torso of his black obsidian armor was a silver three headed oriboris, the insignia of Hydra Head. The man's head was obscured by dark gruesome helmet that had a design that looked like the evillest demon. Massive ram's horns adorned the helmet while glowing blood red eyes peaked out from behind the eyeholes.
"You don't find me...." said Diablo Etwatia in a demonic ethereal voice. "I find you...."
First Event, GET THAT FLAG!!!
"Okeydokey!!" said Mato the pumpkin headed mascot cheerfully. "Looks like all the participating members are in attendence for our first event!!"
Back in the stadium, the first event was just about to kick off. The guild members participating in the first event were as follows.
Khufanos Viper of Fright Face.
Agnese Sanctis of Cross Arcana (Necessarius).
Eve Tearm of Blue Pegasus.
Lyon Vastia of Lamia Scale.
Semmes of Quatro Cerberus (last name unknown at this point) Who in Mikoto's opinion, could have passed for a super large circus performer with the giant X on his front and the make up on his face.
Milliana of Mermaid Heel.
Rufus Lore of Sabertooth.
And finally there was Mikoto Misaka who was representing Fairy Tail.
"Now I shall explain the rules of flag holder!!" said Mato dancing around happily. "You see the object of this game is to keep and withhold what is rightfully yours from your opponent."
"Rightfully ours?" said Lyon. "I'm afraid I don't follow."
"You see this flag here?" said Mato as a huge purple flag suddenly appeared in one of his outstretched hands. "This flag has the ability to randomly teleport into one of the contestent's hands every time it is captured. When the flag teleports randomly to any of you....your job will be to keep the flag away from from all the other constestants for as long as you can. For every 5 minutes you can keep the flag in your possesion, you will recieve a point. If someone manages to take the flag from you, that person will recieve a point. If that flag is captured by another person, it will immediately teleport to another random never know who might get the flag next no matter who captures it!"
"So it's a game of random steal and keep away." said Rufus touching a hand to his wide brimmed hat. "I'll be sure to remember that one."
"Wait a second...." said Mikoto. "Does that mean that the moment we get the flag the rest of the contestants will be after us!?"
"Kabo! You are absolutely right!!" said Mato. "And the best part is....that this game is no holds barred, so you could probably also call it a Battle Royale event!! Kabo!! And by the way....after we reach the 15 minute mark, it gets rather....interesting..."
"What do you mean...interesting?" asked Khufanos suspiciously.
"Oh, you'll see!" said Mato waving the flag around in a jitter of good cheer. "Anyways, the ones who have the most points at the end of the game will recieve 10 extra points. And if their is a tie, the total will be split evenly among the winning teams rounded down."
I wonder what this 'interesting' thing that's supposed to happen is.... Mikoto thought. Mikoto looked back to where Team Fairy Tail stood calling out her name and cheering. Mikoto could make out the rest of the guild in the stands also cheering wildly. Elli could be seen jumping up and down joyfully.
Suddenly the mood of the crowd seemed to change and Natsu and Gray started shouting something else...something that sounded like...."RUN!!!!"
"Eh?" Mikoto looked back to see that the flag had somehow mysteriously materialized into her hands "Wait...ME FIRST!!!!!?"
"She's got the flag!!!!!" Shouted Khufanos. "GET HER!!!"
"WIILLLDDD!!!!!!!" shouted Semmes.
"Crap...." said Mikoto as all the contestants leaped towards her at once.
Mikoto somehow managed to run out of the way just in time as all the other mages piled up on top of each other football style. Mikoto continued to run across the field as fast as she could as the others followed in hot pursuit.
"Man I am really starting to be thankful that I was good at track events during the Daihaseisai!!!!" shouted Mikoto as she ran without thinking, determined to put more distance between herself and the other players. (The Daihaseisai is an event in Academy City as famous as the World Cup, where every school competes in Olympic-like events and are encouraged to use their abilities.)
"What's a dying mayonaise?!!" asked Lyon mishearing Mikoto as he ran along side her. "Hey, after this event, would you like to go get some dinner or- OWWW!!"
Mikoto's bangs flashed and a tremendous bolt of esper lightning blasted Lyon into the ground where he lay in a smoking crater.
"OH!!" shouted the Announcer as the crowd cheered wildly. "And Lyon takes the first hit, as his attempts to ask The Railgun out have ended in abject failure!! But it looks like Quatro Cerberus might have the upper hand now!! Semmes seems to have found a way to come at Mikoto from the front area!!"
That flag is mine!!" shouted Semmes as he charged head on at Mikoto. "WIIILLDDD!!!"
Semes twirled on his toes and suddenly became a large spinning top of doom as he twirled at high speeds and sped towards Mikoto.
"Not today doggy!!" shouted Mikoto stomping her foot against the ground, causing a trail of electricity to travel along the ground and up the spinning Semes.
"WILD WILD WILD WILD WILD YOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!" Semes stopped spinning and convulsed onto the ground as many volts of electricity coarsed through his system.
"Wow!!" said Mikoto. "I'm not doing too bad at all."
Suddenly Mikoto felt a tug on the flag. She looked to see that Milliana was meowing in an effort to pull the flag out of Mikoto's hands using the whip she had used to latch onto it.
Milliana pulled on her whip. "Give it to me!"
"What?" said Mikoto. "No! Get your own flag!!"
"There is no other flag!!" said Milliana pulling harder. "GIMME!!
"Okay, alright."
Suddenly a bell rang into the air signalling that Mikoto had managed to keep the flag for her first 5 minutes.
"AND FAIRY TAIL EARNS THE FIRST POINT!!!" Shouted the announcer. "Remarkable!! Not only did they come in first place during the Death Race, but now they have scored the first point in the Games themselves!! What is your notion on this Jason?"
"COOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!! COOL COOL COOL COOL COOL COOOOOOOLLLLL!!!!!" shouted Jason spinning around in his chair again. "JUST SOOO COOOOOOOOLLLLL!!!!!!!!!"
However, Mikoto didn't seem to have noticed her small victory as she was still trying to pull the flag out of Milliana's clutches.
"Please....please give me the flag..." said Milliana letting her cat-like eyes sparkle.
"Oh, no!!" said Mikoto shaking her head. "You have no idea how many times Happy's tried that trick on me, no way am I...."
"KAAABBLLLAAAMMM!!!!" A huge blizzard blasted like an avalanche into Mikoto and Milliana causing the flag to slip out of Mikoto's hands as she was covered in snow. Eve ran in and grabbed the flag in his left hand.
"Sorry ladies.....though it pains me to harm such beauties I'm afraid I'll be taking this now." said Eve running away from the snow covered scene."
"AND BLUE PEGASUS SCORES IT'S FIRST POINT!!" shouted the announcer. "Somehow managing to use that cat fight just now to his advantage and taking the flag by storm!! And now that the flag has been stolen, it will disappear to another random contestant!!"
Sure enough, the flag dissapeared out of Eve's hands and reappeared in the bandaged hands of Khufanos who chuckled sinisterly. "My...this will be fun...."
Eve and Lyon who had just gotten out of the charred crater, both charged Khufanos at the same time. "GIVE US THAT FLAG!!!!"
"How rude.." said Khufanos sighing through his cobra mask. "Lets see how cocky you are once you get a taste of this....."
Khufanos raised a hand into the air. "Fearful Art: Mummy's Tomb!!!"
Suddenly the bandages on Khufanos's torso shot outwards in an avalanche of bandage like tendrils and began wrapping around Eve and Lyon until they were completely wrapped in bandages all the way up to their necks.
"Crap, I need my hands to do Ice Make Magic!!" growled Lyon.
"This magic isn't normal!!" said Eve. "Who attacks with their own clothes!?"
"HAHAHAHA!!!" how do you like one of the 3 dark arts of Fright Face!?" shouted Khufanos. "They were invented by our guild master Madam Darkness!!"
Mikoto burst out of the large pile of snow nearby, spitting flakes out of her mouth. "Yeesh!! Cold!!.....Eh? what's going on over there?"
Mikoto watched as Khufanos continuously slammed Lyon and Eve against the ground, laughing gleefully.
"Okay," said Mikoto. "Now that guy is just way too full of himself."
Mikoto suddenly had an idea.... "Hmmm....who says I can't take a leaf out of his book though.....?"
Mikoto held her hands out and concentrated searching for all the metal she could feel in the ground beneath her, suddenly a tremendous mass of black iron sand rose from the ground through electromagnetism and hurled itself at Khufanos, pummeling him to the ground.
"Wh-What the!?" said Khufanos as he struggled against the mass of iron. "Wh-what is this!!?"
"Oh nothing really!" said Mikoto. "Just my magnetic personality!!"
The bandage-like tendrils holding Lyon and Eve suddenly let go and the two of them ran at the flag which had fallen out of Khufanos's grasp.
"Darn it!!" growled Mikoto sending another mass of iron sand at the twosome.
But Lyon waved his hand, and a huge wall of ice crashed against the metal, allowing Lyon to grab the flag right before Eve could get his hands on it.
Lyon waved the flag in triumph.
"AND NOW IT'S A TIE BETWEEN FAIRY TAIL, BLUE PEGASUS, AND LAMIA SCALE!!!" shouted the announcer dancing wildly in his chair. "However, I'm afraid this might be it for Quatro Cerberus as it seems like Semmes still hasn't recovered from Mikoto's attack!
Indeed, Semmes was still lying there, his body charred from the electric attack he had endured.
The Quatro Cerberus team looked like they were going to cry from embarrassment. Dead last again huh?
Back in the stands, Fairy Tail was wildly cheering Mikoto on waving streamers and jumping up and down. Lucy who had nearly yelled herself hoarse sat down and observed quietly.....and that action might have proved smart, as it allowed her to observe the stadium more closely.
"Huh? What's Rufus doing? He's just standing there doing nothing...." Said Lucy peering through some binoculars at the Sabertooth mage.
Elli, Happy, Charle, and Panther Lilly, who were all sitting next to Lucy peered down at the field too.
"Hmmm..." said Lilly. "Looks like he isn't the only one, that girl Agnese Sanctis isn't doing much either..."
"What are they up to?" Lucy muttered. "I mean I get that Rufus is probably getting ready to cast Memory Make, but I don't see why Agnese has to just stand there..."
"Aye!" said Happy. "What's her deal?"
"Well we aren't sure as to why Necessarius really is here at the games..." said Lilly reasonably. "Perhaps they entered because they wanted to merely observe something... I mean they made 8th in the Death Race, almost as if they weren't trying....which is odd considering that we know they are pretty skilled at magic."
"Maybe that's it..." said Lucy. "But I can't help but wonder...."
Back on the battlefield, the flag had suddenly teleported into Agnese's hand. Agnese adjusted her nun's habit and looked at the flag with a raised eyebrow. "Hmmm....I guess it's my turn..."
Agnese brought out a stick in her unoccupied hand which suddenly extended into a long staff with the top end that looked like an open flower. "Now let's see how this will play out..."
"Sorry Miss!!" shouted Eve, as a blizzard began to gather around him. "But I'll be taking that flag now!"
"Oh really?" said Agnese suddenly displaying a cold smile. Agnese suddeny jabbed her Lotus Wand against the ground hard.
Immediately Eve doubled over as if the staff had actually hit him in the gut. "What the!?"
Agnese rapidly jabbed the wand against the ground several more times as an invisible force continued to smack into Eve at the same time, sometimes hitting his face, his legs, and his arms, but mostly his gut.
Suddenly Lyon jumped into the air behind Agnese. "Ice Make: Eagle!!"
Several large birds made completely made of ice soared at Agnese like bullets. Agnese's eyes flashed dangerously and she somersaulted out of the way, she then took a knife out of her sleeve using her teeth and used her mouth to slice some cuts into her Lotus Wand with the knife.
Suddenly Lyon gave a surprised cry as bloody cuts appeared on his torso and he fell to the ground painfully.
"WHOAAH!!" shouted the announcer. "I've never seen magic like that!! Or as scary Lyon bleeding?"
"This is nothing." grunted Lyon getting to his feet. "I've taken worse."
"Now this will be fun." said Agnese raising her Lotus Wand.
However, before Agnese could make a single move, there was a sudden blur from behind and Rufus appeared standing right behind Agnese.
Agnese whirled around taken absolutely off gaurd. "Wh-what? when did you?"
"I remember...." said Rufus smiling slightly. "I remember your magic perfectly."
Rufus raised his hands. "Now let's see what happens when I combine your magic with spells I have remembered before..."
Suddenly, a ginormous replica of Agnese's Lotus Wand erupted out of the ground around 50 ft high.
"Memory Make: Lotus Black Bolt.." Rufus sliced a cut in the giant staff with his fingers and a mass of 7 different black lightning bolts soared from the staff and hit all the contestents in the guts.
Mikoto doubled over as she felt the skin over her stomach recieve a cut and start bleeding. "OWW!! What the heck was that!?"
"It's Rufus's Memory Make magic." said Milliana from behind Mikoto. "He can use it to copy the magic of anyone he sees then combine the different magic he remembers....he must have combined Orga Nanagear's Thunder God Slayer magic..."
"This might be a problem...." muttered Mikoto.
Rufus suddeny hit the side of the giant Lotus Wand with the flat of his palm. "Memory Make: Lotus Black Bolt...."
Again, black bolts of lightning soared out without missing any of their targets, causing all the other contestants to fall over smoking.....all but Mikoto, who thanks to her esper nature, was resistant towards the electric attacks.
"Dang!!" growled Mikoto rubbing her smoking side. "That really hurt!!
Rufus picked up the flag from the unconscious Agnese Sanctis. "And to the victor go the spoils."
Mikoto looked around. And found herself shocked to see that every other contestant had been completely knocked out but her. "What the heck!!?"
Back in the stands where Fairy Tail was sitting, everyone had their jaws open, stunned at how Rufus had practically taken down every single contestant except Mikoto.
"That's insane!!" said Lucy. "Just what kind of magic was Agnese using!!? Cause Rufus just pretty much destroyed everyone with it!!"
Elli just stared at the battlefield with a look of absolute shock on her face. "M-Mikoto...."
Suddenly a massive bell rang out. Signalling the 15 minute mark.
"And the 15 minute mark has been reached!!" shouted the Announcer. "Which means their is a special surprise in store for our remaining competitors!! And even I'm on the edge of my seat to know what it is!!"
"COOL COOL COOOOOOLLL!!!!" shouted Jason jumping up and down in his chair.
Suddenly the flag in Rufus's hands disintegrated into dust. A massive stairwell erupted out of the center of the stadium and began spiralling upwards further and further untill it reached a floating platform far above. On the platform was a ginormous replica of the original flag.
"Hmmm..." said Rufus. "I'm guessing that the first one to reach that flag earns the last point of the event....."
Mikoto and Rufus looked at each other.
"Well...SEE YA!!" Mikoto ran as fast as she could to the stairs and started running up with Rufus following close behind.
Rufus raised his hands. "Ice Make: Lance!!" (magic that he remembered from Gray during the last Grand Magic Games)
Spear like ice projectiles sailed at Mikoto. Mikoto stopped in her tracks and turned to face the spears. With a yell, Mikoto activated her Thunder Dragon wings. The wings closed around her protectively as the icey spears shattered against pulsating electricity.
Mikoto spread her wings outwards intimidatingly. "You're not getting up here before beat it!!"
"How magnificent!!" said Rufus staring at Mikoto's wings in awe. "Like an angel of lightning....I must remember this....I must.....!!
"Roar of The Thunder Dragon!!!" Mikoto puffed up her cheeks and blasted a tremendous twister of lightning at Rufus who suddenly dissapeared as if he were a mirage.
"Wh-what!!?" Mikoto looked around. "Wh-Where did he go!?"
Mikoto looked up the spiraling stairs to see that Rufus was already 50 steps ahead of her.
"My had that really been me and not a memory." said Rufus. "That would have done quite the damage."
"Hey!!" shouted Mikoto. "Get back here!!"
Mikoto morphed her giant electric wings into massive hands which slammed themselves against the stairs. The electric hands pushed outwards, launching Mikoto into the air and shooting her past Rufus by many steps.
One of the electric hands grabbed the side of the stairs and pulled Mikoto upwards. Mikoto continued to run up the stairs as her wings reformed.
"I remember....." said Rufus as his back began to spark. "I remember those angelic wings!!!!"
Suddenly Rufus's back erupted with the same pulsating electric wings as Mikoto, only these wings were yellow. (Mikoto's Thunder Dragon wings are whitish blue because of the fact that her Dragon Slayer powers merge with her esper electricity.)
Rufus spread the wings out wide. "Memory Make: Flaming Spark Angel!!!"
The electric wings were suddenly surrounded by tornados of fire as the wings morphed themselves into one ginormous fist that stretched upwards and aimed itself at Mikoto. The fist crashed down on Mikoto as she closed her own wings over herself protectively and a massive explosion surrounded her. Smoke surrounded the stairwell.....
"MIKOTO!!!" The entire Fairy Tail crew including the team on the sidelines. The smoke cleared....and the stairs in that area were completely gone.....including Mikoto....
"Hmmm....." said Rufus Lore. "I guess I can just take the flag now...."
Suddenly, right above the platform that had the massive flag, a spark of white electric energy appeared and began to grow until it formed a swirling sparking electric spatial portal. Mikoto fell out of the Spatial Thunder Dragon portal as it dissapeared. Amid the roaring of the crowd and the amazed stare of Rufus, Mikoto stumbled over to the flag and touched a hand to it.
"Whoo....." said Mikoto panting. "That.....was close...."
"INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!" shouted the Announcer. "ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! I HONESTLY WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT!!!!! And Fairy Tail wins the first event and takes the lead with 12 points!!!"
"YEAAAAHHHH!!!!" shouted Natsu his mouth flaming. "That's showing them!!!!!!!"
Mikoto smiled as the levitating platform lowered itself to the ground and she stumbled off. "I honestly wasn't expecting that...heh....."
Team Fairy Tail ran over to Mikoto and started clapping her on the shoulder and hugging her.
"AWESOME!!!" shouted Natsu.
"I thought you were a goner for a moment there." said Gray grinning.
"Hey...." said Mikoto as her vision began to swim. "Does anything seem....fuzzy to you?"
"Mikoto..." said Erza looking worried. "Are you all right? You seem dizzy...."
"D-dizzy?" said Mikoto as everything began to blur. "Really...?"
Suddenly Mikoto's bangs sparked darkly, and a tremendous bolt of black lightning blasted into the air. Mikoto then fell over....unconscious.
"Mikoto!!?" The others shouted frantically. "MIKOTO!!!"
Back in Gensei Kihara's lab, the man in question stared at the observation screen with a growing sinister smile. "Yes...It's all going smoothly....So once more we shall see...Can Miss Misaka reach Level 6?"
Diablo Etwatia
Near the outskirts of Crocus, during the first events of the games....
"So...I take it you are Jellal....." said Diablo. "A puny speck of a wizard saint....How amusing....."
Accelerator gritted his teeth. "Hey Jellal, you sure this is the guy we need to get info out of? He looks like he eats demons for lunch....."
Jellal walked forward, removing the mask and hat that concealed his features as Mystogan. "Diablo Etwatia.....I thought if we wandered around long enough talking about you, you would eventually show up.....looks like I was right."
Diablo's blood red eyes glowed a little brighter with interest. "Never has any dared to utter my name so casually.....none except Zeref...and even he has feared me to an extent."
"We have some questions to ask you...." said Jellal.
"If you wish to know anything from me..." said Diablo. "You must first survive me...."
Diablo suddenly raised his spiked fist and let a bullet-like punch at Jellal. Accelerator turned on his choker and stepped in front of Jellal. The fist stopped inches from Accelerator's face as the vector deflection kicked in. Immediately Diablo was blasted back by the vector deflection, his feet trailing gouges in the cobble stone road.
"Not bad..." said Diablo. "But espers are nothing but cheap imitations of the kind of power mages can bring to the table."
"Bla bla bla..." spat Accelerator. "All I've heard enough talk like that from other magicians....funnily enough, they all end up dead in the end...."
"True enough..." said Diablo. "I am dead...."
"Stand back!" said Jellal. "This guy wasn't fighting for real.....not yet at least. That punch just now was to test how our reflexes react in battle."
"So what do we do then?" spat Accelerator. "Wait for this guy to become serious?"
"Quite the opposite." said Jellal. "We take him down before he get's serious."
Jellal widened his leg stance and bowed down, pointing two fingers downwards, he then began to slowly moving his other hand like a clock as the clouds in the sky twisted and turned until a giant glowing sphere was seen coming out and slowly growing bigger.
"True Heavenly Body Magic....Sema."
The massive sphere of golden light fell down from the heavens. The magic meteor aimed straight towards Diablo.
"Heh.." said Diablo. "Pathetic..."
Diablo held out a hand to the air. Immediately the meteor crashed into Diablo's outstretched hand. However, while the earth ruptured around his feet in a massive crater, Diablo did not waver, his hand holding the massive meteor at bay with extreme ease.
"WHAT!!?" said Jellal his eyes widening. "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!! I put all my energy into that attack!!!"
"Hmph...." said Diablo. "So this is the power of a former Wizard Saint...I can see why the word 'former' is included in the title now..."
Diablo closed his fist on the rocky surface of the massive meteor and there was explosion of such blinding light, that had it not been for Accelerator's vector deflection, it would probably have been a sure thing that both he and Jellal would have been wiped out right then and there.
Accelerator looked up the moment the light and smoke cleared. Diablo still had his fist raised over his head. His hand enclosed over a few sprinkles of magic star dust.....all that remained of one of Jellal's strongest moves.
Diablo lowered his fist and opened his palm. A few sprinkles of stardust flowed into the wind as Diablo chuckled sinisterly. "My turn..."
Diablo raised his hands as if performing worship.
"Careful..." said Jellal. "He's about to try something...."
"You don't have to tell me twice..." spat Accelerator.
"DEVIL'S BANQUET!!!!" Diablo gave a monstrous cry and the ground behind ruptured and exploded as magma came out in a brilliant geyser. Then the geyser died down until it had morphed into a massive abomination. The creature had bright red scaly skin, it's humanoid body was drenched with a smell so horrific, it would have made every Dragon Slayer hold their noses and scream. It's massive ram's horns glowed with an erie orange light. The creature gave a roar that shook the entire city of Crocus to it's core.
"I give you one of my many servants." said Diablo. "He comes to fight the ones I deem too weak for my if you would excuse me, I move on....My assignment is far from over....."
As Diablo walked away Acclerator clenched his teeth. "Oh no you don't!!"
Accelerator launched himself at Diablo, using vectors to increase his speed. But suddenly, the Dark Devil's hand came out of nowhere and grabbed him pulling him upwards in it's blood covered claws.
"What!!?" Accelerator exclaimed with surprise. "Why couldn't I deflect it!!?"
"Dark Devil is neither made of magic, science, or anything humans know of...." said Diablo as he continued to walk off. "I merely used magic to summon him.....besides that, I need not control him, he is completely loyal to me....."
"Dang it!!" growled Accelerator as the Dark Devil opened it's jaws and got ready to throw Accelerator into it's fanged mouth.
"He is not your dinner, beast!!" shouted Jellal as he was surrounded with a golden light and shot at the Dark Devil at several times the speed of sound. Jellal thrust out his hands and powerful beams of golden light blasted into the beast, causing it to let go of Accelerator. Jellal then sped into the sky and did a strange zig zagging pattern, leaving bright trails and magic circles in his wake.
Jellal landed on the ground. "Be judged by the seven stars!!"
Immediately, a massive barrage meteors made of golden light rained down upon the Dark Devil.
The Dark Devil roared in pain and swiped at Jellal with one of it's talons. But Jellal moved out of the way in a blur of light and shot into the sky shooting more powerful light beams at the Dark Devil who roared and brushed off the powerful blasts like they were nothing.
"Keh!!" spat Accelerator brushing himself off. "Now I'm angry!!"
Accelerator launched himself into the air with his hands still casually in his pockets. He then kicked the face of the Dark Devil which soared down the street of Crocus at blinding speeds from Accelerator's vector control and crashed into some thankfully empty abandoned bars.
Accelerator landed back on the ground, creating a small crater beneath his feet as he slowed his descent with vector control. "Hmph....I bet all I did was make it angrier."
"You might be right on that count." said Jellal as the Dark Devil rose out of the ruined house and roared again.
"You realize that I'm at a vulnerability here right?" said Accelerator. "I won't be able to deflect that thing like I do when I usually fight....and the last time I fought someone who was able to get through my deflection, it didn't end well."
"Yes..." said Jellal. "But you've still managed to put some major hurt on that thing....I can practically see the bruises...."
"You know those bruises are getting closer right?" said Accelerator.
"Oh.....yes....they are."
Accelerator and Jellal shot off in opposite directions, avoiding the Dark Devil who was charging at them like an angry ginormous freight train.
Accelerator stomped the ground with his foot, causing a massive earthquake to ensue and making the Dark Devil trip over flat on it's face.
Jellal then fired a few more light blasts at the Dark Devil, creating a massive number of explosions and blowing smoke into the sky. The Dark Devil emerged from the wrecked street bellowing angrilly into the sky.
"That thing just doesn't quit!" growled Jellal. "What's it made of!!?
"A dash of hate and just a sprinkle of blood lust." muttered Accelerator. "And that Diablo guy said that this is just one of his servants....this is getting more troublesome by the hour."
"Well we have to destroy it...." said Jellal. "Or we'll lose Diablo. He won't appear before us like that again, not after he's determined we're too weak for his attentions. Only way he'll come at us again is if we defeat this thing."
"Well let's defeat it then..." said Accelerator his eyes widening maliciously. "And let's see how much of this so called monster we can splatter over Diablo's face!!"
Accelerator launched himself at the Dark Devil, this time keeping low to the ground, he picked up a piece of rubble along the way and flicked it at the monster. The rock shot at super speed and tore a slight bleeding cut in the Dark Devil's skin.
"Hey ugly!!" shouted Accelerator at the Dark Devil. "You ever wonder what happens when you reverse someone's blood flow!?"
The monster looked at Accelerator and roared angrilly.
"Guess I'll just have to show you then!!"
Accelerator used vectors to propel himself up towards the bleeding cut on the monster's side. He then placed a finger right on the cut.
Suddenly the monster gave a massive swell and blew up in blast of molten lava and black liquid, any blood that might have been in there in the first place had plain evaporated.
Accelerator landed on the road blinking with slight surprise. "Hmmm....that doesn't usually happen....well they do blow up...but not like that..."
"Different living thing, different anatomy." said Jellal. "Now all we need to do is catch up with Diablo."
"And how do we do that." said Accelerator raising an eyebrow. "Wait! Don't tell me....he finds us."
"Very perceptive of you." Diablo was walking down the road from behind the twosome, taking very slow and deliberate steps, his black cape flowing even though there was no wind. "Perhaps you two aren't complete weaklings..."
"Didn't you walk down the other way?" asked Accelerator raising an eyebrow.
"I don't walk....." said Diablo. "I travel..... I do not move around in the same pathetic way you lower life forms do....humans.. always acting high and mighty but always ending up as my dinner in the end..."
The air around Diablo Etwatia suddenly seemed high with tension as a powerful aura seemed to eminate from him. Accelerator thought he could hear the screams of countless lost souls as Diablo's power began to grow larger and larger.
"Now...." said Diablo his red eyes suddenly alight with actual bright red flames. "I will be the one to fight you...."
Diablo suddenly dissapeared in a flash of dark light. Accelerator looked around his eyes wide. Where had he gone?
Suddenly Accelerator felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise coldly and he whirled around to find Diablo right behind him his fist raised and engulfed in blackish reddish energy.
"Devil's Art: Fist Of The Damned!!" Diablo brought his fist crashing down at Accelerator. But before it could hit him, the fist stopped, unable to get past Accelerator's vector deflection. Accelerator laughed.
"Seriously!? You were going to try that on me!? Right after it didn't work the first time!!?" spat Accelerator. "You remind me of Skill Out, they kept firing at me even after I took down half of them with their own bullets!!"
"You forget Accelerator." said Diablo. "Souls do not follow the laws of vectors....."
Suddenly the darkish energy of Diablo's spiked fist erupted and shot out like black red tendrils that began wrapping around the surprised Accelerator's body like an energy cocoon.
"Crap!!" growled Accelerator as he struggled against the energy that sounded like a thousand screaming tortured souls.
"Get off of him!!" Jellal shot at Diablo, engulfed in bright light, moving at a speed near that of Mikoto's Railgun move.
Diablo thrust out his other hand at Jellal. "Devil's Art: Hellfire of the Damned."
A massive wall of purple flames the size of 7 Academy City skyscrapers side by side rushed at Jellal. Jellal stopped in mid flight. His eyes widened as the flames gained on him. In the flames monstrous evil laughing faces could be seen, faces that only wished for the destruction of the living.
Suddenly, as soon as the fire had come, it had gone. There was a sound of shattering glass, and the flames shattered into nothingness, as if it had never been there. In front of the flames with his right hand held out, was a familiar spikey black haired boy.
"I was just going into town to find some fever medicine for Mikoto." said Touma with a fierce light in his eyes. "But it looks like I'll have to deal with this too."
"Curious..." said Diablo, his flaming eyes twitching as though he was slightly amused. "None has ever been able to stop my hellfire before...the last Fire Dragon Born who ate it turned into a puddle of magma after swallowing it."
Accelerator grinned. "That's just the thing about us....we're full of surprises...for instance, you thought you had me completely restrained, but right now you fail to notice my foot touching your side."
Diablo's eyes widened as he suddenly shot like a bullet into another house which blasted into smithereens. Accelerator tore free of the dissapating dark energy laughing. "My, my, seemed to have damaged some private property. I'm afraid I'll have to collect a fine.....of over 200 broken bones."
Suddenly, in a flash of dark energy, Diablo reappeared in the middle of the road in a crater where his Dark Devil had previously exploded. "Sorry....I'm afraid I'm fresh out of bones.....I'll have to take out a loan from my friends downstairs...."
Diablo raised a hand. "Devil's Art: Army of The Damned."
A massive fissure opened up in the ground in a circle around Diablo, walling off Touma, Jellal, and Accelerator from him. Then hands began to climb over the edge of the fissure, skeletons that were burned and smoking with lava red eyes and fanged jaws climbed out of the fissure, making chattering and clacking noises and monstrous bird-like cries."
"Here..." said Diablo spreading his hands outwards in a gesture of mocking politeness. "Break all the bones I have to offer....for I have many more where that came from...."
"Wh-what the heck!?" said Touma his eyes widening with shock. "Just what is this guy!?"
"What am I?" Diablo repeated. "Hmmm.....that is a good question.....I will let you know when I figure that out..."
Back in Domus Flau, about 45 minutes after the Flag Holder event.
Mikoto opened her eyes. Where was she....? And why did she feel like she had just been run over by 1,000 Erzas at a strawberry shortcake festival?
Mikoto's eyes focused just enough for her to see that she was lying in a very warm comfortable bed. "Hmmm? where am I....?"
"You're at the Grand Magic Games.....the first one on one battle event has been delayed till further word could be heard on your condition." said an old pink haired woman who was standing at Mikoto's bedside. "Apparently you're very popular with the spectators...."
"Miss Porlyusica..." said Mikoto. "If they called you in, I must have been in pretty bad shape."
"Well you were at first." said Porlyusica. "Your fever was so intense that I have no doubt it could probably have created enough flames to feed that Natsu boy for 3 months.... But it died down as quickly as it had come....And as far as I can see, you're in perfect health as of this moment...which is quite baffling to be honest.....frankly I had to call in a favor from that Doctor Heaven Canceller in Academy City, but he hasn't replied yet.....My how I hate humans!! Always late I tell you!! And speaking of which, where is that Kamijou boy with the fever medicine!!!?"
"Hmmm....?" said Mikto suddenly noticing a warm weight on her chest. "What's that I'm feeling?"
Mikoto removed her blankets enough to see that Elli was curled fast asleep on top of her. Mikoto smiled. " that just looks too cute."
"She's been in here since you were first brought in." said Porylusica. "She wouldn't leave even when I kicked everyone else out.....speaking of which...."
Porylusica moved over to the door of the infirmary and opened it suddenly. "LISTENING AT THE DOOR WERE YOU ALL!!? WELL NO USE RUNNING!!! GET IN HERE!!!!"
"Y-yes ma'am!!"
Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Lucy, and Happy all piled in, followed by Gajeel and a girl Mikoto knew to be named Levy Mcgarden. (Mikoto actually gets along fairly well with Levy. She, Mikoto, Lucy, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten once went on a two day trip to Paris together.)
"How are you feeling?" asked Erza.
"Like 30 million Jewel." said Mikoto rubbing her head. "Sorry to scare all you like that...."
"Don't worry about it!!" said Natsu enthusiastically. " pretty much kicked everyone's butt out there today, so their's no worries!!!"
"Actually it felt more like I was running from everybody..." said Mikoto. "But I admit, it felt good to win."
"Are you sure you're okay?" said Lucy eyeing Mikoto carefully. "Cause you look a little pale...."
"Yeah...I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." said Mikoto. "Besides, I had Elli here to keep me company."
Elli muttered in her sleep. ""
Mikoto put a hand on Elli's head and brushed her fur. "You talk in your sleep kinda like I do..."
Outside the infirmary, Master Markarov waited in the hallway, thinking to himself. That black lightning bolt he had seen when Mikoto passed out had been all too familiar. There was treachery in this somewhere....and he thought he knew who might be responsible.
" have quite the nerve turning up here of all places....." growled Markarov, turning to look at the old man in a lab coat that had just walked into view.
"You must be Fairy Tail's guild master." said Gensei Kihara in a deceptively pleasent voice. "How pleasing it is to finally meet you."
"And how pleasing do you think it would be if I threw you out of this place myself!?" said Markarov as his body began to glow with a golden light, and a vein throbbed on his forehead.
"Oh please don't be so rude." said Gensei. "I'm but a mere scientist, devoted to studying his test subjects....what harm could I possibly be causing?"
"Quite a lot..." said Markarov. "Especially since your 'test subject' is one of my leave here....and never let me see you within 500 feet of Mikoto Misaka again, or you'll find yourself in a sudden need of replacing your limbs....."
Gensei chuckled. "I am willing to sacrafice anything in the name of science....."
Gensei held up his right arm to reveal it was completely made of silver colored metal. circuits could be seen running in between the joints. "I'm sorry....but someone already beat you one fourth of the way there where limb ripping is concerned.....that somebody being myself of course....."
Markarov's eyes narrowed. "You're just as sick as Accelerator said....tell me, did you feel anything when 10,000 Sisters died for your twisted experiment...or did you just sit there and drink your tea in amusement...?"
"Hmmm..." said Gensei. "I don't recall having tea...but I did have some udon noodles...quite scrumptious."
Gensei walked off as Markarov burned with even more rage. "So long Fairy Tail's Master. This surely was an interesting meeting...."
At that moment, Levy and Gajeel walked out of the infirmary.
"Master?" said Levy. "Are you okay? Who is that man?"
"Follow him...." said Markarov. "I don't care how far he goes....I want to know where he is and what he's doing at all times..."
Levy and Gajeel looked at each other, then nodded.
"You've got it Gramps." said Gajeel.
Markarov continued to glare after the retreating Gensei Kihara. "No one....touches my children...especially not you..."
Hey there my peeps!! I just wanted to give you guys a little information on Diablo Etwatia!!
First of all, as Diablo has already mentioned, he's not human.....not at all. Not an ounce of homosapien blood anywhere except maybe his stomach. Whether Diablo is a demon, a monster, or something else is actually a complete mystery. When Zeref first met Diablo, he himself actually felt sickened, later saying that the magic that dwelled within Diablo was darker even then his own magic. While Diablo is mostly regarded as number 2 in the Hydra Head strength ranking system, that is not because he is weaker then Aqualas. It's actually because he prefers to hide his strength as he 'plays with his prey' so to speak. If Diablo were to unleash his full strength, there is actually no telling what could happen. He is loyal to Black Whisper and bears a grudging respect for Aqualas who is said to have lasted longer in battle against him then any other opponent besides Zeref. In fact, Zeref is the only mage in recorded history to have ever actually beaten Diablo.
Diablo's home is litterally smack dab in the middle of Igneel's domain. How he remains there without Igneel noticing is a complete mystery. But it is said that Diablo has remained their for millions of years. It is actually theorized by Aleister Crowely that Diablo is in fact older then both Earthland and Earth, and came from an alien planet. While proof of this has been minimal, there is no doubt that Diablo's age rival's that of Dravis himself.
Diablo's abilities allow him to command what he calls " the souls of The Damned". What exactly they are, Diablo has refused to explain even to Black Whisper, saying that "Mortal minds could not possibly fathom the concept." He has hundreds of species of demons, horrors, and devils at his command. It is actually said that Diablo finds Bickslow of Fairy Tail "Amusing", referring to the way Bickslow uses souls inside dolls as "Pitiful and Amateurish". Diablo also contains within himself a vast reserve of fast regenerating magic power. Myths say that he can keep using magic continuosly for 5 weeks and his magic power would only be half empty. Diablo is also the second physically strongest member of Hydra Head, the first being Gore Beastwalker.
1st Battle Event: Nicole Mavros V.S. Chelia Blendy
"DOOMED SHACKLES OF THE GHOST DRAGON!!!!!!!!" Nicole thrusted both her talons downwards at Chelia and the fingertips of the talons morphed into long ghastly chains that anchored themselves to the ground around Chelia then wrapped around her until she was chained to the ground. Chelia struggled against the chains....but to no avail.
"Hehehehe...." Nicole gave a sinister chuckle.
"What's so funny...?" said Chelia as she struggled against the chains that were moaning like tortured souls.
"Your wounds...they aren't going away like before....."
Chelia's eyes widened in surprise. "Wh-what!? What did you do!?"
"My souls feed on the very magic and life energy of other living things." said Nicole. "Those chains you see are a specialty of mine, they drain away at anything they come into contact with....meaning all your magic energy has become obsolete.....and therefore you can't heal..."
Nicole raised her right talon. It instantly extended and morphed into a long grim reaper-like scythe. "Lucky for me....I was getting bored of this lack of blood....."
Nicole swung the scythe at blinding speeds. The force of the blows threw up a dust cloud that concealed nearly the entire stadium area. When the smoke cleared, Chelia was lying completely unconscious in a 50 ft wide crater.
"WH-WHOAH!!!" said the announcer. "SC-Scary...!!!! And here come's the reff!! My....scary!!"
Mato ran over and waving his hands. "Kabo!! That's the fight!! The winner is....."
Chelia coughed up some rocks as she tried to get up from inside the rocky crater. "I'm....still...."
"Oh please....." said Nicole looking absolutely irritated. She slid down into the crater until she was standing by the crouched form of Chelia.
"K-Kabo!" said Mato. "W-wait!! Her magic is completely don't have to....."
"Shut up you Jack-o-lantern freak...." said Nicole.
Nicole suddenly aimed a shadowy talon at Chelia. "Ghost Montage....."
A massive explosion of ghostly projectiles rained down on Chelia like a machine gun. Chelia was thrown from the crater blood streaming from her mouth.
Back in the stands, everyone cried out with sudden shock. Even the announcer was completely speechless. Arcadios himself even looked unnerved by the sudden act of brutality.
But Nicole wasnt done. She walked over to Chelia again, ignoring Mato's frantic cries for a time out. She aimed her dark fist at Chelia again. "Feast of The Ghost Dragon....."
The talon morphed into a massive fanged mouth that stretched outwards at Chelia ready to devour her unconscious form.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!" A massive wing made completely out of powerful white lightning slammed into Nicole, giving her an intense shock while at the same time, blasting her into the ground.
Nicole got up to find Mikoto Misaka standing in between her and Chelia, her face that of absolute fury, her bangs and wings sparking with such anger, that several lightning bolts soared out of her bangs by accident and blasted several smoking craters in the ground.
"You've won already!!" growled Mikoto. "Now leave her alone!!!"
"M-My!!" said the Announcer. "I-It seems we've hit quite the confrontation here...!!"
"Get out of my way....." said Nicole. "You'll have your turn..."
"I won't repeat myself....." said Mikoto dangerously. "Either you step back. "Or you'll get to see what a battery feels like when it's overloaded.
Natsu suddenly leapt out of the stands and stood next to Mikoto, followed by Erza and Gray. " heard Mikoto....BACK OFF!!!!!"
"Kabo kabo kabo kabo kabo WAIT!!" Shouted Mato frantically as he came in between Fairy Tail and Nicole Mavros. "Please....just get back to your seats!! All of you!! The 10 points have already been sent to Fright Face!! Please this is not the place to be showing such a scene!!"
"Come on Mikoto...." said Gray tugging on Mikoto's arm. "Anymore of this and I might just freeze her myself..."
Erza nodded while Natsu continued to glare a Nicole.
Mikoto's wings dissapated . "-fine...." growled Mikoto as she he shook with fury.
Before Mikoto could walk away, however, Nicole Mavros spoke. "Remember Mikoto...I will kill you... when is unkown...but I will have my vengeance on you....."
Mikoto had only one she wanted to say: "I'm right here.....bring it."
As Mikoto turned to leave with the rest of her friends, a small spark trailed from her bangs. However this spark was pitch black. Without Mikoto or anyone else noticing, the black spark trailed down Mikoto's left leg and if it had been emulating Mikoto's anger.
Back on the edge of Crocus during the battle between Chelia and Nicole.
"Oh man, oh man, oh man!! That's just my darn terrible luck for ya!!!" Touma Kamijou punched one of Diablo's demonic skeleton creatures with Imagine Breaker. Immediately, the skeleton shattered into nothingness as Touma's right hand negated the magic that held together it's existance.
It had been around 35 minutes since Diablo had summoned his Army of The Damned. However, they were nowhere close to destroying the demonic army. With every skeleton that Jellal, Accelerator, and Touma destroyed, another would climb out of the fissure to take it's place, running at frightening speeds while letting out shrieking animalistic cries, their eye sockets glowing with deathly flames.
This is getting really out of hand." muttered Accelerator who was around 5 meters from Touma.
"Out of hand!?" said Touma. "You're alright, they can't touch you!!"
Touma was right. Every time a demonic skeleton came near to Accelerator, his vector deflection would cause the skeleton to blast back with it's bones shattered.
"Don't overestimate me!" said Accelerator. "Just because my stupid battery is magic now doesn't mean I still don't have a time limit.....I've had to turn this thing off and on regularly just so I could last the fight...."
Accelerator touched a finger to the choker, turning off esper mode, he then pulled an ordinary hand gun out of his pocket, loaded it with his teeth and began shooting the skulls of the approaching skeletons.
"Really?" said Touma as he negated another demonic skeleton. "You actually bought that with you!?"
"Never can be too careful." spat Accelerator as he shattered another skeleton's skull with a well aimed shot.
"Hey Accelerator!" shouted Jellal as he blasted several rows of skeletons at once using his light beams. "How much time do you have left on that battery of yours!?"
"About 5 minutes." said Accelerator. "Why?"
"We need an earthquake." said Jellal. "And a big one....If we close up those fissures, we might be able to get the upper hand!"
"Geh!" spat Accelerator. "Why the heck didn't you suggest that sooner!!?"
Accelerator activated his choker again. "You want your earthquake!? HERE!!!"
Accelerator punched the ground and the ground ruptured around it. A massive landslide filled in the fissures that surrounded Diablo Etwatia as the ground shook with power.
Jellal shot into the air surrounded by golden light, creating another constellation of magic circles in the air. Jellal landed on the ground next to Touma. " judged by the Seven Stars...."
A rain of magic meteors rained down on all the skeletons, destroying them. And this time, none came to take their place.
In the center of the street, Diablo Etwatia chuckled in his demonic voice and clapped slowly. "Good...very good....this is the most entertainment I've had watching weaklings in a while....."
"Shut it freak...." said Accelerator turning off his choker. "We're not your stupid tellivision!!"
"This is bad..." said Jellal. "I'm almost out of magic energy.....Makes me wish Meredy was around right now."
"On your last legs already?" said Diablo. "How pathetic...I guess I'm done playing with my food then...."
Diablo raised his fists to the air." Devil's Art: KING OF THE DAMNED!!!!!!!"
A massive blast of dark red energy blasted down from the sky and hit Diablo, rupturing the cobblestone road around him as an intense shockwave blasted out from that spot, shattering every single window in the area.
When the smoke cleared, a massive black monster the size of a small house was crouched with it's massive black wings enclosed around itself. Suddenly the creature spread it's ginormous bat-like wings. The creature looked like a gargoyle...if the gargoyle had decided to take steroids and jump in some radioactive waste. It's black skin seemed to smoke on it's own, as if it's own blood was coming through it's pores in the form of vapor. It had hideous curved spikes all over it's back and shoulders. On it's chest, a giant glowing molten red skull was burned into the monster's black skin. The creature's flaming red eyes burned with merciless sadism as Diablo opened his fanged jaws and roared into the air.
Accelerator, Touma, and Jellal put their hands over their ears as the unearthly cry caused the very ground to crack.
"W-what!?" said Touma. "What the heck is that!!?"
"I-impossible!!" said Jellal with his eyes widened. "Th-that magic's impossible!!! How could anything be so dark!!?"
"Now...." said Diablo, whose voice had become deeper and more unhinged. "I think I'll have my dinner...."
"We need to retreat..." said Jellal. "NOW!!!"
"Oh don't go...." said Diablo as his drooling fanged mouth grinned sinisterly. " I was thinking I would have you for an appetizer."
Diablo got up and made to approach the threesome, his body beginning to glow with demonic energy. But just as he was about to make his move, a massive wall of black water erupted in between him and his prey.
Diablo stepped back as the black water shrunk down and formed into a man with long blue hair, dark combat clothing, and blank staring eyes.
"Diablo...." said Aqualas. "Hades has requested that we return immediately....."
"Hmmmm..." said Diablo. "It seems I'll have to finish my food later..."
A massive blackish aura surrounded Diablo and he returned to his normal hulking black armored form. Diablo turned to look back at Jellal, Accelerator, and Touma.
"You wanted to know what are busininess was coming to the Grand Magic Games....." said Diablo. "Since you have entertained me today, I won't feel any harm in telling you just a smidgeon of my knowlegde. If you really must know....we have come to push along one of your number to the level of a god...whether she will reach it, or if she'll perish in her own power....who can say? Goodbye weaklings.....may you feed me my fill in souls soon...."
Aqualas walked over to Diablo, and in a tornado of black water, the two mages vanished.....leaving behind a final wisp of dark demonic aura....
"What the heck did that mean.....?" said Accelerator.
"I don't know...." said Touma. "But something about this feels really ominous....and strangely familiar."
That night 9:00, back at the hotel where the contestents for the Grand Magic Games are staying.
"AAARRRRGGGHHH I JUST HATE HER!!!" Mikoto was angrilly stomping on her pillow back in Team Fairy Tail's room. "Taking pleasure in pain like that!! It's just sick!!"
"Calm down Mikoto." said Elli who had changed into a small light blue night gown. "You're going to destroy your pillow."
Mikoto sighed. "'re right, I need to take a breather."
"Maybe you should try and think about something else." said Wendy as she brushed her hair with a comb while she sat crosslegged on her bed. "Like those are some pretty cute pajamas you're wearing."
"Eh? My pajamas....?"
"Yeah!" said Natsu who hadn't bothered to change into any sleepwear. "Are those little Gekotas all over it?"
Mikoto suddenly turned bright red. "W-well it's not like I picked're just something I had...."
"There's no need to be embarrased." said Erza smiling. "I think it's a great fashion statement.....I even have a set."
Erza's body suddenly glowed as she requipped out of her armor. When the light cleared, Erza was wearing the same Gekota pajamas as Mikoto. "I saw them in a shop window back at Academy City....They were so cute I had to buy myself one!!"
"W-wow...." said Mikoto. "Well it looks great on you."
"Who needs pajamas?" said Gray as he lay on his bed wearing nothing but boxers. "It's a pretty big waste to designate clothes just for sleeping...what use is it?"
"Aye!" said Happy. "Pajamas are just a big waste of time!!"
"Happy, you don't wear clothes." said Mikoto.
"I wear fur!"
"That's totally different and you know it."
Erza looked at the clock on the wall. "You know...we should probably turn in early....It's going to be quite a big day tommorow..."
"You guys go ahead and sleep." said Mikoto. "I think I'll stay awake a little longer...."
"Alright...." said Wendy yawning widely. "Just try not to stay up too late okay?"
A few minutes later, Mikoto sat on a lawn chair out on the balcony of there room looking up at the night sky. On her lap, Elli lay sleeping, her head resting against Mikoto's stomach.
"Hmmmm..." said Mikoto as she looked at the multitude of stars that filled the black void above. "Why do I get the weird feeling that something big is going on? Something besides this whole Grand Magic Games event..."
Suddenly an unfamiliar voice spoke out. "Maybe you esper types just have a sixth sense for this sort of thing?"
Mikoto nearly fell out of her chair in fright. "Wh-what!?"
Crouching with his feet on the railing, was a young spiky blonde haired man with a thin scar above his right eye and a blue gray furred vest. Sitting on his shoulder, was a red furred exceed with a blue vest.
"Wh-who are you!?" said Mikoto pointing at the man. "And what the heck are you doing up here!?"
"Eh?" said the man with a raised eyebrow. "I could have sworn I was seen during the Grand Magic Games today.....then again, since I'm not competing this time I was probably less noticable."
"Are you kidding Sting!?" said the exceed haughtilly. "No way no one could notice you!! You're the strongest mage ever, you're better then anybody!!"
"Come on Lector." said Sting. "You know Natsu beat me fair and square.....and then some."
"That was nothing!! I'm sure you could beat him now with all the training you've done!!"
"Uh....." said Mikoto. "Have I met you guys before?"
"Oh sorry!" said Sting cheerfully rubbing the back of his head. "I'm Sting Eucliffe, and I guess I was curious to see how Natsu was doing after all this time...but I can see he's probably sleeping now."
"Hey Sting!" said Lector. "Couldn't you fight her instead? She's supposed to be Fairy Tail's strongest Dragon Slayer."
"Who said I was here to fight?"
"Well I distinctly heard you say: 'I'm going to go find Natsu so we can fight around like old times'!"
"Uwaaaaaaahhhhhhh....." Elli woke up with a big yawn. "Hmmm? What happened? Is it morning already?"
"WHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!?" Lector suddenly looked extremely shocked. "E-Elli!?"
"HUH!?" said Elli as she tripped and fell straight off of Mikoto's lap and onto the floor of the balcony. "L-Lector!?"
This time, both Mikoto and Sting looked at their Exceed companions with surprise.
"Hey Lector, you know this cat?" said Sting.
"When we were very very young....." said Lector. "We used to play together."
"It's been ages since we've seen one another." said Elli getting up. "Ever since Lector left to try and become strong, and I left to go treasure hunting."
Mikoto and Sting looked at each other. This was not what they had been expecting. Then again, Mikoto hadn't expected Sting to come jumping onto the balcony in the first place.
Mikoto didn't have time to dwell on this strange reunion however, because it just so happened that her Dragon Slayer senses had just picked up a rather strange scent. A strangely familiar scent....
"Elli." said Mikoto seriously as she stood up from the lounge chair. "Hide now...."
Sting raised an eyebrow. "Something wrong.....other then an unfamiliar guy on your balcony that is?"
"Yeah..." said Mikoto turning to look over her shoulder. "You can come out now....Night Reveler."
The air seemed to ripple and twist as the concealment illusion that the strange harlequin had cast over himself dissapeared.
"Tsk tsk tsk..." said Night Reveler shaking his head overdramatically. "I guess that should have been expected considering you Dragon Slayers and your sense of smell. I'm actually surprised that the White Dragon Slayer didn't notice me at all....."
"Who are you..." said Sting jumping down from the railing. "What are you doing spying on Fairy Tail like that?"
"You misunderstand Sting.." said Night Reveler as he continued to dance about in a goofy fashion. "I wasn't watching Fairy Tail.....not now at least.....I was watching Sabertooth."
"What!?" said Sting.
"What do you want from Sabertooth Night Reveler!?" said Mikoto. "I thought Hydra Head's grudge was with Fairy Tail!"
"Oh rest assured our fists will come quite heavilly on you silly fairies." said Night Reveler as his head turned 360 degrees on his neck like a creepy owl. "But for now, in for that to happen....we have to keep our other 'investments' in check. Though I have to say...."
Night Reveler did a little giggle as his moon and star shaped eyeholes glowed a sinister red. "I can't wait to see what our associates have in store for you....little fairy Railgun."
Sting closed in on Night Reveler, his body glowing with a whitish aura. "Why you little...I'm going to..."
But before Sting could get his hands on Night Reveler, there was a massive puff of smoke and confetti, and Night Reveler dissapeared, then reappeared standing on another nearby building, his back against the bright moon wagging his finger. "Ah, ah, ah. Not quite yet little dragons....but rest assured, you'll have your turn with me long Railgun....enjoy the path of a god."
Night Reveler then dissapeared into thin air....his laughs once again echoing into the night. A nightmare in the wind, pleasuring itself at it's prey's own ignorance....